» Fantasy » Taisyia, Marisa Maichel [reading books for 6 year olds txt] 📗

Book online «Taisyia, Marisa Maichel [reading books for 6 year olds txt] 📗». Author Marisa Maichel

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us." the young woman said in a New Jersey Italian accent. I reached up and touched her neck.


"You have such gorgeous hair. What's this color?" the young woman asked. "It's like a mixture of blond and brown."


"Dark blond." I replied. I gasped as the young man's teeth rubbed against my thigh.


"What's your name, sweetie?"


"My name is Levin. What are your names?"

"I'm Christine, and this is Jonathan. Oral, regular, or both?" Christine told me.


"Both," I replied again.


"Me, him, or both of us?"


"Both of you, please."


"A man with manners. Don't get that here very often. Sophisticated."


I let them play with me, each taking turns with my privates and my hair. I couldn't tell for the life of me who was better, Christine or Jonathan. It was easy to tell that they were partners in crime and worked together, though. I let them do me until I grew too tired. I paid them and asked for water at the bar. The blond behind the counter gave me a flirtatious smile as she set the glass down. I gulped it down quickly, paid for my drinks and left.

I walked to my car. I heard a screech and saw a bat flying overhead. What kind of bat, I couldn't tell. I suspected a vampire bat. Yes, I'm an expert on cave creatures. I find cave and ocean creatures fascinating. I am a scientist of sorts. I earn plenty for doing research and taking surveys.

I felt like I was going to keel over. I walked to a ditch, where I threw up. An unknown source held my hair out of my face. I turned and it was...Taisyia.

"I saw you over here. Figured you needed help," she said.

"Thank you. I feel much better now," I said. Actually, part of me didn't. Butterflies were in one half of my belly, nausea was in the other half.

"Do you come here often?" I asked. She shook her head.

"This is my first time. Do you come here a lot?" she asked. I nodded. I clutched my stomach, ready to bend over again. She held my hair and my trench jacket out of the way while I threw up again. I was drunk, that much I knew. I could probably drive, but it was so late that I might have fallen asleep. I pondered this while Taisyia pulled me to my car. I was in pain and getting dizzy.

The alcohol was taking effect. I could easily pass out in this state. I was glad Taisyia was driving me. When we got to my home, I pulled her over and tried to kiss her. Nice, Levin.

"Stop." she said. I gave her a bewildered look.

"You are hot as hell, but you just puked. You look tired and worn. You'll probably have a hangover tomorrow. Your head will hurt, you will be temperamental, and have no patience with anyone. If I sleep with you tonight, I will never sleep with you again because you will lose your temper." she explained.

I didn't understand. Not until the next morning, when I woke up with a hell of a hangover and I had a temper like a Tasmanian devil. My tummy was sore, and my head throbbed. I could still hear the drinks sloshing around inside my belly. I thought, How much did I drink last night? More than enough. Is my car still there? I reached up and touched my hair. I still had it in a ponytail, but it was all knotted and tangled. I saw a small cat on the floor beside me. The cat grew until my father stood before me. He felt my forehead.

"Hangover." he said.

"You think?" was my reply.

"Levin, you really shouldn't drink so much."

"I'm not an alcoholic."

"Son, you kind of are."

I didn't reply. I brushed my hair, and stepped into the shower. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, soaped my skin. As soon as I was done, I shaved my chin. I combed my hair. I took head and stomach pain pills. My body shook. I looked at my own reflection. I looked awful. I almost regretted seeing Taisyia last night. Of course if it wasn't for her, I might be in jail or worse. Mortimer placed a hand on my shoulder. I rubbed my now-smooth chin, and studied my eyebrows. I was sure I was due for a wax, or maybe that was my paranoia talking.


Taisyia called me later, asking for another date. I said yes, of course. She was everything I'd ever wanted and more. I dressed somewhat nicely, as Taisyia wanted to take me to someplace I'd never been before. I'd never even heard of it before. I wore black slacks, white flannel shirt. My hair was pulled back in the usual ponytail. I studied this place on the Internet. Apparently it was for anyone, but it was semiformal.

That evening Taisyia picked me up. She arrived in a white Volvo, wearing a midnight blue cocktail dress. Around her neck was an emerald studded gold pendent. She greeted me with a smile and a kiss. I smiled and kissed back. I touched her soft, full blond hair. I felt full of love. She took my by the arm and led me to the passenger door. She opened the door for me then closed it when I stepped inside.


"So tell me about your mother," she said to me. I glanced at her before continuing. "She and my father met about a year before I was  born. She was a Supernatural Officer. She was the girl who was attractive and smart and every man wanted her. There were reports of a vampire-killing werewolf around, and Mortimer was a witness, as he had gotten bitten by this wolf. He and Mother fell in love while searching for the wolf. They eventually did find him, and by that time they were married and Mother was pregnant with me. I inherited the wolf traits from my father. My father is fine now, as you noticed. My mother passed away last year from cancer."

She turned to look at me."What kind?" "Breast cancer."

"I'm sorry. My relative recently passed away from that." I turned to face her.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you weren't the cause."

I was a bit surprised by her nonchalance. She didn't seem to feel anything when she talked about her relative, whoever that was. I thought that was strange. Even more so, I saw a satisfied smirk on her face a split second before she looked straight again.

Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, I thought. Even so, I couldn't shake a strange feeling off. Like I shouldn't be talking to this woman. This beautiful, amazing person. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.


The restaurant she took me to was formal, and I was glad I was careful with my dress. I took her arm and she led me into the restaurant, which was buzzing with excitement and talk and music.

Stomach growling, I let her lead me to a table in the back, clearly meant for six people.

"I reserved this table," she told me. The maitre'd followed us and handed us menus. She asked for wine, I asked for tea. I decided not to drink tonight, at least attempt not to. I stared at her, her beauty growing by the second. I studied each of her features. Yes, she was beautiful. And she was all mine tonight.

Mine tonight. I liked that. She stared back. When it was time to order, I ordered a rare steak and she ordered a lobster. When it came, she didn't bother with the bib, apparently not caring if the juicy meat got all over her nice dress.

This made me want her more. Still, something about her didn't seem right, and the odd feeling in my gut refused to go away. I wondered if I should leave. I continued through dinner, as did she. I saw an old rival of mine and did my best to ignore him. But Fate would conspire against me. He flashed a "Fuck you, you're hot" smile that I did my  best to ignore.

I got a questioning look from Taisyia. My forehead went cold with sweat. I excused myself to the men's room and splashed cold water on my face. I dried my face with a towel, and then my face was slammed against the mirror. Dazed, I looked in the mirror and one. No one was behind me. Not even that old enemy of mine. I tightened my ponytail, readjusted my shirt, and then I went out to see my date talking to another man. A jealousy roared through me like Karma herself. I walked over to the table, and the man left. 


"Who was that?" I asked her. 


"That was Michael Ramirez." she said sullenly. 


Publication Date: 01-20-2013

All Rights Reserved

To my first true love.

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