» Fantasy » Reigning Cats And Dogs, Mountain Lion [ap literature book list txt] 📗

Book online «Reigning Cats And Dogs, Mountain Lion [ap literature book list txt] 📗». Author Mountain Lion

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sometimes being straight isn't the right answer

The memories flooded back washing over me like a hurricane and leaving me breathless. I ran back towards the beautiful tree tunnel but slipped and landed face first in the creek. Standing up and shaking off the water I kept running. The soft green grass met my hard black pads and it was bliss for a split second, but I remembered Connor's fur. It's soft plush sent me to paradise even tough I had been crying.Gentle sunlight that came in now stung remembering the sunlight that fluttered in the woods while I walked with Connor. I busted into the clearing where Panda stood looking puzzled at my mix of emotions, furry, confusion, and mostly astonishment. Bombarding her with questions she told me every thing absolutely every thing but the last question I asked caught me off guard. "Why me" I said not knowing I was in for a lifetime. "Your the alpha" Panda said sinking her head below mine. A flash of movement flickered over the valley all the cats and dogs were bowed before me. "No" I said, I loved how the critters bowed before me and I felt like I belonged but I had a pack to get back to.

"How do I get home" I demanded I expected more reluctance but Panda answered emidetally her face fell and the others moaned, making my world quake.

"take me home now!!!" I screamed though I felt super bad for doing so because Panda drooped even more. As she showed me to my pack grounds and might as well have been dragging her head the entire time. The journey took only a few hours but it felt like days

"stop I want to hunt" I said keeping in a low voice. Panda dropped instinctively and let me take over. Now this felt natural the wind tugged at my fur. Wind blowing away from me gave me an advantage, I opened my jaws an took in a deep breath trying to locate prey. A bunny was lurking near by. I silently stalked in the swaying grass, my nose twitched because the rabbit I was stalking had no idea it was about to die 'sucker'. About 3 yards away now I wagled my haunches and lept into action. Chasing to rabitt the familiar feeling of hard grass was beneath me and the rabbits stench was so over powering as I chased it, now about a foot I took one great big leap and landed square on its shoulders, crushing it I sank my large k-9s into its throat and felt the warm blood mask my tounge. Enjoying my meal in the silent clearing with Panda was a little awkward. A twig snapped and I emideatly was alert, only that wasn't enough. Wolves poured into the clearing Panda was instantly in a tree and already gone.

Not So New Again

I couldn't tell what my pack was attacking but their fur was raised and slobber licked at the grass as they snarled. The dry crisp grass was crushed beneath the weight of the wolves along with me. Wind was knocked out of me when a heavy pack mate named Charc trampled over my bruised rib cage, then I felt stinging teeth on my ruffled scruff. I heard my name being faintly screamed by 2 different voices. Charc walked up to me with regret filling his eyes "Alphas orders" my pack mate muttered before raising one paw.

"Charc what are you doing"

"sorry" he muttered and swung his massive maroon paw. I yelped and shuddered, then my lights went out yet again.

I awoke and a cold shimmer pulsed through me like the creek that I bathed in. What the hell?  The ground was hard and dusty and I was surrounded by wooden bars on one side and a solid rock wall on the other. Two others accompaniedme in this err... cage.Connor and Panda, Wolves patrolled the camp as normal and picking bits of conversation off of each other, every once in a while they shot accusing glances at us... prisoners...."I don't get it I came back??" I questioned "I ....I came back for them.'' Charc came up to the fence like walls, his gaze shifted from me to Panda, he bowed and shook his head " you took her side of all wolves" he said but his gaze hardened on Panda, eventually turning to hatred.

"I DID NOT I came back for my pack mates" I spat in return.

"First orders were to kill her like she killed my mate"

"I couldn't do that in front of her pack"


"Yes pack and Pyran is not dead she joined the pack"

"She lives??''

"Yeah Pyran lives"

"I must see her at once"

"Of you help us out of this cage we will bring you to her" Charc eyed us suspiciously and when I glanced over at Connor he was also "ok fine" Charc's words snapped me back to reality "But how do I know that Panda won't KILL me" He asked still glaring at Panda only this time his rich hazelnut eyes flickered with worry. "Yeah how do we know Panda's not going to shoot us with Alca berries, again" Connor said starring right at me. "Does it look like she is caring berries" I said cocking one eyebrow. I turned to Panda her head was drooped and her eyes were filled and suffocating in shame, trotting up to her I gave her a few comforting licks and she nodded to me gratefully.


Charc looked behind him to see his BFF Adam, sulking on his way to the water hole. "Adam!'' Charc whispered so that only Adam could hear, he nodded to a small cut out in the camp that isolated sound from every body but us "prisoners.'' "Maria your mate still lives" Charc told Adam, He layer down and went into thought. " you can see her if you help Panda, Connor and Cecilia out" Charc whispered so that I could barley hear him. Adam sat up "You mean disobey order from your alpha" Adam said suspiciously "what did those rats get into you mind" he spat. Charc rose up "did you not hear me the first time Maria still lives'' Charc busted. "I may still love Maria but she is probably an outcast by now" Adam said spitefully. "No Adam you not gettin the memo she joined a different pack" Charc said slightly more calm this time. "Why would she do that?"Adam cocked his head. ''She obviously dosen't love me any more"

"You are a hard headed butthead, Adam, she joined the pack because their pack is better" Charc said flatly.

"What do you mean better" Adam said.

"I mean better, stronger, bigger and last time I checked you promised Maria you would be right next to her when she had pups!" Adam's eyes widened.

"Fine" Adam said "I'll do it but only for Maria"

"OK here's the plan...."


"I HAVE TO PEE" I yelled as loud as I possibly could.

"I will consult Alpha Jared about this" Charc said spitefully.

"Yeah well I have to take a dump so is you could hurry that would be nice!" Connor muttered. Charc rolled his eyes and went to get Jared.

A few minutes later Charc came out of the Alpha Den and yelled "bind them with vines, Adam come with me on patrol.'' Wolves did as they were told and bound us with vines at the paws and neck. The vines were sticky and itchey and Charc and Adam practially walked us out on leashes.


"Panda lead the way" I said after Charc and Adam untied our vines. Panda straightened up and a spark filled her eye. we sped through the trees and tough grass, the forest soon turned to lush grass and rocks. I reconized the place a few meters away lay the vally in which had Big cats and Wolves. And the cliff that i had looked at the pack thing from. Panda led us down into the valley, cats and wolves bowed to me as I walked by, then into a small hole in the cliff edgethat led into a larger tunnle. The tunnel sloped up sleeply , curved, then we hoped up 2 steps and we came out through a crack and we were at the top of the cliff.



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