» Fantasy » No Regard, Carolyn Barber [phonics reader .TXT] 📗

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heart. Alexander starred back thinking of all the incessant teaching and intense training. He had pushed him relentlessly with one goal in mind, to incite absolute hatred. Mission accomplished. Alexander smiled, releasing his grip on Ty's shirt, "You're ready, my son, you're ready" he said gently patting Ty's cheek. 


Chapter 44: Battle Ready

When Adam came to my room the next day, I could tell he had something on his mind. "What is it Adam?" I asked him curiously. "Well, it's definitely something" he replied. "Are you going to tell me what's going on in that handsome little brain of yours or do I have to use telepathy?" I said smiling. "Okay, here goes. Last night after you went to sleep I deguised myself and went to Hell's Pit to do a little intel. I found out some interesting information" he said pacing back and forth. "Okay, you have my attention, go on" I replied very interested. "Apparently Ty has been shunned by the respectables' and hasn't been seen for weeks, word has it he's dwelling in The Ruins. You know about The Ruins?" he asked. "No, I've never heard of it, and why is he being shunned? what did he do?" I inquired. "The Ruins is the ghetto of the province, only the lowest forms dwell there" he said purposefully dodging my question. "What did he do Adam?" I asked sternly. "He lost respect by blatantly fraternizing with female vamps" Adam replied not knowing how I would react. "Good. He's fucking around when he should be out looking for his mate. No wonder he was shunned, now everyone knows what a piece of shit he is, that is definitely to our advantage" I said actually pleased by the information. I heard Adam release a heavy sigh. "What? Did you think I would break down and cry or something?" I asked somewhat sarcastically. "I wasn't sure how you would take the news, but I must say I'm proud of you for taking it this well!" he said as he gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head. I pulled away, "Look Adam, let's get one thing straight. I need to settle this. You and I both know why I diligently trained. I told you I will destroy him, and that is exactly what I intend to do. It's time for you to release me so I can take care of unsettled business. I can't move forward until I wipe the slate clean. You need to trust me and let me go" I said looking him straight in the eyes, with conviction.

Adam turned and walked to the fireplace and stoked the fire. As he starred into it he spoke to me, "Everything I have taught you, the skills, wisdom and the physical training have all been for the moment you confront Ty. I know it is your battle, which is why I didn't take that from you and finish him myself. I believe you are ready for this. I want to be there with you when you annihilate him, not because I don't think you can handle him, I know you can, but I need closure too. He hurt the one person I love, if I can't have a hand in his demise, than I'd at least like to witness it." I walked over to him and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me tightly to him. "I love you so much Silvie, I wouldn't let you go if I didn't trust you" he said gently looking into my eyes. "I love you too Adam, I wouldn't go if I didn't trust myself. I want to spend eternity with you, but I want to do it of my own free will, not because I'm forced to" I replied sincerely. Adam smiled, "So far you have Silvie, you've stayed because of your own free will" he said. "What do you mean? What about the spell keeping me here?" I asked confused. "Technically, there never was a spell, although I did lock the door, but you could have vaped at any time. Subconsciously, you just didn't want to, even at your worst" he replied. I was shocked. I didn't realize until this very moment, that here with Adam, the whole time, is where I really wanted to be. "Well isn't that curious?" I said, more of a statement than a question. I laughed. It all made sense, I didn't love Ty, I loved Adam, I always had and I always will.

"Let's get ready and go out!" I said beaming. "Where would you like to go?" he asked smiling. "Hell's Pit!" I replied with enthusiasm. "Should we go incognito?" he asked. "Hell no, we're going as Adam and Silvia, the most bad-ass Vampire Elite couple in existence" I replied wholeheartedly. "That's the spirit!" he said laughing. 

We both got ourselves ready. I didn't know if I would run into Ty, but I prepared myself in case I did. I dressed for battle. I wore a long, beautiful black velvet cape with satin lining. Concealed beneath I wore black leggings, black shinny combat boots and a black Kevlar reinforced vest that contained pockets holding various weapons. In my personal arsenal were throwing stars and knives, both made of silver. I had various stakes, as well as the mother of all stakes, fifteen inches long, three inches in diameter that tapered down to a sharp point and was made of solid silver. Had I not built up an immunity to the effects of silver, I wouldn't have been able to so much as carry it in my possession. Though the other weapons made of silver may weaken him, they wouldn't kill him. An important cognizance to remember when strategizing a battle is knowing your enemy's strength's and weakness's. In the event he also had built up an immunity to silver, the only other means to destroy him would be by sunlight. A silver stake completely through the heart will instantly kill the average vampire, but I knew Ty well enough to know he would never settle for being average. I knew the only way to completely finish him off, would be to drive the silver stake completely through his heart, rendering him long enough for the sun to finish him off, turning him to ash and I would do it with no regard.

Chapter 45: Respect

As we entered Hell's Pit, every head turned in concession, you could hear vamps talking over the loud music. No one seemed offended by presence, in fact, many nodded greeting us with acceptance. We made our way through the crowd, unfortunately I didn't see Ty anywhere. We made our way to the bar, "Would you like a loaded "O" positive, one would be fine, and it will heighten your senses" Adam asked me. "I'd love one, in fact I could really use one" I said anxiously. Adam didn't even have to order, the bartender handed him two vials "Good to see you Adam, two loaded "O" positives, on the house!" he said. "Thanks Mac! It's good to be back! I see you haven't let the place go to hell since I've been gone, no pun intended!" Adam joked as the bartender chuckled. "Well I try to fuck shit up, but the crowds keep coming!" Mac replied. Mac leaned over the counter closer, "Miranda was in, she set things straight, said your actions were justified, and if and when you come in, treat you with the same respect I would treat her. I spread the word, you have the respect of everyone in here. Ty is not welcome, he's been shunned, so you probably won't see him around, just so ya know" he confided. Adam nodded, popped the corks on the vials and handed me one. "By the way, this is my Silvia, the love of my life, Silvie, this is Mac, the man in charge of Hell's Pit" Adam said introducing me. "Pleased to meet you Mac" I said as he took my hand and kissed it, "The pleasure is mine" Mac said respectfully. "Silvia, let's drink to an eternity of love and prosperity!" Adam said with a sexy smile on his face. "I'll drink to that!" I said as we clinked our vials together and slugged the crimson liquid down. I immediately felt energized, my senses tingling. Adam was feeling the same effects, he purposely hadn't taken the antidote wanting to experience a heightened awareness.

A little red headed, comical looking vamp approached us with a pretty, if not plain looking gal holding his hand. "Hey Adam, I've seen you in here before, many times actually, but I never introduced myself before. I'm Red, and this little beauty is Delilah" he said extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Red" he said shaking his hand, then he held Delilah's hand and kissed it, "It's a pleasure dear" Adam said to her. "This is my beauty, Silvia" he said introducing me. We all talked for a while and when Red was comfortable enough he told Adam and I his experience with Ty. "I didn't know man, I was such a damn fool. I thought you were the bad guy at first, I'm really sorry man, I should have gained the facts first ya know, instead of assuming?"  spitting as he said it. Adam smiled and wiped his face with a hanky. "Oh shit, I'm sorry about that man, it's these damned teeth of mine!" Red said, spitting again as he said the word "sorry". Adam and Silvia laughed, they both instantly liked Red. "Baby, I wouldn't change a thing about you, I wuv your cwazy widdle teef!" Delilah said squishing his face in her hand, puckering his lips as she planted a big old kiss on them. Adam and I looked at each other smiling, both of us reading each others minds, "How sweet are they?" I thought to Adam. "Almost as sweet as we are!" he thought back. I realized Adam and I were communicating with our minds with incredible clarity. I smiled at him with a raised eyebrow acknowledging our telepathy. "Only use it if necessary, otherwise it will drain your energy" he said leaning over and whispering in my ear. I nodded. Red, Delilah, Adam and I talked for a while, some of our conversation was serious, some was hysterical, we were having a great time, and I was feeling quite content.  Though I stayed on guard, feeling strongly something was going to happen and it was going

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