» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [e book reading free txt] 📗

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looked around me and saw Lord Guardian’s Castle in the distance. As I walked toward it, I searched the Spell-book again. On the front page, it now had “Keeper of the Powers of Spirit.”
“What have you got there, Young Guardian?” I heard Lord Guardian ask from ahead of me, hooves hitting the ground. He was in his more comfortable unicorn-Pegasus form.
“My Spell-book, my Lord.” I replied as I knelt to him, not meeting his golden eyes. When I looked up, I watched as the jewel on his chest glowed, as did his horn.
“Did Enchantra give it to you?” He asked.
I cleared my throat, remembering. “In a way, yes.”
Lord Guardian shifted to a human male before looking at me quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it was Lord Maximaniac who greeted me at the Palace.” I explained. “He led me to it after saving me from almost sending myself into the future with the Mirror’s Magic. I searched through it, recognizing all the spells I’d cast over the years. When I looked up again to Sister Enchantra’s voice, Lord Maximaniac was gone.”
“Ah, I see.” Lord Guardian laughed. “Max has always been a bit mysterious, even when we ourselves were Earthbound.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Tell me about your recent adventure with the Goddesses.”
I was stunned. “How did you know? Did one of them tell you?”
Lord Guardian shook his head, trying to hide a laughing smile. “Lady Katherine came to me before you arrived, telling me the good news.”
I followed him into his Castle, and into a room where I saw bigger versions of the jewels I’d had in the pouch. As soon as my eyes set upon them, I was entranced.
I saw the pedestal, with the five Mystic Jewels of the Province underneath a bubble of protective glass. With his raised hands to the air, he chanted something in his own Wizards language. I couldn’t understand much except the words “Mystic Magic” and my title. Without touching the glass bubble, O’Dell raised his hands and raised the bubble at the same time.
I held my breath.
Just being in the presence of the Jewels made me feel more powerful. I smiled, closing my eyes and feeling the power surrounding me, comforting me.
“Go ahead, take one Ariana Moon.” Lord Guardian replied softly in my ear.
I opened my eyes and stepped up to the pedestal, pulling the Green Earth Jewel from its spot. The last time I looked at it, I had the image of recently talking to Aunt Sharon’s horses. This time, however, I saw an image of the Earth Goddess Dana in her SheWolf form. The eyes glowed green as we stared at each other. When she howled at the moon, the image faded.
“Young Guardian, what entrances you about the Green Earth Jewel?”
I told him my recent adventure with the Goddesses. When I told him about the four jewels I received, I put the Green Earth Jewel back in its spot.
Lord Guardian nodded, saying. “Show me.”
“Katherine told me there are two missing.” I replied. “The Purple Companion Jewel and the Black Onyx Jewel.”
“Yes, from these four those two are missing.” He supplied, taking them from my hands. “Tell me, do you know what each of them are for?”
I told him what I learned. “Green Emerald for the Earth and Unicorn Magic. White Crystal for the powers of Air and our Mystic Winds. Blue Sapphire for the Waters and Water Magic and Red Ruby for the Fires and Dragon Magic.”
He brightened up. “Very good. I see you have learned well.”
I blushed. “Thank you, Lord Guardian.”
“Now, about the missing two.” He said. “What do you know of those?”
I tried to think. “Let’s see. The Purple Amethyst Jewel is for Companions and their Magics.” I said. “Am I right?”
“About the Companion Jewel, yes.”
“What does the Black Onyx Jewel give power over?”
He took the black jewel from its spot. “Tell me what you see when you hold this.”
I took it from his hands and stared into it for a minute.
There I was, dressed in a white gown with a strange pin clipped to the cape. I flew over the Province with the wand in hand and searched for Dreamers to help. The image changed, focusing on the pin more. I could see the star-shape the colored jewels made, with a strange opalescent stone in the middle, connecting them all.
I felt some kind of danger sweeping over me. I watched as the jewel in the middle turned from an opalescent pink to black. It reminded me of the Dominionite Crystal I nearly had to destroy back home years ago in the Crusade.
I snapped out of the vision when Lord Guardian took the jewel from my hands. I nearly jumped a foot when he startled me out of the trance.
“Do you see its purpose now?” He whispered to me.
“The Dark Magic.” I whispered, not looking directly at him. “It warns of Dark Magic or any evil surrounding it.”
“Aye.” O’Dell nodded, proud. “The Onyx Jewel is officially known as the Link Crystal. Together, they are a powerful force against any enemy or demon of either world. Along with your Magic, you can use these five jewels to give you power over whatever you wish. Soon, the Elemental Mistresses will visit you, and explain each Jewel’s full potential.”
I clasped my Dream Locket, smiling.
Lord Guardian stared at me, sizing me up. “I am impressed, Young Guardian. You exceeded my expectations of you yet once again.” He said. “Hand me the Locket.”
I took it off from around my neck, handing it to him. “What are you going to do with it, my Lord?”
He only smiled. “You will see.”
First, he threw the four jewels into the air, letting them levitate in front of us. He beckoned for the Amethyst and Onyx jewels to join the other four. He waved his arm, directing the six jewels to form a pentacle-shape. With the Locket in his other hand, he forced them together with Magic.
He held his hands out to me in front of him. I watched closely as a necklace, with the six jewels surrounded by a dream-catcher’s webbing, appeared in front of my eyes.
“Young Guardian, this charm is filled with the powers of the Jewels. It replaces the Dream Locket I gave you some time ago. Besides having more power, the Jewel necklace is your link to us. If ever you feel you need to use them here, I give you full permission.” O’Dell replied.
I nodded, not really understanding what kind of trouble I was getting into in my short Young Guardian life. I took the necklace from his hands, and fingered each of the Jewels, thinking of the power held within. “Thank you, My Lord Guardian. I’ll cherish this forever, and guard it with my life.”
I bowed to him, clasping both the necklace and the Spell-book close to my chest before disappearing, returning home.
Story: #1:
A Taste of the Magic Within

When I awoke, I found myself in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors and IV’s strung in my arm.
I opened my eyes and saw Derrick beside me, holding my hand. “Derrick? What happened?”
He looked up. “Thank goodness you’re okay.” He whispered, standing to kiss me. “I felt my Pendant glow hot, like you were in trouble, and found you in bed, three days ago.”
“I’ve been here for three days?” I asked, amazed. What a trip, I thought. “It didn’t even feel like one in our world.”
He put a finger to his lips. “They’re listening.”
“Who?” I whispered.
“The doctors.” Derrick told me. “Don’t worry, I only stayed to keep you company when you woke up from your...uh...coma.”
“The doctors think I’m in a coma?” I asked incredulously. I grinned. “That’s rich.”
“Well, you were.” Derrick replied. “Even to me, you were.”
I shrugged, stretching my muscles. “Who else knows?”
“Just our friends.” He told me, and then looked into my eyes, sending me a message.
The Crusaders were worried for you, my Love.
I kept my smile. “How sweet. Where are the children?”
“With Aaron and Aimee.” He assured me. “At least the twins are.”
“And Kelly?” I urged.
Derrick looked to the door. “Right outside. Did you want me to bring her in?”
I nodded.
As he opened the door, Kelly and Bradley both came barging in, racing to the hospital bed.
“Momma! You’re okay!” Kelly ran up to the bed and hugged me.
“Of course I’m okay, sweetie.” I told her, laughing. I kissed both her and Bradley. “What are you doing out of school?”
“Christmas Vacation, Aunt Ariana.” Bradley replied.
To be called ‘aunt Ariana’ didn’t sound right coming from him. “Call me Mrs. Reading.”
He nodded and grinned. “We have vacation until the beginning of next month.”
“In other words, for two weeks.” Derrick summed up. “I’m also on leave from the Police Academy until the new year.”
Could we have gone so long, so fast?
I shook my head.
“What’s up?” Derrick asked me with a smile, telling the kids to get down.
They obeyed and I answered him.
“I was just thinking.” I replied. “About us, about how fast our first year has gone, and about how fast we’re all growing up.”
“The twins are almost one now, dear.” Derrick reminded me. “It was in this very hospital you and Luna had the boys.”
He was right. I had the twins and Luna had Caleb in February, and it was December already.
I giggled. “Time flies, doesn’t it?”
He grinned. “You bet.” He turned to the kids and told them to leave before continuing. “So, what made you comatose for so long? I’ve never seen you away from us for that long before.”
I told him my so-called adventure in the Dream Realm. I also told him how O’Dell and the Sisters entrusted me with my own Spell-Book, Jewel Necklace, and a Mystic Mirror.
“Sounds intense.” He cried. “Think you’ll be able to handle all this new responsibility?”
I gave him a dirty look.
He laughed; hands up in surrender. “Okay, I get your point.” He kissed me on the lips. “I’m gonna send the doctors in. Time to get you out of here, and fast.”
“Why fast?”
He gave me a mysterious look. “Destiny truly awaits you, my dear.”
It was later that day I was released from the hospital. I couldn’t wait to see my twins again. Somehow, in all the excitement, I missed them.

As Luna and I were holiday shopping at the Hill View Mall, I was thinking of all we went through, and asked her. “Why do you think this is happening to us, Lu?”
Luna stared at me and smiled, giving me a playful nudge. “I think it’s called ‘growing up.’”
I giggled, rolling my eyes. Trust my sister to liven up my life with a joke.

That afternoon, Luna and I walked in the door to find Christmas decorations hanging up everywhere. Mother and Aunt Sharon were racing around, checking to make sure everything was perfect.
“Do you think the wreath should go here, or at the back door?” Sharon asked Mother.
Mother nodded to us first. “What do you think, girls?”
I took the pretty Christmas wreath from my aunt’s hands. “I think it’ll look great over the fireplace.”
They stared at each other, contemplating.
“Perfect.” Mother supplied. “By the way, Aaron wants to talk to you.”
“What would he want to talk to me for?” I asked her. I shrugged and headed next door. Luna went after me, heading across the street.
“I’ll be back.” Luna called as she ran across the street.
“Sure,” I called. I walked up to my best friend’s door and knocked.
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