» Fantasy » Beneath the Fallen City, Jamie A. Waters [ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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on your radar. But how much of it is her so-called talent you’re admiring? From the looks of things, she’s been nothing but trouble since you first saw her. She’s got us on lockdown over here, and we’re working around the clock because of her. Personally, I think it’s her assets that have you drooling.”

Carl had just about reached his limit with her attitude. Cruncher wasn’t helping matters either; he’d never been fond of Lisia. “That’s enough. All of you. Lisia, you’re a good tech and we appreciate everything you do. You and Kayla are both valuable members of this team. We need to work together and try to get along.”

Lisia let out a forced laugh. “So maybe I should mimic your behavior and try sleeping with her? Because from where I’m standing, that’s what it looks like you want.”

Elyot’s eyes widened. “Lisia… don’t,” he said in a low whisper.

Anger floored Carl, but he managed to rein it in. “This conversation is over.”

“Fine.” Lisia slammed her monitoring station shut. Without another word, she stormed out of the room.

Elyot looked sheepish and ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry about that, Boss. I’ll talk to her.”

Carl shook his head. He’d put off dealing with Lisia long enough. “No. I appreciate the offer, but I’ll speak with her. I’ve given her more leeway than I should have because of what happened. That was my fault. I need to be the one to work this out with her.”

Elyot hesitated. “I suppose you’re right. I’ll stay out of it as much as I can, but she’s still my sister, Carl.”

“I know. That’s why I haven’t pushed until now.”

Elyot nodded and sat back down. With a deep breath, Carl headed down the hallway after Lisia. When he reached the crew’s quarters, he found her talking to Zane. Judging by Zane’s discomfort and relief at seeing Carl, it was clear she was complaining again. Carl clenched his jaw and tried to maintain his composure. “Lisia, I need to speak with you in my office.”

Her shoulders stiffened, but she gave him a curt nod before turning to Zane. “Sorry, I’ll catch you later.”

Carl ignored the questioning look on Zane’s face and followed Lisia. She flounced into his office and turned to him when she reached the desk.

Even in her anger, Carl couldn’t deny she was extraordinarily pretty. Her long, blond hair was piled on top of her head with a few curls falling around her face. She was tall and slender with delicate features. Her blue eyes were full of a mixture of hostility and apprehensiveness. Unfortunately, her once sweet nature had been replaced by an angry bitterness.

“You need something, Carl?”

He didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he engaged the privacy controls. There would be enough rumors circulating over their previous argument in the tech room. He didn’t need to add more fuel to the fire. “We need to talk about your attitude, Lisia.”

She leaned against his desk and crossed her arms over her chest. “What’s to discuss? You’ve made it clear you’re no longer interested in me.”

Carl sighed and tried to remain diplomatic. “Lisia, you’re a good person and a good tech. What happened between us shouldn’t have happened. I crossed a line when I kissed you. I gave you the wrong impression and I apologize.”

Lisia’s expression clouded as her shoulders slumped. “I thought there was something between us. I don’t understand what changed. I care about you.”

Carl could see the pain in her eyes. He wanted to be gentle with her, but she’d gone too far. “I don’t want to hurt you. I’ve never wanted to hurt you. But this has got to stop.”

She frowned. “This is because of Kayla, isn’t it? Until she came into the picture, everything was fine. What’s so special about her?”

“You’re wrong. This has nothing to do with her,” Carl insisted, although part of him wondered if she might have a point. The more he was around Kayla, the more he wanted her, even to the point of being distracted from his responsibilities. On some level, he recognized he was approaching dangerous territory. A relationship between a ruin rat and a trader could be disastrous.

“I don’t believe that. I’ve seen the way you look at her. She has every single man in this camp practically falling over himself trying to get her attention. It’s too bad Vex wasn’t able to finish what he started.” Her hand flew to her mouth. She shook her head and whispered, “I didn’t mean that.”

Her words were the last straw. Carl gave her a hard look. “Are you sure about that?”

She didn’t answer. Carl leaned across his desk. “You signed a one-year contract with me. That contract is up in two months. Unless I see a dramatic shift in your attitude and you begin treating everyone on this team with respect, your contract will not be renewed.”

Her blue eyes widened in shock at his declaration. “Elyot won’t stay without me.”

“If that’s what happens, so be it. I’m prepared to lose both of you, if that’s what you decide. You need to figure out if that’s what you want, and if you’re willing to go back to your old life.”

Lisia swallowed and straightened her shoulders. She placed her hands on her hips and gave him a cold stare. “I understand. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?”

“No, that’s all.”

She started to turn away, but Carl held up his hand to stop her. “Lisia, I hope you consider this carefully. Your decision will also affect your brother.”

“You’ve made yourself clear, Carl.” Lisia turned on her heels and left his office.

Carl slumped down in his chair and ran his hands over his face in frustration. He supposed his confrontation with her could have gone worse. At least she hadn’t tried to take a swing at him.

A beep from his commlink interrupted his musing. Flipping it open, he stared at the message from OmniLab. A representative from the towers was coming to the camp to discuss the situation with Ramiro. He sighed and tossed it on his desk. If it wasn’t one thing, it was something else.

He pushed away from his desk. If OmniLab was coming, he needed to let Kayla know and prepare her. There was no doubt they were going to want to speak with her about the Aurelia Data Cube incident. The representatives from OmniLab would probably be in for a shock when they realized how large of a rift there was between themselves and the so-called ruin rats.

The moment Carl left his office, he heard shouting. Alarmed, he ran down the hall where the yelling seemed to be originating from.

Jinx, Veridian, and Xantham were standing in the hallway outside the medical room. Veridian was leaning against the wall and seemed undisturbed by the noise. Jinx was chewing on her lip anxiously and looked as though she wanted to intervene while Xantham tried to stifle his laughter.

“What the hell is going on?” Carl demanded.

Veridian shrugged. “Leo stopped by to see Kayla. He wanted to see for himself what Ramiro did to her.”

Jinx shook her head in exasperation. “They’ve been yelling at each other for about twenty minutes now.”

“At least they aren’t breaking anything.” Veridian grinned.

“Is this normal?” Carl glanced at the closed door, incredulous at their behavior.

“This is relatively tame. Usually it’s much worse, but I guess it’s to be expected since Kayla isn’t running at full capacity yet.”

“You should hear some of the insults, Boss.” Xantham chuckled. “Kayla’s got some especially creative ones.”

“This is absurd. I’m putting a stop to this.” Carl reached for the door, narrowly avoiding being hit when it swung open. Leo stormed out, his face red and furious. When he saw Carl, he squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest.

“Good. It’s you. Maybe you’ll have better luck getting that screeching harpy in there to listen to reason.”

“I heard that, you snot-nosed, scrawny-assed half-wit!” Kayla shouted. “How the hell did you learn to walk on your hands and teach your asshole how to talk?”

“Shut up, you pit-diving, self-absorbed shrew. Your betters are talking!” Leo shouted over his shoulder and winked at Carl.

“What betters? You can’t count your balls and get the same answer twice!” Kayla yelled from inside the room.

Xantham burst out laughing. Veridian grinned, and Jinx tried unsuccessfully to hide her smile. Carl stared at Leo. The man had to be insane.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Leo?” Carl demanded in a low whisper.

“I should ask you the same question. You take my best scavenger for the sake of protecting her and let this happen?”

Veridian interrupted. “Leo, Carl was the one who saved her. She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him.”

“Don’t think I don’t know that, boy,” Leo reproved and turned back to Carl. “I’m grateful for what you did for her. When Veridian called me and told me what happened, I needed to come out here and see how bad off she was. Now that I’ve seen for myself, I know she’ll be okay. She’s still got her fight left in her.”

“You were intentionally trying to provoke her?”

Leo grinned, rocking back

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