» Fantasy » Purple Sky, A. Teller [simple ebook reader TXT] 📗

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She charged Jake, hugging him around the waist. He let go of me to hug her. But her hug was only about three seconds long, since she jumped to me next. Her little hands grabbed my legs and waist, and she screamed “NESSIE!”

I laughed, and was surprised to find it so loud. I swept her up onto my shoulders, grabbed Jake’s hand, and grabbed her hand to give her support. As we walked, I glance around the forest. It was extremely dark, and yet, I could see everything. Little birds nestling down for the night, the occasional fox or skunk sniffing around the forest floor. The forest was more alive at night than a lot of people knew.

“Having fun watching Claire climb mountains Quil?” I asked, swinging Claire down from my shoulders.

“She’s a daredevil,” Quil said, grabbing Claire before she could start climbing the boulders again. He swung her up on his shoulders. She squirmed and giggled while Jacob grabbed two hotdogs off the table that would soon be empty. I nibbled on the hotdog bun, but I gave Claire more than half of it. I wasn’t going to eat it anyway. I’d need to go hunting tomorrow, I reminded myself. My throat had a strange, scratchy feeling that would soon spark.

Seth and Leah had yet to arrive, but I saved them both a spot. Nate had Gemma were cuddled in the corner, talking and laughing. Imprints were so connected, and even though I was one, it really was puke-inducing sometimes. Seeing the lovey-dovey stuff was cute though. It reminded me of the love me and Jacob shared. We were sitting on a giant slab of stone that was laid across two others, forming a natural bench. Jake had his arm locked around me, keeping me warm. I laid my head on his shoulder. He layered his chin on my head. My feet were still numb, but I didn’t care anymore. It felt nice, being here with Jake. Unfortunately, out of respect for the Elders, kissing was frowned upon. So my lips remained chapped tonight. The fire crackled as Sam and Emily finally settled on the grass, which had three blankets sprawled out for seating. Paul and Rachel sat on another set of blanket, while the Elders sat in lawn chairs. Everyone was eating, talking and laughing. Jake and I remained quiet, enjoying each other’s company, but my shoulders would move to my laughter when Quil trying to reel in Claire. She was always the best entertainment. Seth and Leah arrived, though both seemed exhausted. Leah’s eyes, usually dark and sunken in depression, were more than livid. Her eyes looked swollen, red and puffy. Seth looked awful. Swollen eyes, red face. His hands looked like they’d fall off from all the shaking. He sat next to me, and Leah sat on the grass next to her brother. They refrained from touching each other. I touched Jake’s chest, and he looked into my face. He nodded stiffly as I moved over to Seth’s side to rub his back and lean on his shoulder. Jacob stiffened, his eyes locked on me, though I didn’t look. Imprints were always protective and jealous messes. Even though Seth was simply like a brother to me, Jake couldn’t help his instincts that told him to rip me away from the other wolf and hold me close. But wrapping my arm around Seth, rubbing his back and keeping him calm was the right thing. Keep in mind, everyone is laughing as having fun and eating. But we four were silent. Seth was quiet, though his head leaned over to me. I was relieved that he took my comfort in a supportive way. Jake was still tense, though Claire kept him busy.

The whistle blew, and we all sat straight up. Everyone was perked up to listen, placing their full attention on the Elders. Seth tried his best to sit up, but he shook. I shushed him, and his head sank again. I continued leaning on him, like a mother caring for her ill child, while the Elders began. Jake sat closer to me now, but he kept his arm at bay. Leah hadn’t looked at her brother the whole time. I looked at Jake for a split second, and caught a glimpse of a nod. I wanted to believe he wasn’t answering my question, but imprints just know. We both knew Leah and Seth had been crying, we both knew they were hurt inside. And we both knew that mommy dearest was to blame.

Seth and Leah’s mother, Sue, always regretted the day she discovered Leah and Seth’s heritage. She had always wished they weren’t werewolves. She said she hated how complicated it made things. Sue, though I hate to say it, was a very selfish person. Though loving and polite, she wasn’t there for Seth. And with Leah, she hated Leah. Sue and Leah had a scarred relationship that would never be fixed. Sue and my Grampa Charlie had a thing, which made me so mad. Grampa Charlie should know better. Then again, he didn’t really know anything. So, again, he could not be blamed. And we go right back to Ms. Sue G. Clearwater. I loved Seth like a brother, and Leah too, though with her…more so like a stepsister. Because of the pack telepathy thing, it was impossible for Seth and Leah to hide it. She’d always pretend everything in their lives were great. But it was just an act for everyone else. Sue would always yell at them, telling Leah she wished Leah wasn’t her daughter. Telling Seth that he’ll always be nothing. Telling lies that Seth and Leah shed tears for, and believed afterwards. Sometimes, Sue made me mad as hell.

Seth shuddered every now and then as the Elders began a familiar story first, before the new story began. I kept my arm around him while they spoke, though everyone was listening intently. Seth touched the top of my hand with the bottom of his, and I released my maternal hold on him. He held his head up again, and let his elbows rest on his knees. I pulled away, letting Jake’s arms entangle me again. He rubbed my shoulder with his huge hand, letting his smell cover me. He lean his head against the top of mine while we listened. Billy was beginning.

“This is the story of Nyju, the Blank One,” Billy said in his husk voice. I felt Jake sit up even straighter, leaning in a little to listen. Everyone else followed.

Since I don’t want to totally confuse you, I’ll dumb the story down a little. I usually do that in my head while I listen anyway. Keep in mind, this is right after that story about the Puwotya , and the venom gift thing. Right now, all the wolves have venom. But over the years, it deteriorated. Anyway, the story. Nyju was a great spirit warrior. He was possible the greatest in history. But the Elders refused his request to turn his son into a warrior. His son was about fourteen, a man in their time, and he’d wanted his son to become a great warrior as well. He asked why they’d refused him. They said that he had too much pride, and his son would grow to be a dark soul. He grew angry with the Elders, and began slaughtering the animals of nature, with no intent to eat. The Elders grew angry that there was less food because of Nyju, so they decided to allow his son to become a spirit walker. But the consequence for his father’s actions was a painful, slow transformation. Life-threatening. But Nyju took the offer happily, bragging to the village of how well his son would go through the transformation, and how wrong the Elders would be. The ceremony began, and standing in front of the whole tribe, he bit his son’s arm, coursing the venom through his son’s veins. His son screamed in agony, a first for anyone, and dropped to the ground. After a few long, painful minutes, his son died from the venom, unable to survive the torture. Nyju mourned his son, and no one ever bit their children again. So the venom gene faded into history, and only a few spirit walkers (and givers) exist today.

The fire was stronger now, and no one had touched it. We all sat in a thick, uncomfortable silence. Most of us knew what Jacob’s genes spelled out, but I’m glad no one cared. If Jacob’s lineage was as the Elders believed, that means Jake would be equipped with venom. But it was never confirmed, so I just went on and forgot about it.
Everyone started up again, with their usual selves bubbling over. Paul and Rachel laughed while Paul threw his last burger at Embry’s head. Quil held an unconscious, snoring Claire, while still trying to kiss up to Jacob. Jake was still pissed about the whole chase and bait thing, but it worked didn’t it? I elbowed him in the ribs, and he grunted in pain.

“Be nice,” I warned. I looked over to Seth. His jaw was tightened as he watched the roaring flames that were only two feet from his face. He was still in the same position. Leah was crisscrossed on the ground. Her long neck and thin arms were more tense than usual. Her eyes were still a little puffy, and every now and then, I’d hear her sniffle. Then again, I’m pretty sure we all heard with our extra sensitivity. Werewolves and vampires. Together. Intriguing that I finally thought of this.

I soon found myself dozing on Jake’s shoulder. The warmth was just to inviting. My wavy, coppery-red hair hung in my face at I blinked slowly. It felt like my eyelids had to be pulled back up once I pushed them down. Jake rubbed my back, and the corner of my mouth perked. I felt a little finger poke my cheek. I almost slapped it away. Luckily, I looked before swatting. Claire had gotten into Jake’s lap. She stood with her knees resting on Jake’s knee, facing me. She continue poking at me face. I counted the seconds. One, Two, Three, Poke, One, Two, Three, Poke.

“Is she dead?” Claire asked Jake in a bubbly voice. She sounded genuinely curious.

“Not completely,” he said, poking my face just like Claire had. With some added warmth of course.

I chuckled under my breath.

My eyes burst awake, and I poked Claire in her ribs. She giggled at the tickling, and she fell back into Jake’s lap. My eyelids again wavered, but I blinked a few times and rubbed them. I knew I’d portably smudged my brown mascara, but I didn’t care. I leaned against Jake, cuddling up in a soft, fleece blanket Emily had brought for anyone to use. I kindly obliged. Jake was still wrestling with Claire, but his left shoulder, the one I leaned against, was surprisingly steady.

“Sleeping Beauty,” a voice chimed in my ear. Brady’s voice. “Wakey Wakey Nessie.” I felt a poke in the ribs, and squirmed.

“Take a hike Brady,” I muttered under stiff lips.

“Not likely.”

I didn’t understand until I felt Brady’s shorter-than-Jake’s arms around me. His arms were big like the others, but only came up to my shoulder and hip. Jake’s cradled me, almost wrapping completely around me. But Brady’s are much different. Wait, why was Brady even carrying me?

“Wait, stop,” I said. I touched Brady’s black t-shirt. I felt a jolt as Brady halted.

“Where am I?” I demanded. I could feel the vibrations in Brady’s core as he chuckled.

“Jake’s place. You crashed, and Jake couldn’t leave yet, so they let me take you home,” Brady said, continuing his usual gate. I felt the heat Brady emitted, but it wasn’t the same heat that Jacob had. I missed him already…

Brady had joined the pack a few months before I was born. I suddenly remembered there was two Bradys. The Brady from Montana, and my Brady. I laughed to myself,

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