» Fantasy » SPACE NOIR BAR, Mike Marino [good e books to read .txt] 📗

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of Soma. I thought I was free...but I never was, and quite  possibly never will be. I was falling hard for this dish and it frightened me. To this day she was always there and would remain in my heart. Now this gentle porcelain doll  stood before me in full tom-boy battle fatigues leading a revolution! Goddamn! She looked sexier than ever. Sweat and her intoxicating estros extravaganza tuna enhanced sex smell was drawing me in again. She was a real Sushi Kwan and I was ready for her raw meat. 

Poontang was confused. I was confused. “You’re my sister!” Asrini said. “You never told me you knew Doc.” Now it was my turn to be confused. I shot a puzzled angry look at Poontang “I thought you said your sister’s name was Mary Asteroid? She was kidnapped and being held by Narco Marx...Look baby, no one could hold this prized filly down. Why the hell did you make up all this crap. If I had a grapefruit right now I’d smash it in your face!” bet your life I was angry. I was living color livid and my blood was boiling and worse, I lost my erection!

Windsor stepped closer, I could feel her warm breath on my face defrosting my emotional ice as she mediated by breaking into the line of verbal fire. “Doc, calm down. After you left me I wanted to get as far away from you and Detroit as I could. My heart couldn’t stand it. So I came to Robotia to start a new life. Hell, Erotibots aren’t all bad. There on full auto!I changed my name to Mary Asteroid and  I did have an affair with  a taxi driver, one of the few on the planet that wasn’t from Pakistan saturated with the cab smell of a room deodorizer.  I met him on my way to the Robot Met. He was also from Canada so we had a lot in common. He was a real buff  Eskimo from Banff, and was as sexually hungry as a polar bear in heat.” Already I could feel my non-erect member running for cover. 

“Yeah. I can understand that,” I said  feigning faux sympathy. “But...what about all this “sister” line of crap Poontang has been forcing down my throat? You never told me about a sister!” I was red with rage by now.

“Coho Salmon Rushdie, that was my lovers name, eventually ended our relationship when he ran off with a female wrench wench down at the garage at the taxi stand. We did have a child..Poontang….she is my daughter.” 

She turned lovingly to Poontang and touched her cheek gently, much as she had touched mine in the past. You could feel the protons, electrons and neurons of  love in her touch. “I didn’t want you to know you were a bastard  so brought you up as..well, your big sister telling you our parents were killed in Boston in a space shuttle collision with a drunken astronaut, a Scottish engineer named Scotty from a starship whose five year mission it was to explore space and go boldly where no man had gone before. Instead he had a few too many one night at the Roddenberry Bar in Roxbury.  At least that is what I told you. Forgive me? Please?” Poontang  was stunned, but I could see forgiveness flowing inside of her as she hugged her mother-sister. 

I was ready to explode with questions. “Why in hell am I involved in all this..this ...bizarre family reunion?” Windsora/Mary Asteroid  paused and began pacing the floor. “I wanted my daughter back and safe with me. She had left Robotia and had embarked on her own career with Com-Red on Retropolis as you know, but along the way she met and fell in love with Art Deco whose underground movement she had infiltrated and as love is all  powerful, she changed sides. She was now wanted for sedition by the Com-Reds and that means certain death by vaporization after a few weeks of torture.” 

The pregnant pause that followed was about to burst at the seams it seems.  It was a pinata loaded with emotional placenta. “I had also  met Strangelove here on Robotia. We were lovers for a time and are still very close friends. Strangelove  recruited me when the Revolution broke out on Robotia.  In time I discovered I had a real knack for strategy and planning attacks, successful ones I might add. So that’s the long and short of it.”

Windsora mainly wanted to save her daughter Poontang and get her here safely I surmised and I was correct. “I planned this whole ruse with Strangelove. Between you and her, I knew you would get her here safely away from the Com-Reds and I knew no harm would come to her with you two watching her back. I also needed to get the Falcon out of here and away from the Toho’s and any government that wanted to use it for power over benevolence. So Strangelove  planned it all out. We got in touch with Poontang through our network. She still believed I was her sister and we made up the cover story that I was kidnapped by Narco Marx so she would not hesitate to come here. I knew Narco wanted the Falcon more than a three legged dog wants a three legged bitch, so we leaked false information about  a reward for my capture. There is no reward...only shoot to kill, but we wanted to draw Narco into the web in hopes of killing him and being rid of him and I knew if he realized you and my “sister” were coming to rescue me he would fabricate a plan and come out of his closet to grab the whole prize. The Rabbit, the Falcon, and he had a massive hard on for Strangelove.”

I was astounded. “He also said he’d kill me, why? What the hell did I do?”
“Nothing Doc. Once he had the Falcon in hand, and had me and Poontang  killed, and Strangelove  in his bed, you were the only person left who knew the truth. You, and now Art Deco. You could give  that information to the Tohos who would have Narco arrested and in the bargain they would regain possession of the Falcon and squash the revolution.” 
I knew that fat ass fez wearing son of bitch Narco was lying!

Windsora  continued, “The Com-Reds were close to capturing Poontang for sedition and being a double agent. We sent a message to her with instructions to look you up and gave her the money for your fee. Now you can return with the Falcon and her if she wants to, but I know she is in love with Art Deco. They really are  a perfect couple dedicated to the cause. He’s on Retropolis now hiding in the neutral zone in Casablanca.”

It was all clear now...the fog was lifting...I was hit with an emotional 2 x 4 but was regaining my comprehension slowly decompressing as a diver in a bell with a book and a candle returning to the surface after a journey to the bottom of a deep ocean.

Poontang was in tears...I started tearing up also, as were Strangelove and Windsora. We were all a mess. I started laughing and crying at the same time. My love making with Poontang was as sweet as it was with Windsora. I felt I had been to bed with both of them  sweating up the sheets. It was the carnal incarnation of  Paul Simon’s song “Mother and Child Reunion” Mother and daughter were a sexual powerhouse and  I was in a vaginal whirlpool! 

“In the morning you will return to Retropolis with the Falcon which I will give you tonight, but tonight we celebrate as a family. A lot of catching up to do! Strangelove  will go with you to help on the journey. You OK Doc? Poontang?” We both looked at each other and smiled. “Never better Windsora,”  I managed, “Never better”  I was lying not only to her but to myself. My head was in dervish mode….out of control. A few tranqs would level my mental playing field and went to my room to change and tranq up and let the day’s events sink in. Sink in? I was in emotional quicksand up to my neck and sinking fast...

Chapter 32 - Last Tango in Space



Windsora was young when I met her. Hell, we both were and we both had chips on our shoulder the size of Los Angeles daring each other and the rest of the galaxy to knock it off...but, we were in love and had our whole lives ahead of us, or so we thought. We were emotionally immature and like punch drunk winos on the street we both loved a good fight with each other. It enhanced the sex that followed in the wake of the arguments.She was barely out of her teens and as salivatingly sexy as a beautiful Asian nymphette could be.


You know the kind, you’ve seen her in the produce aisle at the supermarket. Sexy black hair, deep brown eyes squeezing defenseless cantaloupes while you fantasize about playing with her melons and copping a great feel before you move on to the frozen food section pushing a cart with a broken wheel down the aisle of bean dip and salsa.She’s the kind who who could heat up a pair of Swedish meatballs faster than a microwave oven set on nuke. Her sexual heat-seeking libido was subtle, as simmering as hot lava pouring from Krakatoa. Along with sex, she had a rabid curiosity about politics, science and social injustice. I was only fixated with getting her under the space blankets as much as she was wet for geo-political theory and quantum physics.Our relationship was a delicious Lady and the Tramp trek into the exploration of human political exploitation and spelunking into the hidden caves of her sexuality, punctuated with explosive and explicit love making, unbridled and unchained.


Sex with her was like tossing a piece of raw meat into a lion’s cage. Windsora, like her daughter Poontang was the lioness devouring my senses and thoughts. She swallowed my psyche whole in one gulp . She was more erotic than a Swedish sex film...but, after all, Sweden in the 20th Cent banned a cartoon character by the name of Donald Duck for years because he didn't wear pants! Half of Retropolis on a hot Centauri summer night in Detroit can’t wait to get out of their pants and into someone else’s.Poontang, however was my latest sexual focus.


At one time it was Windsora, and recently my attention was also focusing on Sappho Strangelove. All three of them defined the sexual revolution by breaking on through to the other side of the looking glass of conformity. Lesbianism, and multiple sex partners...these three exploded with much more freedom of expression and free speech..along with a dose of free love and political revolution... my doors of sexual perception were already unlocked and they all had their own key.It takes two to tango when you’re tangled up in the space sheets, and I was counting on at least one more dance with Poontang that night before making our way back to Retropolis, but...there was always

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