» Fantasy » Dark Promise, Talia Jager [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Promise, Talia Jager [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author Talia Jager

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doesn’t work that way. Gifts just show themselves when it is time. I’m sure you will find yours soon enough.”

“Figures,” I said under my breath. Nothing was easy in the faery world, it seemed.

A few minutes later, he escorted me back to the castle and up to my room. “I’ll see you at dinner?” His tone of voice made it seem more like a question than a statement.

Like I had a choice? “Sure.”

I walked into my room and the door closed behind me, the lock sliding into place. Apparently, they told him to make sure the door was locked. Just my luck.

I flung myself on the bed and thought about what Kallan had said about his abilities and Varwik’s immunity to all abilities. Even if I had an awesome ability, I couldn’t use it on him, at least not now.

But if I had an ability to help me escape, he couldn’t do anything about it. Now…if I could just figure out what my ability was.

I plopped down on the bed and tried to think of every book I’ve ever read, every movie I’ve seen. Maybe it would spark an idea. But nothing much came to mind. I let my head fall into my hands, frustrated.

The room was becoming smaller with every passing hour. I hated being cooped up. My hands were sweaty and shaky as I paced. I had to get out of here. I leaned up against the door and rested my forehead on it, praying for a way out.

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter 16

The next day when Lena came, she said, “Varwik said you could walk around the gardens today, if you’d like, as long as I accompany you.”

“Gee, how nice of him,” I said sarcastically, turning another page in Romeo & Juliet. I was almost done with it.

“You shouldn’t be like that,” Lena told me gently. “He’s giving you some freedom. You should be grateful.”

“I wouldn’t call it freedom,” I told her without looking up from the words on the page. I fingered the corner of the page for a moment before turning it down. “But I guess I’ll take what I can get.”

A few minutes later, I was out in the sun, taking in the beauty around me. I could hear a bunch of low male voices ahead and followed the sound. Through the leaves, I spotted Kallan with three other faery men. They were standing in a group with what looked like lacrosse sticks. Kallan had a big goofy grin on his face as he talked to his friends. It looked so out of place from the Kallan I knew. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, something much different than the clothes he normally wore. This was a different side of Kallan. One I found myself wishing I could see more often.

Ugh. I needed to stop thinking of him like that. The only person I should be thinking about was Adam.

Lena tried to pull me back, but I shook my head. I wanted to see what they were doing.

One of them held up a finger. He was a short, thick-necked guy with platinum-blond hair. “There’s someone else here.” The boy spun in a circle, his eyes scanning the woods. They passed right over me.

Kallan’s eyes, however, landed right on me. “Come out, Oleander.”

Slowly, I walked into the clearing, heat rushing to my cheeks. I felt so exposed, and slightly embarrassed to be caught spying on them.

Kallan’s hair was ruffled, and his eyes cold. “What are you doing out here?”

“Just walking the grounds. I heard voices. I wanted to see who it was.” I stared at him defiantly. “Do you have a problem with that?”

The tall, red-haired faery to his right let out a whistle. “She’s hot and feisty, Kallan. I like it.”

Kallan shrugged. “She’s okay.”

“Okay?” the shorter blond one said. “She’s gorgeous. Look at those wings.”

“You want her? Take her. She’s yours,” Kallan said hotly.

He laughed. “Isn’t she promised to you?” The guy was giving me the creeps the way he kept looking up and down my body.

“She wants nothing to do with me, nor I with her. So, you go for it. Good luck. She’s a pain in the ass.”

I narrowed my eyes. I couldn’t believe how much anger welled up in my chest. “I hate you!” How dare he pawn me off on his friends? Who did he think he was? I picked up a rock and threw it at him before storming back in the direction of the castle.

Lena hurried to catch up. “He didn’t mean anything. He was just showing off for his friends.”

“Whatever.” I didn’t bother looking back. I wasn’t okay with the tears in my eyes, so I definitely didn’t want her to see them, either.

“You have to understand your rebuttal is hard for him to take. He’s used to getting what he wants.”

I spun around on the balls of my feet. “Are you kidding me? He doesn’t want me. He can’t even stand the sight of me.”

Lena just smiled.

I refused to eat anything at all that day, and just stayed in my room. I didn’t understand what had happened with Kallan, and I wanted to talk about it with Sierra. It made me more homesick when I thought about how truly alone I was.

That night, I dreamt of Adam. He was holding me in bed. He pressed his lips on mine, I closed my eyes, and the kissed deepened. When I opened my eyes in the dream, Adam was gone and Kallan was there instead. I woke up crying. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to come out of my chest.

I heard the light pitter-patter of footsteps outside my door. Bursting into my room a few seconds later, Lena asked, “Oleander, are you all right?”

I wrung my hands in my lap and then pushed my hair out of my face trying to compose myself. “Yeah, just a bad dream.”

She narrowed her eyes like she was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth. Finally, she asked, “Do you need anything? I can give you something to help you sleep.” Her voice was gentle, and it reminded me of my mother. Just the thought of her made my heart ache. I wondered how she was holding up since I disappeared. I’m sure she and Dad were both a wreck.


“No, thanks,” I mumbled and rolled over on the bed. “Not unless you can bring me home.”

She nodded and closed the door softly behind her.

I tried to fall back asleep, but just couldn’t. I kept thinking about the dream and what it meant. Why would I dream about kissing Kallan? I didn’t like him that way. He was such a jerk! Every time I saw him, I wanted to throw something at him. He sure as heck wasn’t Adam.

Now I was positive I had to get out of this place. I felt like I was losing myself.

There was a knock at the door. I knew it was Lena. Her knocks were short, and she always paused before opening the door. “Morning,” she said, sticking her head in. “Varwik said I could let you out a little early today, if you were up to it, and let you walk around before breakfast.”

“Oh, lucky me. Breakfast and a walk. How nice of him to allow these things. I feel like a pampered pet,” I said sarcastically. I’d been lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. My book was finished on the nightstand, and I was going stir-crazy.

Lena flipped her hair back. “I guess he wants you to spend more time with Kallan. Take advantage of it.”

As if two daily meals and a dream weren’t enough?

“I’ll go get ready.” As much as I hated doing anything Varwik said, I had to get out of the room. I was starting to feel like a caged animal.

I showered and dressed quickly.

Lena met me outside my door with a smile. “You look beautiful. Where do you want to go?”

“Thanks. As far away as we can go would be nice.”

“Very well.” She began walking, and I followed, taking in parts of the house I hadn’t seen before. Varwik really did have impeccable taste. I ran my hand across a long wooden desk in the library, then paused to admire a beautiful stained-glass lamp that sat on it.

When I looked up again, Lena was waiting at the door, tapping her foot. I hurried to catch up to her. She pushed the door open, and we walked outside. I was greeted with the bright sun and the tropical scent of flowers. I was beginning to get used to being barefoot outside, which scared me. I didn’t want to get used to anything here, because as far as I was concerned, it was still a temporary situation. But the feeling of the soft grass felt comforting, and even when I was walking on the rocky path, it didn’t seem to bother me. I felt like I was one with nature.

I walked to a large, open area in the courtyard with all different kinds of flowers, most of which I had never seen before. I smiled and sat down in the middle of the field. I leaned back on my hands and closed my eyes, letting the sun shine down on my face. Out of nowhere, I began to sing my solo. I don’t know what prompted me to do so, it just came out.

The notes came easily. I let the song surround me and comfort me. It was a piece of home in a strange and horrible place. It helped me forget that my life was in danger, that if I couldn’t find a way out, I’d be forced to marry someone I didn’t love.

Someone who wasn’t Adam.


I snapped my head around to find Kallan staring down at me. He stood a few feet behind me, his hands shoved in the pockets of his dark pants. I suddenly felt very self-conscious. Blood rushed to my face.

“Your voice is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so hauntingly beautiful before.” The awe in his voice made my heart beat faster.

From my periphery, I noticed Lena standing up, and I glanced at her as she walked away. She didn’t say a word as she headed up the same path we came, disappearing towards the castle.

After she was gone, I caught Kallan’s contemplative stare and flushed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sing. It just came out.” I stood up and brushed the grass off my dress. I felt very awkward and unsure of what to do with my hands, so I clasped them in front of me to keep from fidgeting. I really didn’t like the effect he had on me.

Kallan took a step closer, and my wings fluttered. “You don’t have anything

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