» Fantasy » Bertan`s quest, Michelle Tarynne [color ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Bertan`s quest, Michelle Tarynne [color ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Tarynne

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squeeze through the thick wires to the inner side. However, Bertan had to strip out of the most of her gear and robes, trying to get through. The net's empty spaces were fit for the small slaves, not for the bones enlarged by the Tharo Juice influence. She was too small, for a Sword, but too large for a slave. There was no way for her to fit, and there was no way to cut through the steel wires.

"You have to go by yourself, Genes," Bertan said when no other option appeared in her mind.

"What? No. No way." He got through the rods to her side anxiously. "I don't think I can."

"You have to. I can't fit in there, who knows what waits for us at the bottom of that well. It's fit for the slaves only… and you are even smaller, Genes. You have to go alone," she pleaded, trying her hardest to sound reassuring. She was terrified for him. The thought of the forced separation cut deeply through her core and gnawed at her mind. Yet, it seemed the right choice to let him go this way. After all, she was the prey, not Genes. He might survive this, and that was the most important thing to look forward to.

"I can see the wire prepared for the descend from here. Just hook it to this handle." She gave him the same device she used on her way up there. "Hold it and it will let you ride down that wire without any effort. Just remember to go to the bottom of that well. Never trust the first ground you see and feel. Trust nothing and no one. Never. Wait for me there, no one else but me." Tears welled in her eyes she hugged him goodbye. "You have to go Genes, quickly. I have my ways of leaving this roof, but not with you slowing me down. I will find a way to reach you. There is only one thing I still need, one map I have to see, and we can leave this hell. I promise."

"I… I understand." Genes stuttered, striving for the last caress of her hands. "I will wait for you. Always," he said through the cage that separated them and hooked the handle to the thin wire attached to one of the pillars to finally disappear down the stone well.

Bertan dressed herself up without giving any thought to her actions. Her hands worked up the black, soft robes and wired reinforcements, placing small and handy weapons all around her body. It took only a moment to decide on leaving her face bare for that last quest. She was sensing the Nothingness creeping closer ever since the Old King died. None could escape that cold and deathly feeling.

Tossing the safety and carefulness aside, she shot a teethed arrow, with an attached wire, straight into one of the windows of the black Ruling Line House Tower. Without the time and will for the subtleties, she just tied the end of the wire to the closest steel rod and checked its tension. She had no troubles with walking down that almost invisible line, for the winds were merciful and still.

Once she got through that window, she saw the piles of slave bodies that seemed to spill with every step she took. Bodies still hot to the touch, wide-eyed and peaceful.

"I forgot they would still do that," Bertan muttered to herself in agony, closing her eyes to calm the storm of fury at the waste of life she couldn’t stand. It was an old and forgotten custom to kill all the Royal Line House slaves before sealing the King's dwelling. They all knew too much to be safe afterwards.

She wasn’t able to finish that thought, as her steel-mesh covered throat met the invisible blade. Never in her life, was she ever as thankful to wear her most reinforced robes. She would be dead at that moment otherwise. She fell to the floor anyway, to see her attacker. It appeared to be one of the slaves, quick on his feet and efficient with the blade. She did not fight him, trying to dodge his blows instead.

"I did not come here to harm you!" she finally yelled loudly to get his attention. The assailant didn't take any notice of her words, as he was mad with the fury. He kept on slashing at her body hard enough, with the blade designed to cut through the armors. Her robes started to tear, despite the protective reinforcements that were a part of them. Blood started to overflow some of her cuts.

She knew, she wasn't a match for anyone, not even for a mere slave in the throes of the Madness caused by the Tharo Juice, and she was not ready to start killing anyone in this lifetime just yet. So, she ran as if the winds of Zephyr fueled her blood.

She ran and realized that more than one pair of footsteps followed her. The impossible knowledge, that the Ruling Tower wasn't in a lockdown mode yet hit her. It was enough to speed up even more, for fear began to sink deeper into her mind. The fear turned into the terror that seeped into her whole being with the strength of her blood seeping out of her body right up to the moment when everything in her head went black the moment she collided with the unforgiving wall of bodies robed in black.


So much darkness engulfed her, restricting any moves and most of her senses. Some voices seemed to flow in and out of her hearing range.

"How did she get in here now? You were supposed to fetch her later on when I'm ready… How much does she know?" someone seemed to ask insistently.

"I don't know!" raged the other, more familiar voice.

"What did you tell her?" the first voice demanded.

"Nothing! I set up her escape to grab her outside of her Tower. She is not supposed to be here, aware of her senses and free."

"You should have killed her while you had the chance." A hissing voice full of hatred brought her up closer to the reality around.

"She would not leave her rooms. You know well enough the safety net laws concerning one's rooms, and the whole Tower when it concerns a Mother. Your plans would never work out if her blood were shed within her own place. You have to spill her blood, not me. We have been going over that over and over." Familiar emotionless patience and reasoning broke her core.

"She went to visit the King not long ago," the mean voice whined.

"You know she went there with Ash of the Second Line and his primary guards. I'm trying to tell you, we have been discussing that over and over again, for the hundred times. The Fates are kind to us now, bringing her alone to your feet right at the time we need her to be here." Bertan finally accepted it was the voice of the Unnamed that reasoned so patiently and emotionlessly, "This is your moment to grab the power and to lead us, Cassess. This is your time, blessed by the Fates. Stick to the plan."

"Yes, you are right, as always. The Fates are even clearer now. Is she awake yet?" the high-pitched voice continued to attack her ears.

"No, I don't think so. I don't think she will wake up anytime soon. You need to be quick to shed her blood by your hand while she still has some of it left, and the heart is still moving that blood in her. She is getting weaker." Bare, hot, ungloved hands found the hole in her robes cut by the slave in the throes of his Madness. Strong and impatient fingers tore her clothing apart and held her shoulders tightly. "Go for the heart. Now!"


Bertan had no time to prepare herself for that sharp pain that exploded in her chest as the instrument of her destruction struck hard, to be removed right afterward. Opening her eyes spontaneously, she looked up, still conscious, straight into the cold and unblinking, deadly eyes of the bare-faced Unnamed staring back into her. With a dazed relief, she welcomed a familiar vibration that struck her core, for the final drops of her Sword life were leaving her body. Her core happily joined with the silent Calling song.

"I, Cassess of The Third Line To The Throne, by the law of blood, am taking over the Third Line Throne Head position. Anyone who wishes to fight my claim speak up now, or stay silent forever!"

When not a whisper sounded, he continued filled with pride and violence. "I, The Male Head of the Third line to the Throne contend for the Throne position. Anyone who wishes to fight my claim speak up now, or stay silent forever." The New King's triumphant words were the last Bertan thing heard of that world.

"Excellent," Cassess exclaimed with a sneer. He was visibly relieved that everyone present agreed with his newfound position. "Now, we can go to quench that ridiculous rebellion at our own Mines. We have been waiting way too long. We have let them breed like the beasts they are, without any control. They used up our resources we had gathered there for so long This has to end. It will end now!" he felt the power seeping into his presence as the whispering and calculating Swords started to fill the room. "But first things first," he smiled viciously "Kneel to me," he faced the Unnamed, "Prove your loyalty."

With a short nod and an impassive face, the Unnamed kneeled in front of his new King while uttering emotionlessly "My loyalty goes to you. Now and forever."

That supposedly satisfied the New King, who confidently dared everyone else. "Now the rest of you, it's your turn to give me loyalty!"

The crowd's reaction was not the one he had envisioned in his dreams of this moment. He finally took the position that had belonged to him in his dreams, ever since he understood who the King was. It was his moment of glory, and he wouldn't let any of them destroy it for him. "I'm waiting!" He yelled impatiently while no one seemed to move. Not the slightest rustle interrupted the deafening silence that filled the room.

"Fine," he said, turning to the Unnamed, "Kill them all," he commanded.

A short nod of understanding from the male standing to his right was followed by an inaudible order to the mostly hidden guards. It gave way to the silent carnage that spared none of the insolent Swords.

"It's getting too dirty in here," The New King sighed ostentatiously, and he walked through the slaughtered bodies. "Let's find a room more up to my style and liking."

Everyone, that was still alive at this point, left the opened and endless space filled with death, leaving only the Unnamed behind.


































Red Axe King grimly stared at the reports laid out in front of him. "Translate it to me… How much time is left before the Swords reach the barrier of the Wall?"
"We can't be sure at the moment. The tracks have been seen to have appeared unnoticed over the last two cycles," a raven-haired Councilor explained

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