» Fantasy » Toxic, K.B. Torres [read with me .txt] 📗

Book online «Toxic, K.B. Torres [read with me .txt] 📗». Author K.B. Torres

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don't want to wear pants." I said.
"Fine." Luke said, before grabbing a white button down shirt and tossing it to me.
"Thanks." I said, before ducking behind a piece of furnature to get dressed.
"Are you two dressed?" Sugar asked as I came out from my makeshift dressing room. "Actually just come out of there now."
We came out, and I felt tears run down my cheeks.
"That," Sugar gestured to my tears. "Is why you listen to me."
I nodded, wiping my tears.
"Come with us." Luke said.
They lead me to another room.
It looked like a principal's office.
"Anastasia, right?" Sugar asked.
I nodded.
"Do you know about the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt?" Sugar asked.
Again, I nodded.
"Well, they weren't that different from us. They still exist, and are about our age if I'm correct. Recently there has been an imbalance on Earth, as well as Heaven and Hell. People are starting to take sides. You, are next. what will you choose? Darkness, or Light. Heaven or Hell? We have the people you were looking for, and all of you will either die or live on your answer. God, he isn't real anymore. It's just us and the gods and goddesses. With us you can have WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Sugar said dramatically, sweeping her arms to indicate the house we were in.
"Don't scare her, Sugar." Luke warned.
"Let me explain to her, you are to dramatic." Luke said.
"Fine." Sugar walked off.
"Staz, I know, it may seem like I'm evil, but I'm not. I chose by what was more practical. This is more practical, because I'm in charge. Because I can do whatever I want. And yes, Sugar doesn't take no for an answer well. I'll keep everyone you cae about safe if you decide yes, but I can't if you say no. Sugar took your Infants, and she isn't afraid to put a bullet in their heads. I can't bear to have you deal with that, I can't watch you be sad, or die, I can't. Please, don't put both of us through this. Sugar isn't always like this, she's usually sweeter than, well, sugar. I know this is a lot to take in, but... Please, Staz, you can go back to your friends and family and pretend nothing happened if you say yes, we only need you to be a spy. Please. You see, I don't have to be like Sugar, all evil, and annoying, I can be nice. Darkness is becoming stronger, and gaining Lightness. Everything is changing backwards. If you join, the other gods and goddesses will join, realizing they're with what is becoming Darkness, and come to you." Luke said. "Will you say yes?"
My brain swirled, when I heard it.
Staz, she has a gun to Actaeon's head. Say yes. Please. It's Azrael.

"Y...Yes." I said, looking away from Luke.
Panic rose in my chest when I heard a gun go off.
The sound was ear-bleedingly loud. It rang through my body, vibrating my bones. I nearly dropped dead when I hear two child screams.
Aviance and Actaeon.
"No!" I screamed.
"Shit. Come with me." Luke said, pulling me up and running to a dark room.
There, Actaeon lay on the floor, a crumpled mess, blood pouring out of his head, pooling at the floor, the color of red wine. He was ashen pale, his eyes rolled back and staring up at nothing.
"Actaeon!" I screamed, droping to my knees in front of him.
I started weeping, as I pulled Actaeon onto my lap.
I cradled him, tears running down my cheeks.
"Anyu szeret téged. Mami hiányozni fogsz. Mami ápolja azt. Ne felejtsd el mami. Ne felejtsd el az élet. Légy áldott és légy nyugodt. Mommy loves you. Mommy will miss you. Mommy cherishes you. Don't forget Mommy. Don't forget life. Be blessed and be at peace." I whispered over and over to Actaeon's dead body.
"Sugar! What the Fuck! May I tell you something?" Luke said, before dropping his voice so low, I couldn't hear him.
"Oh...Shit, I didn't realize, and This boy was saying some uncalled for things. I didn't realize. I'll bury him." Sugar said.
A light flicked on, and Sugar came up to me.
"Give him to me." Sugar asked sweetly.
I shrieked something like "get the hell away from him", and shielded Actaeon from her.
"Staz, it's okay. Let me take him." Luke said sweetly and took Actaeon. I took a lock of his hair before Luke went off.
"Anastasia, I'm so sorry. I lost myself for a second. I guess I owe you a life." Sugar said, pulling me up.
"Staz..." A weak voice said.
"Let them go, please." I sobbed into Sugar.
"Shh. It's okay. Luke will be back soon." Sugar ignored what I said.
Luke came back a moment later.
"Please, just let them go. You promised. You killed Actaeon. Please." I begged, my voice wild and desperate.
Luke turned to Sugar.
"Let them go. Just erase their memories. Except for Staz." Luke said.
"Fine." Sugar said, pulling out a skeleton key and unlocking the jail cell.
"Come on." Luke said, pulling me away from the smell of sadness and death.
Luke lead me back to his room and had me lay down on his bed.
"Can you kill me? End it now?" I asked, clearly going insane.
"Staz, don't say that. You'll be fine. I'll be here with you. Just go to sleep." Luke said, laying beside me.
"You can lay against me like that one day at the pool." Luke said.
I snuggled against him, even though every cell in my body was screaming No! Enemy! Enemy! Get Away! Child Killer!

"You...Owe me a child." I said, starting to doze off.
Luke laughed.
"I doubt Sugar would be happy if she found out I got you pregnant." Luke said.
"Shut up." I said, before giving in to sleep.

Epilogue: I Am NOT The God Of Death's Pleasure Toy!

I found myself in a dream.
I had on a greek goddess outfit. It was a half cut white shirt, rimmed with gold, along with a white skirt, that showed the side of my right leg, but still covered my butt and everything else a skirt should cover. My hair was up in a loose bun, with the longest curly strand from either side of the front of my head loose, falling down to my chest. I was barefoot.
I was rising higher, and higher, so high, if I looked down, I could see the buildings of Heaven. I found myself at a gate. it was made of pure gold and the word etched in was unreadable, scrambled, but still English. Hlaloftehgdosandgdodssees

It read. Before my eyes, the one giant word changed, adding spaces to itself and switching it's own lettering. Hall of the gods and goddesses.

Anastasia, you have permission to enter.

a voice boomed, from no where at all.
The gate opened. My body rushed itself into a giant hall, the ceiling seeming to never end. The walls twinkled a bright white, with gold sponged on, the ground a lime marble color. The room was so grand, it could have been three ballrooms in one! the room it's self was magnificent, but was glorious with the many large golden seats resting on a raised miniture platform, as big as a recliner chair, but twice as wide as one. They looked rather hard, but then again, I could be wrong. I counted the golden chair, and it came out to 13. I looked down at the miniture platforms the chairs were sitting on. Each had a name engraved in English at the feet.

Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus, I read. One had no name engraved. Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia were on the left side, while Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus were on the right, forming a perfect U shape. Except for the unmarked 13th chair.
"So I see you've never heard of Mount Olympus." A male voice said.
I whipped around to see six girls and six boys.
"This... Why are there 13 chairs? There are only twelve of you here." I asked.
"Well, it was heard that there is a new goddess." one of the boys said.
It's hard to explain, but I never really saw them until they sat down in the chairs.
Aphrodite, was a girl with curly brown hair, with eyes the color of the twilight sky. She was somewhat tan, and tall. Apollo looked EXACTLY like Hunter. I found myself wanting to come over to him, since he looked too much like Hunter. He grinned at me, showing dazzling white teeth. Ares had short black hair, his eyes gray and alluring. He was sort of pale, and wore a mini cape. Artemis had long, blonde hair, with brown eyes to match. She struck me more as an Aphrodite, but things aren’t as they seem, I had learned. Athena had red hair, pulled up into a bun, and big, owl gray eyes to match. She was tan, and like all the other gods, tall. Demeter looked more like Persephone. My Persephone. She had Red hair and Brown eyes, with mocha skin to match. Dionysus looked like Miguel. He had the tan skin, with green eyes and black hair to match. He was obviously drunk. Hades was a blonde, his hair ending just below his ears, and spilling into his exressionless ebony eyes. He was tan, and seemed to not like shirts, since he was naked from the waist up. Hephaestus had blonde hair, with hazel eyes to match. He was super tall, and looked pale and bored. Hera had auburn hair braided with gold, and green eyes to match. Hermes looked like Hades, but was tan, and he has shorter hair. Hestia had brown hair hidden by a hat, and brown eyes almost the same color as her hair. Poseidon had bright blue hair and ocean green eyes to match. Zeus was a blonde, with hazel eyes that seemed to look through things, to see someone's soul.
"Welcome, Anastasia." Zeus said.
"Why was I called here?" I asked.
"Heard you joined Darkness," Hades said, running a hand through his hair.
"I think you made Hades forget Persephone." Aphrodite said, giggling.
I cracked a weak smile, which is rather hard when you are depressed as I was.
"Again, what up with the 13th chair?" I asked, with forced nonchalance.
"You mean the one on the boys side?" Athena asked.
"Yeah." I said, a tinge of annoyance in my voice.
"It's for a certain beautiful goddess-in-training." Hades grinned.
"I'm not stupid, I know you mean me, but I'm hardly a goddess. I can't do anything goddess-like." I said.
"You made Hades forget Persephone." Apollo said, looking bored.
"Who?" Hades asked, staring at me with affectionate eyes.
"See! I'm the goddess of love and even I can't do that!" Aphrodite exclaimed.
"Anastasia, you're perfect for this job. People forgot about us, and went to that Tyrant, God, and Christianity, but if his

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