» Fantasy » Faita Hensetsu Fuubi, Roxas Winchester [book recommendations for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «Faita Hensetsu Fuubi, Roxas Winchester [book recommendations for teens TXT] 📗». Author Roxas Winchester

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she asked him with a sweetness in her voice. She had a gentle smile and light brown hair that was pulled back into a braid and her deep blue eyes matched Hensetsu’s.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” he asked her darkly.
“No, I just moved here. It’s my first day working here.”
“Obviously.” He said lower. “Get me the bottle labeled ‘Never Touch’ and go away.” The girl looked surprised, then went in back to get his drink. The attention in the tavern was all focused on Hensetsu’s back until he turned around.
“Here you go sir.” The girl said as she set the bottle of black liquid on the counter by Hensetsu. She quickly left when she saw the wicked gleam in his eyes when he brought them up to meet hers.
A few minutes later Hensetsu was leaning over a half empty bottle when a man wearing an emerald green army jacket came over and sat next to Hensetsu. “I’m looking for a man by the name of Hensetsu Fuubi, you seen him?” he asked Hensetsu.
Without looking up from his drink Hensetsu responded. “Yeah,” he had a slight smile when he responded. “what do you want with him?”
“I heard this was a normal hang out place for him and I thought someone here might know him.”
The new bartender came back smiling at the newcomer, then asked him if she could get him anything. “Yeah, do you know a man named Hensetsu Fuubi? He’s supposed to be a Faita rank and have white blonde hair with deep blue eyes. Oh, I was told he always has a black katana with him and doesn’t speak much.”
The girl’s eyes flashed to Hensetsu-who she had discovered earlier was the last remaining person holding a Faita title. Hensetsu glared back at her, telling her silently not to tell the man who he was. “I’m new here, so I don’t really know anyone yet, but I’ve heard his name spoken here a lot. I’m sure if you asked one of the regulars, they would know.” She told him sweetly.
The man let out a sigh, and before he left to ask the other inhabitants of the tavern he told her, “If you see him, tell him Gunryo was looking for him.” Then left the bar.
“Aw, shit.” Hensetsu said when the man left.
“What is it?” the bartender asked him.
“The Sasori Council is here looking for me to bring me back. That’s what it is.”
The girl’s eyes widened in surprise. “What does that mean?”
“It means get in back and stay there.” Hensetsu told her after he quickly finished his drink. Gunryo returned then and placed a hand on Hensetsu’s shoulder.
“I guess you have seen Hensetsu Fuubi a bit, huh?” Gunryo told Hensetsu quietly in his ear. “I’ve been sent by the Sasori Council to retrieve you.”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then by force.”
“So be it.” Hensetsu said as he threw a burst of kijutsu at Gunryo. Gunryo was sent flying backwards into the tables behind him. The occupants of the tavern looked at Gunryo, then at Hensetsu who had kijutsu gathering around at his hands. There was a stampede for the door and several people jumped out the open windows to get away. They knew Hensetsu was dangerous at the best of times, but when he got riled or started to fight you’d better be gone or have said your farewells earlier because you wouldn’t be seeing anyone again.
As Gunryo rose from a pile of tables and chairs he threw a chair with extra force from his kijutsu at Hensetsu who caught it, then was pushed back into the bar. The wood splintered and broke as Hensetsu’s body was forced through the hard wood. Some glass shattered behind Hensetsu, their contents covering the floor. Hensetsu drew Shouten then raced to Gunryo with it raised. When Shouten swung through the air towards Gunryo’s shoulder, it was met by a silver katana with kijutsu symbols engraved into the blade. The clash of steel on steel hung in the air ominously.
“You can’t beat me Hensetsu.” Gunryo told him. “This blade was made to destroy, that thing won’t be more than an insect against it.”
“Uchitoru against Shouten, death will always triumph over kill. You may have kijutsu boosters inscribed on it, but mine is pure skill and art. Time to meet your maker Gunryo.” Hensetsu told him as he gave Gunryo a shove backwards.
Uchitoru sang through the air and bit deep in Hensetsu’s shoulder before Shouten could be raised to block it from sinking through the bone entirely. “Che.” Hensetsu growled between clenched teeth. Hensetsu’s kijutsu surrounded the part of Uchitoru that was in his shoulder and pulled it out. Then he used Shouten to thrust Uchitoru in the air, he held it there with his kijutsu, and swung Shouten around in an arc, slicing open Gunryo’s abdomen and having blood spill freely and spray Hensetsu thoroughly. “You-are going-to fall.” Gunryo said between labored breaths. Hensetsu took Uchitoru in his left hand and headed to the Sasori Council.

Publication Date: 05-25-2011

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