» Fantasy » Mage Family, S. D. A. [top ten books to read txt] 📗

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than what I was used to. It was actually, cold. "How was your evening?" I stared into his eyes as he turned back around, not even guilty; I was doing this for you and the kids, Stanley. I want him so badly to see it in my eyes. "Fine, thank you. And yours?" My voice was normal, soft. He stared at my face, shaking his head. "I'm the oldest, Joy. When I ask you something, even implying something, I'd like for you to be honest with me with those things." That right there had me standing still, and I almost laughed out loud. "Oh, so not getting a second helping got you worked up, and now you're calling me a liar over things?..." I said sarcastically. His expression was grim. "No. Tell me whatever you're hiding now, Joy, I don't want to not trust you. I woke up; you weren't there. I stay up; you come in naked and smiling." Stanley was just being so--- oh, I wanted to hit something. Which was very unusual..."So? You have to mistrust me for taking a swim?" That part was true, when I stripped off my uniform, I had wadded in the stream. Looking at him, he looked doubtful, and that made me angry. "Why? Why right now, do you not trust me, huh, Stanley Tenison?" My voice started to rise. I lowered it when I saw Jared stir. I reached into my pocket and pulled out Lari's keychain. I put it on our pillow. Still he didn't answer me, he just stared. I got my jacket, and opened the door. "Goodnight, Mr. Tenison." I said expressionlessly. I very nearly slammed the door. Stalking towards the Indian Cellar, to the packet of money I earned, I wrenched it out of the basket. I ran back and opened the door again. "Here. Take it. You deserve it." My throw hit him right in his face. I strutted outside of the door and shut it quietly this time. And looking back at our home, I decided I wanted to clear my head. Which was now throbbing; thank you, Stanley. Truth

I sat on top of our home, letting the autumn air cleanse me. I still had a headache, and I was just too miserable to even go back inside. Stanley had driven a stake in my back, and I waitressed at the Folly Cavern for him and everyone. Not for me, or else I probably wouldn't have considered such a job. I'd delt with drunkards, and given up the time to rest, and even have the risk of losing trust. How splendid that the worst would happen to me.
Tonight I thought would go well. I sighed, and jumped off my perch. I felt my body go hot as my neck craned up at the sky. The small of my back tingled, and for the first time since I'd just found my family, did I exert my true self. Not even Stanley knew this form; my true power. I could recieve any instinct to any animal, and right now, the bliss of flying was something I needed.
My back felt torn as wings pushed out. The color was pure white, and in the darkness, with little moonlight, it was the moon. I soared high in the sky, higher, and higher, and higher... until I could barely see the trees below. The wind was harder up here, but my breathing still stayed the same as I screamed. With the lungs of a bird, I screamed a long wail... until they hurt. I breathed in a ragged breath, and flew over the part of the stream that got deeper into the lake. I let my bird self disappear, no longer longing to fly.
The air whooshed past me, sounding like a hurricane as I dove to the water with gaining speed. My landing was almost perfect as I pencil dived into the water. The water was clear, but I hadn't seen the chain below. I sank deep, and when I kicked to go up, the chain wrapped around my leg, snaking my pajamas, too. My empty lungs burned as I thrashed against the chain. Why can't I remember gills?! I groaned inwardly to myself... It really hurt, and my mouth opened unconsiously, gaping for air. I swallowed the water instead, and chocked.
I mentally screamed, hoping Jared would wake up. It was getting harder to see, to think, but I felt kind of guilty... Running from Stanley, hurt and irritated, but upset that I worked so hard for them, because I loved them. I want to apologize, and tell all of them the truth. And make it up tomorrow by getting each of them something they wanted. Anything...that was what I was thinking. And just before I blacked out, I saw the sun erupting, and gold and crimson spurted out. The water got murky, and pain stabbed at my temple. I blacked out.

Stanley's POV

I kept staring at the fire and holding the money she threw at me. One hundred...a hundred dollars...but I wasn't thinking about the money. I was thinking about my best friend, what she said,"Why! Why right now, do you not trust me, huh, Stanley Tenison?"Her voice cracked. She started when she saw Jared stir. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a keychain. She tossed it on their pillow. I didn't answer. I just stared, looking for some proof. She grabbed her jacket, and opened the door. "Goodnight, Mr. Tenison." she said in a dead voice.The door shut loudly. I was about to go after her when she opened the door again."Here. Take it. You deserve it." A packet hit me right right in the face. The door shut abruptly. I stared after the girl that would sacrifice anything for us. Her voice scared me, so full of pain and deadness. Those eyes had no spirit, and they spared no mercy. I now looked at the money, the money she got...but how? Of course I don't think she would've stolen it, but...No, she wouldn't steal anything.
She must've earned it by working some sort of job. I shook my head, and started to rise to my feet when a hand grabbed me. I turned to see Jared stare at me with pained eyes, and I turned towards him, upset about how frightened he looked. Jared's face was pale, and I could just make out his words," her...forgive her...." His eyes cleared and he went limp. Must've been sleep talking. I shook my younger brother's shoulders gently, "Wake up Jared." Jared sat right back up,"Huh?..."Then he nodded, pushed me towards the door,and went towards Lari and Gabe.
My body shook head from toe, and I dashed under the trees to the lake. Joy is in trouble. I kept running, my body was radiatting light, looking past the trees and the dark shape of water. Hang in there, Joy, I thought. Slowly, my hands quaked and my legs felt stiffer, and I ran out of the forest, into the lake. The light around me was blinding as I kicked deeper into the murkiness. Something big caught my attention, and as I went deeper, I saw a girl hanging in the soft waves. Joy! I thought, beginning to pull her up. She was stuck by something, on her leg. It was a chain, wrapped to her ankle. I carefully unsnaked it, pulling Joy gently to me along with it. She opened her eyes and saw me, under the water, she looked beautiful. Her hair a wave around our shoulders, her eyes more luminous than the sky or sea, but the smile on her lips took my breath away. It was a dead, peaceful smile, and I quickly grabbed Joy.
The water was getting clear now, I could see the sky. Before the water seemed murky, and it started to get that way again. I looked around as I swam faster, and saw a gash on my Spirit's forehead. She was clinging to me, and I thought my heart would break. I broke through the surface, gasping and carrying Joy to my chest, walked to shore. She felt so light, hollow even, as I carried her. She looked so small in my arms, too. My jacket was on, but once I sat her down on the cool sand, I wrapped it around her.
Her breathing was very shallow and low, it scared me as I watched her chest rise and fall. Joy's eyes were open, surprisingly, staring at me. Her smile was so weak, and yet filled with so much warmth, I grasped her hand. "I'm sorry, Stanwee, I got mad. So---stupid---" She started coughing up water."I got a job, for you, for everyone. They pay well, a hundred tonight. Isn't that great Stanwee, we can buy new plates,and nails, and maybe a new lightbulb!" Her voice was dreamy, and rough. My light was radiatting like crazy, and I picked her up, back into my arms. She let out a long breath, breathing in carefully. The light wrapped around her, and I made sure she was close.
My hair, thankfully long, hid my eyes from her. A tear escaped my eye and fell on her cheek. She blinked and looked at me. I just stared straight ahead, just like when I found her. Joy went still, and I stopped, looking down at her. Her hands went up to smooth my hair away, to look into my eyes. The blue that stared at me, was warm and happy looking, only pain showed in her tightness. She wrapped her arms around my neck, but I started walking again. I felt her wet hair agaist my neck, and somthing warm touched my cheek. I looked down to see what it was but Joy's head was buried in my neck, and her face felt warm."Stanwee, let's go home." I smiled at that and walked back under the forest, takin' my time now.

Joy's POV

I kissed his cheek, clung tightly, and whispered," Stanwee, let's go home."Now I was getting sleepy. Water burned my throat still and I felt numb. But Stanley made all the hurt go away, physically and mentally. When I see him smile, I'm happy, like the others, and with his gift, it actually did help. Under the forest, Stanley kept carrying me, and I seemed heavy, so I sung a song to lighten the mood:
"The sunshine shines for the moon, the moonlight lights for the sun, both equally beautifuul. For both they light or dark the sky, so close yet so far away. The sun the king, the moon the queeeen, living, in harmonyy. That harmony keeps me looking for the sky....." My song echoed ghostily off the trees, and I felt a hum in Stanley's chest. I smiled, it was the first response to any of my songs. Not too far ahead of us the caboose sat, lit nicely. Two torches were lit outside the door, where Jare was sitting. I looked at him and saw the pain on his face and I struggled in Stanley's arms. He looked at me, and I looked ahead. Stanley knew me well. He gently put me

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