» Fantasy » Return, Erin Neylon [best e book reader for android TXT] 📗

Book online «Return, Erin Neylon [best e book reader for android TXT] 📗». Author Erin Neylon

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vision blurred as Lucas landed a solid kick to my ribs making sure that I wouldn’t go anywhere and I was positive that he cracked a few ribs with that one blow. He seemed too strong, yes he was built like a brick wall but it was like getting hit by a wrecking ball.

He continued to taunt me telling me to get up and fight him but every time I tried to sit up he forced me down with either another kick or a punch that would promise bruises.
As I steeled myself for another kick that would most likely render me unconscious. But the blow never came.

Glancing up I saw Nicholas holding Lucas down and continually punching him in the face.
Nicholas looked as though he would kill Lucas. Gathering up the last of my fading strength I managed to croak


With that Nicholas looked to me, I must have looked terrible by the look Nicholas gave me, he got off Lucas who I thought was unconscious and made his was over to me.

I was losing my battle with the darkness that wanted to take me. I managed to stay awake long enough to hear others crashing through the trees towards us. As I drifted off I felt Nicholas lift my head into his lap and whisper.

“I will never let anyone hurt you ever again, I will kill him for touching you” that was the last thing I heard before blackness took me.
Chapter 6

As I ran towards the car I saw my dad and Lishy in the up turned car. I wiggled my way into the ruined car to try and free my family. I heard others coming out of their house to help.

‘LISHY!’ I screamed shaking her then going onto my dad to see if he was awake. I felt for a pulse. There was none. I made my way back to Lishy. As I felt for a pulse I felt something warn and wet slide down my arm I didn’t bother to look at it. I felt a pulse but it was so faint that I wasn’t sure if it was actually there.

‘HELP US!’ I screamed to the on lookers. I head sirens in the background but they were far away they wouldn’t make it on time. I felt a hand on my leg trying to pull me out of the car, I kicked blindly at the person holding my leg and I thought I kicked him because I heard a grunt as my leg hit something solid. ‘Lishy, oh god, Lishy’ I kept blubbering as I stroked her beautiful face that was beginning to grow cold, her brown hair that was a few shades lighter than my own were clotted together by her blood. Her eyes that were blue like my fathers were closed and I knew that I would never see either of those eyes again.

As the sirens finally arrived I felt someone’s big meaty arm clamp around my waist and dragged me from the wreck, I kicked and hit will all my strength when I felt something prick my arm, the last thing I saw was a paramedic crawl into the car take one look at my sister and father and shake his head then my world went black.

My eyelids fluttered open to look at a white ceiling but the room was dark. I started to roll-over but stopped when a bolt of white hot pain shot through me causing me to gasp and tears well to my eyes. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and the events from on the hill came rushing back to me. I tensed up under the hand thinking it was Lucas coming to finish me off.

“You’re awake” said a familiar voice. It was Nicholas.

I turned my head to the left to look at him; it was hard to see his face in the darkness of the room but from what I could see

“No shit” I said, my voice sounding hoarse. “Where’s Lucas?” I asked looking into his dark eyes that were full of relief and concern

“He’s in the other side of the hospital with police in the corridor. He can’t get here no matter how hard he tries. He will be punished for what he did to you” he said in a matter fact tone of voice.

I stated to object; to say that I had cause it, but he cut me off “You scared the shit out me the other day, I was running near when I heard you cry out in pain. As soon as I saw you on the ground I lost it. I would have killed him if you hadn’t told me to stop. I promise, neither he nor anyone else will touch you without your permission” he caressed my cheek.

His hand was large and warm. It was gentle yet his large hand was callused. I leaned into his hand with a sigh looking back at what he said something caught my attention I looked up at him.

“The other day? What day is it now?” I asked him confused.

Its Wednesday, you’re either incredibly stupid or clever to be able to get into a fight and hospitalised on your first day of school” he said with a laugh but he sobered pretty quickly. “You should be discharged in the afternoon or tomorrow. Goodbye” he straightened and just left, leaving be confused and hurt.

‘he was just being nice that’s all’ I thought to myself.

Chapter 7

I was discharged from hospital the next day and wasn’t allowed to go to school for the next week. Over that week at home with my mum either fussing over me or her lecturing me over not getting into fights I had plenty of time to think about Nicholas’s weird mood swings. I had had lots of people coming over with the work I had missed for the week. Each time the doorbell rang my heart would skip a few beats hoping that it was Nicholas and my heart fell when I opened the door to find someone else.

It was Friday when the bell rang again. Mum had popped out to the supermarket so slowly I rose from the couch to go answer the door. All my cuts and bruises had healed thanks to a mutation in my family’s genes which allowed us to heal faster than normal on the outside but inside we took the same amount of time to heal. My ribs started to ache but I ignored the pain. Lucas had cracked 4 ribs and they still hurt like hell. As I reached the door I could tell who it was by the constant knocking

“Hello Kade” I said with a smile.

“Issy! How’s my favourite girl going?” he asked unnaturally happy

“What’s happened?” I asked confused “Your never this happy” over the week I had to stay home Kade had come over every day and we had become great friends.
“Connor happened” he swooned.

“WHAT? Tell me what happened! Don’t forget anything!” I told him leading the way into the lounge room. I lowered myself onto the couch and Kade practically fell into the arm chair with a happy sigh

“Spill” I ordered

“Okay so Coach Keeton gave Connor a detention today and I had one from English cause I laughed when Mr Drew split his pants, I mean everyone did but of course, Drew being the Homophobic prick that he is, chose to give me a detention, so we were sitting in detention and Mrs Arton who was on detention duty left the room for something and Connor just got up, came over to my desk and just kissed me!” he rushed.

“He kissed you?” I squealed like a little kid again

“YES! It was only us in detention and Mrs Arton was gone for like 20 mins and we had like a mini make out session”

“Congratulations!” I said joyfully getting up to hug him. As I was hugging him I looked out the back door and saw a large red-orange wolf standing on our back porch staring at me

“Oh My God” I whispered backing away from Kade; Kade turned around and saw the wolf
“Get in the kitchen.NOW” he yelled when I didn’t move. But I couldn’t it was the wolf I had seem multiple times before and after Lishy’s death.

A rumbling sound started coming from Kade’s chest; it was almost like he was growling.

“Kade?” he looked at me.

His eyes had darkened a few shades and now looked as dark as Nicholas’s “I told you to go to the kitchen. GO! And call Nicholas. Use my phone” he sounded pissed. I never thought that the kind, caring Kade I knew could use that tone.

“Kade, it’s the wolf from the accident. It was there when Lishy died” I whispered.

“CALL NICK NOW!” he yelled. I ran.

As I reached the couch I fumbled with Kade’s jacket he had took off when he came inside. When I finally found his phone I ran to the kitchen.

I scrolled through his contact surprised that he had Nicholas’s number but I would question that later. The phone rang a few times before Nicholas answered.

‘What Kade? I’m not in the mood.’ ‘Nicholas?’ I heard him sit up‘Isabelle? What’s wrong?’ ‘Something’s wrong. There’s a wolf at my house and Kade’s fucking growling at it. He told me to call you. What’s happening?’ I heard footsteps and keys jingling ‘Isabelle. Where’s Kade now?’ he sounded worried ‘He’s in the lounge room. What is happening?’ I was getting to the point of hysterical. ‘Stay there, I’ll be there in a minutes don’t leave wherever you are now. Do you understand?’ ‘Yeah’ I whispered I could hear him close a door and a car engine start up. ‘I’ll be there soon’ then he hung up.

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