» Fantasy » "To God Be The Glory", Jamaal Lovette [short books for teens txt] 📗

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at carnage and learned that fighting for each other would be the test of our lives. Once ideas of success for our future were planned out we would build or scibe to mark the accomplished thought, success was measured here. This is the language of my gift here a world exist for the wise and any other God chosen things. When dealing with people I always build their spirit meaning I build them for life. As a child born king I walked into life with the knowledge of old and learning this currents in life applied my gift of chosen as guidence. My leadership was an example of the things, responsibilities, and plans for success, herogliphics are my thoughts for success. The pictures are the manner of our kingdom and like I said before FAMILY is about matching up to ancient history ad living for God. Everybody wanted to be somebody, and I am KING.In America I would be called American Made Alpha in this life. I'd live in America and I be made by the U.S. Armed Forces, along with my family, I'd write from inside of myself so I can picture my days in Egypt and see myself as I was there here. My life was like life here with American made Alpha it gives me a chance to announce my stature and mature of my calling and family. The thought of Alpha meaning chosen, an Alpha family of old with one vision of hope for all. I am king and in spirit because of my expectaitions for love or God in all things. It is my gift you gotta Love it means the quality of my love is one that must be respected.With all my calling towards god I represent my family so basically my distractioin to life is my real life experiences with them, the gift is more like a family thing. I myself am a son to people who meant a lot to our kingdom so I told myself that my kingdom would be one standing within family and nothing destroyed and rebuilt. Everything in our life was ordered by my grandmothers and my mother and aunts and advisors, As king my grandmother told me my manner was the only thing I needed to attain all of God’s continual blessings for me all day, meaning, behaving correctly, under control and within order to the laws of our land. She said As the chosen one the spirit of love is your power, the ability to make every moment of your life a great one, you work , you work, and you work, on all things at all times, love allows you to do this, and God is love. My family knew these things of me before I realized them, so my hieroglyphs are the manner in which my family taught me the identification of my gifts and responsibilities. Family life was for everyone taught buy our leaders, and I was one, or should I say me and my set, but we were young, and the kingdom before us was ran by my father my uncle Ay and my grandmothers and mother and other aunts and uncles. I planned with everyone, my uncle ay operated the whole, we believe in order, or glory is to God, and our efforts for all. I feel blessed to understand our family, I the chosen one I have been given the task to example or love. Order to the spirit of God first, and all for all. We all worked most of my family worked the castle, there were post to secure and people to be managed, as a family our example lead our kingdom as king I served as the dagger of Amun Ra, his personal security my uncles Ace, a true friend. Certain people in the kingdom had to be secured, I and my uncle ay were two of many who carried security for protection, my gift was protected, I protected my uncle from treason and personal attacks from other older men. I had served at carnage before my uncle ay stood in this day so I knew him and it would be hard for conspiraters to get in between us. The struggle for power never left. Everyone wanted to be king, the respect the people gave, the power, the gold, the women, the children, all of the efforts of our life everyone wanted these things. To be king is to serve, you must make time, success, I lead by example, my kingdom is my heart and my heart is Egypt. Our people live for each other we taught them with the ways of our family.The Decisions to teach this way is what we would meet on, and we would doctrine the life style and nature to our people. It was our swagger. Swagger meant everything but because of our women, we were taught ot always have hope, and to always be mannerable, to always put our women first and to all serve our family with loyalty, and above all. We loved our people so don’t worry, we just understand to with stand time you must protect from inside out. My uncle Ay was like I said a great man, he taught me everything about being the man I needed to be for our people. Healways said to be strong, and to work hard. His percistion to order is what saved our kingdom. He gave me my direction. I only used the gift. Tasks were completed with spirit and grace, life was given through relations between people, our people are big on how and who handle people and things, and the way they do it. We believed in each other, we are the creators of relativity a high when called to secure the walls of a kingdom. Everyone was important, like i said my mother secured the castle along with my brothers, and uncles, all relatives, some of our people would enter at times, but it would be a Disney magic kingdom experience the castle was our personal space so we cherished it. When it came to war the formation of the guards at the front gates is what we used as our defensive front so they would just remain in this position at all times, the foot soldiers would be with me and we would kill at sight, so there were no angles to be used against us, and we practiced hand to hand combat daily. You have to keep in mind that we had to secure our kingdom in a very personal way because it was our family.Out of all of my twin sisters Kiss and Ankeseth are indentical twins, and like i said our trio was set to rule Egypt when our time came, they both are very sweet and very beautiful girls, with more ambition than any animal in the animal kingdom. So we as a family congratulate and cheer for each other each day, and i thank my mother and father for the gift they gave us, and I thank my grandmother for all her duties and responsibilities she uses to groom us all, to God be the glory for Kiss and Ankeseth my mother, my father, my uncle and grandmother, because the days of old have produced some of the worlds most beloved people and the responsibility to me in life is to minister the search for God. To god be the glory is our ancient relationship together, and all of the ways god loves us. Because that was our ancient family motto and as child born king it would be my responsibility to carry on the family pride and that of our nation and people. Our lives have been changed over time and ever since our time in the desert. It is of my conception birth and life to this moment that ment everything. In ancient Egypt when it was time for me to scroll my words on my pillars and posts, I used the words I SPOKE TO HIM EXACTLY of my uncle Ay, because of everything he did for us, FOR me. He is the son of my grandmother, and the rise of our lives, meaning the visions for our people is his plan for life. Its funny how the correspondence of our sets explains reality. Life was aworking one for all people. Social responsibilities began from our wake. From manner to take, we were one with God. A rolex of emotion, cultural virtues, and the break of dawn. Every morning when I would awake it seemed like my dream would bring me into the light of the current day. As king TUT responsibility was high for me. So I wold prepare for the next day the night before. Often I would rehearse my udties for the next day in my mind to assure that Gods’ blessings would roll over from the current day to the next this way there would be a current flow from day to day. I figure dthat if God himself had no rest over us then would apply to his greater plan and use even my rest to continue th duties that he had set from me. My uncle ay made sure I was secure, being the chosen one. I was respected and treated as a gift. He told me that our kingdom was set around me and that even though I couldn’t see it we all understood why. The things that I rememeber the most were the routines and rituals that my father, mother, uncle, and grandmother made sure I did. A lot of my understanding for these things came from my searching thorugh old kingdom palaces in search of truth of others like myself. My uncle always told me that we all were waiting for you and that my placement along with my brothers and sisters would complete our kingdom and mark our destiny at this point. A sign from God that they t had been right in order with him. I was told that the ways of God were his own andthat I was only an element for his greater plan and this is exactly how I feel today. So when I would sleep I would fall asleep thinking about doing the jobs in order of the day ahead of me. I would complete the tsks left form this day and be working thorugh the day in my thoughts to do the things that needed to be done down the line. I usually would work in my thoughts doing everything. I could for our people myself and then challenge my self to do these things in real time. This made my job esier because the tasks were hard but because of my planning I had vision into the moments of pain and struggle which helped me push past the heat and other elemtns and it also helped me delegate duties for my fellow workers. The heat at the high point of the day was the only thing that brought fatigue and discommitment for our workers. Everything was scheduled and routine ordr wa the strength of the kingdom and as superisor it was my responsibility to maintain the pace and assure the job was done from start to finish. Our workers were very strong. People not by selection but by effort and dedication, they too loved Egypt and because we had com from such poor times it was a blessing to even work towards the beauty of our kingdom. I remember telling mself that my body was my gift and that the fact of the duties of our current situation was a gift form God to use myself, but I always understood that our workers needed to be monitored, because they would literally work themselves into the grave. Work was not too hard for our workers. The key was the discipline. I made everything simple. From performing the tasks myself, and I kne to get the people to do it was efficiently as
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