» Fantasy » Do You Think I Care?, Cheyenne Mosher, Jen Q [chrysanthemum read aloud .TXT] 📗

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closer to her chest, keeping it cradled in her cloak and out of view. I could, however, see the blood on the front of her dress and as it trickled down towards her elbow. “It’s ok Hun, I swear. I can help it.” I glanced back at the guys who were tensely yet patiently, sitting and waiting.

“How?” I looked back at her startled, I had not expected her to accept my help at this point let

alone talk to me. she seemed to notice the hesitation, “How can you make it better?” I smiled at her, hoping that would help ease her tension.

“Let me show you dear.” I reached for her hand again, “You just need to give me your hand.”

She glanced at Corey and Xavier hesitantly, but said nothing and slowly scooted towards me.. When

she was just a few inches away, she unwrapped her hand and held it out to me. I placed it in my lap and

looked at the wounds more thoroughly. I had gouged deeper than I thought. and when she released the

pressure from her arm; the blood flowed more quickly.

“Oh I am so sorry. Ok here is what you need to do; keep the pressure on your arm like you had

it before.” I waited for compliance. “Okay now I am going to carefully place the torn skin where it belongs so that I can heal it. This will hurt a little bit, but it would be great if you could keep as quiet as possible.

“Tell me if it hurts too bad and I’ll stop okay?” She nodded and looked nervously at her mangled hand,

expecting the great pain. I was honestly surprised she never cried out in pain when I first attacked let

alone when I broke skin.I then began replacing the skin as best as I could as that was the only way to heal it. She winced when I touched it, but other than that gave no further indication of being in pain. Once I had done the best I could, I took my shirt I wiped up most of the blood. She barely said ow once. I had to admit she was a tough little girl.

“Okay here is the deal, in order to heal you I am going to have to put a great deal more pressure

than I have been or even want to. However, this is the only way it will work.” she shook her head

“I don’t understand what you mean by ‘heal it’. do you mean with potions like my father?” I looked at her

confused, but covered it quickly; I would get to the bottom of that later.

“No, I am a healer.” I said and she gasped “I can say chants and/or spells to heal people the only thing is…....” I would’ve told her that the consequences are that it diminishes my strength, but Corey coughed loudly. This reminded me that we still didn’t know if we could trust her. She seemed not to notice, due to she had suddenly become animated beyond expectation.

“You don’t know how big of a deal this is!” she whispered loudly and excitedly. “My dad said there were no more healers left in existence. We always thought they had died out years ago. He will want to

meet you!” then her face fell “that is; if I ever see him again.”

“Okay dear, how bout I fix you up and you can tell us what is going on. We have to make it quick

though because my pack is waiting for me.” She nodded. I proceeded to say a quick spell. This way the

skin is patched, but there are still scars that will fade as ordinary ones do. I simply sped the healing up to

stop bleeding.

“Well the thing is, is my father is a very strong learned spell caster.” I was shocked, what that meant was he had trained himself to learn spell casting. So he had some powers of a wizard, but it wasn’t

something he was born with. Not everyone could learn powers. Very few were gifted like this and even

though they could not be as strong as most mythically gifted people; it took years to learn these spells

and perfect them. From the sound of it; he father had been at it for a while. “And he was captured by

the Lord of this palace and held captive because the true wizard bloods are good and refuse to help

or associate in the evil of the vampires. So he was forced to partake in their rituals and anything they

needed him for. All in order for the two of us to stay alive,”

“So how did you escape then?” I glanced at the boys who were getting increasingly restless; we

all knew we didn't have much more time. It had been nearly fifteen minutes already and we had no idea

what the others were doing. I could only pray to God that they weren’t doing anything foolish. “And why are you out here?”

She shook her head “It’s a long story and I don’t have time, and considering you are here, you

obviously educated enough to know that if you are here on any important business, that you don’t have

much time either. But I have to save my father and once they find out I’m gone then they will be on alert

and it will a million times harder to accomplish anything. But I swear I will tell you everything when we get outta here.” She looked at me with pleading eyes.

I turned to the boys, “Communicate back to the others the details, and we got to get going.” X


“We already did and they are aware of our new member and such important information as, us having

yet another person to pick up. They aren’t all happy but oh well.” He shrugged and changed and we crept through the bushes with the girl behind us. I realized I didn’t know her name and turned to her only to see a small chocolate brown cat behind me. I must have looked surprised because she changed and then whispered to me.

“You aren’t the only one who can shift form.” I shook my head and grinned thinking ‘if only she

knew’ to myself. ‘

“What’s your name?” I asked keeping one eye on the boys in wolf form already and slinking way


“Aristana” she grinned “but you can call me Star. That’s what my dad calls me” I nodded and

shifted and she followed my lead. I glanced back once to make sure she was still there, and this time I

realized why her dad must call her Star, on her back was a large patch of blackish-blue fur in the distinct

shape of a star. It hit me as oddly familiar, but I couldn’t place it, so I pushed it out of my head. When we reached the others in our group there was no need to explain and I nodded to them, they looked tense and bored. We took off silently through the bushes.

We were close now, maybe twenty yards from the walls and I motioned for the others to stay

in coverage. It was all about stealth from here on out, we could not risk being seen or this place would

become a bloodbath. Those who were instructed to stay back, found good hiding spots in the dense trees and thick scratchy underbrush. I headed over to the door slowly creeping along the wall, I knew I needed to move swiftly and still be as quiet as possible. As I got close to the doors I could feel a presence, I stopped and pressed myself against the wall. I looked around me, but could see no one and I held my breath to listen and yet could hear no one. I was utterly confused, but I knew I was not wrong because whenever I get feelings like this I never am wrong. This is why I am the best hide and seek person ever, because I know when someone is near,

even if I can’t see them. I inched closer to the door, and then stopped dead when I heard a twig snap. My heart literally stopped at that small sound. However, as I thought about it, I realized it couldn’t have been anyone from the pack unless someone was at the doors.

I waited patiently, which was difficult, but necessary, and then I heard it, a slight shuffling sound, someone was standing by the door but was somehow invisible to my eyes, or just invisible period. I could see the dirt shift so I had an idea of where they were at, I got ready to pounce, but just as I did the doors opened and the person became visible. Pressing myself against the wall as tight as I could I listened as the person who came out ordered the other man to follow him and then they walked out in front of me and off into the woods. I didn’t know for sure that the door was unguarded, but waited a few minutes to be sure and then crept up to the door.

I quietly tugged on the door and when it slowly pulled open I said a silent prayer of thanks that it

was quiet. I couldn’t see anyone around, and as I worked to steady my breathing, I realized I couldn’t hear anyone either.


Text: Me
Images: idk
Editing: Me and Jen
Translation: it wasn't
Publication Date: 04-15-2014

All Rights Reserved

To My sister who loves these stories and was the reason I began this story. To Jen because she really liked it, so thanks for the support.

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