» Fantasy » Two Paths Meet, Brittany A. [the best electronic book reader .TXT] 📗

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agrees. Then she looks at her bed and pulls her knees to her chest and sits quiet. “So I should do what I preach. Do you like him?” he asks her quietly. She is still looking at her bed and says, “Well I guess I should since we’ve been friends for a long time but I just don’t like him in the same way. I just don’t see Brandon and me in a relationship, because I see him flirt with other girls while he was dating another girl and I don’t understand why he would do that to his girlfriend or if it was a way to make me jealous or something. I just find myself being pulled away every time and he does not notice at all. And then he wants to get the same attention he got from the other girl while he was going out with someone else from me and I won’t give it to him, so he just keeps on, like it’s some kind of game or something. But I don’t want to play that game with him… oh I’m sorry I’m rambling on.” Then he says, “Well if you don’t want to deal with the game why don’t you just tell him how you feel about it and ask him to stop?” She smiles and says, “Well you make it sound so easy but life is never as easy as people make it out to be.” They sit in silence for a while and then Ren asks, “Are you tired Alex?” She looks at him and nods. “Yeah I just can’t seem to sleep.” He gets up and walks over to her bed and sits down next to her. “Here hold still for as second” he tells her as he puts his hands on her temples and mumbles and few words. She starts to feel her eyes closing and Ren gently putting her head on her pillow.
~ ~ ~ ~

Alex woke up at 6:00 am before Ren had got up. She got some clean cloths and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. But when she got out into the hallway she saw her parents’ bedroom light on thought the crack in the door because it was not closed all the way. So she slowly walked up to the door to listen to her parents. She hears her mom say, “Do you really think that we should send Alex to the all-girls school?” Then she hears her dad, “Yes I do she does not need to be having boys mess with her mind at a serious time in her learning period at this age.” Then she hears someone sit on the bed and her mom says, “Well her grades have been straight A all year, and that really good.” She can hear someone shaking their head. “No it is not she needs to be getting straight A+’s if she wants to get into a good college and make something of herself.” Her mom breaths out and says, “Well how about we wait and see if she can get A+’s for the rest of the year and A’s on her exams then we’ll leave her in her school but if she doesn’t then she will go to an all-girls school next year. How about that?” there is a long pause between her parents. “Fine, but we will not tell her, because if we do it will only push her and she needs to learn to push herself.” Alex waited to hear if there was any more of the conversation, but someone turned out the light and her parents went back to sleep. So Alex went and took her shower and from then on she knew she had to work harder in school if she wanted to go to school with Ren.
• • • •
When school is over that day its Friday so the weekend had started and Alex was so glad because there would be no school for two days. Ren and Alex were about to leave the school grounds and go to her house when Brandon found them. “Alex wait I need to talk to you” he told as her ran to catch up with them. Ren and Alex stop and turn around and Brandon stops and takes a breath. “I need to talk to you privately” he says and Alex looks at Ren and nods that’s its ok. He nods in response and walks away from her and Brandon. Then she turns to Brandon. “Ok so what is it that you need to talk to me about?” she asks him. He looks her in the eyes and say, “Um… I was wandering if you wanted to go to the prom with me even though it’s like 3 weeks away.” She wanted to smack her forehead she had forgot about prom. She looked down then at Brandon, then at Ren, and remembered what he said about telling Brandon how she feels, and then again at Brandon. She knew that Brandon would keep going in the same direction with her if she did not say something to him and that would not be far to him if she didn’t. So she looked him in the eyes and said, “Brandon, in what way do you mean go to prom with you?” He looked at her confused then said, “As a date of course.” She then knew she had to say something. “Brandon, I… um… I don’t think I can go to prom with you because I don’t really feel the same way about you, and I sorry for that.” He just looked at her with shock in his face and then sadness. He looked down and said, “I understand and I thank you for telling me the truth, but I don’t think we can be… be friends anymore because if I hang out with you I’m afraid my feeling might grow when you have no feeling for me… I’m sorry Alex and I really do hope you can forgive me later in life.” Then he turned away without looking at her and walked away.
• • • •
Ren saw Alex look at him then look at Brandon. He could she her ask him something and he replied. But it took her s second or two to say something else. And when she did he seen the shocked look on Brandon’s face then the very sad look. He saw Brandon look down and say something to Alex then walk away. He looked at Alex and he saw her sit down on the ground, lean up agents the fence and pull her knees to her chest. Then she put her head between her knees to cover her face. Then he definitely knew something was wrong and he ran over to her and bent down next to her. “Alex what happened, happened between you and Brandon?” he asked her. She looked up and looked at him. He saw the tears running down her face. “He asked me to prom and I told him how I felt, and he got really sad and said it was better if we weren’t friends anymore.” He hugged her and pulled her close to him and said, “I’m so sorry Alex I did not mean for that to happy when I told you to tell him how you felt. I am so, so sorry.” She just leaned it closer to him as he hugged her and said, “Its ok, it was better for the both of us if he knew the truth and so later he could not say that I was miss leading or something worse… It’s for the… the best.”
• • • •
She doesn’t really remember how she got home that day after school all she really remembers is Ren holding her as she cried be the fence at the school. But when she woke up it was about 10:30 that same night and it was dark in her room. She looked around then found her lamp next to her bed and turned it on. Then she looked around for Ren and she found him right next to her asleep. She let out a breath in surprise. What had is done that day that she could not remember. When she let out that breath in surprise Ren woke a little and sat up. He rubbed his eyes because of the light. He looked at her and asked, “Are you feeling better?” She nodded a little and said, “What exactly happened after you brought me home earlier? I can’t seem to remember.” He looked her in the eyes and said, “Well I brought you in here and was trying to get you to sleep but you stated crying again every time I let you go so laid down next to you so you would have some kind of peace and after a while you feel asleep and so did I.” she looked down in barest and said, “I sorry about that.” He nodded a little and said, “Its ok you lost a life time friend, the pain of it will cause people to do unexpected things so its fine.” She smiled a little and lay back down. She looked Ren in the eyes and was really glad that she had found the notebook and that she had got to meet him. Then all of asunder Ren lend in closer to her and kissed her on the lips. She was so surprised that he did that and surprised that he was kissing her gently and softly.
• • • •
Ren pulled away sharply and got up out of the bed and faced the invited guest that only he could see and hear. “Well, well, well Ren I never thought the day would come when you would go soft for a human,” said the uninvited guest which whom Ren knew. “Kenny what are you doing in the human world?” he asked. “Ren who are you talking to?” Alex asked. Then Kenny laughed and said, “That’s right she can’t see me well wait a minute for me to change.” He waited a minute and the he heard Alex breath in, in surprise and he knew she could she her.
• • • •
Alex was not expecting to see what she saw. She saw a pretty girl in her room facing Ren and her. She had black hair and red highlights and was about as tall as her maybe a bit taller. “Hello human, I can see you’ve made my friend here go soft. That’s not good were we come from” the girl said to her. “Kenny again I ask you ‘why are you here’?” Ren asked. Kenny smiled and said, “well the big man was wondering where you were so he sent me to find out, so here I am and I find out your bound to a human and in love with the same human. Ren we both know that’s no good. What do you think will happen to you when she dies and you have to on
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