» Fantasy » The Fire Haired Girl, Kirashon [best electronic book reader .TXT] 📗

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him before departing.

I took his arm as he offered it, not wanting to offend him of all people. He was surprisingly very warm, I thought he would have a slightly cold atmosphere around him considering his viciousness in battle.
“Are you going to tell me your name.......?”
I glanced up, momentarily meeting dark eyes with a glimmer of dark green in them. “Katrina, your highness.”
“I see, you've caused quite the commotion here.”
I blushed slightly in embarrassment, “I'm sorry, my prince..”
He waved his free hand dismissively, “It's quite fine, good to get the place moving every now and again I suppose. And by the way, you may call me Vlad, only if I get to call you Katrina, instead of 'Miss Grimsver.” I could sense the humor in his voice, and I never took him to being to the type to talk lightly about titles.
“O-Of course..... Vlad..” It made me worried to say his name, I was being very cautious, not trying to make him to angry or upset him, The Prince was indeed known for his nasty temper.

“Good, now that we have that settled, let's talk about your... gifts.”
After a long, long, walk through the massive castle and getting verbally interrogated by The impaler prince, several topics he got quite touchy on. Especially since he asked most of the questions and allowed me to ask my own, but when it came to his background information he got snappy and aggressive, so I left that topic alone.

We arrived in what I assumed to be a training field where several servants led me away to a dressing room and put me in light fitting metal armor, and was custom made to fit a woman of my size, before leading me back out. The prince was still there waiting patiently. “If you are going to learn to fight, it's best you learn to fight as a human in case you need to switch rather quickly. Do you know how to wield a blade? Or bow?” He frowned when I shook my head and sighed, “Very well, Farinson!”
A giant of a man trotted over with surprising grace for someone his size, he was easily 6'4'' and his shoulders were twice of the width of mine, and his body as well was covered in armor. “Yes, Prince Vlad?”
He gestured to me, “I will leave her training here to you, Katrina this is Jagr Farinson, captain of the guard, Jagr, this is Katrina... The one we spoke about.”
The tall man nodded several times eying me up and down, “Yes, yes I remember, alright I will do my best.”
“Excellent. I must hold court so I do not have time to spectate at the moment.” with a wave of his hand Vlad strode back into the door we entered in with several of his entourage behind him.
“Alright little lady, let's see what you can do as far as handling a blade.” And we discovered I wasn't good with any blade, but I did best with the two handed broadsword, but all of the ones given were to large. I worked best with a bow and traps, proving to have exceptional aim.
And days went on like that, sometimes the prince would watch, but mostly just me and Jagr, and he had become a father figure to me, and never gave any compliments just kept pushing me to be better, which I had to admit was a good strategy.
Days were melding together and it was repetition, repetition, make sure to never to this in that situation or this situation. It was always, get up, get armor, train, eat, study, train, meet and converse with the nobles or Vlad himself, but that was rare, train, then sleep.
This day though A servant ran in the middle of practice and said Vlad wished to see me, so I had to run to get myself ready, and let the servant lead me to his study, which was odd considering I've never had the chance to go there. We waited a moment after knocking, then entered the servant closing the door behind him as he nervously ran off.
“Ah, there you are, I was beginning to grow inpatient.” I looked to the end of the room to see in sitting near a fire place in a throne placed there, with an old looking book spread across his lap. “sit down, I merely wish to speak with you.” I did as I was told, seeing him close the book and set it on the end table next to him, “I was just informed of some interesting news regarding your family..” My heart pounded in my chest, “What...” I croaked out quietly, “What happened to them?” He studied me for a moment before leaning back and relaxing, “Something very interesting... It seems the Prince of Hungary took your sister's hand in marriage, quite the odd event don't you think?” My body relaxed suddenly, “Are they well?”
“But of course, more than that. The Prince Deredon spoils them practically, and takes his your sister everywhere with him, attached at the hip those two are.”
“Oh..” I looked down and fumbled with my hands nervously, “Is that all you wished to discuss...?
“No, but the other... topics will have to wait until you get more adjusted here.”
I nodded and after saying a farewell I departed off to my room quietly.

Publication Date: 07-16-2012

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