» Fantasy » Awake, Anaya Phoenix [to read list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Awake, Anaya Phoenix [to read list .TXT] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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me, my wolf is fuming inside of me. Is he serious!? She screams at me, which is just making me mad. How can he call us his daughter after he just hurt us!? She growls at me and I growl at him.
“never” we say in unison and we bite his paw, he turns and gets a gash across his paw, while he’s distracted we lunge for his neck. We don’t bite down we just hold it between our jaws and let him feel our teeth.
“submit father” she growls and I sneer. He whines and I let him go. I change and realize I changed and I’m fully clothed. Cool! I turn to look at mommy and micah and see they have huge eyes. My mother’s is full of tears and micah’s are full of wonder and excitement.
“do you know what you’ve just done?” my mother whispers
“I told the pushy wolf to leave my father alone” I say in a “duh” voice.
“no” micah shakes his head “you’ve just become alpha”.

FLIPPING AWESOME!!! Not only am I imprinted, but I’m imprinted with an alpha! Could my life get any better!? I think not. She wrinkles her eyebrows and then her face clears, the same time I smell something. It’s like how her mother smells but instead of earth it’s water. I turn around and see the man that was here earlier,
“please tell me you know him” I whisper to her mom pleadingly. She has to know him, that’s why he keeps coming here right? I smell her anger before I look to her, her nostrils are flared and her eyes are black.
“I thought I told you not to ever come back here again” she says through her teeth, the man is far but he hears her,
“you did, but something tells me you knew I would come back lexy” he says sincerely
“don’t, you don’t get to call me that” she snaps and steps forward.
“leave here creature,” I tell him and his blue eyes snap to mine “you are not wanted here, and this is not your region”
“it is not her region either feline” he spits at me and his eyes swirl raspberry.
“it is truth you speak sprite, but she has been nothing but peaceful. Her and her cub,”
“her daughter is of no concern of yours” he spits at me
“and neither is she of yours, now as I said before leave” I clench my fists. He’s really starting to aggravate me.
“I will stay as long as I want to” he tries to charm be but it doesn’t work, I’m more dominant than him. Felines are stronger than magical creatures, since we ourselves contain magic. It may not be a lot but we have it
“your spells have no allure to me, leave now or me and my tribe will kindly show your face to your hide” I say as lightly as I can.
“Micah stop it,” Elizabeth says to me, putting her hand on my arm, the contact startles me but it calms me down.
“leave zhafar, or I will keep my promise” her mother says, her voice has turned from calm to cold and deadly.
“do your worst lexy” he says tauntingly and I know, that if elizabeth’s mom is anything like her daughter, this will not end well.

I tired to calm Micah down, and then mommy gets upset. How on god’s green earth am I supposed to calm her down. Once she makes up her mind about something there is absolutely no changing it. The man mommy called zhafar looks at me and smiles, I don’t know why but I feel safe with him. Involuntarily I take a step toward him, wrong move. Instantly I have a wolf and a cougar cub in front of me snarling.
“STOP IT!!!” I yell at both of them, they’ve gotten on my nerves, naturally they ignore me so I tap into the power that I felt earlier.
“stop it right now” I say to them simply and they slink down to the floor whining and growling, I look to the man who has now come out of the wooded area and I can see his pale blue striked hair.
“who are you?” I ask carefully, he looks at me for a while longer then answers,
“I am zhafar, water sprite of claren, and you are Elizabeth water sprite of Helen” he smiles, a truly astonishing smile.
“Elizabeth, come here right now” mommy snaps, I can hear the anger in her voice, but I don’t care. Not when someone so beautiful is standing right before me. His eyes are blue, not blue like when I’m scared but a sparkling blue. The color of the sea I just saw. He smiles again, no doubt he heard my thoughtsm I smile back and blink my eyes. Strong arms hold me around my shoulders and lift me up. Micah.
“stop it let me down” I kick against him but keep eye contact with zhafar,
“no, you stop flirting with other people when we’re imprinted” he growls at me. Flirting? Is that what I was doing? I have absolutely no idea.

I can’t believe this! First my wall against their magic weakens and then Elizabeth starts practically falling over her feet to walk to him. Seriously, they never warned me about this, they never said that imprinted people would be able to flirt with other people. She starts kicking my shins and I growl low to warn her, instead she just growls back at me but stays still anyway. I take her back to her den and plunk her on the floor, she turns on me,
“you had absolutely no right to do that!” she yells at me, her eyes swirling gray
“you had absolutely no right to flirt with another person while imprinted with me!” I yell back she puffs up her chest,
“how do you even know where imprinted, your way older than me, you’re a cat, and I don’t even like you!” she yells back
“ok, one I’m only three years older than you, two I’m a cougar not a cat and three it doesn’t matter if you like me or not. We’re imprinted and that’s that, it still gives you no right to make googly eyes at another boy!” I know I sound possessive but I cant help it. She’s mine and she shouldn’t be thinking about being someone elses!
“I can make googly eyes at whatever boy I want to thank you very much! And you don’t own me you stupid pushy cougar” she spat the last word,
“well, I’d rather be a stupid pushy cougar then a stupid pushy wolf” she growls and steps closer to me, dangerously close to me
“and what does that mean micah?” she says through clenched teeth. Her eyes are as black as midnight and I know I shouldn’t push her but I cant help it.
“it means that you, your father and your pack are stupid pushy wolves” I tell her matter- of- factly. She pushes my chest and unprepared for it I fall to the floor, she gets on top of me straddling my stomach,
“take it back or else” she says dangerously
“or else what?”
“or else this” she tickles me, she starts to tickle my ribs and to my horror I giggle. Me, I giggle!
“do you give up?” she stops abruptly her eyes green again, I spin over so that she’s under me,
“never” I say then start to tickle her. She giggles and kicks but her attempts are futile, I tickle her mercilessly until she has tears from out of her eyes,
“do you surrender?” she takes a breath
“yes” she nods and I start to get up. Wrong move. she wraps her legs around my waist and hosits her sefl up, then she climbs on my back like a monkey spider and covers my eyes with her hands.
“a future tip,” she whispers in my ears “wolves and girls never give up” she says, she bounces up and down on my back,
“now giddy up, I would like a tour of the den village please”

Hah! I fooled him, he thought I was upset, I’m pretty sure I got my eyes to change too. I know wolves are pushy and stupid, like my father’s but my wolf is sweet and timid. Most of the time. He starts to walk outside and I unwrao my hands of his eyes and onto his shoulders.
“onward” I say loudly and he winces “sorry” I mutter, and he starts to walk again. Everyone looks at us, some smiling and some curling their lip in disgust, well I don’t really care
“neither do I” my wolf says. I smile and micah stops, I don’t know why he’s stopped until I see that mommy and daddy are staring at us. Mommy with content and daddy with distrust,
“don’t be afraid” I whisper in his ear
“afraid, me” he snorts “never” I smile and we walk toward my parents.
“hey daddy, mommy” I say when we’re close enough for them to hear me without me screaming in his ear.
“I have my own chariot” I tell them
“I see” daddy grumbles and push inside a little bit and see that his wolf is growling but once I give a low warning growl I hear daddy whine,
“I really wish you wouldn’t upset him like that” he holds his head
“well if I’m alpha,” I say as I get off his back with his help “he has to listen to me and I don’t like him growling and snapping at my mate” I tell daddy. I look up into his green eyes and pat his cheek
“besides it hurts when your wolfs angry” I say simply. Then I look at mommy, who’s eyes are brown again
“what happened with the man?” I try to say nonchanantly but I think micah heard the little hint of want so he gives a low warning growl. I blush and look at mommy who has grey eyes now
“he’s gone now, nothing to worry about” I can tell she’s still trying to keep the motherly tone so I just leave it at that.
“can we go flying again?” I ask her, she blinks once
“sure, umm let me get ready” she nods then walks toward the den. I smile toward the direction she disspaears and then bam! I’m feeling really weird, I take a breath and fall to my knee’s. whats happening? My wolf screeches at me, why are we feeling like this? I don’t know I tell her and then I smell him. He’s doing this, im not sure but I know he is.
“whats wrong,
?” I hear daddies voice say and I feel micahs arms go around me,
“your not gonna leave me again” he says roughly then he yells into the sky,
“show yourself,, I’ve had enough of your games!” his voice sounds really angry, I try to focus on it but slowly I’m going away. I cant move my arms anymore or my legs so I watch as blue mist forms together and I see the man. He’s looking down at me with happiness, why is he happy ooh look pretty colors!
“what are you doing to her?” micah and daddy growl out together,
“im doing nothing, her first sprite change is happening and I think it’s
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