» Fantasy » Dragons Blood, Gemma Scott [best memoirs of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Dragons Blood, Gemma Scott [best memoirs of all time .txt] 📗». Author Gemma Scott

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before she turned towards him as fear clogged the air and was evident in her pale face as her gaze connected with his. She turned suddenly and ran as if her life depended on it and at this moment it certainly did.

The urge to chase his pray was extremely strong he couldn’t let her escape. He had to chase her down. She was his. But at that exact moment he had to let her go. He had to wait until she was fully mature and awakened. And from what Eder had said he wouldn’t have to wait long.

Chapter 5


“She’s coming back.”

“She’s heading this way.”

“We have to tell the master.”

“No we must capture her and take her back as we do not want to alert the master before we do so,” the voice carried clearly through the shadows as the dark creatures hidden in the shadows bristled nervously as they awaited there targets return. 


“Don’t look back. Don’t look back. Don’t look back.” Sky said with every careful step she took. The steps were weathered and some brittle with their age but that didn’t put off Sky she just knew she had to escape from Eric. The fire she had felt when she had touched Eric was spreading and intensifying with in her body. Her limbs were acing but she wasn’t sure if it was the fact she clambering as fast as possible up the steep steps or from the incident back on the beach.

  She looked up just as she came across the tree which had looked to be growing from the stairs but in fact it was hiding a large ledge. Sky collapsed on the ledge gasping for air. She rolled onto her back and stared up to the top of the cliff then onto the sky above.

She then rolled onto her side before pushing up into a sitting position and looked over the edge. Eric still stood in place his eyes following her every movement. Sky struggled to look away as his still golden gaze stared back. Sky’s eyes began to burn as she stared back at him a look of surprise came over Eric’s face which confused Sky.


  Eric watched her progress as she clambered up the stairs at the briskest pace she could manage. As she began to reach the realm entrance she began to tire. It was evident in her movement. It looked as though she was struggling to carry a heavy burden. As she reached the great Tree she collapsed on the smooth stone of the ledge. A low growl/whimper escaped Eric as he watched her struggle to sit up. Her wary gaze turned towards him as they made eye contact Eric knew his eyes would be glowing gold due to the clarity of his vision and the fact he could make out every detail of the youngling on the ledge. A look of discomfort crossed Sky expression as he again met her gaze. To his surprise her sky blue eyes had turned a vivid purple.

  It was happening to quickly she should have awakened a while ago but now that she was it was too quick. Eric knew he would have to send a letter to the elders to find out if the rate of awakening wasn’t happening at a damaging rate for her. She was grumbling to herself as she forced her gaze away from his. When she looked back her eyes were back to the sky blue colour they normally were. Strange emotions were running through Eric and he didn’t like it. They made him feel vulnerable.


  “Right. Up I get and onwards and upwards,” she said to herself as she struggled to haul herself up. Something caught her eye on the face of the rock but when she turned to look at the cliff face there was no sign of whatever had drawn her attention. She turned to the steps that went upwards and began to climb. She didn’t have to worry about them crumbling as these steps were in a much better condition than those below.

 The burning still plagued her limbs however to a lesser extent than before. Reaching the last step Sky looked up shocked to find that there was still a few feet of cliff to climb. She shook her head before looking down. She took a sharp intake of breath before looking away from the drop that she had already taken once before and had no wish to take again. She turned to face the jump upwards that she was forced to make.

 She leapt grabbing onto the edge and managed to swing her body up and hook a knee over before rolling her body over and away from the cliff edge. She lay there breathing hard as her brain struggled to get the oxygen it needed to function properly. What the hell. What the Hell. What the HELL. She screamed internally since she was panting too hard to speak let alone scream it.

  Just as she had recovered enough energy to sit up. She was alerted to the fact that she may just have stepped out of the frying pan and into the fire as an up roar of caws, croaks and gurgling sounds. Sky cringed as a flock of large black birds took to the sky. They circled above where she lay before gathering together and began diving towards her. They weren’t just any black birds they were ravens.  An unkindness of ravens. Sky was sure the raven at the front was the same one from earlier.

  As the birds rapidly approached Sky couldn’t help but scream before throwing her arm over her face to stop the black raptors. She rolled to the ground in a foetal position as a large gust of wind caught her hair sending it waving around her head to then lie on the dusty ground. A few moments passed before Sky realised the birds hadn’t reached her and that a misty heat was surrounding her. Sky opened her eyes and found it strangely dark as she tried to focus her sight on just what was blocking the light she could make out a scale like pattern. Her fuzzy brain couldn’t quite make out just what the object above her was. That was until it shifted its position as a ferocious growl rippled from the dark creature that stood above her.





Hi Guys.

Hope you are enjoying my Story so far. I will try and update it as often as possible but due to work commitments, my horses and my other animals I am struggling to find the time. So please bare with me.


Chapter 6

The great beast that stood protectively over her continued to growl as Sky lay on the ground shaking uncontrollably. The cries of the birds ceased as the beast lifted its head in the air before letting out a torrent of fire.  Sky scrambled backwards away from the intense heat before tripping up and colliding with a solid object behind her. She put her hand out to balance herself on the object only to find it had a similar pattern and feeling to the stone statues in the woods just smoother.

Hot air brushed against the back of her neck and she tensed. A low grumbling sound reverberated in the air surrounding her as she stiffly turned around. Two large nostrils were blowing hot air in her face causing her to again stubble backwards hitting the solid object again. As the nostrils lowered towards the ground, a pair of striking gold eyes flecked with blue stared at her. Light began to return as the dark cover above retracted and the object behind her moved as the moved a little away from her. Allowing Sky to get a proper look at the beast’s body.

“D..D…D..D..dragon.”  She had been going to shout but had struggled to even whisper the name of the mythical beast that now stood silently watching her. Its black scales caught the light giving of a purple and blue sheen as its haunches moved with every great breath it took. Its great head had two large looking horns which were followed by spikes that ran from the back of its skull down to its shoulder blades. Folded at its sides were two very large wings covered in thousands of very small scales that gave it a leather like appearance.

 “SKY. SKY. WHERE ARE YOU?” Rachel’s cry called the dragon’s attention. Sky took one last look at the beast before bolting for the forest behind it. A low screech sounded from the dragon as Sky continued running heading in a roundabout direction towards the voice that called her. She continued to push herself faster as the snap of a branch behind her alerted her to a pursuer. Despite the extra speed she wasn’t gaining any ground in fact it seemed as though her pursuer was. She dashed right suddenly doing a U turn before darting behind a tree trying to get a look at who was chasing her as it certainly wasn’t the dragon that was nimbly darting through the trees.


She had ran again despite the fact he was helping her. He watched as she ran into the forest. Towards danger. Before he changed swiftly into his naked human form which with a quick glance down wards was then covered in the swimming shorts he had been wearing earlier and a pair of running shoe on his feet. He then turned towards the direction Sky had taken and followed opening up his senses as he caught the slight scent of her blood, she must have scraped herself, increasing his speed he quickly began to gain on her as the sound of her running feet pounded in his head. A branch snapped  bellow his foot alerting the running Sky to his pursuit he continued on trying to gain a bit of ground before jumping up and grabbing a branch to hold onto as Sky darted around a large tree.

The flapping of wings above caught Eric’s attention as a raven landed in the tree above where Sky stood.

“SKY. SKY. WHERE ARE YOU?” called the bird. A look of shock flashed across Skys face before it turned to fear.

  Sky looked up before jumping backwards and tumbling over a tree root. The bird looked down at her before it seemed to lose its physical form. It became a shadow, a dark entity. An eerie laugh sounded from the dark shadow that was floating around the branches above her. It began to slither down the tree towards the trembling Sky.


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