» Fantasy » BittenSweet., Roxanne Rain. [books to read in a lifetime txt] 📗

Book online «BittenSweet., Roxanne Rain. [books to read in a lifetime txt] 📗». Author Roxanne Rain.

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too.." I stuttered again. 

He held his head up, his eyes began to glisten again. He was happy. He began to smirk at me. Oh cheese balls. Why did i say that. My cheeks still burned. I tried to loose eye contact with him but he just held his stare. I looked down at my phone. 12:45am.


"Gahh" I cried out.  "What? What is it?!" Beau asked.  "I really need to be getting home. I shouldn't even be out at this time." I started to rush. Panicking.  "Savh. Savh. Savh!" He stood there holding my shoulders trying to calm me down.  "Do you want me to drop you home?! I got a car, it'll be much warmer and quicker." He insisted, pointing to his now visible car at the corner of the road. It was a Fiskar Karma. I've always wanted one. I began to grow strangely jealous of him. We both walked over to the car in complete silence. He unlocked the car and opened the door and closed it for me. "Thanks." I broke in. "Anytime." he implied.


He then walked over to his side and climbed in. He started to rev the engine and flashed me a cheeky grin before pulling out and driving down the road. It was a full fifteen minute journey by car. Still none of us said a word. No music either. It was just a simple but yet awkward silence, i was really tired, i started to fall asleep in his car. He stopped the car for a while and pulled out a blanket from the back and covered me with it. Then started driving again. Soon we approached my house. I never noticed that he had pulled up right onto my drive. At this point i was fast asleep. He gently shook me. 

"Savhie.." he whispered. "Savhiiiiieee, your home" "urrr..." I moaned. "Promise not to leave me Beau.." i mumbled in my sleep. He began to chuckle, trying not to wake me up. "..I won't" he whispered, as he pushed my hair behind my ear.   

He took my keys out my pocket, got out his side of his of the car. He began to open my side and taking off my seat belt, i shifted to the side almost dropping out the car. The shock of it woke me up.   

"Huhh?! What!!?? Where am i??!" I looked around in shock, while jumping up out of the car managing to hit my head on the roof. Thump "Ow ow owww" I sat back down rubbing my head.  "Are you alright?" Beau asked kneeling next to me, while trying not to laugh at my pain.  "Yeah, im alright..." i lied as i began to stand up.  ".. just want to get to my bed. Thanks for dropping me home ." I tutned and smiled at him, while holding me head. I started to walk to my door. Standing at the door i looked for my keys. "Ermm where are my keys, i took them with me. no them too!!" i thought out loud.

All of a sudden i heard a jingle of keys. I turned around, and looked at Beau. He was standing there with my keys in his hands. Why did he have them?!! "You fell asleep so i took your keys to get you inside, but then you woke up and i thought you'll be arlight to get in yourself." "But You still got my keys.." I turned to him and pointed them out.  "Well you didnt give me a chance to give them to you" he annoced placing them in my hands. "Well I'll be off, see you at school tomorrow Savhanna." He turned and waved and began walking to his car. I didnt want him to go. I wanted him to stay. What was this feeling that was coming over me. I wanted him. But was i able to have him. Gahh! Why did he kiss me, why did i happen to meet him. I took a step forward as he moved. I reached out and grabbed the back of his jacket. "W-Wait.." I mumbled, holding my head down as i blushed. What am i doing. Why was i acting like this. These feelings. This heart beating. This Love?!  "Huhh?" He turned and looked at me. "I-I dont want you to go" I mumbled again. "Well, dont worry Savh. You'll see me at school." He smiled, as he placed his hand under my chin lifting up my head. "O-Okay." I half smiled at him. "Stuttering again." He chuckled. "Love that about you. I'll be going now Savh." He turned again and began to walk off. I pulled him by his jacket again, causing him to stop and turn around once more. "What is it Sa.." Before he could even finish, i had thrown my arms around his neck and faceplanted my lips on his. I went to pull off but he began to kiss me back. This caused me to fall back to my feet and stumble backwards, his arms was already around my waist, supporting me. This kiss was more pasionate, more loving then the one he had given me when we was out by the bench. I began to pull off, but i wanted more. He denied my request. He flashed me a cheeky grin, then looked at the door. "Dont you think its time for bed?" He asked, smiling at me. He was still holding me by my waist. "I-I dont want you to go" I stared back at him, into his glistening loving green eyes. "Well you'll see me tomorrow. I promise."  He leant forward and kissed my forehead letting me go. "Okay." I sulked. I turned around and walked to my door, opening it and walking off inside. I stayed at the door, watching him through the window, as he walked to his car, pulling out the driveway and drove off down the road, into the early morning sky. I brushed my lips with the tips of my fingers. SAVH! a voice in my head scream. You kissed him didnt you. You liked it didnt you. You want him dont you. I shook my head, blushing in the face that i really did want him, i really did like the kiss we shared. I ran upstairs to my room, pulling off my sweats, and climbing into bed. I yawned as my head hit the pillow. I closed my eyes, playing that same scene in my head over and over. Did he really mean it. When he said, by "you'll see me tomorrow. I promise." I let out another huge yawn and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4

Bzzzt. Bzzzt. My phone alarm went off. I yawned helplessly, and turn the alarm off.  

I rolled over on to my side and stared blankly at the wall.  

What happen last night? I ran the scene where I threw my arms around him and kissed him. I shook my head, nope that did not happen it was all a dream. Bang bang. A loud knock hit my door


"Savhhh!!" Kayleigh screamed "Savhiee are you up yet?!"   “ Yeahh! I'm up." I yawned as I began to climb out of bed, just sitting on the edge. "Okays. Mums taking me to school now see you later," she shouted while running down the stairs. "SAVH! DON'T BE LATE! Love you." mum shouted before slamming the door shut.

I turn and picked up my phone, checking the time. 8:01am.  

"Oh crapp!” I shouted I immediately threw my phone back on to my bed and ran to my bathroom. I quickly turned on the shower, stripped down and jumped in. I didn't care if it was too hot or too cold I just needed to get ready in time. I quickly washed myself with my lemon & lime shower gel and washed it off. Turning off my shower I grabbed my towel wrapped it around me and ran out the bathroom and to my closet. I pick out matching lilac bra and panties and pulled them on. I heard my phone vibrating on my bed; I turned my head to it. Ahh it’s only gonna be Karai asking where am I. I quickly pulled on my dark red skinnys and black tank top, before running to my phone and picking it up.

Two New Messages.

2 Messages?! Karai must really be worried. I unlocked my phone while walking back to my closet to grab my black “DORK” jumper threw it over my shoulder and headed to door. I picked up my school bag and ran downstairs, throwing it against the door. Sitting on the steps, I started to check my texts.



Message 1

8:17am - Le Karai ^^~


It’s Okays. I forgive you ^^. But didn't see you at the bus stop. Running late?! D:   Hurry and get your butt to school. Talk to you later!!

*                  *                  *


End of Message.



Message 2

8:37am - BeauBear. Good morning, sleepy head  Don’t be late for school. See you there (;

*                  *                  *

End of Message.



BEAU! How in the world did he get my number!! The it hit me. I remember when I went out to get my phone. I placed my palm to my face. How did I forget about that? Darnnn 8:44am just missed my bus. I quickly dragged on my black vans and I ran straight into the kitchen and grabbed my books, stuffed them in my bag and ran for the door. Its gonna be a 45 minute journey by walking. 



“Gahhh” I screamed. I ran straight to my garden and picked up my skateboard. I was only using it for a quicker travel instead of me having to walk. I ran through the kitchen pulling on my jumper, threw my bag over my shoulder, and ran out the front door locking it behind me. I threw my skateboard down on the driveway, hopped on, and skated off towards school. I plugged in my headphones and started to sing and play A Match Into Water - Sleeping With Sirens.

“Let's go! I kissed the scars on her skin; I still think you're beautiful. And I don't ever want to lose my best friend. I screamed out, "God, you vulture, Bring her back or take me with her" Tear it down, break the barricade I want to see what sound it makes I hate this flavour with a passion and I fucking hate the aftertaste. How does it feel? How does it feel? Well it feels like I'm on fire!...”


After a few minutes, I realised that a blue car was following me. I kept seeing it in the corner of my eye, I started to speed up I felt creeped out. Coming to a standstill where I had to stop and wait for the traffic light to change, I waited impatiently, I wanted it to hurry and change. The car slowly pulled up in front of me. I looked up at the sky, not trying to take any notice of the car. The window began to slowly wind down, and a head popped out. “Need a lift to school Savhanna?!” asked Beau, smiling at me. I shot him a look, showing that I wasn’t impressed with him. “What is wrong with you?! I thought you were a freaking stalker!” I yelled at him. “Well be grateful

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