» Fantasy » The Chosen, Chalen D [popular ebook readers .TXT] 📗

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now." i bit my lip to keep from crying.
"i'm not used to all this."
he looked down at me.
"you might miss your mom, but you know what's going to happen if you go back."
"yeah i know she'll see me as a monster."
"no, Benton will use her against you. it's better if you just stay away from her, trust me."
"i miss her." i whispered.
"i know." he said, pulling me back in for a hug by my neck.
i calmed myself down by listening to his breathing.
"you okay?"
i pulled back smiled and nodded.
"i'm here, for you, Deven."
he kissed my forehead and we went back in.
i didn't know why i was missing her it wasn't as if we where close or anything.
"Deven!" Preston called.
i suddenly felt sick.
"oh no."
"what's up?" he asked, coming to my side.
Tatum, god bless her, stepped closer to me crossing her arms over her chest.
" careful, she bites." i said.
Tatum hissed at him, showing perfectly dangerous fangs.
"whoa, no harm done i'm good i swear!" he said, arms up.
"let him sit i'll watch him." tie said.
we all sat down.
"is this what you always do?" he asked.
i looked around and saw everyone watching him.
"i just wanted to let you know to be careful, with Deven, if your not, i'll break your face." Tatum said.
she squeezed her bottle making the cap fly off and into the air. it landed face down in front of Preston, and i smiled.
"got it." he said.
"my friends aren't that bad." i said, trying to calm him down.
"uh-huh," he said, eyeing Tatum.
"well except for her." i said.
he took a drink of his soda.
"so what are you doing over here?" Tatum asked with mock sweetness.
"Tatum," Robby said.
"no what are you doing here, we saw each other like what twice?" i said, taking a bite of, Evelons carrot stick.
"well i thought we could be friends, you know since i saved your ass."
"do tell." Tatum asked, leaning in.
"Preston, don't." i said.
"not my story to tell." he said.
"boo, you whore." Tatum said, tossing Tie's plastic rap at him. he picked it up and tossed it into the trash, that was five tables away.
"show off," Robby muttered, only loud enough for me and Evelon to hear.
i bit my lip as Evelon hid her face in her jacket, giving a fake cough.
the bell rang and we got up.
we said goodbye and then me and tie took off to class.
"so what happened with Preston?" Tie asked.
we where standing outside waiting for Gianna again.
"i have people issues and he created a distraction for me, until the bell rang."
"you have people issues? but you sing."
"how did you know that?" i asked.
"Evelon told me. she read you." he said.
Just then Gianna opened the door, and i was thrilled for the distraction.
i went to my room and finished up the book. Tatum pushed open my door.
"Deven the party has arrived!" she said, throwing her hands in the air.
"party on one?"
"that's all we need, come on, i'll walk you to dinner, can't risk you bumping into Preston now can we?"
at this, i got up and followed her to the lunch room.
we all got our dinner and sat down. everyone included Preston in their conversation except for Tatum who gave her soda, a death glare while shoving fries into her mouth. a sudden thought hit me and i remembered i still didn't know my gift. oh great what if i was the only fledgling that never knew her gift. yep that's me. the only fedgling ever to be the pure vanity vampire, who doesn't know her gift. would i be known as the pure vanity vampire, or pure vanity fledgling?
"you okay, Deven?" Preston asked.
i nodded, when everyone looked at me.
"i gotta know," i said, to Tatum as we walked to the showers.
"what?" i she asked.
"What's my gift?"
"if i knew i'd tell ya babe." she said.
"Evelon, wait up, girl," Tatum called waving.
Evelon stopped and waved us forward. Tatum grabbed my hand and pulled me along, to met with Evelon.
i awoke that night to knocking on the window.
"did you hear that?" Evelon whispered.
i was silently glad she was up with me. i looked over the edge and she had her blanket up to her nose.
"Deven!" a voice hissed.
"see ya!" she yelled throwing off the covers, and hurrying to the door.
"wait!" i yelled.
i flipped myself over the ledge of the bed.
"we need to find out what that was."
"have fun." Evelon said.
i grabbed her arm, "don't leave me." i begged.
i was never scared before, but know that i'm a fledgling any damn thing could pull me out the window.
when the door was knocked on we shrieked.
when i do get scared, i really don't get scared, it's wired instead of being scared, i get excited, or giddy.
we opened the door, and tossed ourselves at Tie and Robby.
"we heard you scream." Robby said, still half asleep.
"something's outside the window and it's calling Deven's name." Evelon said.
"oh for peets sake." Robby said, walking over to the window.
Evelon, folded into Ties open arm.
We watched as Robby opened the window and stuck his head out.
"nothing." he said, moving out of the way, so i could look.
"Maybe you thought you heard Deven." Tie said.
"no it said, my name as clear as day." i said.
"Deven!" the voice hissed.
i screamed and ran to Ties open arm.
"holy shit!" Robby yelled, slamming the window, and throwing the lock closed.
"bye!"Evelon said, hurrying from the room.
we heard her yell and ran from the room. she was on the Floor tangled with Tatum.
"Deven!" the voice seemed to shout.
"OK what the fuck was that?" Tatum asked, freaked out.
the knob to my door started to turn, and we all ran down the hall screaming, into Tatum's room, pushing the dresser in front of the door.
there was a scratch at her window.
we all pushed the dresser out of the way, and there we went again running down the hall.
"what are you laughing for?" Evelon yelled, as we ran.
"i don't know!" i yelled between laughs.
once in the main hall we stooped.
"holy shit!" Robby said, clutching his side. "oh my god!"
once we all got our breath called down, a door scraped open and we all covered each others mouths. at least the scream was muffled.
"Gianna!" we all yelled running to her and bowing.
"one at a time!" she soothed, as we all tried to tell her what happened.
i told her what happened.
"are you sure?" she asked.
"Deven!" the voice hissed as if it where in the room.
"yep." i said, pulling Evelon in front of me.
Evelon turned and rapped her arms around me and hung on for dear life.
in an easy movement Gianna pulled both heavy wooden doors open, reveling lightning.
"whatever you are you are not welcome here, leave the grounds now!" she called into the night.
all was silent and then i head a scream. Evelon and i parted covering our ears.
"what is that?" Tatum asked, covering her ears.
Tie and Robby covered theirs too, and Gianna looked into the night with a perfect, sly smile. she hitched up her chin.
"that will teach them." she said, closing the door.
"you can all go back to bed, i'll turn on the school's shield." she said, locking the wooden doors.
we all went back to my room, pilling on the floor.
none of us slept, so when first class came, the only class we have all together, we all slept through it.
"i have to know," i said, to Gianna after class.
"what's that?" she asked with a smile.
"what's my gift?"
"you have to have a vampire that has the gift to tell others gifts, tell you."
"hang in there Deven." she said, as i left her room.
i let out a puff of air and put my bag on the dresser.
i don't know any damn vampires.
just then the door flew open and Evelon, burst through the door.
" baby you light up my world like nobody else!" she sang a little off.
"thanks."i said, when she pointed at me.
"what's wrong?" she asked.
"everything." i said.
"wanna walk to the dinner room and tell me about it?"
"so i need to find that kind of vampire."
"no problem." Preston said, raising his hand.
"whoa," he said, dropping his hand.
"what what?" i asked, excited.
"you make Tatum look like a little puppy dog." he said.
"watch it bud." Tatum said.
"what's my gift?"
"Tatum come on," Robby said.
"my gift?"
"Yeah, he's just... him." Evelon said.
"my gift people?"
they all looked at me at my out burst.
"sorry." i said.
" You can turn a vampire to ash." Preston said.
"my little girl is growing up!" Tatum said, pulling me in for a hug by my head.
i lost my balance and fell into her.
Evelon grabbed us both in a hug.
"hold it!" Tie said, taking out his camera.
i was dressed in a black dress lined in white. i was running in the fog.
i collapsed on a rock. out of the fog came a white wolf. i stood at once.
"Marla!" i cried with relief.
the young wolf seemed to smile, as she ran through the rocks to me. she sat at my feet waiting to be pet, like she always did. but this time i didn't pet her. i couldn't believe she was there sitting in front of me. she cocked her head, and then pointed it skyward and howled. a black wolf came running.
"Bounce! Evelon hurry!"
Evelon ran to my side, dressed in the same dress but white and lined in black.
"did you, Bounce!" she yelled.
Bounce gave a goofy grin and then ran to her owner jumping on to Evelon almost knocking her down.
i bent down to Marla and pulled her in for a hug. she put her paw on my shoulder and looked intently into my eyes.
"i'm so proud of you. you have no idea."
i stood up and then she did something she never did before, she jumped up on me.
it had been Bounce that was less mannered and happy go lucky that she couldn't help but to jump on Evelon cause she was so happy. when Marla didn't do that i thought it was because she didn't love me, but boy was i wrong. she had a high respect for me.
i was so thrilled that she did this i kissed her nose. she cocked her head, and as if almost shrugging licked my cheek.
"Evelon we have to hurry."
we all took off into the forest, with a new found speed.
"Being a vampire sure has it's perks." Evelon said.
i woke up and sat strait in bed.
"gah!" i yelled, when i saw Evelon at the end of the latter looking at me.
"i'm sorry, you where tossing and turning and yelling my name."
the phone on the desk rang, and Evelon answered it as i wiped the sleep from my eyes.
"Gianna want's to see us in her office right away."
"that's a wolf!" Evelon said.
the black wolf, gave a goofy grin and pounced on Evelon knocking her on her ass.
the wold licked her saying sorry.
i looked over at Gianna who had a white wolf at her feet.
"Marla?" i asked.
she thumped her tail and looked up at Gianna, how nodded.
Marla got
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