» Fantasy » Chains of a Promise, Wolfheart [icecream ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Chains of a Promise, Wolfheart [icecream ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Wolfheart

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the night you use it. The second Chosen law is that you take any life he tells you to –even other Necromancers’.”
“What? He tells you to kill?”
“Rarely. But it is sometimes our job to take down those who don’t follow the laws so badly they need to die for humans, animals and us to survive. There are even those who threaten Andoreous himself.”
“Who would do that?”
“Greedy Necromancers who think he’s too forgiving, or simply want to be a god.”
Rift nodded.
I didn’t expect a lesson. Am I not studying hard enough?

“The third Chosen law is to shun other gods.”
“There are other gods?”
“Yes, in other worlds. That will be explained later. I have failed to teach you this last law, the one that you are very close to violating and losing your soul.”
Fear turned Rift’s blood to ice. She listened, unable to speak.
“I never told you this, because I thought you’d always hate Omen for pitying you and treating you like you’d never make it. But he’s changing…and so are you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He loves you, Rift, and that is where we’ve gone wrong. You cannot choose your mate, child. Andoreous does, to keep the line stronger than the others.”
My knees wobbled and I staggered backwards. Everything felt cold.
Is the ground still here? I cannot feel it!

“Rift?” Tiff caught her before she fell into what felt like bramble bushes. “Calm down. It’s very likely that he will grant you Omen. But you cannot choose him. You must think logically when dealing with Omen – at least until we reach the palace. Don’t allow him to sway you. Let Andoreous be your rock and your true love.”
Suddenly feeling cold and weak, Rift simply nodded.
“I…I will try.” She whispered. “But I’m afraid…I’m afraid I love Omen too.”
“Just don’t let it become physical, Rift. And whatever you do, don’t let His Messenger see you two being affectionate when the blue moon is full.”

Chapter Three

Omen watched as Tiff led Rift away, itching to follow. He didn’t like how quickly Tiff was walking on terrain that her apprentice wasn’t accustomed too. He hardly heard Chaos talking to him. It took the man shaking his shoulder and the girls disappearing from sight for him to here what Chaos was saying.
“Should we follow them? Rift can’t fight on ground she doesn’t know.” Omen asked quietly.
“She’s training to be the best. Forgive Tiff for wanting to teach her to handle such a situation.”
He didn’t say anything for a while. It was strange for Chaos to be so quiet.
“What is it, Chaos? Is something wrong?”
“I know you aren’t aware of this, because it ain’t our law, but Chosen can’t pick a mate, Omen. Stop tempting the girl; you’ll rip her soul from her body if you keep this shit up.”
Alarm shot through him. “What in Andoreous’s name are you talking about?”
“You’re being trained to guard her – not love her. So just don’t. Andoreous is very fond of his Chosen – especially his females. It’s unusual enough that there were three females in a row, with Singer blood. It’s even eerier that he just casts away his pure blood ideal. Don’t tempt our god, Omen. Her laws state that she can’t love unless Andoreous says she can.”
The disgust petrifying his thoughts was clear on his face.
“It’s so they’re strong. The Chosen is our strongest defense.”
“But…what if I love her?”
“It doesn’t matter, Omen. If you actually love her, then you’ll not mate with her. It’s vital. And when the blue moon is full, don’t even smile at her. Be professional – pure and simple. Sure, catch her when she falls. But don’t make it personal. Keep her at an arm’s length.”
“Chaos…she cares about me.”
He laughed callously in the glow of the three moons; since it was nearly winter, the white was almost non-existent. “Not after Tiff’s done with today’s training. That girl will love Andoreous and Andoreous alone.”
“Doesn’t she love you?”
This time, he hid his face from the boy. There was sorrow in his voice when he finally answered. “We mated only because she was told to. I’ve raised two boys and she’s raised a girl until the Age of Training. She never loved me. Before the order, she didn’t even seem to notice me unless I had to save her life. Then she’d nod her thanks and move on. The moment she was given the order, she was constantly in lust for me. But it’s only when she must follow orders that we touch at all. Haven’t you noticed she won’t look me in the eye?”
Omen sighed. “It’s because she loves you.”
He shook his head, trying to laugh. “No, boy, it isn’t. It never was and never will be. Now shape up, or you’ll rob the life of the woman you love.”
Chaos stood. “She’s calling us. It’s time to move on.”
With a heart heavier than mountain stone, Omen packed up and put out the fire. Then he followed his downcast mentor.
I’ve never felt so alone…


It was difficult for me to not greet Omen when Chaos brought him. I nodded to them and looked away, as Tiff usually did when Chaos made her angry.
She stars at him with affection whenever he isn't looking. But when he is, her face is cold and hard. Will I have to hide my life my entire life?

My foot caught in a root and sent me flying. Before I could recover myself, Omen had caught me.
"T-thanks, Omen."
She never said I couldn't be friendly; just not affectionate. I'll never be so cold to him...I don't see how she stands it.

I steadied myself and detached from him, though his arms were comforting.
"Tiff...will you check my ankle?" I asked quietly, turning away from Omen. I heard his heavy footsteps return to Chaos's side.
"That was good, boy. I know it hurt her too." Chaos muttered so that Tiff - or any normal person - wouldn't hear.
Tiff leaned down and checked my ankle.
"It won't swell, thanks to Omen for catching you." There was a scold in her voice.
"I'm sorry; I'll pay more attention to where I'm going."
"Well...that's a common mistake. Even people with working eyes trip. Next lesson is how to recover from a fall during battle. I'll show you how to turn something like that into your advantage."
Not in the training mood, I had to hold back a sigh. All I could do was nod and trod onward.Dawn wasn't far off; maybe I could sleep today without the dreams, and wake with a mind less fogged...

The noise of something moving - trying to be quiet but failing - woke me. Even behind my blinded eyes, the light of the sun was harsh as shadows. There were two people moving around. Alarm shot through me; they were on the ground! I listened more carefully, hearing little grunts and moans. Tiff's voice uttered Chaos's name quietly.
Cheeks flaring red, I tried to block it out. Finally, I coughed; trying to let them know I was awake. The noise quieted slightly, but not enough. I turned over and fell into slumber again. Their sounds morphed into Omen and mine in my mind, and for the first time I dreamed pleasantly.

"Rift...Rift, wake up!" Tiff's voice called, breaking me from my slumber. "It's dusk; we need to start training."
I turned over. "I don't feel well." I complained.
Tiff's warm hands touched my forehead. "You don't have a fever..."
"I feel weak...and my head hurts..." I didn't want to sound like a baby, so I didn't mention the hot pain on my face, arms and neck. Thankfully, the blanket had covered the rest of me, and my clothes.
She sighed. "Alright. You must have gotten too much sun; you rolled from out of under the tree."
"Yes...there's some burns..." Tiff sounded concerned. "'ll have to rest here, then. Chaos, Omen and I -"
"All by myself?" The idea horrified me.
"Are you trying to punish the child for getting too much sun, Tiff?" Chaos growled. "That's harsh; even for you. She can't help that she rolled away from the tree."
"Fine...Omen can stay here. He'll slow us down anyway." Tiff's voice told me she was actually worried. "I'm scouting the land with Chaos for herbs and water. You'll need treatment for those burns."
When their footsteps were mere echoes on the ground, I slowly rose. My head throbbed and spun.
Omen's boots made me tense.
"Here." He put a cup in my hands.
"Thanks." I sipped from it to cool my throat. I nearly spat it in his face, but knew the insult in that. It burned my throat and mouth as I swallowed it. "What is this?" I demanded angrily.
"It's that stuff Chaos drinks all the time."
"Have you tried it?!"
"Yes. It tastes gross...but I felt better afterwards." He settled down beside me. "I felt like all the pain in the world was alright."
Then he laughed. "Chaos will think I drank it, so you won't get in trouble."
"You'd...take the blame?"
"Yeah. In fact, I'll help you drink some." He took it from me and took a gulp. I took it back and gulped it down. It seemed to burn less.
"A little bit gets you where you need to be." Omen told me, taking it back and setting it beside him.
He's trying to make me feel better...

For a time, we were both quiet. I was afraid to touch him, and my head was beginning to spin a little. When he grabbed my hand, I didn't pull it away.
I wanted it there, and nobody was around...
"Is the blue moon full?"
"Yes. The red moon is half."
"And the white moon isn't there." I breathed. "Like the day I became His."
"I can't take it anymore..." He whispered. Then lips touched mine. His hand was in the small of my back. My first reaction was to push him away. But he held on. Slowly, I melted. I let myself kiss him back.
This is wrong. What if we're caught? Tiff and Chaos will kill us!

But I didn't want

Omen to stop. Not as he laid me carefully down, or as he crawled under the blanket. I didn't want him to stop as he reached up my shirt and began to massage me.
"The messenger..." I whispered. "He visits every..."
"Shh. The bird doesn't usually show until midnight. I've noticed he appears about the same time. The sun is barely down."
His mouth was trailing down my neck. The more he touched and kissed, the more I liked it. Even though I just seemed to get hotter.
"What if Tiff and Chaos...?"
"You'll hear them. You waited to rise long after I couldn't see them."
It wasn't long before we were reenacting what Tiff and Chaos had done last night. I paused to listen for our mentors as often as I could manage. They were taking their time.
"I'm close. Should we stop? We don't want you having a kid." Omen muttered.
"No. I have an idea."
I grabbed my knife and carved a rune into the dirt. Then muttered a runic spell, thinking about me.
"There. Tiff showed it to me yesterday. She said that if I was ever in this situation, it would get me out of trouble."
"She predicted this?!"

I smiled. "Rift knows me well." Then I kissed him and blew in his ear, starting things again.

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