» Fantasy » Falling for the Fallen, Jaden Bieber & Rebecca Polonsky [ebook reader below 3000 txt] 📗

Book online «Falling for the Fallen, Jaden Bieber & Rebecca Polonsky [ebook reader below 3000 txt] 📗». Author Jaden Bieber & Rebecca Polonsky

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like hell.
"Starting when can I not kiss you?" He said, seductively. "I just don't think I can control myself." My knees weakened. His lips were temptingly close to mine. I could feel his breath. I met his eyes and seemed more confident.
"Now." He sighed. "I don't think that's fair."
"That sucks.." I looked into his eyes. "Now get off me." He didn't budge. And then ever so lightly, he kissed my lips. I closed my eyes. Then he got off. It was barely a kiss. But just the feel of his lips made me melt. He smiled and walked over to my window.
"Bye, Riles."
And just as quick as he kisses me, he was gone. I slid down on the wall, hugging my knees. He is so.. ugh! I hate this. I want to get him back and kiss him. Really, kiss him. I looked at the clock. 5:28 p.m. Ugh.. I have to get up at 6. I didn't feel like going to bed, so I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a 'Panic at the Disco' t-shirt. I also took out a dark purple bra, matching underwear, and matching socks. I took everything into the bathroom and put it on the counter. I walked to the shower and put the water on warm.
As I waited for the water to warm up I took off all my clothes. When the water was ready, I walked in. I put a little shampoo in my hand and washed my hair. Then I washed it out and put some conditioner in my hand and did the same. I then took a bar of soap and washed my body. When I was done with that I washed everything off and got out. I turned the water off and got out. I dried off and put my clothes on.
It was 6:30 now. I blow-dried my hair straight and styled it the way I liked it. It was almost like a scene style, but just a little different.
I poured myself a bowl of cocoa puffs, my favorite cereal. I couldn't get Logan out of my head. The taste of his lips drove me crazy and desperate for more. Would I admit it? No. Will I ignore it? Yes. I have to try to get it threw his mind that I don't want to be anymore than friends with him. Besides, he could find someone better than me. I'm horrible at dating. I was never a good girlfriend to any of my past boyfriends.
I walked to my homeroom where I was greeted by Lilly. She told off all the people who talked about yesterday for me. I was thankful for that. I wondered why she didn't have many friends. I loved that she was my friend, though. I was all good with that.
Sitting next to Logan in Science made me feel awkward. I kept asking myself if I'd be able to go through with it. Turns out, Logan never showed up.

Chapter 3

I guess that was a good thing. But it just made me think about where he was. Maybe its because he cant control that he wants to kiss me? I don't know, I don't understand why he wanted to. But he said he couldn't control it. So, you never know. Maybe it was a good thing then. He wouldn't kiss me in front of the whole class. The rest of the class I tried to keep my head in science. It didn't work so well being, one, It was boring as hell, and two, Logan was really the only thing on my mind. I jerked my head back to science when the bell rang. I took all my stuff and walked to my next class. I can not believe I was worried about that first-kissing poopoo-shnashna.
After school, I decided to walk to his dorm. I knocked on his dorm. No answer. I decided to check if it was locked. I turned the knob. It wasn't locked. I walked in, closing the door behind me. He had a dorm alone, too. It was neat and cleaned up. I looked around.
"Logan?!" I yelled. Nothing. He was not here. I looked to the open window next to his bed. The curtains sashayed in and out 'cause of the wind. I guess coming here was a waste of time. Should I leave a note? No. It'd be better off if he didn't think I was worried.
I turned around and started to head to the door. I reached for the knob until I heard a 'thump' behind me. I slowly turned to Logan... with wings. I screamed and jolted to the door.
I pulled the door open and ran out, closing it as I got out. I ran and ran out of the boys dorm. You didn't see anything.. Your best friend as a kid didn't have wings. No, It's not possible. As I was running, I bumped into someone. I looked up. Great, a guy. But what did I think it was gonna be a girl? It's the boys dorm.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too.." He got up and held his hand out to me. He kinda look familiar. I think he was in most of my classes.
q"Don't worry about it. It was half my fault. I wasn't looking. I'm Cody." I took his hand and he pulled me up. "And you're... Riley. Ha, you're in all my classes, but science." I let out a sigh of relief. He most likely didn't know about Logan then.
"Yes, you're correct." I smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Cody."
"Riley!" I heard Logan's voice behind me. My eyes widened.
"Bye Cody!" I said and started running. I ran to my dorm, shutting the door behind me, but Logan stopped me. I backed up as he walked in and shut the door behind me. I noticed he also locked the door.
"Riley, don't you EVER run from me again." He said, coming closer. Every time he took a step closer, I took a step back. That is, until my back was against a wall. His arms caged me in. I gulped.
I tried to duck and run out from between his arms, but he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. He pressed our bodies together and caged me in again so I wouldn't escape.
"Damn it, Riley!" He hit the wall behind me, making me flinch.
"Get... away from me." I seethed through my teeth.
"What did you see?" He asked, anger showing in his tone.
"I-I hate you!" I started squriming under him and trying to push him away from me. As a result, he grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head. Now I was immobile and regretting being worried about him...EVER!
"Take that back!" He yelled.
"Never! Let-Me-Go!" I said, squirming as much as I can under him.
"Please, Riley, let me explain. Please-"
"No!" I screeched. I was frightened. He held my face in his hands.
"Look at me." He practically begged. I looked at him, though, I didn't want to. "Riley... Do you believe in angels?" He asked, barely above a whisper.
"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just.. get off. I don't wanna hear it." He sighed.
"Look, Riles. I'm sorry. But hear me out."
"Maybe if you get the fuck off me!" He let go of my arms and I pushed him far away. I sat at the head of my bed and hugged my knees. I suck my leg out. "Leg distance." He sat right behind my foot.
"Okay, Riles-"
"Riley.. If you believe in angels, do you believe in fallen angels?" I looked at him. Oh god..
"Get out! Get out get out get out" I got up and pushed him, keeping him as far away as possible. "Get out of here!" I ran to the door and opened it, pushing him out and closing the door behind him. I locked the door and started walking away from it, but he was back in my room in the matter of seconds.
"Don't even try to do that again." He warned, darkly. "Now, we're gonna do this my way and you're going to listen." He pushed me on my bed and pined me to it, making me unable to move.
"N-No, I don't like this!" I said.
"I don't really care right now. Listen, Riles. I'm a fallen angel."
"I-You had wings." I choked out, knowing it sounded crazy.
"You weren't supposed to see that. You can't treat me like this. It was your fault you worried about me." He smirked.
"What's a fallen angel?" I asked, ignoring the part of me worrying.
"An angel that was kicked out of Heaven for doing something against the rules."
"Y-You got kicked out of Heaven?"
"Not exactly. My story is different. Now if you'd stop being a little brat, I'd love to explain." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. Explain."
"When I was 10, I was hit by a car. My parents weren't home, so they didn't see it happen. Turns out, I went to Heaven and was offered a deal. I either die, or stay on Earth, but as a fallen angel. I choice the second one, if you hadn't noticed."
"Stop being such a smart ass." Was the only thing I could say.
"How the fuck am I being a smart ass!?" He screamed a me. He was angry. I jerked one of my hands free and pushed him off me.
"Look, there is no reason to explain this to me, Logan! I DON
T CARE. I don't want you in my life! I told you, I want a normal, good life! I hate this! I get here and because of you kissing me, I might have no good chances here. Yeah, stuff with school, but what if I do want a boyfriend? Hm? I might have no chance now! I don't like you, Logan.. You aren't human. That isn't normal! I LIKE normal! Normal human, normal relationship, normal.. everything! Its easy that way... No drama, and most likely, not as much pain!" He just stared at me. I hurt him. Why am I such a horrible person?
"I'll find away for you to like me, Riles. Don't worry. I said I WASN'T.. gonna give up on you." He smirked. But there was pain in his eyes. He walked out of my room and I locked the door behind him. I ran to my bed and jumped on it. Ugh...
I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Seeing... picturing Logan as an angel. I saw it with my own two eyes. It makes me think... "What is normal?" I asked myself. What if he is the normal one, and us humans are all different?
I let out a sigh and laid back on my bed. Before I went to sleep, I had to unlock my window. For some reason, I hoped that he came back to me tonight. Knowing that he won't because I'm terrible, I still felt better with it unlocked. The terrible "If" was haunting me. I didn't want "If", I wanted "will". I repeated my fictional sentence in my head as I drifted off into a slumber.
He will come back... He will...

Chapter 4

I didn't feel like going to any of my classes today. My sentence did turn out to be fictional. He never came last night.
I decided to stay and play hookie. I didn't want to

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