» Fantasy » Demon, Aurora Kryan [interesting books to read for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «Demon, Aurora Kryan [interesting books to read for teens TXT] 📗». Author Aurora Kryan

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couldn’t see. I felt my feet lift off the ground as I was pulled or pushed aside. As soon as I started moving Pandora screamed out in pain surprised by her sudden screaming I shoved her off me and froze. It was Pandora all right collapsed on her knees in front of me but…her hair was red again flowing past her waist a pair of matching crimson horns curled on her head framing her face and flowing from her back perfectly blended red and orange feathers formed massive wings that looked like fire. She clutched her bleeding side with two clawed hands staining them in blood. I could see a glimpse of her pit like eyes as she squinted down at the arrow.

“What are you!?” I yelled to stunned to move.

Her eyes flickered up to me but it seemed like she was looking through me ‘Shit’ I heard her whisper harshly. Surprising me she lunged forward screaming to reveal two sets of fangs I fell to the ground as she came closer swiping her claws at me. My chest pounded and I thought I was dead till I heard the bird like cry from behind me. Jumping up I clenched my hands into fists to defend myself but it was unneeded because there squaring off with Pandora was another winged female creature. Clawed hands attached to her brown feathered wings, her torso was also covered in feathers. I could see a bird tail behind her and her legs reminded me of an ostrich’s. She was using them to try and claw Pandora as they flew around fighting.

“What’s this?” Another woman said.

A hand ran down my chest making my heart pound more when the feathers rubbed my shoulder. The hand stayed on my chest at its owner walked around so I could see them. She looked just like the brown bird chick but she was black.

“What’s this? Has the poor little boy never seen a harpy before?” she paused looking me over,”aw I was hoping she had chosen you as a guardian. But your just a mortal it seems, too bad.”

I didn’t have a clue what the hell she was talking about. A claw grazed my chest and I gasped like a wimp. I was getting pissed at just how useless I was, having some chick do all the fighting when I’m a gang leader! This is bullshit get your ass in gear Ace. She ran another claw over my chest and I shoved it away.

“Don’t touch me birdie.” I growled.

She blinked then smiled to show off rows of razor teeth.

“Spunky are we. You should have been a guardian for her.”

“I don’t know what the hell you talking about.”

“You don’t nor will you because your life ends here boy.”

She caressed my face before letting go and razing her claws to strike. I knew I couldn’t fight her and I prayed to god I was dreaming as she started to strike. Keep your dignity kid, I thought as I glared her down my killer.

“Ace!” Pandora cried.

I looked up to see her falling toward the harpy trying to save me. Tsh saved by a girl, shit the boys will never let me live this down. But truthfully I was glad I didn’t have to die or at least I didn’t think I was going to die till she got shot again. She fell hitting the ground hard and bounced to a stop next to me blood trickled from the corner of her mouth and her breathing was labored. I would have checked her naked body out but I noticed the arrow stuck in her back.

“Ace run.” She breathed with a weak smile before her eyes closed.
chapter six- Pandora

Slowly I opened my eyes to look at the river of Styx. I glared that last arrow I got shot with had killed me and now I was waiting to be taken across the river. Damn Artemis arrows in a harpy’s clutches. And then that brown one hit me in the heart when I had my back turned.

“Hades, send me back now you know the rules!” I yelled.

For a few uncomfortable moments the only noise was my voice bouncing off the dreary walls of the underworld. Then finally to my right a glowing cape of blue fire caught my attention and I sighed at his games picking up a small pebble to throw at his head.

“Ow ok I get it.” He said.

His form started taking shape. A wide pale disembodied smile showed before his face completely solidified.

“Hello Hades.” I said.

“What brings you here so soon? If I remember right the deal entailed you living till the box was opened again.” He said coolly.

I glared at him. Hades the Greek god of the underworld was very straight forward and loved tricks. He was also the reason I had a demon body and powers, the reason I was going back to kick that harpies ass for killing me. I glanced at his silver hair and white eyes as little as possible. They were a creepy combination and if you knew what to look for like I did you could glimpse his true form. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing if you will truthfully he’s a skeleton who wares that flame cloak to have a flesh body when he talks to someone.

“Arrows of Artemis shot by a harpy are a suck ass thing.” I responded finally.
He was intrigued.

“A harpy? Come now Pandora they are low class monsters, there are worse out there you know that.”

“I do but I was protecting a mortal.”

“Mortal?” he asked then paused to look at his orb to see the events play out. ”Oh yes Ace the leader of the hooded clown’s at Bezel high. Hum, why don’t you make him your guardian?”

I flinched back. Guardians’ made me stronger and help guard the pithos but it costs them there freedom, something I couldn’t do to anyone because I sympathized.

“You know I won’t.”

“Very well, good luck then.”

He nodded and my soul sky rocketed to the surface on blue flames. The way he sent me off like that gave the impression he was up to something.

chapter seven- Pandora

“You little worm get off my leg!” a harpy screeched.

My eyes flew open as my body heated up with every beat of my heart as I revived. I could feel power course through me as the feeling of my box being in the enemies hands urged me on. Standing I glared unleashing my power. The harpies stopped bickering and looked at me shaken by the sudden surge of power from a dead girl. Hooking my thumb on the second chain on my waist I pulled forward breaking it so it flew through the air.

“Attack my guard Alister!” I yelled.

The charm on the end of the flying chain glowed black to transform it into the two headed dog most people knew as Orthros before Hercules killed him. Alister charged forward jaws open as he chomped down on a harpy. I light stepped to the black feathered one showing off my fangs as a threat. She made the mistake of snatching my box away from in front of me and hid it against her chest.

My eyes blazed as black flames flickered around them with my power. I let a horrifying roar out as my true form took shape. I always held it in because the change was painful but once pithos was in danger I couldn’t hold back. A pair of my lower teeth sharpened giving me a gruesome bite, my red hair rose in the air from my power as it magically braided its self and fell back down to hang past my waist. My waist became covered in fur like feathers as my legs snapped and broke to take on their gargoyle like forms, feet curled in as the claws formed and then I roared again as spines snapped from my arms.

They curved back with my arm but stuck out pass my elbow to give me another deadly weapon. Splitting open under the pressure my skull moved as another set of horns grew out and curved up around my forehead. My back bubbled and a second set of flame colored wings unfurled. I roared one last time finally completing my agonizing transformation as metal plates shifted and tore from my back as they formed my whip like tail from the base of my skull to the razor tip. I glared at the harpy with my black flaming eyes. She gasped whispering to me.

“Pandora the demon of the pithos, guardian of Pandora’s box.”

chapter eight- Pandora

Grinning I swiped my arm at an angel to take her head off with my spine. Ace, who was holding onto her leg, fell down with the body plummeting toward the floor. I flew down and grabbed his hands lowering him to the floor before he fell and died.

“Traitor!” the second harpy yelled at me.

Her claws dug down my back making it burn. Alister was running after her but I motioned him to halt then flicking my tail I wrapped it around her neck tightly. She pleaded for her life but I knew harpies and there tricks so I tensed my tail slicing her head clean off I glared at the mess of

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