» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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With a moment’s delay, she walked away from the sisters.
That’s when Ariana knew. This was a memory all right. A memory taken from her life, but why didn’t she remember it? The woman was her mother, Susan, and Aluna was her twin sister. The girls in front of her looked no more than five, if that.
I was in an orphanage since I was five. Ariana recalled. Why is that the earliest I can remember?
She had the feeling she was about to find out. She turned her attention back to the twins. It was of a young Ariana and her twin Aluna. What was Luna going to do to her? Why?
Aluna stood up and reached something from their mother’s purse.
“Don’t dare steal anything, Aluna!” Young Ariana whispered. “You could get in trouble.”
Aluna continued to ignore her. Both Arianas watched as their young twin sister pulled out a tiny vial of rose-colored liquid.
“What’s that?” Young Ariana asked. Then she knew. “That’s one of Mommy’s potions, isn’t it? Do you know what it does?”
“Yeah, I do.” Aluna stared at the vial in her hands, then looked at her sister.
“Well, what is it?”
Even then, Ariana was inquisitive. She smiled until she saw the tears in her sister’s eyes. The other Ariana was still staring at the vial.
Aluna uncorked it, putting a few drops of the liquid into Ariana’s drink. Staring into her sister’s eyes, which were transfixed on her own, Aluna said softly. “You’re thirsty. Drink.”
That’s exactly what Young Ariana did, too. She drank the rest of her pop, gulping it down as Aluna watched.
Aluna put the cork back in and placed the vial back into her mother’s purse.
The older Ariana watched the scene with interest. It was like a tale unraveling in her mind.
She looked at her younger self, whose eyes were no longer silver-blue. They were plain blue, without a touch of Magic in them at all. Aluna’s on the other hand, were crying softly.
Aluna hugged her twin, whispering “I’m sorry” in her ear.
It was too late. The life had left from her eyes.
“Come now, girls. We have to go.” Susan’s quiet voice came from afar.
“Who are you?” Young Ariana asked her mother.
Susan shared a look with Aluna before replying. “I’m a counselor, ready to take you to the orphanage.”
“You’re pretty.” Young Ariana said, grabbing Susan’s outstretched hand.
That’s when the scene grew dark again, returning the older Ariana to the Abyss. She closed her eyes and braced herself for anything. When nothing came, she opened them.
A bright white light was shining in her eyes. She covered them so she could see what was happening. Another bright light, a spotlight, shone a few yards in front of her. She heard footsteps of heels click-clacking in the air.
“Hello? Who’s there?” Ariana called.
Nothing, then, “At last, we meet alone.”
That voice, Ariana recalled in her head. She forgot about the voice echoes in the Abyss, and whoever spoke gave a low laugh.
“That’s right. My voice.” The person supplied. “Surely, you know it by now. Or do you?”
“Who are you?” Ariana demanded. The spotlight still shone on her eyes. “Take the light off so I can see your face.”
“Say pretty please.” The voice sneered.
Ariana’s Empathy told her the person was up to no good. “Just do it.”
“Aye, I believe I will.” The voice said. In moments, Ariana saw who it was.
“Gloriana.” Ariana’s voice was braver now. “Aaron and I Exiled you and your two daughters. Shenara and Albrath, was it?”
“Very good, Young Guardian.” Gloriana clapped.
“I’m not afraid of you, you know.” Ariana told her straight-out. “I can Re-Exile you, and make sure you don’t come back. I hear Realm of the Gammas is excellent this time of year.”
“I have no need for such sass!” Gloriana replied. She took a breath before going on. “Now then, do you know why you were brought here?”
Ariana shook her head. “Not really, but I’m sure you’re gonna tell me.”
“I wanted you to remember what you’d long forgotten.” Gloriana announced. “Do you know why I chose that particular memory?”
Ariana waited in silence, arms crossed. “Spit it out.”
“To make you think, and think hard you will.” Gloriana said. “Your picture-perfect life is filled with holes. I just want to help you fill them.”
“That’s probably not even a true memory.” Ariana remarked.
“Ah, but it was.” Gloriana said. “It was, and I assure you, it was a smashing one at that. You saw what your so-called perfect sister put in your drink.”
“Looked familiar, but what was it?”
“The Ancient Mystic’s Forgetfulness Spell.” Gloriana said with a grin. “Not a spell, more of a potion, really. Why you bloody Ancient Mystics insist on calling it a spell if it has no words is beyond me.”
“Stop stalling. Just tell me what you’re up to.”
“Recall my song? And the little girl who looked just like you?” Gloriana supplied. “I want to help you remember all the times you’ve pushed in the back of your mind.”
Ariana raised an eyebrow at her. “Why?”
“Do you not wish to know everything about yourself? Why Lord Guardian chose you for his successor instead of his own son, Braken Joel?” She asked.
“We’ve made our peace with each other long ago, Gloriana.”
“Very well, but what about your secret desires? Ever want to just go for it instead of hiding your feelings from those you love deep inside your heart of hearts?”
“I don’t mean to interrupt, Gloriana, but I have a job to do.” Ariana remarked. “Make this quick so I can patrol. I’m still the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm, with or without your input.”
“Very well, Young Guardian. Some last words, then, if I may?”
“If you insist.” Ariana sighed.
“Learn about the Black-as-Night Crystal. Listen to its call, heed its advice and use it. Use it to its most extreme.”
“I’ll do nothing of the kind!”
Gloriana’s smile grew larger as she disappeared. “Ah, but you will. I know it.”
At her last words, Ariana woke up.

She opened her eyes, spying the crystal on her bedside. She sat up and grabbed it.
“What’s that?” Derrick walked into the room and sat down beside her. “Is that Sabrina’s strange crystal?”
Ariana nodded to her husband, explaining her dream.
“Sounds intense.” Derrick supplied, kissing her. He took it from her hands and placed it back on the night stand. “You’re not going to listen to her, are you?”
“You know me.” Ariana said with a light laugh. “I do want to learn about it, that part is true.”
“Learn about it safely, by taking it back to the Gatekeeper.” Derrick remarked. “Let him – it – whatever it is tell you the crystal’s story.”
Ariana stood up and changed into her night clothes.
“You’re going to bed already?” Derrick asked. “It’s hardly eight o’clock.”
“I know, honey, really.” Ariana said as she climbed back into bed. She took her glasses off and placed them next to the crystal on the night stand. “I told you I didn’t feel good.”
“Right.” Derrick said slowly. “In that case, goodnight.”
Derrick closed the door behind him, wondering what was going on with his wife. He sighed and headed back downstairs to the family.
The Crystal’s Curse

The next morning, Ariana woke with a headache and a task. She opened her eyes, staring at the Black-As-Night Crystal on the night stand. Deep in thought, she wondered what it would be like to use its power. Sitting up and putting her glasses on, she grabbed it in her hands.
Something came over her. A brush of heat she’d never experienced before. It made her grasp the Crystal even tighter, her body heat rising.
It was the weekend, and she could hear the children playing in the house.
Good. They’ll keep busy. Ariana thought to herself with a grin.
She looked out the window, surveying the neighborhood. Next door, Bradley and Kelly were on the porch with Cara Richardson and Steve Edwards, looking over a notebook in Kelly’s hands. Three other friends of Kelly’s were with them, Kirsten Farthay, Josh Stevenson and Samantha West. Looking across the street, Ariana saw her twin sister Luna in her flower garden, daughter Meredith beside her, playing in the dirt.
Ariana turned to change her clothes, catching her eyes on a picture of herself and Derrick together. They looked so happy, it was sickening. At the moment, she didn’t care where her husband was, and the thought didn’t bother her.
With a grin, Ariana strung a chain through the hole in the Crystal and placed it around her neck. Before leaving the room, she took off her Dream Amulet, placing it where the Crystal had been.
“Won’t be needing that, will I?” Ariana said to herself.
She dressed and hurried downstairs.
“Woah, Mom!” It was one of her sons. Mark, probably. “You look cool!”
“Thank you, Mark.” Ariana supplied absently. “Go next door and tell Kelly to watch you three.”
“Uh, okay. Sure.” Her son gave her a strange look. “Are you okay, Mom?”
Ariana smiled at him. “Of course I am, Mark. Now run along like a good boy.”
With that, he left. She headed across the street, catching her sister in her garden, planting flowers. Meredith was beside her, playing in the dirt.
Now, to catch her off-guard. Ariana let out a low laugh.
Luna heard it, turning to see her sister marching across the street. She had a very strange look in her eyes, almost evil.
Ariana stopped a few feet in front of her twin. “Hey, Lu.”
“Uh, hey Ariana.” Luna could sense something wrong, but kept the thought to herself. She stood up, brushing her hands together to get the dirt off.
“No need to get up.” Ariana smiled. She thrust an arm out, forcing a glowing-wind from her hand. The wind hit Luna in the chest, making her fall back on her flowerbed.
“Hey! What was that for?” Luna demanded.
Meredith stood up, scared, heading across the street in tears.
“Oh well. Better without her.” Ariana remarked with a shrug. “Don’t want to hurt the poor tyke. Now, where was I?”
For the brief moment Ariana paused, Luna caught a glimpse of what was around her neck. The Crystal.
“Oh, yeah.” Ariana said. The evil, menacing look returned to her face, her eyes glowing another color. “I want an explanation, Aluna Star Woods, and I want it now.”
“Explanation? Of what?” Luna stammered.
“I know what you did to me, and I want to know why.” Ariana growled.
“What are you talking about?”
“The Forgetfulness Spell, Aluna!” Ariana shouted, getting in her sister’s face as Luna stood. “You put it in my drink when we were five. I know it.”
Luna gasped. She noticed the Crystal was glowing red, pulsating. “Who told you?” Was all she could manage responding.
“She showed me.” Ariana remarked. “She made me remember my forgotten past. The past you took from me with that spell!”
“Who are you talking about?” Luna asked. “Who showed you? Who made you remember?”
“Gloriana. She made me see first-hand what you did to me.” Ariana explained. “Now, I want to know why.”
It was Luna’s turn to shout. “Why? You want to know why?”
“Is there an echo out here? Of course I want to know why.” She cried. “And I want you to tell me.”
The sisters stared at one another for a while. Ariana’s face held a menacing expression while Luna’s was on the verge of tears, scared for her.
“We had to do it.” Luna responded.
“Because you weren’t ready.” Luna explained. “We weren’t ready.”
“Ready?” Ariana shook her head, trying to understand. “Ready for what?”
“Ready to be who
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