» Fantasy » Unraveling Selena, Marisa Maichel [13 ebook reader TXT] 📗

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“My favorite movie also depends on my mood. I like horror and adult animation the best. Movies like Rock and Rule, Heavy Metal 2000, Fire and Ice, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Child’s Play, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street. I also like psych thrillers. I met Alexander about a year ago, when he planned to adopt the baby that my girlfriend was going to have.”

“You have a sister you haven’t met? That’s not as unusual as you might think. And Alexander, adopting a child? Inconceivable.”

“He did it,” Uncle Soren said. “He was lonely because Kieran hasn’t spoken to him in years, and he was looking for another son anyway, so Sarah having Cirino was perfect.”

“He will twist the child’s mind,” Apollo said. “Just like he twisted the minds of his brothers. I did not kill them. He did, with his greed.” Apollo looked sad. “I will not lie, I miss my children every day. But it will be good if I can meet my grandson before I’m snatched from this realm. What is Kieran like?”

“Reese hasn’t met him yet,” Uncle Soren said. “He’s like Alexander in many ways. Stubborn, intelligent, always in a bad mood. But there’s some good in him.”

“There is no good or evil, that is a lie that we have been fed since before the first of us were born.”

“Whatever. Anyway, Kieran is also different. He’s nicer, for one thing. He’s a bit shorter, and less muscular. He’s also…how do I say this…he has a clear idea of what he wants and he’s not afraid to go after it. Last I heard, he was in South America learning about the different native tribes. He also hates Alexander. If we hold a ball, he won’t show up if he knows Alexander will be there. He blames Alexander for the death of his mother, among other things.”

“Have I seen him?” I asked.

“Possibly. He wasn’t at the Holiday Ball last year, but he was there the year before that. His most distinguishing feature is his long hair. It’s longer than Louis’. Longer than mine or your father’s. Almost as long as Toby’s. He has ivory skin and blue eyes. He usually dresses casually.”

“I think I have seen him,” I said, remembering a man from a couple years back that looked how Uncle Soren described him. “But why haven’t I met him?”

“He’s jealous of you, Reese,” Uncle Soren said.

“Me? Why?”

“You were supposed to be Alexander’s son, not Mordecai’s. He didn’t like the fact that Alexander was essentially replacing him, the failed prodigal son.”

“So he doesn’t like me?” I asked, baffled.

“Not particularly. He also feels like Alexander replaced Celine with Marina. Your mother has wholeheartedly accepted him, but he hasn’t accepted her. She’s quite upset about it, actually.”

“Celine,” Apollo said. “Is it possible that my baby was reincarnated?”

“That’s a little gross,” I said.

“It was not unusual even a hundred years ago for people to marry relatives,” Uncle Soren told me. “Get over it.”

“It’s still gross.” Shadowfang meowed and licked my hand. He rolled over on his back, then sat up, sniffing the air. He took off like a rocket, tail slapping me. I stared at him, shaking my head.


It was a few hours before Father and Louis came back. Louis had blood on his hands, and he immediately went to the kitchen sink.

“It was messy,” Louis said. “The King of Faeries wants to talk to us. In front of the full Court.”

“Damn,” Apollo said. “You’re in trouble”

“We’ll need Alexander,” Louis continued. Father grumbled under his breath. “I know, Uncle Mordecai, but if the King insists on talking to him again instead of us, we need to be prepared.”

“He’s not even the king or a prince,” Father muttered. “He’s just a huge asshole.”

“I’ll talk to him,” I said. “He likes me more than he likes you.” I quickly dialed my soulfather’s number and put him on speakerphone.

“Hello? Yes, Reese, what is it?”

“The King of the Faeries wants a meeting with us because of some drama that happened. Do you think you can help us?”

“Certainly. Cirino, don’t put that in your mouth! Where is Zie? ZIE!”

“Troubles in paradise?” Father teased.

“I am being a father, something you know nothing about. Son, keep that away…no, Spunk! Bad dog! You could have hurt the baby!”

“Is the baby okay?” I asked.

“Yes. Sarah’s stupid dog jumped up to try to get to his formula. The cur likes baby formula for some odd reason.”

“Well, he’s not very bright.”

We ended the call and I leaned back into my uncle. He ruffled my hair and my cat jumped up onto the table, once again with a dead snake in his mouth.

“Very lovely,” I said sarcastically. Shadowfang dropped the snake and preened himself, looking very pleased.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to bring snakes into my house?!”


I looked at myself in the mirror again. My hair was clean and combed, I smelled nice, and my clothes were clean and pressed. I wore a white button-up shirt with black pants. A belt encircled my hips and my girlfriend, who was next to me, looking stunning in a short red velvet dress and blood-red lipstick. It had been decided that since she was going to be a princess, she needed to be present. Besides, we hoped that her fairy DNA would endear the Fae to us.

It had been discovered that she was part sun fairy, a type of fairy from storybooks and tales. It was most likely on her father’s side, as her mother was an alcoholic and Faeries can’t drink alcohol. They also can’t touch iron, spend too long in isolation, have to count everything, and hate trolls, who like to eat them. Some of them can’t be in the sun or they turn to stone.

Sarah adjusted her curls, which were pinned up, and fixed the strap on her high heel. I ignored the temptation to peek under her dress. She would most likely punch me if I tried. She curled her eyelashes around a pencil one last time, and we were ready.

The drive itself was torture. Sarah kept looking at herself in the mirror, until Mother finally said that yes, she looked beautiful and didn’t need to worry. Mother was coming along partly for Sarah’s protection and partly because she was my mother.

When we reached the gated community that was the North Hampton, New Jersey Faerie Realm, Toby, who was driving, stopped and spoke into a speaker.

“Hello, my name is Toby McCree. I am the personal bodyguard of Prince Reese Mordecai Emerson and a loyal ally of the Emerson Clan. I am driving the Emersons to see King Fowley, who requested their presence.”

The gold gate swung open, letting us in. Immediately, we started to get looks. I saw pairs of eyes everywhere. Sarah clung to me as we moved deeper into Fae territory. She shuddered at the sight of the eyes.

“I’m part of one of these?” she asked.

“Kind of,” I said. “Sun fairies prefer the sun, though, not the moon.”

“It’s okay, Sarah,” Louis said, touching her leg. “Toby’s here. He’ll keep you safe.”

“Oh, and you won’t?” I snapped.

“Of course I will, snippy.”

Father leaned forward. He seemed to be in pain.

“Father?” I questioned. He smiled weakly at me.

We pulled up to a large house. Toby parked and let himself out before opening Sarah’s door and letting her out. I followed behind. I looked up. A gargoyle glared at us. Sarah noticed, and nearly shrieked.

“It’s okay, baby,” I cooed, stroking her arm. “He won’t hurt us. He’s just here for the King’s protection.”

A woman with green skin and branches for hair came out to greet us.

“Come with me,” she said, leading us inside the house. Sarah squeezed my hand, I squeezed back, reassuringly.

The inside of the house was nothing like the inside of a house. It was more like a lightened cave system, with stone walls and a throne in the middle. On the throne was the King of Faeries, Fowley. He had long blond hair and bright green eyes that appraised us, especially Sarah. Faeries like pretty things and people, and Sarah is very pretty. King Fowley wore a green outfit with a checked black vest, a crown of twigs on his head.

People entered from all around us. Satyrs, centaurs, Elves, gargoyles, tree people, petal women, fairies of all kinds.

“All of these are Faeries?” Sarah asked.

“No,” I said. “I have no idea what they’re doing here.”

“Eilief,” said Fowley in an accent, “Your son and grandson has harmed one of ours. Uriah Dreschler.”

“My son has not done anything wrong,” Grandfather said. “He and my grandson were defending one of ours. My other grandson, Reese.” He gestured to me. “And besides, Uriah is only half Elf.”

“Yet you have a human with you,” Fowley said. All eyes turned to Sarah.

“She is part sun fairy on her father’s side,” Grandfather said.

“If that’s true, then why isn’t she with us?”

“Sarah’s lineage has nothing to do with this. We came to defend our actions against one of yours.”

Mother stood behind both me and Sarah, arms around us.

“What exactly did Uriah do to warrant his attack?”

“He kept my grandson hostage twice. Once last year at a hospital, and again two weeks ago. Not just him, either. Sarah as well and some of their classmates. They were forced to tell each other their secrets and stay together in a cold cement room for an hour before they were rescued.”

“Why wasn’t I notified? Or my assistant?”

“We do not need your assistance to defend our own when push comes to shove. We rescued them and then Louis realized that it was Elves who were responsible for it.” All the Elves in the group muttered to each other angrily. “We do not need anything from you.”

“It was not Elves!” shouted a red-haired male. “He’s lying!”

“I assure you, I am not lying, or embellishing. I am telling the complete and total truth. I believed my son and grandsons when they explained their ordeal and how they figured out who it was.”

“Uriah is now in the same hospital where he works with a broken arm and a broken leg,” King Fowley said.

“I take responsibility for that,” Father said, stepping forward. “I was angry with him, so I got revenge for my son. I confess that I would have killed him if my nephew hadn’t held me back.”

More angry muttering.

“That does not fare well for you,” King Fowley said.

“This is why vampires shouldn’t be allowed to exist!” said the red-haired Elf.

“Enough, Marius. If it was indeed Elves who attacked first, then maybe it was justified. However, this does not endear you to us.”

“When have we ever been endeared to you?” Louis piped up. Uncle Soren smacked him on the back of the head.

“Shut up, Louis.”

“There is another issue, however,” King Fowley said. He turned to the green-skinned woman. “Analyze the girl.”

The woman came over to Sarah, tipped her chin up, and looked deep into her eyes. She grabbed a handful of hair and felt her skin. White magic came from her fingertips.

“She’s half sun fairy,” she confirmed.

“Dear one, I know you don’t know any better, but fairies and vampires do not mix,” King Fowley said. He held out his arms. “Come to us.”

Sarah looked at him like he was crazy. Then she spoke up.

“Do you think I’m stupid? I don’t know you; any of you. I know this family and I know Reese. They’ve protected me, my son, and my sister better than anyone else ever has. They’ve shown me love. My boyfriend’s mother loves me more than my real mother does. When my dad died, my mother went back to alcohol. She chose that over us. Marina chose me. She chose to be my mother instead. I have a mother again, and a father, and a boyfriend who loves me more than anything. You’re fucking crazy if you think I’m going to go to you.”

Mouths dropped, not just Faeries, but ours as well. Did Sarah say the F word? Mother was the first to react. She hugged Sarah

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