» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [romantic novels in english .TXT] 📗

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to be his partners until I say otherwise.” Wolf commanded lightly.
“Aye, Sire.” They said together.
“All three of you; go train with the other pups.”
Tiger stood and followed his new friends to the rest of the trainees.
“Red, I will need a word with you once the training session has ended for the day.”
Red Wolf gulped, nodding. “Aye, Sire.”
With another nod, Red Wolf Moondancer went back to the training group and its only feline member, Prince of the Feline Village, Tiger White-Snow.


Ariana Reading could stand the ugliness no more. She wanted to do something about it. Never in all her years of knowing Amethyst Schmidt has her almost-sister acted the way she was acting now. Shane’s story of the Wars for Power triggered something in Aimee that Ariana couldn’t explain.
Enough was enough.
Ariana knocked on the door and walked in, not waiting for a reply. “Amethyst Theresa, I know you’re here!”
Aimee came out from another room, frowning at her. “Get out of my house.”
“Not until I have my say.”
“Your say? In what?”
“What’s gotten into you lately?” Ariana asked. “What did Shane say that upset you so much, you refuse to talk to me?”
“It’s not what Shane said. It’s what you didn’t.”
Ariana was confused. “What do you mean?”
“You didn’t tell us about Kelly’s Djinn.” Aimee supplied.
“It wasn’t my story to tell.”
“Kelly’s Aaron’s daughter, and you didn’t tell him about it!” Aimee cried. “That’s not what upsets me the most about you, Ariana Moon!”
Aimee faced Ariana, voice calm and determined. Her usual brown eyes were glowing dark green, and her Unicorn Magic was triggering. Ariana could feel it.
“Calm down or the Unicorn Magic will take over, and neither of us will like it.” Ariana supplied. “Tell me what upsets you so I can understand and change.”
“You want me to tell you? I’ll tell you!” Aimee cried. “Ever since you did this,” she showed Ariana her arm, where the small scar was left from the Blood Pact years ago, “we’ve had to learn on our own. You were never there to help us with whatever Magic was hidden inside of us. Aaron and I had a hard childhood too, you know, especially after you left. Once the other children found out what we could do, we were shunned, even from Mrs. Gertrude herself. We went five years learning this Unicorn Magic on our own, and we’re mad you never told us what to do.”
“I was always there in thoughts, and you knew it.” Ariana protested. “At least Aaron used the connection. You didn’t.”
“I was too busy learning everything I needed to learn about this stuff so it wouldn’t kill us.” Aimee replied.
“I had to learn on my own, too, you know.” Ariana supplied. “I never knew what or who I was until I met Luna and Shannon. They were the ones that taught me control and power. They were the ones to enlighten me of my so-called destiny. You had it easy compared to me.”
“Yeah, right.” Aimee crossed her arms.
The women were quiet until Ariana said something.
“Amethyst, I can sense your feelings, even without using Empathy.” She started. “You’re hurt because I left you two alone in that orphanage years ago. You’re mad because you had to learn what little power I gave you. You’re angry because I never let you in on what you thought were the important things. You have every right to be hurt, mad and angry. I understand completely.” Ariana opened her arms to hug her. “If you accept my apology, I’m sorry. Really. I never meant any harm. We’re together now, and I promise to tell you about things ahead of time, if you don’t sense them yourselves, okay? That’s all that matters, isn’t it?”
Aimee stared at her for a moment. “I guess so.”
Ariana nodded her head, silently telling Aimee to embrace her. “I love you, Amethyst Theresa. You’re my sister. I don’t want to fight with you.”
“Will you tell us from now on?”
Ariana smiled, kissing her cheek. “It’s a promise. And a promise made. . .”
“I know, a promise made by the Young Guardian is a promise kept.” Aimee smiled, feeling better.
“Goofball.” Ariana said simply. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve learned? You’ve obviously learned a lot about the Unicorn Magic, or I wouldn’t be here now.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you hadn’t healed me those many times in the past several months, I wouldn’t be here to talk to you at all.” Ariana replied. She thought it over. “I had to learn on my own, too. It’s what made me a better person.”
“If I would have known more during the Crusades, I would’ve been able to help more.”
“You were there as a sister.” Ariana pointed out. “That’s all that mattered to me.”
Aimee stared, smiling at her. “You really mean it?”
“Come on, Aim, you know me.” Ariana laughed. “I mean what I say, don’t I?”
Aimee shrugged. “I guess so.”
It was at that moment the front door swung open, revealing Ariana’s daughter Kelly and Kelly’s stepbrother Bradley.
“I knew I’d find you here.” Kelly replied to her mother.
“Did everything go alright?” Bradley asked.
Ariana and Aimee looked at each other, then at the two kids.
“How did you know?” Aimee asked.
“Visions?” Ariana asked Kelly.
“Visions.” Kelly responded, nodding.
Ariana looked to Aimee. “Of course. Visions.”
Aimee couldn’t help smiling.
“I haven’t seen you smile in days, Aunt Aimee.” Bradley remarked as he and Kelly sat at the kitchen table. They got out their school books and started their homework.
“It’s a refreshing change, isn’t it, Amethyst?” Ariana teased.
“So you made up?” Kelly asked, smiling. “Good!”
“About time, too.” Bradley remarked. “We might need both of you for this.”
“For what?” Ariana asked.
Bradley and Kelly both told their stories of the Hill View Bomber, and how Kelly had a vision in school.
“We were wondering if you could help me out, Momma.”
“I can’t.” Ariana supplied to her daughter. “It’s your vision, therefore, you have to follow it through.”
“The Gods gave you that vision for a reason.” Aimee said.
“Told you she wouldn’t be able to help.” Kelly said to Bradley.
“Hey, why not go to Derrick and Shane?” Aimee asked.
Kelly shook her head.
“She’s right. Derrick’s not exactly acting himself lately, either.” Ariana replied. “Shane, on the other hand, is looking into something that may defeat the Djinn.”
She looked to the children, who were listening and watching intently.
“Let’s go into the other room and talk about this more.” Ariana said, steering Aimee away from the kitchen table.
Neither Bradley or Kelly needed to be in the middle of the Djinn battle. Therefore, Aimee couldn’t agree more.


Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer knew he was getting into trouble with his new Knight-Master. His old friend would never talk to him in such a way as to get Red’s Dweller powers going. There had to be something wrong.
“You needed to see me, Sire?” He asked, bowing to Wolf.
“Rise, Red. You need not bow to me.” Wolf supplied. “I only wish to speak to you as a friend.”
Red Wolf understood. “Speak, then.”
“First, walk with me to the Feline Village Castle.” Wolf told him. “Oh, and bring your survival gear. I have a feeling you will need it.”
“Aye, Sire.”
“Aye. Friend Wolf.”
Wolf couldn’t complain. At least, not about the title. In moments, the wolves were on their way to the Feline Village.
“Why are we going to the Village?” Red Wolf asked.
“To find out what Toby knows.” Wolf supplied.
“Is that why you carry Warrior gear?” Red Wolf teased. “To find out what Toby knows?”
Wolf finally looked into the eyes of Chikité Moondancer. “Aye. A query, if I may?”
“Certainly, Sire.”
“Why do you ignore your Dweller side?”
Red Wolf shook his head. “It kills without thinking. Do you not remember the Warriors, and both Wars for Power?”
“Despite Damian having your Companion Magic, you still had your Dweller powers.”
“Do you not remember that episode in the woods, with the mortal Dreamer?”
“Clearly.” Wolf replied. “I even told Young Guardian about it.”
Red Wolf frowned and growled. “It was a secret between us.”
“A secret that had to be told to Young Guardian because it is part of her duties to look after the Dream Realm.” Wolf remarked. “And looking after the Dream Realm means its inhabitants.”
“Meaning me?” Red Wolf asked. “What does this have to do with your query?”
“That episode in the woods was the result of your ignorance of what you are.” Wolf replied.
“You have spoken to my mother.” Red Wolf growled under his breath, just loud enough for Wolf to hear him.
“She told me more about the Dweller kin-clans.” Wolf said. “And how, no matter what happens to you, you must not lose yourself in either Companion or Dweller forms. Remain balanced, Red. That is all I ask.”
Red Wolf continued to walk, holding his bow over his shoulder. “In that case, what about your own balance?” He remarked. “The Wolf Magic in you is strong; I can smell it.”
“That it is, I admit.” Wolf nodded. “I have been too long without it.”
“The Amethyst-Diamond helped you revive it, did it not?”
“It also helps me control it.” Wolf said. “For now, we seek Toby.”
Sure enough, as Red Wolf looked up, he saw the Feline Castle. Its Sire, Tobias White-Snow waved at the two canines as they came up to him.
“Both of you at my doorstep.” Tobias “Toby” White-Snow joked. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Business, Tobias.” Wolf replied seriously.
“Business?” Toby repeated. He saw the gear both wolves wore. “What sort of business, to bring weapons of war?”
“Did you know your son wished to be in the Canine Army?” Wolf asked.
“Of course. He watches the training every chance he gets.” Toby nodded. “Kit noticed him watching one day and told him to see you about joining.”
“That is not what the young Tiger told me.” Wolf said. “He confessed you sense something out of place around here.”
Toby stroked his whiskers in thought. “I do.”
With that, he turned and headed inside the Castle. When the wolves didn’t follow, Toby turned around, his necklet aglow. “If you want to know, follow.”
The males headed to a small room where they met with Kit. She was rocking in a chair, a baby kitten in her arms.
“Our daughter, K’Sarra.” Toby announced. He turned to his wife. “Kit, if you can feed her somewhere else...”
Kitten’s Claw looked up and saw the serious looks on their three faces. In attempt to cheer them up, she smiled. “Certainly, my love.” She stood and kissed Toby before leaving the room. “If you have need of me; ask.”
“If I need a mis-matched Ancient Mystic Companion, I will come to you.” Toby teased his wife in a serious tone. “For now, this is Warrior’s work.”
Kit frowned at the word “Warrior.” “Very well, Sire. If you insist.”
At that, she left the room.
“Tobias?” Wolf got the feline’s attention.
“Aye.” Toby was alert. “You wanted to know what I sense?”
“That was the reason for our visit,” Red Wolf supplied sarcastically.
“You teach your kin-packs insolence?” Toby replied to Wolf. Red Wolf growled. “Relax, old friend. I only tease.”
“This is serious business!” Red Wolf cried. “No jokes, Tobias. This is a time to be a leader, not a joker!”
“As I told my son, the two of you are more suited to the roles of leader.” Toby remarked.
“Is that why you do not form your own Feline Army?” Wolf asked. “Because you could not lead them?”
“Not now, anyway.” Toby remarked. “Not after what I sensed.”
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