» Fantasy » Clan Fighters, Kaitlyn Garlets [ebook reader with built in dictionary .TXT] 📗

Book online «Clan Fighters, Kaitlyn Garlets [ebook reader with built in dictionary .TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets

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Griffen looked at her. "Oh, my God. He did, didn't he?"
Reece didn't answer, but looked away.
Griffen laughed out loud. "I cannot believe that he asked you. What did you say? Wait, don't tell me. You said yes."
Reece couldn't look at him.
Griffen stood up from his bed that he had put in the small shack and walked over to Reece.
"Why, Reece? We could of had it all," Griffen said, whispering in her ear.
Reece shook her head. "No, I don't think so. All you care about is yourself. You don't care about me. You just care about what benefits you. You might have been a great friend, but nothing more. I love William and you know it. Why do you keep making this worse for both of us?"
Griffen scoffed again and turned to her other ear. "I don't think you understand. Once you told me to leave when you were hiding in the girls bathroom like a little girl I did leave. I came back here and fixed the place up a bit and buried the old lady you killed because you were mad at her. I thought to myself, why am I so fixated on someone who doesn't even want me?"
"Because your an obsessed friend?" Reece guessed.
"Wrong. I was so fixated on you because I knew we belonged together. We are made for each other, Reece! Why can't you see that? You came here for a reason and I knew instantly that we belonged together. I have seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
Reece shook her head, backing up into the wall. "I will admit that I did like you for a while, but you became more like a friend to me than anything else. That's all I want to be, Griffen! Why can't you see that?"
Griffen was staring at her like she was his prey and he was the predator.
"I knew it! You do like me!" Griffen said, pointing his finger at Reece, who moved her head out of the way of his finger.
Suddenly, the door burst open and William, Evernime, and Creon walked in.
"Leave her alone, Griffen. Your scaring her!" Evernime said.
Griffen laughed and slowly took a step towards Reece, who closed her eyes so she didn't have to look at Griffen. She waited for what seemed like minutes, and nothing happened, so she opened her eyes to see Griffen looking at her.
Griffen stopped and looked at her eyes. "Your eyes...they are not the color I remember. What did you do to them?" Griffen asked, turning to look at William, who was tense and ready to attack Griffen at an moment.
William held his hands up in the air. "Hey, I did not do anything to them. They changed on their own! Now, would you please just step away from Reece?"
Griffen laughed and shook his head. "No. She is going to come with me!"
"What the hell, Griffen?" Reece asked, stepping closer to him. Griffen turned to look at him and frowned.
When she first met him, he had a look in his eyes of gratitude, but now that was gone. All she saw was insaneness.
"I am not going anywhere with you. Your going insane, Griffen. You need help," Reece said.
Evernime and Creon backed up to the door and exchanged a glance between each other.
"Yes, you are. You said you wanted to go with me. That's why you came back here. To find me and go away with me! You said so yourself!" Griffen grabbed Reece's shoulders and yanked her to the side. William took another step forward and grabbed Griffen, accidentally shoving Reece back into the wall. She gasped and watched as Griffen and William rolled on the ground.
Reece looked around and slowly made her way over to Evernime, who grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, as if to protect her.
"Creon. I have an idea," Reece whispered.
Creon looked at her and then back at Griffen and William, who were throwing punches at each other.
"What?" Creon said, moving closer to her so he could hear her better.
Reece whispered her plan into his ear, and when she was done telling him, he looked at her and smiled. He waved his finger at her. "I always thought you had good ideas. It just might work."
"William!" Reece yelled out as Griffen punched him in the face.
"You can not have her, William! She's mine and she knows it!" Griffen yelled, grunting as he was rolled underneath of William, who punched him back.
"Yes, Reece?" William asked, as he grabbed Griffen's wrists. "Kind of busy here!"
"Just keep Griffen pinned down! Creon will take care of the rest," Reece said, wanting to help, but didn't know what to do.
William looked at Reece, confused, which gave Griffen just a split second to roll William over and had him pinned.
Reece's heart pounded when she saw Griffen pinning William onto the ground.
She had to do something to stop Griffen.
"I'm going to kill you for taking her from me! She was mine first and still is!" Griffen yelled, reaching into his pocket and pulled a knife out of his pocket as he kicked William in the ribs. One of his ribs cracked
"William!" Reece yelled. She concentrated on her telekinesis and lifted Griffen into the air, causing him to drop his knife on the ground.
Evernime ran and grabbed the knife and backed up into the wall away from Griffen, who was screaming at the top of his lungs to let him down as he lit his hands up with fire, flinging the fire everywhere.
Reece was getting teary-eyed as she shook her head. She swallowed. "I'm sorry, Griffen. I am not going to let you down. You are going crazy and you need help. Creon is going to help you. I'm sorry."
Creon walked closer to Griffen and grabbed his wrist.
"Hey! Let me go, you freak! If you do anything to me, I will kill you! You hear me! I will...I...will...kill you..." Griffen's head flopped down as if he fell asleep in mid-air.
"What happened?" Evernime asked, looking around. William was on the ground, wiping his bloody nose.
Reece slowly brought Griffen down to the ground and put him on the bed he brought into the shack and let go of him.
Creon fell to the ground, huffing. "I just wiped him memory so that he didn't know who we are when he wakes. We should move him some place else so that when he does wake up, he doesn't ask who we are."
Reece wiped her tears off her cheeks and helped pick William off the dirty ground. He grunted and grabbed his sides.
"You okay, William? Did he break anything?" Reece asked.
William nodded, bending back down.
"What? What did he break? One of your ribs?" Reece asked, panicking.
"Yeah. Hurts like hell," William said, smiling weakly.
Reece held onto William as he sat down next to the sleeping Griffen. She sat next to him.
"What can we do?" Reece asked.
William shook his head. "I don't know. This is the first broken anything I've had."
"I might be able to help," Evernime said, taking her sweatshirt off. She threw it to Reece, who grabbed it in as it landed in her lap, confused about how a sweatshirt could help William's broken rib.
William moaned. "How is that going to help me?"
Evernime grabbed the sweatshirt from Reece's grip and began to rip it into strips.
"What are you doing?" Reece asked.
"Ripping my sweatshirt. Creon. Your a Skincrawler. Can you wrap this around his ribs?" Evernime asked.
Creon stood and looked at Evernime like she was insane.
"Yes, I can. But I would have to..." Creon stopped talking and swallowed.
Reece gasped. "No. I won't let him do that! You can't! There must be another way!"
William looked at Reece, confused. "What are you guys talking about?"
"Evernime wants Creon to jump into you to fix you! I won't let him do it!" Reece shook her head and clenched her fists.
William looked at Reece. "What do you mean? What's so bad about that?"
"You have no idea what its like to have a Skincrawler inside of you. Its like a piranha inside of you, eating at your flesh. Its not painless, either," Reece explained, her bottom lip quivering.
Creon shook his head. "It won't work. Just wrap it around his chest and he should be fine in a few weeks or so. Skincrawlers don't jump into people just to wrap a ripped up sweatshirt on his rib. Its too complicated. Once a Skincrawler is inside someone, their natural instincts kick in."
Evernime frowned. She didn't know that. "Oops. I didn't know that. Sorry."
"Its okay. So who is going to fix my rib?" William asked. "And how long will it take to heal?"
"I'm not sure," Creon said, shaking his head. "I think it might be at least six weeks."
"Six weeks?" William asked, then cried out in pain.
"Here, William. Lift your shirt up so I can see how badly it is," Reece said.
William removed his hands from his broken ribs and let Reece pull his shirt carefully off. She gasped when she saw how badly it was. He had a huge lump sticking out of his chest that was turning a deep black and blue.
Reece touched it gently, causing William to gasp in pain. "Sorry. Its bad. But at least it isn't sticking out of your skin, right?"
William nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Griffen did more damage to me then I did to him."
"Yes, well, I should get him out of here. He should be waking up soon," Creon said, picking Griffen up off the bed.
Reece nodded and sighed. She didn't know what to do about William's broken rib.
William looked at Reece as he held his ribs. "Its going to be fine Reece. I'll be okay. Don't you worry about me, alright?"
Reece nodded, but she felt like crying anyways. If she hadn't done something to stop Griffen sooner, he wouldn't have gotten a broken rib that looked like a giant lump sticking out of his lower chest.
She groaned and hid her face in her hands, tears wetting her hands.
William put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him as much as he could without crying out in pain.
"I told you, its going to be fine. I'll be perfectly well in at least six weeks and then I'll be back to normal," William said, rubbing her back.
Reece shook her head. "But its all my fault! If I had done something earlier before Griffen had kicked you in the ribs, then you wouldn't have a broken rib right now. I'm sorry, William."
Reece leaned her head on William's shoulder and sighed. "Its fine, Reece. You didn't do anything wrong. This was his and my fight, not yours. Please, Reece, stop blaming yourself for something that you didn't do."
Reece nodded then looked over at Evernime who had sat down on the floor against the wall and fell asleep. Reece chuckled as she watched Evernime snore.
"Wow, she really can snore," Reece said, smiling as Evernime mumbled something in her sleep about doughnuts.
William laughed then cried out in pain. Reece looked back at William as he grabbed his side more.
He coughed, then cried out in pain some more. "Ouch. That really hurt."
Reece stood up and took another look at William's broken rib. The lump on his lower part of his chest was getting blacker and bigger.
"Oh, this could turn out bad, William. This could have been prevented, but it hadn't," Reece said, laying two fingers on the lump carefully.
"No it
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