» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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Ariana asked.
Derrick chose to sit on their bed instead of answering. She sat beside him. “Honey, please. At least tell me what’s wrong.” He wouldn’t meet her eyes. She used Empathy to sense his feelings, knowing she’d made a pact to herself never to do so with him. What she felt was shame. Pure and simple. Shame and depression.
“What are you so ashamed of, Derrick James?” Ariana whispered, hugging him from behind.
He sighed, turning her around to hug her tightly to himself. “Myself, and how I acted with that demon.”
She knew exactly what he was talking about. He wanted to fight it alone, only he lost himself in the shuffle of his mind.
“We can’t always fight our battles alone.” Ariana told him. “You of all people should know that. You’re a Crusader, not to mention my Earthly Protector.”
“No one was there to protect me from being taken.” Derrick stood again, returning to his packing. Once he’d closed the suitcase, he paused. “I have to be alone for a few days, away from life. I need to sort out the garbage going on in my head.” He put the suitcase down beside him as he took her in his arms. “Don’t feel bad, darling. I love you very much. I also love our children, but I just need to do this. Okay?”
“What will I tell the children and the family?”
He smiled. “You’ll think of something. You always do.”
He kissed her passionately, making her heart beat loudly.
She clung to his chest, savoring his embrace. “When are you coming back?”
Picking up the suitcase, he announced. “Soon. I promise.”
On that remark, he was gone. Ariana never felt so alone.


Deep in the Unknown caverns of Dark Tower, Orthos smiled into his cauldron. He called upon the Djinn god, Omri.
As the god appeared, he announced. “My congratulations to you, Omri. You have done well.”
The Djinn god only smiled. “I am not the only one. My subjects helped as well. It were Abu that haunted the Young Guardian’s Earthly Protector. Sheena took his brother’s mind, turning him around.”
“Are they not Mind-dwellers?” Gloriana replied from the doorway. She embraced Orthos and turned to the Djinn god.
“Aye. A different race of Djinn. They deal with deception and jealousy.” Omri remarked. “Was there something else I could do for you, Master?”
“What of the other Earthbound Ancient Mystics?” Orthos asked.
“What of them indeed?” Omri supplied. “The final touches are in play. Watch, listen, and learn, Master Orthos. The minds of Earthbounds are wonderful playthings!”
Orthos laughed with him. “Who is next?”
“Perhaps we use a pawn in our game?” Omri decided with a grin to Orthos. They each looked to the cauldron, where the image of a newly-made Earthbound Ancient Mystic.
“Why not?” Gloriana cried. “It will teach him a lesson.”
“Indeed.” Omri sneered, stirring the cauldron with a wave of his hand.


It was late at night in the Outer Realm. In the home of the Schmidt’s, Aaron lay awake in bed. Eyes staring at the ceiling, he envisioned a beautiful maiden, one he’d known since boyhood.
His mind raced many images of them, together with his twin Aimee. The wonder, the mystery, the magic, the love. They cared for one another as none other has cared for them, before or since. They’ve seen each other through beatings and secrets, good times and bad, joy and pain. Nothing, not even an Earthly Protector would stand in the way of that. Their bond went beyond best friendship, for it were Aaron she trusted first with her heart and innocence.
Thinking of her, he closed his eyes and imagined himself at her bedside. He hoped to catch her before she fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself where he wanted to be. He gasped, startling her out of her book.
“Aaron!” She cried, surprised. “How did you get here?”
He shook his head. “No traveling spell I knew of.”
Ariana placed the marker in her book, placing it at her bedside table. “What did you come here for?”
“You.” Aaron supplied. He used the little empathy power he knew to sense her feelings. Her heart was pounding. Not from surprise, he noticed. From the mere glance of his face. He sat beside her, taking a chance at kissing her lips. He searched her eyes when they parted. “I can’t stop thinking about you, my Ariana Moon.”
The name made her shudder, her thoughts confused. If she thought they were finished with this years ago, she’d better think again. Looking at her now, her eyes filling with tears. He felt terrible, but couldn’t say anything. She never gave him the chance.
“Oh, Aaron...” She stammered. Hugging him tight, she let her emotions go. “You’re always there for me. I love you for that.”
“I always will be. Remember, I promised.”
Aaron held her, rocking her as her tears flowed. In an effort to stop her from crying, he kissed her tenderly. It was meant to distract, but quickly turned passionate.
“Please, Aaron...don’t.” She pleaded, trying to push herself away.
“I can’t help it, my Ariana Moon. I love you.” Aaron supplied softly. “Can’t I show you one last time?”
She was shocked. He put the images of the orphanage in her mind, taking her back to the time when they were together. Those thoughts would remind her of who he really was to her. They stared at one another, a loss for words.
“Aaron.” She whispered as they kissed.
They made love one last time, with the full moon shining on them from the window above. Two hearts were as one once again. For Aaron, it was wonderful. For Ariana, it would be the beginning of a long journey of the soul. Afterward, they snuggled together under the sheets.
“We can’t do this ever again.” Ariana replied, laying her head on his chest. “I love my husband, you know that.”
She sighed. “But I also love you.”
He placed a finger to her lips. “Don’t speak of this now, Ariana Moon. Let’s cherish what we have for as long as we can.”
She sighed again. This time, she kissed his lips as a reply. “You are my rock, you know that?”
“Didn’t before, but I do now.” He said simply, smiling.
Ariana moved to sit up. He watched her pace the floor after she dressed in her flannel gown. She caught his reflection in the mirror when he stood behind her. She fingered her necklaces, choosing just the right words. Finally, she whispered without looking at him. “You have to leave. Now.”
“Can’t I spend the night?” Aaron asked, touching her shoulder. “Just one night in your arms is all I need.”
She shook her head. “Definitely not.” She turned around. “What if one of the boys or Melody has a nightmare? They’ll run in this room and find you here instead of their father. What about that, huh?”
“Good point.” Aaron thought it over. “Let’s not mention this to anyone, and that includes Katherine and Luna.”
“I agree. Will you go now?”
“Trying to get rid of me?” Aaron teased.
“Sorry to say it, but yes.” Ariana replied. “It’s late and I have to patrol yet.”
“Right.” He groaned, dressing. “Duty calls.”
After dressing, and a final kiss on the lips, he closed his eyes and disappeared. Ariana was left wondering just how long it would take for anyone to notice the differences in her behavior.


Gloriana clapped in the Unknown, screeching in delight. “Wonderful! I love it!”
“Chaos was always a lot of fun.” Orthos supplied. “Even I did not think of undoing Young Guardian’s pride this way. Brilliant work, Omri.”
“Did I not tell you?” Omri laughed. He hovered above them. “The mind of an Earthbound is a wonderful thing to play with.”
“Aye, I agree.” Gloriana replied, caressing him. “The seed of doubt has been planted.”
“How true.” Orthos supplied. “How true? Tell me, Omri, what is payment for such wonderful work?”
“I want nothing, not yet.” Omri said. “For you have nothing I desire. I will come on my own when I find such a payment for my services. For now, I have subjects to rule, and plenty others to play with.”
With a puff of smoke, he was gone.
“I do not like his attitude.” Gloriana mumbled.


“Any word from Derrick lately?” Claudia asked Craig, who was sitting in his place at the breakfast table. She was cooking them all breakfast.
Craig looked up from his newspaper. “Last I heard, he skipped town.”
Claudia gasped. “Skipped town? Who told you that, and why?”
“Shane. Neither of us knows what’s going on with him.” Craig said. “He hasn’t been to work in a week, so Shane says. Ariana tells him he hasn’t been home in days. My guess is he had to get away from it all for a while.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Come on, Claud. He’s my childhood best friend.” Craig replied. “We’ve known each other since our days at the Academy. All his life, he ran away from his problems instead of facing them. It’s just the way he is.”
Claudia shut off the stove and sat down before him. “I remember. All the papers boasting about a ‘poor little rich kid’ wanting attention.”
“Attention was never the case.” Craig replied. “He got plenty of that. If fact, I’d say he got too much of that. No, I believe it was something else. I believe something in his mind finally snapped.”
“Do you think anybody else knows what that something was?” Claudia replied. “I happen to know Ariana doesn’t have a clue.”
“Even after all these years, I don’t think she really knows him at all.”
“Maybe that’s what made her use the silver Magic?”
“Maybe, whatever that is. Do you know what the silver Magic is?”
Claudia shook her head. “Not a clue, sorry honey.”
Craig stopped and smiled. “You called me honey.”
Claudia kissed his lips. “Of course I did.” She stood and continued with breakfast until the rest of the family came in the room.
“I smell something good!” Cara cried, helping herself to some eggs and bacon. “Sunny-side up, just the way I like ‘em. Thanks, Miss Woods!”
“Cara, I’ve told you. Call me Claudia.” She laughed. “After all, I’ll be your sister soon.”
Cara’s eyes widened. Since her mouth was full, she gave Claudia a thumbs up sign.
“When’s the big day, Claud?” Claudia’s older brother Kevin was engaged to Andrea, Craig’s older sister.
“We thought we’d make it a double-wedding.” Craig answered for her.
“With us?” Andrea asked. “Or with Christopher and his fiancé?”
“Chris isn’t getting married anytime soon.” Claudia reassured her. “We were thinking, since we’re each siblings to each other’s true love, we could marry together.”
Craig nodded in agreement.
Kevin rolled his eyes.
“By the way Kevin, do you know anything about the silver Magic?” Claudia asked. She explained what Shane had told Craig.
“Very little, sis. Sorry.” Kevin supplied. “I’ll look into it if you want.”
“Thanks.” Craig replied. “It’ll be a big help.”
“Hey, what if that silver-Magic stuff is what made Mr. Reading leave home?” Cara asked.
“How do you know what’s going on, squirt?” Craig asked.
“How do you think? Kelly told me.” Cara supplied. “She also told me how scared she was when she found them at the station last week. When he came home, he wasn’t the same. Kelly was beginning to think he was losing his mind. His aura was every color of the rainbow, all wild and stuff.”
“A wild aura, huh?” Craig replied. “I believe it’s time to pay a visit to good old Ariana.”
“I’m coming with you.” Cara and Claudia chorused. Kevin laughed under his breath while Andrea nudged him.
That’s when
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