» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

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an arm around her sister’s shoulders. The time has finally come, and she couldn’t be happier. “Let’s talk.”
She sat her sister down on the couch, taking a deep breath.
“About what?” Ariana asked, shooting a curious look at the boys. Derrick and Aaron stared.
Luna smiled; her voice serious when she told her, “Your real family.”
Ariana’s eyes widened, as did Derrick’s. Aaron smiled.
Luna continued happily. “You have happily married parents, six other brothers and sisters, and a neighborhood full of friendly people.”
Ariana was stunned. “Where?”
“That’s the fun part.” Luna replied with a grin. “It’s all right here in Hill View, not far from the Rich District. Isn’t that great?” Luna hugged her twin.
Ariana smiled, looking to Derrick and Aaron. All of Mark’s problems blew out of her mind.
“I live about a block from there.” Derrick replied, excited for her.
“Perfect!” Luna replied with a laugh. “Maybe you can visit?”
Derrick grinned, taking Ariana’s hand and gently squeezing it. “No maybes about it. I’ll definitely visit.”
Ariana blushed when he kissed her on the lips. He’s so sweet! She thought to herself.
“I want to meet them too, Luna.” Aaron spoke up, unable to keep silent any longer.
Luna shook her head. “Not this time, Aaron. Sorry.” She stood and Ariana followed. “Now, we’ve got to be going.”
“Where?” A voice echoed from the hallway. It was Mark.
The girls looked at each other sadly, and Luna nodded.
“I’m going home, Mark.” Ariana replied softly, moving to his side. “To meet my family.”
Mark looked to the floor. “Oh.”
Ariana hesitated, looking from Luna to Mark. “I still have to pack my bag, though. Did you want to help me?”
Mark nodded and Ariana walked over to him.
Derrick and Aaron shot each other looks of suspicion.
Luna saw this, and sent them each a message. Trust her. She knows what she’s doing.
The boys nodded as they watched Ariana head up the staircase with her brother.
When Luna was sure she had disappeared, she smiled, rubbing her hands together happily. "I might as well let them know we're coming." She announced, heading for the phone.
The boys sat at the kitchen table, waiting.
"What do you think she's doing up there?" Derrick asked.
"I don't know.” Aaron shrugged. “Probably the same thing she did with me when she ran away from the orphanage."
"What's that?"
"Consoling him so he won’t feel so bad about her leaving." Aaron replied, shaking his head and turning his eyes away from his friend. "Honestly, I wouldn’t know."
Before Derrick could say anything else, Luna came up and sat down beside them.
"You called home?" Derrick asked her.
Luna's face held a huge smile. "Yep. Everything is set and will be ready by the time we get there."
"What?" Aaron asked, looking interested.
"We’re throwing her a surprise party." Luna told them. She noticed Derrick was staring into space, touching his Protector's Pendant. She tapped him out of a depressive daze. "What's on your mind?”
"Who is your real family?" He asked her. "Surname, I mean."
"That's easy. The Woods' on Grosset Avenue."
Derrick's face lit. "Do you know your father's name?"
"David. Why?" Luna asked. "What are you thinking about?"
He smiled at the two of them. "Your father works with mine at Reading Industries."
"Cool." Aaron grinned. "In that case, I have a surprise of my own. I don't want Ariana to know just yet."
"Tell me!" Luna cried, laughing.
"I live next door." Aaron said, watching her reaction.
"I should have known." Derrick replied. "I forgot your surname was Schmidt."
Aaron nodded.
Luna closed her eyes listened to the air for a few seconds. She sensed something nearby and announced. "Do you guys have a ride home?"
"My Jeep's out front." Derrick announced, thumbing in the direction of the door. "Why?"
"Take him home, and then go to your parent’s house.” Luna ordered. “I think it'll be best if we went alone."
"Are you sure?" Aaron asked.
"Absolutely." Luna replied. "It'll be easier on your hearts that way.” Both boys looked sad, with Derrick playing with the Pendant. “Don't worry though, I'll keep in touch."
The boys nodded, standing.
Luna took Aaron’s hand and squeezed it, her eyes turning silver-blue to ease his mind. After Derrick and Aaron both kissed her on the cheek, they left, closing the door behind them.
Luna sighed. This is going to be tough, but it has to be done.
Now all she had to do was wait for her sister to come back downstairs.

While the three of them talked, Mark had followed Ariana into her bedroom. He knew it really wasn’t her bedroom; it was the long-lost-daughter’s bedroom. This Ariana definitely wasn’t the right one, and they both knew it. That didn’t change the feelings he still had for her.
He closed the door behind him, watching her grab an old, tattered backpack. She set the bag on the bed and stared into space.
“What’s on your mind?” Mark asked, touching her shoulder so she jumped.
“I was just thinking of this old backpack, and how much I went through to get here.” Ariana replied, shaking out of her daydream. He could vaguely see a single tear escape from her eye, running down her cheek.
Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace with a Dream Catcher hanging from its silver chain. “Turn around and look at me, Ariana.” His voice quivered, and he was on the verge of tears.
Ariana turned to face him, and Mark placed it around her neck.
She examined it. “What’s this for?”
“I still love you, Ariana, and I don’t want you to forget me when you’re gone.” He replied sadly.
“Oh, Mark.” She said, fingering the necklace. “I could never forget you. You’re too precious to me.”
He hoped she’d say those words. Quickly, they embraced in a final kiss on the lips.
To her surprise, Ariana liked it, and kissed him back.
What am I doing? She asked herself. I don’t love Mark this way – do I?
When they parted, Mark replied softly. “I’ll miss you dearly, you know that?”
She nodded and he was gone, leaving her standing in her spot, confused. Ariana decided to use her powers of telekinesis to finish packing. She sat on the bed, thinking.
I don’t know what to do. Are my feelings for Mark turning from friendship to love? If so, what about Derrick?
Ariana sighed as she zipped her backpack shut. She picked it up and headed out the bedroom door, stopping one last time to look back.
She was sure going to miss it all. The maids, the butlers, the money. Most of all, she was going to miss Mark Samuel Grey.
She closed the door behind her and bounded down the stairs.
Luna saw her and asked. “Ready?” She watched as Ariana’s eyes searched for Derrick and Aaron. “I’ve sent them home.” She told her twin. “Now, it’s your turn. Did you say goodbye to Mark?”
Sadly, she nodded, and the girls were on their way home.
Home. Ariana liked the sound of that.


It was a quiet ride home, with Derrick driving.
Did I hear Luna right? Aaron asked himself as he looked out the window of Derrick’s Jeep. Is Ariana Moon one of the infamous Woods’ clan? That’s impossible!
Once Derrick pulled in front of Aaron’s house, he stared at the house next door. Aaron knew something was up when his friend didn’t speak for a few moments, letting the engine run and staring at that house.
“Hey.” Aaron spoke up.
Derrick shook his head. “Oh, sorry Aaron.”
“That’s okay.” Aaron told him. “What’s on your mind?”
“I just never knew she was a Woods’.” He said. “I mean, I knew she was an Ancient Mystic, but never realized the connection until now.”
“I was just thinking the same thing.” Aaron replied with a small grin.
“Can I trust you with something?” Derrick struck out of his daze to ask.
“I’m a Crusader.” Aaron said seriously. “I won’t betray your trust.”
To his surprise, Derrick smiled. “Good.” He took a deep breath before starting his story. “As I was growing up, I heard rumors around the city about her family. It’s said the Woods’ and the Jacobs’ on the hill practiced evil, devil-worshiping magic. I stayed away from them at all costs, until the day I met Anna.”
“Her older sister?” Aaron asked, getting interested.
“Jake talked about her so much, I grew envious.” Derrick nodded. “When I met Anna for the first time, I found out her family wasn’t all that bad.”
“What does this have to do with Ariana being a Woods?”
“I was mean and rude to her the first time we met.” Derrick said. “For two weeks straight, I avoided looking into her eyes.”
“Ariana and Anna have the same color eyes, as the rest of the Woods’ do,” Derrick explained. “Silver-blue, along with the same powers that go along with being an Ancient Mystic. We know that well enough, thanks to Ariana.”
“If not more.” Aaron supplied. “When did you put aside your childhood fears of her family?”
“The night she told me about you, and how you protected her from Mrs. Gertrude.” Derrick said seriously.
She actually told him about us? Aaron thought. About what happened in that attic, forcing us to grow up?
“One night, she had a nightmare.” He continued, reminiscent. “The Dream Realm was in shambles, at least hers was. When she woke up screaming, I woke with her, feeling bad.” Derrick’s eyes clouded over. “I felt for her so much, I had to do something. I’d been listening to her have the same nightmares for two weeks straight.”
“That’s when she told you about me?” Aaron chanced asking.
Derrick nodded.
Dare I ask? Aaron thought to himself. “What did she tell you?”
“About how you guys grew up, and how you shielded her from pain.” He said, and smiled. “Now, it’s my turn. As her Earthly Protector, I’ll be the one to shelter her from pain.”
Aaron was uncomfortable now. He cleared his throat as he stepped out of the Jeep.
“I’ll, uh, see you later Derrick.”
Derrick nodded, still in his daze as he drove off.
Aaron stared after him, thinking of him and Ariana together.
“Aaron!” He heard his name called from behind his back. He turned around and headed toward the house, where his twin sister was waiting.
“Hey, who was that?” Amethyst, known as Aimee, asked.
“That was Ariana’s Imaginary Romeo come to life.” Aaron told her softly, turning to head into the house.
“So her visions were always true?” Aimee pressed.
“Aimee,” Aaron warned. She looked at him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
With that, he huffed to his room. Unfortunately, she followed.
“Spill it.” She said, sitting on his bed as she watched him unpack his knapsack.
“Didn’t I just say I didn’t want to talk about it?” He huffed.
“Yeah, I guess.” Aimee said. “Can I ask you a question, then?”
“What?” He snapped, getting irritated.
“Is it about Ariana Moon?” She watched his face for a reaction.
Aaron decided not to say anything.
“It is about her, isn’t it?” Aimee asked, incredulous.
He still didn’t say anything. He turned away, hanging a shirt in the closet.
“If you can’t trust me, who can you trust?” Aimee was serious now.
Aaron turned back to his twin, taking a deep breath. The Crusader Oath and all that had happened in the last few months raced through his head. Then again, so did the Blood-Pact and his life in the orphanage with the Three Musketeers.
“I’m sorry Aimee, but I can’t tell you.” Aaron regretted sadly, shaking his head.
“Why not? Is it something so awful, I’ll hate her
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