» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [e book reading free txt] 📗

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I sat him on the chair at the table. I saw he had scars all over his torso. His clothes were covered in blood.
I didn’t know what to believe. Were the visions I’d had coming true?
The boys looked at each other, then to me, frowning away.
“We were thrown into a mock-battle at the Academy.” Shane supplied.
“Mock battle? Against each other?” I asked, skeptic.
“We were on opposing teams.” Derrick finished for him, putting his palm to his forehead.
“How could they do that to you?” I asked. “You’re best of friends, not to mention brothers-in-law.”
“They’re also the best the System had to offer, but that had nothing to do with Hill View.” I heard Luna’s voice peep beside Shane.
“Where’s Caleb and the twins?” I asked her.
“At Aimee’s. Listen, Ariana.” My sister started. “They have to show themselves worthy of what Chief Bridgestone dishes out.”
I was confused. “Which is?”
“We have to show the Chief what we’ve been bragging about for so long.” Shane supplied.
“And since he sees us together so often, he decided to sign us up for the Mock-Battle.” Derrick continued.
Each boy was now sitting at the kitchen table. Luna and I hovered over them.
“Sort of to test your skills.” I began.
“To see if one was good without the other.” Luna finished.
The boys looked at us.
“What?” We chorused.
“That’s the first time I’d heard you two talk at the same time.” Derrick replied.
“Watch out, they may switch on us now.” Shane teased, high-fiving Derrick.
I shook my head, laughing.
Derrick cleared his throat. “In case you’re wondering, which I know you are,” he said, looking up at me. “It’s paint, not blood. The Mock-Battle was with paint-ball guns.”
“Just senseless male violence.” Luna shook her head and rolled her eyes.
Shane turned to meet her eyes. “Not violence, Lu. Life lessons.”
“We’d never had anything like that at the System to my knowledge. Had you?” All of them had been there before me.
“Not really.” Luna said.
“Not even close.” Shane said after her.
“We dealt with the scum of the Dream Realm, not each other.” Derrick supplied.
That made me think once again, and I was silent.
I sighed. “I saw it happen.”
The boys looked at each other, then back at me.
“What did you see,” Derrick sounded almost afraid of the answer.
I closed my eyes, trying to get the vision back again. It was clear in my mind since they were there beside me.
I told them my vision. “The last sound I heard was the pop of Shane pulling the trigger, and the bullet headed directly toward me.”
Derrick stood and kissed me, holding my waist. “Only it was a harmless paint-ball, not a bullet.”
“Thank goodness.” Luna and I breathed together.
We smiled.
“Meanwhile,” I told them about my adventure through the Mystic Mirror.
By the time I’d finished explaining, I noticed all of my Crusaders around me. I hadn’t heard when Aaron came in, sitting in as I told my story.
He stared at me with amazed eyes.
“That sounds intense.” Aaron whispered. “To actually go to my Dream Realm without Crusading? I don’t believe it.”
“You were there, right?” I asked him, taking hold of the necklace that lay around his neck.
Strangely enough, there were no visions with it.
Must be a good thing.
“Yeah, I guess.” Aaron replied.
“We should all be used to this Magic stuff by now.” Luna said, looking at him.
By the way she spoke, I could tell she didn’t hate him for that night. I sensed she understood about what the necklace’s dark power did to Aaron.
“You know what, though?” I asked, hugging Derrick from behind.
Their expressions were serious, as to what thoughts were on my mind, forcing me to smile so mysteriously.
“What?” Luna groaned dreadfully.
“I love it.”
“How can you love it?” Shane spat. “It’s hurting us, nearly tearing our team to shreds.”
He took Luna’s hand and had her sit on his lap.
“We’re turning against ourselves because of it.” Derrick sat me on his.
Now Aaron interrupted. “It made me do something I didn’t want to do.”
“It’s hurt us more that we’ll ever be able to fathom.” Luna looked at her lap when Shane hugged her.
“That’s only the evil part of it.” I reminded them. “All in all, I’d say we’re getting stronger and more in control despite it.”
“How do you figure?” Shane snuck a look at my sister.
I remembered O’Dell’s theory.
“Without challenges, there would be nothing to make us stronger, or make us think.”
“Or make us go crazy trying to figure a way out of a bad situation.” Luna lightened up. “It’s the Mystic’s Laws of the Universe Theory.”
“Without evil,” I started.
“There can be no good.” Luna finished.
“Without certain obstacles in our path, we cannot gain strength.” I summed up.
The boys looked at us as if we’d grown another head a piece.
“Yeah, whatever.” Aaron grinned, joking. “For now, I suggest you guys get washed up. Dinner’s almost ready at my house.”
He burst out in laughter. “You guys look ridiculous.”
We stood, with Derrick and Shane glaring at him.
Aaron put his hands up in surrender. “I give. I’ll be nice if you will.”
Shane growled at him.
“Shane...” Luna warned, smiling. “Behave.”
“Come on, you guys. It was a joke.” Aaron began to cower away when the boys started after him.
Shane looked at Derrick, who smiled and pulled two guns from their pockets.
I jumped, my heart racing already. “No, don’t! It’s only a joke.”
Derrick laughed. “Relax; they’re only paint-ball guns.”
“Let’s show him what we went through today.” Shane suggested with an evil grin.
They started after him again.
“Oh no. Guys, please.” Aaron tripped over a chair leg, backing away from the playful duo. “Have mercy! Please!”
I had to burst out in giggles myself. Luna followed suit.
“Run Aaron!” We chorused.
Derrick and Shane began to run after him when he looked toward the backyard.
In front of my eyes, my sister came up with a couple squirt guns using Magic. “Let’s really show ‘em.” She cried, laughing.
She handed me one and we were on our way.
The Crusaders, despite our present horrors, were having fun.
It sometimes helped us relax and think more clearly, easing pressure when it came down to it. More ideas flowed that way, where stress doesn’t follow.
Ah, I loved being a Mystic!
Story #3:
Revelations From the Heart

“I still don’t feel right leaving the boys with someone I hardly know.” Aimee announced the next morning.
She, Aaron, Luna, Mother and I were on another search for Kelly.
“Sara’s been with the family for years.” Mother assured her. “There’s no need to worry.”
“What about their mixed magic?” Luna asked. “Does Sara know?”
“Of course she knows.” Mother replied. “She also knows how to keep the family secret. She used to be your Great-Aunt Dorianne’s schoolmate, you know.”
My eyebrows rose.
“She seems pretty nice, yes, but I don’t know...” Aimee’s voice trailed.
Mother gave her waist a hug. “It’s the Over-Seer in you peeking out.”
The four of us shared a knowing look.
“I guess it’s getting stronger.” Aaron said softly, playing with the bracelet I gave him. I’m still amazed both twins had it on.
It wasn’t until we were half-way home did Mother notice my silence.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” She asked me.
Luna and I looked at each other, my sister biting her lip.
“Nothing, Mother.” I said aloud.
Nothing but the Dark Magic that is. I thought silently to myself.
“What about the Dark Magic?” Mother demanded gently.
I’d forgotten she was telepathic, too.
Each of us took turns telling the story, to which she said. “Is that right?”
We nodded. She turned to Aaron.
“Let me see the necklace.” She replied, stopping to handle it.
“Please be careful, Mrs. Woods.” Aaron warned. “I wouldn’t want it to hurt you, too.”
“Thanks for your concern, but I can take care of my Magic.” She says as she grasps it in her hands.
There was a moment of silence while I let my mother work her Empathic power.
“I can feel the Dark Magic in it, yes.” Mother replied with her eyes closed. “It’s fading.” She opens her eyes again and asks him. “Have you apologized to the girls, yet?”
“Yes,” Aaron said, nodding his head. “Profusely.”
Mother smiled.
“Does that mean anything?” Aimee asked.
“I can sense it.” Mother announced. “Your sincere apology is making the necklace’s Magic and your Unicorn Magic combine into a powerful force. It will soon be strong enough to beat out the darkness.”
Aaron took it in his hands and looked at it. “I never knew.”
“Of course not.” Mother grins. “You’re only learning.”
She puts her hands around Luna’s and my waists, hugging them. “Come on, kids. Let’s take a break and go home. I have quite a story to tell you.”
Ten minutes later, we were home and sitting on the couch in the living room.
As Mother sat down, she took a deep breath. “As I said before, you’re not the first Mystics to be plagued by the Dark Magic.”
“Did it bother you, too?” Aimee asked.
Mother nodded. “Yes, and it almost cost me my destiny, and yours.” She looked at me.
“I almost didn’t allow myself to go out with your father.” Mother started. “We were in college; I was studying to be a lawyer, your father a judge. Your aunt Sharon was into Veterinary Medicine. Sharon and I were roomed together with Alicia Roberts, Mrs. Edwards herself. Rumors flew around campus about our Mystic powers, and how it was evil devil worshiping magic.”
“Yeah, I’ve experienced that, too.” I told her.
“Well, that’s not the half of it.” Mother said. “Your father was a new student across the hall from us. I could tell he wanted to ask me out, but was too shy. I, on the other-hand, had a huge crush on him. I worried so much about those silly rumors; I didn’t allow myself to talk to him until my own mother came to me in a dream.
“‘Susie,’ she told me. ‘Don’t let your pride get in the way of meeting people.’
“How she knew about David boggled my mind.
“‘They’re saying mean things about us.’ I replied. ‘What if he believes it?’
“She smiled at me, disappearing. The last thought in my mind was to go for it.” Mother summed up.
“Well?” Luna asked, interested. “What happened next?”
“You’re here, aren’t you?” Mother laughed. “The next day, I ran into him in class. He got up the courage to ask me out. From then on, we were the premiere couple at Hill View University.”
“What about the Dark Magic?” I asked. “When did it come in?”
“By thinking about those rumors, and how to set them straight, it festered in my blood. I didn’t want anything to do with anyone but those I grew up with.” Mother replied. “I let the Dark Magic grow inside of me, all the anger I’d had grew with it.”
She closed her eyes for a moment.
“I wanted revenge so bad I could taste it.” She announced, taking a deep breath. “But, that’s all in the past. We’re here in the present and looking forward to the future.”
“If we have one, that is.” I mumbled.
Aaron put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I took it and smiled at him.
“Madame Woods!” We heard a voice from behind us. I turned my eyes to meet the maid, Sara. “Back so soon? Did you find her?”
Mother shook her head. “Afraid not, Sara.”
“How are the boys?” I asked her, standing up.
“They’re sleeping at the moment.”
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