» Fantasy » The Element Keeper, Jinxrox [black authors fiction txt] 📗

Book online «The Element Keeper, Jinxrox [black authors fiction txt] 📗». Author Jinxrox

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spraying my silava on a passing maid. She looked at me in disgust.

'Sorry'. I said, holding back a giggle. I then proceded to yelling as loud as humanly possible,

'SSSSTTTTOOOPPP!!!!!!!!' I yelled, lenghthing out each letter. And for thesecond time in a five minute period, evreyone froze. I sighed in relief. I was kind of funny, watching them standing there, one with three giant boxes stacked up in her arms. Another with dozens of gowns floating from her hands.

'Okay, first of all, I don't want that many clothes for this excavation' a collective gasp rose up from the small crowd. I rolled my eyes.

'And second I want barley ANY jewels and NO I mean NO high heeled shoes!' I believe I saw one or two faint from my proclimation.

'And lastly all of you but Lorie please leave.' And like a herd of well trained dress crazy elephants, they slowly waddled their way out of my chambers.

All except one; I smiled at Lorie and beckoned her closer. Her small petite frame walked over. Looking at me with her blond hair and aquamarine eyes, I couldn't help but smile. She was about my age but seemed to me like a little kid.

' So I need you to find the plainest knapsack you can find' she nodded and started lookin through my belongings. I walked over to my wardrobe and threw the doors open. Inside there were about twenty extravegant gowns all adorned with jewels. I turned around to se Lorie smiling.

'What?' I asked.

'May I show you something miss?' she asked.

'Sure'. She walked over to the woardrobe and searched the back of the wardrobe.

'What is there Narnia back there' I joked

I turned around with a puzzeled expression plastered on her face then shook her head and continued searching.

'Don't tell me you've never heard of-' My jaw dropped. She had apparently been searching for a button of some sorts. Pushing it she had exposed an extra room behind the wardrobe. Lorie stepped in and beckoned me to come. Inside were rows and rows of clothes; but unlike the fancy gowns theese ensembles were mostly made up of pants and blouses.

'Will this satisfy' she questioned

'How-' I began;

'I was the lady in waiting to the last princess here, you are staying in some of her rooms. She never liked the gowns and jewels so hed this extra room built for her.' Lorie answered.


'Are you cold miss, should i grab you a shawl?' she asked.

I laughed, 'No « cool » in my world means....uhh....posh.' I said hoping they used words like that here. She nodded, 'Okay, cool' and i had to refrain from laughing again.


Finally I was ready. Dressed in a tan tunic that reached a little past my knees, and chocolate brown pants accompanied with black boots. I left my hair loose, but kept my necklace on. Lorie had packed my worn out knapsack with severel similar ensembles. Xavier ran up to me, his white billowing shirt a great contrast to his severly tanned complextion, his black pants and boots completed the work.

'Demitri would like to see you in the stables', he said.


He's the head horse master. His alva replied.

Where are the stables? I asked. He pointed to his right, at a collection of small buildings that gave off a strong smell.

'We need to leave in thirty minutes so don't take long' he said.

I nodded and started off in the direction of the stables. Once I arrived I noticed a young man, maybe a little older than me, scooping out a stall.

'Excuse me, but could you tell me where Demitri is?' i asked.

'Right in front of you'.

'You're the stable master?' I was surprised he was very young to be in charge i thought. With his fire red hair and bright green eyes, he seemed younger than ever.

'Yes I know I am young but the reason I am the stable master is because the King appointed me to be, okay?' he answerd gruffly. Apparently he got the « you're to young » thing a lot.

'Sorry I didn't mean it that way. Well on the other hand I believe you wished to see me?'

'Yes, you need to choose your horse for your journey. But know this, this horse chooses you, you don't choose the horse.'

'Woah, like Harry Potter much?' i asked expecting a puzzeled answer.


I cut him off,'Nevermind'.

'So ill leave you to it then.' he then went back to work.

Okay so maybe I was expectiong a little more guidence, but thats okay. I walked up and down the long halway noticing a palimino, a bay, a pinto; but no horses caught my eye. I sighed, maybe no horse here was right for me. I started walking back towards Demitri, when something moved out of ht ecorner of my eye. Stand in her stall staring straight at me was the most beautiful horse. So silver that she was almost metallic, with lavender eyes, I knew she was the horse for me.

'Demitri, I choose this one' he came over and smiled.

'This is Esperanza, it means Hope in our language.'

Esperanza. My alva thought. She jerked her head up and looked into my eyes.

Hello Brianna, I've been waiting for you. You will accomplish great things while astride me, and make choices that will change the worlds. Welcome, Element Keeper.


Chapter 8: Red

We stopped for the night. The early night air dusted my face. I looked over at Xavier who was dismounting his brilliant black horse. I smiled, and touched the necklace that he had given me. A large diamond was strung on a single black chain. Simple (expensive) and yet incredibly chic; it now replaced my necklace from my father. I swung my left leg over Esperanza and dismounted. Stumbling, I grabbed the reins as a wave of vertigo swept over me. I'm probably just tired,I thought.

We gave the horses water and rolled out our small beds in silence.

'Why don't you go get wood while I try to start a fire?', Xavier asked.

'Good idea' I said and walked away in the opposite direction. It was so dark, i immediately wished that I had brought the lantern. I wish I had some light, I thought. As soon as I thought "light" my hands started to glow. A yellowish creamy color wrapped around my hands like sunlight in water. With my new found light ability, it was fairly easy to find plenty of firewood. Sticking my sun enveloped hand out, I command "up" and the log of wood rose of the ground. I amused myself in doing this, and soon had a long trail of logs following a pair of glowing hands, like moths to a flame.

When I walked back to camp, I heard people talking.

'Well is it her?' a man's voice whispered.

'You'll have to find out for yourself, why would i tell you?' Xavier's voice, i was sure that it is his, responded.

'Don't you see? We're only trying to know what will happen if, well you know.'

'Yes, I realize this, but if the prediction is not fulfilled, its better for us.' Xavier sneered. The other man caught his breath.

'That was you're plan all along, i mean I know we hate each other but what about-' And being as stupid and cliché as i am, I stepped on a twig. They immediately hushed. Walking in the camp withthe wood now in my hands, I noticed another man laying by the fire. Using my levitation abilities, the firewood floated near Xavier. Trying to fill the awkward silence, I said

'Soooo, who are you?' directing the question at the young man on my left.

'Aaron'. He answered flipping his blond hair out of his dark grey eyes. His hair reminded me of someone....He was probably 17 or 18, nice muscles (granted not as nice as Xavier's but no one can really beat him) and tan skin. He was wearing a light blue billowing shirt and light brown pants with chocolate brown boots. All in all, pretty cute. I could sense that either we would be great friends, or rip each others eyes out.

Who is he? my alva asked Xavier.

He is the one we came for, he is the one we need to kill.


I looked around me, wind whipping my hair, I stood atop a mountain top; the blue sea on the right, forest on my left and a grand prairie behind. In front of me charcoaled land, something moved in the distance, it was a volcano erupting.

'Turn around idiot' a voice said. I spun around and standing in front of me was a girl. She was about my age, black hair with red highlights on the tips of the hair and eyes that matched. Her dark brown skin contrasted with her long, bright red, dress.

'Who are you?' I asked. She snorted, then shrugged.

'you asked for it' She lifted her arms and her once menacing black eyes were now bright bloody red and her hair was an array of pink, red, yellow and orange. Only then did I fell the heat on my back, it ran up my arms, consumed my whole body. When I turned to look, I saw flames dancing all over my skin. I screamed as they began to burn, more and more. The last thing I saw was a pair of red eyes.

Chapter 9: The Truth About Aaron

Word Key:

Aaron: air-on

Skya: sky-a

Aerthia: air-e-th-e-a

Καλήγη: ka-lee-g

Waking up from my scary real dream, I noticed that it wasn't all a dream. My right arm was submerged in the flames of the fire next to me. Shrieking, I jumped up, noticing the light pink sky of morning. Looking frantically around the camp for someone to help me with my arm. Xavier wasn't there, Aaron was sleeping on his camping bed. I screamed again as my now flame free arm burned in pain. Tears were now streaming down my face. Aaron got up slowly, and as soon as he saw me, he rushed over. He touched my hurt arm, and immediately it cooled.

'What in Aerthia happened to you?' he asked. Not wanting to tell him the truth, I responded;

'I woke up and my arm was in the fire.' Something beyond my comprehension flashed across his face.

'Let's get you fixed up'. He gently led me over to a small brown bag and motioned for me to sit down. His pink eyes glazed with worry he looked at my injured limb. Wait, PINK eyes! Last night they were black! I sighed, I'll never get used to this place.

By early afternoon Xavier teleported back from who knows where, and after a heated discussion with Aaron, we were back on the road. At first I wondered how Aaron would keep up, since he has no horse, but I learned to never underestimate someone. As it turns out, he has one of my abilities, he can fly. It came in very useful, as he is a professional, that he could scout ahead.

We are now headed to a village by the name of Skya. It apparently is Aaron's home town, and as Xavier says, could be a useful way to gain his trust. I'm still not on
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