» Fantasy » Alter, Gracie Cochran [top 10 books of all time TXT] 📗

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hope you come and visit once in awhile though.” He says.


I give him a small nod. I smile at Chanel. “Thank you.” I say.


She nods. “It’s no problem. Hope to see you around.” She hugs me.


When I walk out West is sitting against the wall staring off. I can see the emotions running through his eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder.


In a flash I’m flipped on to my back getting the wind knocked out of me.


I groan and sit up.


“Sorry you scared me.” He holds out his hand. I grab it and he helps me back up.


“Since the battle won’t be here we’re going to Earth to train. I am here to train you. You need to have all your focus on the training. We can’t let the bond we share be a distraction.” He explains.


The beautiful staircase shows and I get a view of the forest. “Your first lesson is flying.” He says.

Before I can understand what’s happening I feel his hands push me and I start falling. Fear grips me and I will my wings to flap focusing on them. At first nothing happens. I close my eyes waiting to have every bone on my body.


Finally I feel the muscles in my wings move and the wind catch them. I listen to the sound of it’s flapping. At first I don’t open my eyes afraid of what I might find. Eventually I gather enough courage and open them. I look down and see that my foot is just barely floating above the ground. Relief floods through my system as I let myself touch the ground. I fold my wings and glare at West who is looking at me thoughtfully.


“You are a quick learner.” He says.


He runs at me fist clenched. I dodge just missing his blow. As he turns, he swings his leg in attempt to kick me. I grab his leg and yank him off his feet. I quickly get on top of him and hold him down.


What the hell?!? First you shove me almost breaking every bone on my body and now you’re trying to fight me? If this is how you ‘train’ people then I don’t want any part of it!” I declare, my anger level rising just below my shifting point.


I get off him and start walking away.


“Where are you going?” He asks.


I glare at him. “Taking a walk before I break every bone in your body.” I snap.


I continue walking. My cougar starts whining saying that she needs a stretch. I sigh but let her take over. She takes our sword off and hides it in a bush out of sight. My wings absorb into my back and we shift.


I stretch then start walking around. The smell of vampire hits my nose and I quickly run toward the bush with my sword. My muscles twitch as a prepare to pounce. A little vampire comes out chasing a butterfly and I relax.


West walks up to the little vampire girl and takes out his knife. Before he can hurt her I knock him to the ground. I put my paw on his throat, which turns into a hand as I shift back to my human form.


He glares at me. “What are you doing? I almost had it.” He growls angrily trying to get out of my hold.


“She is an innocent. I will not allow a fledgling to be killed. It is not her fault who she is today. She has no control, she was born this way.” I counter with just as much anger.

The vampling slowly walks up to me. “Thank you.” She whispers.


I nod giving her a smile. She runs off back in the direction she came. When I feel she is at a safe distance I let West go. I go to grab my sword but West grabs my leg and I fall to the ground. He pulls my arms behind my back. He puts his weight on me and puts his mouth to my ear.


“Stay still and stay quiet. There are four demons coming this way.” He whispers.


I felt tingling in my fingers and suddenly images go by of the demons taking me and then as quickly as they came they disappear.


I feel West get thrown off of me and I quickly grab for my sword just as clawed hands sink into my sides. I cry out in pain. I try to move but the grip gets tighter. Hot breath that stinks of death moves to my ear. “The more you move the more it’s going to hurt.” it’s voice sends shivers down my spine. There’s no emotion in it at all.


Another demon takes the sword from my hand. It then opens a sac that’s large enough to fit a body and the demon tosses me in.


“A pet for Satan coming up. That little human probably thought he stood a chance. Ha!” the demon that had its claws in my side lets out a snort.


“Let’s go before more of them come.” The demon that’s holding me says.


How am I going to get out of this mess?

Chapter 6


I struggle in the bag trying to loosen the demons hold on it. My side is still burning and I feel more of my energy slowly leaving me.


“This bag is laced with silver mutt. No way you’re getting out. You’re now as weak as the human.” The demon says.


I growl. “I am not a mutt horns for brains. Oh, sorry, I just insulted horns. They are smarter.” I taunt.


I feel it stop. The bag opens and it peers in. “You smell like a mutt. And if you were smart you wouldn’t insult your kidnappers.” it still has no emotion in its voice.


I let my claws extend and swipe at its face. It curses under its breath, closing the bag. I feel the bag swing as it starts moving again.


The pain in my sides intensifies and spreads throughout my body. I hear the demon breathe in deeply and sigh. “Home sweet home.”


I grunt as it let’s go of the bag. The pain is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I clench my teeth to keep from making any more noises. A clawed hand grabs me and pulls me out using my shirt.


“We brought you a present. We thought you might want a new pet. Being the old one was boring you.” The demon says shoving me towards a chair.


The pain grows unbearable then evens out enough to where I can stand it. I watch as the chair turns around and a man with black wings smiles cruelly at me. He stands up waving the demons away as he moves closer to me.


“Well hello there.” He says his voice having its own creepiness factor to it.


I growl in warning as he reaches his hand toward me. He just laughs and places a hand on my shoulder. Pain worse than anything I’ve ever felt before courses through me at his touch. I gasp shaking on my knees trembling in pain.


My bones crack and shift on their own accord. The devil angel gives a pleased look when my transformation is complete.


“Nicely done. She’s a very rare species. She’ll do nicely.” His voice and words portraying me like some animal from the zoo. He snaps his fingers and I feel something wrap around my neck. I start clawing at it in attempt to get it off.


“The collar looks quite nice on you. Since I have you now as my new pet you’ll be given a new name to whatever it was before. I think you look like a…..hmmm…..ahah. Your name is going to be Jezebeth. In case you didn’t know my little pet, Jezebeth, a good friend of mine, preys on the weak and enraged humans. You are here to torture humans. I don’t currently need you so you need to lay next to me for right now.” He says sitting at his chair.


I hiss at him staying where I am at. I feel the collar tighten around my throat causing me to pant as I struggle to breathe. “Now.” He commands pointing right next to him.


Glaring at him with pure hatred I reluctantly comply. He pats my head and in a mocking tone says. “Good girl.”


I growl low in my throat and move out of his reach laying my head on my paws and my tail wraps around my hind legs.


The demon shows Satan my sword. “ She was reaching for this when we found her. A human had been holding her against the ground. We easily tossed him aside and he passed out after hitting his head against a tree.”


I lift my head my heart racing. Is West ok? Is he going to get help? Hope twinges my heart and I place my head down pretending that I didn’t care about the ‘human’ they were talking about.


He goes to take it from its sheath drops it as if it burned his hand.


It curses. “The were’s sword must be blessed or have that stupid cross on it. If I take it out I will most likely disintegrate.”


The Devil angel just waves a hand. “Put it back where you found it. She won’t be needing it anymore.”


I spring to my feet running at the demon, snatching it out of it’s hand before he even had a chance to react. I give him a look daring him to try to take it from me.


I drag the sword with me placing it underneath me my eyes on all of them. Satan sighs holding a hand up as the demon starts moving towards me. “Let her keep it she can’t do anything while she’s in her current form. It’s not like it’s of any use to us.”


I give a defiant snort and turn my head back to its original position. Satan swings back to look at the scene of chaos below us.


I lay there with an escape plan forming in my head as I close my eyes.


West’s POV

I wake up to a headache. I sit up with a groan. I look around and see that I’m in the forest. How did I get here?


It all comes back hitting me like a ton of bricks. I have to get to the high council. They’ll know how to get Anne back.


Regret fills me. This is my fault again. I will get you back Anne I promise.


I will get you back my soulmate.

Derek’s POV

Anger. It’s all I feel. I’ve already killed ten of my servants because of it. Drained them completely of their blood. I couldn’t say no to releasing Anne without raising suspicion. Oh how badly I wanted her. How bad I still want her.


My little sister, Sarah, runs in. “Derek! Derek, a werecougar saved my life. She’s in the forest. A bad man had a knife but she saved me.”


Immediately my mood brighten. I run out of the castle and search the woods. I come across a guy rubbing his head with regret in his eyes. My hand is around his throat in seconds.


“Where is she?” I ask. Confusion replaces his features.


“Who?’ he asks.


“The werecougar. Where is she?” I ask again.


Recognition crosses his features then it soon turns to rage. “The demons have her. They knocked me out before I could save her.”


I curse. Satan always loves to

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