From Distant Shores Collection Part 1, K.R. Gomlok [reading rainbow books .txt] 📗

- Author: K.R. Gomlok
Book online «From Distant Shores Collection Part 1, K.R. Gomlok [reading rainbow books .txt] 📗». Author K.R. Gomlok
Taking a deep breath, Nafilas fit her make shift tools into the door and began working. It was a risky job and she was not altogether confident in her own skills in this area but she couldn?t let that stop them. Freedom was just beyond the door and Rithan?
Suddenly, Rithan?s footsteps ceased. He had heard her. Hoping Valormin was ready, Nafilas made a few final adjustments to the doors lock before coughing loudly and leaning back against the cell wall, hugging her knees to her chest and assuming a downcast gaze and demeanor.
As planned, Rithan came in. ?Trying your hand at escape, eh?? He asked, favoring her with a feral grin that exposed his Vampire teeth. When she made no response he stepped closer, ?To bad,? He said in a hoarse whisper near her ear, ?Your time just ran out. Gorgromith sees no further use for you. You?re taking up valuable resources and thus I?ve been ordered to dispose of you.?
She looked up. Her light copper hair slightly obscured her vision as she tried to make sense of Rithan?s words. It was obviously a lie about their intentions since they barely fed her anything as it was and they had access to a major trade route. The only thing that she could think of that would give them proper reason would be that they intended to stop her from saving Valormin. However, as her acute hearing soon revealed to her, it was to late for that. What she suspected were Valormin?s footsteps slightly echoed as he took his first steps into the hall.
?Naturally,? Rithan continued, an insane light behind his eyes, ? We aren?t going to waste this opportunity.?
?So you?ll make an example of me to the other prisoners who still dream of freedom?? She inquired quietly, forcing some resignation into her voice. Behind Rithan she saw Valormin step into the room wielding two short pieces of iron. Was this really Valormin? She had never actually seen him in person and now she couldn?t help but wonder if it was just one of Rithan?s accomplices.
Rithan shook his head, his crazed grin widened. ?No, not in the way you?re thinking. We were more leaning toward having you on our side.?
?What?? Nafilas blurted as Valormin stopped in mid step. ?How do you intend to do that??
Rithan?s teeth sparkled white in the moonlight. ?It will only take one bite, I promise.?
Finally realizing Rithan?s true intentions, Nafilas yelped in horror as the Vampire leapt upon her. However, his teeth never touched her skin. Valormin deftly knocked the creature aside with his iron weaponry.
For a moment, they just stared at Rithan, his limp form on the dungeon floor. ?Thank you,? Nafilas said after a few moments of silence, ?We should get moving before he awakes. Get a sword from the armory; along with my bow and arrows, we will need them desperately. Then meet me at the gates. If you run into Gorgrómith then find me immediately.?
?I?ll do my best,? Valormin said hesitantly, still staring at Rithan. ?Is he???
?Dead?? Nafilas completed the question. ?No, he is merely in Hynkari, a Vampire form of Hibernation. He is recovering at an accelerated rate from whatever harm you may have dealt him. Now go, we haven?t much time.?
Finally, Valormin turned from the Vampire and went his own way. Nafilas watched him the first few steps before investigating the corridor. There were many cells present. However, judging by the conditions, it had not always been a dungeon. What was it then? The whole thing looked of Alimirian design?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a child?s cough. Curious, she peered into the cell across the hall. Inside were two human children, one about twelve or thirteen and the other approximately five, huddled together on the solitary cot in the corner.
?Gorgrómith is capturing children?? she said aloud to herself, surprised at the Zalians horrific total lack of virtue. Were all humans like this? Garmt had seemed nice enough, but?
The older of the children lifted his head, ?Who?s there?? he asked, feebly climbing off the cot.
?Nafilas, of the Elves,? She answered, feeling a deep urge to bring the child with her on their way out. ? And you??
?You don?t work for the Vampire, do you?? He probed, staring right back at her with desperate eyes. He was so young, so helpless, so in need of someone to look after him.
She shook her head, ?No, my friend and I are escaping. Perhaps you could?? She stopped suddenly, was there enough time? It was now or never, if Rithan awoke and found her about he would kill her for sure. But the child?
?You need to go, don?t you?? The boy asked, a grave look coming over his features. ? You can?t take me or my sister.?
Nafilas held his gaze for a moment before looking away; she could no longer face him. She could not tell the child she would leave him. ? I? I?ll come back for you someday. Just?? She felt her voice crack.
?It?s okay,? He said, consoling her with a forced smile, ? I trust you. I?ll tell Erima when she wakes up.?
?Erima?? Nafilas asked, ?Do you mean your sister??
?Yes, she?s sick.? He replied, a shadow of pain passing over his face, ? But she?ll be glad to hear of you. She always adored the stories about the Elves??
They gazed upon each other and for an instant Nafilas felt closer to the boy than anything else in the world. ?So, I?ll see you again?? He asked hesitantly, as if he feared he would deny him his request.
She smiled, an expression that now was foreign to her, ?I promise you, neither nature nor beast will prevent me.? She quoted, thinking of the legend of Alimira.
The boy sighed and fell back onto his cot beside his sister. ?Until the clouds part, I?ll remember you.? He said, completing the quotes. ?Farewell.?
She took one last long look at him before heading off in the opposite direction and climbing an immense staircase. At long last, near the top, she found a window.
As she suspected, they were being held in a mountain fortress. Only two escape paths were visible; one through a mountain pass and the other to a sheltered harbor with a few buildings. By leaning out the window, she could see a door at the base of the tower that lead to a courtyard that in turn led to the gates that led to the harbor.
Turning around, she fled down the stairs and found her way to the courtyard. To her discontent, it was getting light and it was now apparent the Zalians did not keep stables. She had hoped they would have escaped by this time but there was really nothing she could do. Where was Valormin? She was becoming quite anxious.
As the sun began to rise above the mountain peaks, Valormin finally showed up carrying her bow and a sword of Kivarian make. Those first rays of sunlight illuminated Valormin as Nafilas got her first good look at him.
His skin was pale, though not nearly as pale as a Zalians, and his hair seemed to be a brown just one shade lighter than black. His grey eyes were powerful, they could have had a piercing gaze but she saw to much indecision in his features. He could be so powerful?
?Here,? he said, shoving her bow toward her after a few moments under her stare, his voice colored with impatience. ?We?d better get out of here before the fiends awake.?
?Of course,? She said, looking away from him and facing the sea. ?Our freedom awaits.? Silently, she wondered if he would care to help the Elves and the children in captivity, and if he would want to know her other names. But, of course, those held little significance at the moment.
After all, who had ever heard of Ginrial Duladún?
Collection of brief lists of background
1: Description of Tharis (Geographical):
Tharis is a world with 5 main continents: Northern (Nith Vala), Southern (Xan Conten), Eastern (Tarth Koten), Western (Forrún Kanta), and the Dark Lands. All the continents (save for the fifth) are separated by the great ocean and its many rivers which flow to the other side of the world. One side of Tharis contains four of the continents and is inhabitable by most creatures; the other side is a barren wasteland with seas of lava and mountains of ash. It is said that this was once a fertile land of great joy but during the great fall it fell into darkness. It is here that all Galdrood are spawned and eventually leave. Separating the two sides are numerous diamond forests and light lakes that serve as a border to keep large numbers of Galdrood from entering the other side at one time. From Distant Shores takes place entirely on Xan Conten, which is the home continent of the Humans, Drolcif, Halthact, and other interesting creatures. It is currently in turmoil due to constant military action on behalf of the Galdrood, Halthact, and Zalians.
2: list of locations in From Distant Shores:
1: Ramador:
Capital of the Zalians, this dark city has been thriving unknown to the world for quite some time now, though some believe it began around the end of the third age. It is more a military camp than a city though and consists of tents, seige towers, and a few permanant buildings such as dungeons.
2: Humsoran:
A coastal region in a failing kingdom, this is the location in which Valormin first sees the great ocean. Garmt?s village (Cabat) is also in this area.
3: Koksil:
The coastal village in which Valormin is captured by Gorgrómith. It is across the bay from Nosga, a thriving trade port for the kingdom of Skaran.
4: Lutholian the Gray?s fortress:
The castle in which Gorgrómith has taken up residence and Valormin finds himself to be imprisoned. It once belonged to an Alimirain named Lutholian who helped keep the peace within the Human kingdoms. But after the fall of the Chronic Guardians it was thought to be abandoned.
3: List Species mentioned:
Wood Elves(Eléban):
Also called forest Elves, once were the most common type of Elf but now are very rare. They used to reside mostly in Forrún Kanta and the
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