» Fantasy » The Curse, Skylar Pitera [win 10 ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Curse, Skylar Pitera [win 10 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Skylar Pitera

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he got upset and left.” I explained and turned on the TV. He frowned and looked at Sam.
“He just left?” Sam nodded and jack shook his head.
“I think you guys should’ve told him sooner but he shouldn’t have left.” I laughed at the TV show and turned it up to block out jack and Sam’s conversation.
Jack looked over at me cautiously and then back at Sam. “Do you think she’ll be ok?”
Sam watched me for a second. “Yeah she'll be ok I’ll make sure of it.” He nodded then stood up unsure of what to do and I focused even more on the TV. “If you need me I’ll be in the kitchen or something.” Sam nodded and watched the TV with me.
Two movies later she stood up. “I’m going to go home see if Ian came back or not.” I smiled up at her then stood up also.
“Ok bye I’ll see you tomorrow.” She waved as she walked out the door. I walked up the stairs to my room and closed it softly.
My bathroom was amazing especially because it has a nice bath. I ran the water then closed the door. My muscles were always sore after I healed so I was grateful when the hot water soothed them.
I rested my head against the rim of the tub and closed my eyes. My radio was playing on my favorite station and I felt myself start to relax.
The next morning I found myself not wanting to go to school because of the night before.
Jack went to work early and I was going to have to ride the bus to school, usually I would’ve gotten a ride with Ian but today I knew that wouldn’t be an option
Which was why I was surprised when I opened my front door and saw Ian waiting for me outside.
I stared at him speechless. He looked back at me then walked up the steps to where I was standing.
“Hey ray I’m taking you to school today.” I started to shake my head but stopped when he grabbed my hand.
“Please I want to talk to you.” I sighed and walked past him to his car. He got in to and I buckled my seatbelt.
“I’m sorry I left last night ray.” I smiled at him.
“It’s ok Ian it was a lot of information.” He frowned at me then grinned slightly.
“Are you feeling ok?” I knew he was worried about me so I smiled at him again. “I’m fine don’t worry.”
I turned up the radio a little bit and hummed along to the song that was playing. “Do you have any questions?”
He knew exactly what I was talking about and after being silent for about five minutes then he slowly nodded his head.
“Are you really going to die?” It was just a soft whisper but it sent shivers down my spine. Tears gathered in my eyes and I stared out the window for a few seconds.
“Yes eventually.” I rested my forehead against the cold window and released a shaky breathe.
He was silent for another minute. “When do you think?” it was again a whisper and I turned to look at him.
“I don’t know it gets faster every generation. My mom was expected to die before she turned 30, so I figure I have till then at least.” I was 10 years old when they both died.
He was tense I could tell by the way his hands held the steering wheel.
“i- well…. Don’t worry about it ray just don’t worry about it,” I couldn’t tell who he was trying to convince himself and me.
“I know Ian I know.” I put my hand on his arm and we pulled into the school parking lot. He turned to me and sighed.
“I care about you a lot ray.” He hugged me as I thought about how I cared for him more. I got out of his car when he parked and waved as I walked away
I walked to the lockers that me and Sam shared waiting for her to get to school. She had taken the late which meant she was going to be a while. Finally she walked up to the lockers and I turned to look at her.
“Your brother picked me up for school.” I told her as we opened the lockers.
“I know I told him to last night.” I stopped and stared at her.
“So he only apologized because you told him to?” her eyes widened and she shook her head quickly.
“He wanted to apologize to you but he didn’t know how.”
I shook my head at her. “You got mad at him right?” she looked into her locker.
“So what if I did anyways he wanted my advice on how to apologize so I gave it to him.” I laughed and she grinned.
“You took the bus for me?” she nodded and I grinned. “How sweet.”
She smacked my arm but I just laughed harder. “I sacrificed myself just so he could apologize and you laugh?”
She faked a hurt look and I snorted. “That’s just shameful.” She told me while glaring. I watched as she walked ahead of me and my laughter carried with her.
I ran after her and smiled today was going to be a good day. Really good.
“Hey you want to go to the mall after school today?” Sam grinned at me I knew i had to let her have her way.
“Sure hot topic all the way Sammy.” She groaned and I giggled. “Pac sun is good to.” She nodded then frowned. “What?”
“Who’s going to drive us?” I shrugged. “I can ask jack but I doubt he can plus hell have the car.” She dug in her pocket and pulled out her phone.
“I’ll ask Ian.” She dialed his number and waited for him to answer.
“Hey can you take me and ray to the mall?” I leaned back against the lockers and listened intently for his reply.
“Um sure right after school?” I could tell by his voice he wasn’t looking forward to it.
“Yeah thanks Ian love you!” she hung up and looped her arm through mine.
“I can’t wait for the mall!” she squealed and I rolled my eyes, not revealing how excited I was to be around Ian.

Ch.5 Ian:
I don’t hate the mall. I just can’t stand it when my sister goes crazy. I know for a fact ray cant either.
For that reason I think she’s crazy to come here with my sister. This is also why I am. I still don’t know why I decided to come. Sam had been desperate and I felt generous this morning after me and ray had talked.
Oh boy was I regretting that generosity.
“Ok guys I need a new bathing suit, oh and knew boots.” We passed by another window and she sighed.
“I need to get knew sunglasses to ok?” she was jumping up and down extremely energetic. It was absolutely horrifying.
“Sam calm down geez remember, I’m going to hot topic and Pac sun I'll meet you guys at Claire’s.” I started to panic. I couldn’t believe ray was going to leave me here with Sam. “Wait.” I cried after her.
She stopped and turned amusement plain on her face. She could tell I was desperate. “I’m going with you, your normal at the mall.” I pointed at Sam. “That’s not.” Sam glared and stocked off.
“Remember Claire’s at 6 k?” Sam had turned and called to Ray. Ray nodded and I walked over to her.
“Where to first, my lady?” I stuck out my arm and she rested her hand on my forearm.
“Hmmm. Pac Sun slave.” She giggled when I glared at her and I paused to admire how beautiful she looked.
Then I shook my head and started to walk forward wondering where that thought came from.
“Why’d you come in if you know she’s like that?” Ray was trying not to laugh. I shrugged and looked down at her.
“Maybe I didn’t want you guys to get mugged or something.” That made her laugh harder which made me laugh.
We turned into Pac Sun I walked over to the men's half. “I’m going over here.” She nodded already looking at the jeans on the women’s side.
Every once in a while she would find me and ask what I thought about a pair of jeans or a shirt she thought was cute.
I felt the need to tell her I was a guy when she brought the next shirt.
“What do you think?” the top was nice but low cut and I felt a sudden urge to tell her not to get it.
“It’s not the best.” The dark side won and I felt bad when her face fell. “However I net it looks better on.”
I mentally kicked myself in the ass. Ray went back to her side and I continued to walk around aimlessly.
Why did I keep feeling protective of ray? She was my sister’s best friend. True she was one of mine as well. This didn’t explain why I found myself watching her though. Studying her every movement, the way she laughed or smiled. How her eyes got big when she saw something she wanted.
I looked around for her and stopped when I noticed she was watching me almost as intensely as I was watching her.
She smiled and flushed then looked down embarrassed.
I found myself smiling and walking over to her. “Almost done?” I asked and stepped really close to her. She was going through some more clothes with her back to me.
I leaned down and smelled her hair, its intoxicating aroma making me want to bury my face in the silky waves.
She froze and I grinned. “You smell good.” She turned slowly around and my lips brushed her forehead she blushed. “Thanks.” Her eyes were bright and her lips were beautiful.
I stepped away and nodded. “Are you almost done?” she nodded and I took another step back.
She walked over to the check out and gave her things to the lady. “That’ll be $50.76.”
Ray grabbed her wallet from her back pocket which made me look down at her butt.
I felt my mouth dry up and had to look away quickly. What was wrong with me? I went to the doors and waited for Ray to finish.
“Where do you want to go now?” I asked her when she walked over to me. She thought for a second.
“What time is it?” I took out my phone and handed it to her. “Can we go to hot topic then to wherever you want to go we still have an hour till we have to meet up with Sam.”
I nodded and took one of her bags. Then grabbed her hand and started heading in the direction of hot topic.
I watched her out of the corner of my eye and almost laughed when she looked down at our hands then up at me.
I didn’t know what I was doing but it felt right to be close to her. I just hoped everything went ok.
Later after hot topic and one of the many shoe stores we caught up to Sam. She was raiding Claire’s of all of their jewelry.
“Ray! Come here I found the perfect earrings for you!” Before Ray could do anything Sam grabbed her arm and steered her to a rack.
“Yup those are gorgeous they’d go great with this shirt I got at Pac Sun.” she smiled and grabbed them.
I walked over to them and grabbed their bags then piled them
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