» Fantasy » Angel Breath, Racquel Kechagias [electronic reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Angel Breath, Racquel Kechagias [electronic reader TXT] 📗». Author Racquel Kechagias

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of foundation and a soft strawberry flavored lip gloss – and Isabelle was ready. She saw on her phone that the time was a quarter past nine and Isabelle decided to just sit and wait until Ethan came.


At exactly twenty five past nine Isabelle’s phone vibrated inside of her closed palm. “Hello,” Isabelle asked her voice not quavering although she was filled to the brim with butterflies. She could hear her excitement pouring into her words and she wondered if he could hear it as well.


“Hey Isabelle I’m waiting downstairs.” Ethan’s deep baritone voice resounded on the other side of the line and Isabelle could feel the grin breaking across her face as she picked up her bag and made her way out of her apartment. She quickly locked the door behind her before making her way down the stairs.


“Alright I’ll see you soon then,” Ethan said before hanging up. Isabelle slipped her phone into her onyx purse as she rode the elevator down to the ground floor. She could see Ethan sitting on a black Harley in front of her apartment’s building; a pair of black aviator’s sitting on the top of his strong, straight nose. His raven hair was wind-blown; he was dressed in a very casual combination of black jeans, a white tee-shirt and a leather jacket very much similar to the outfit that he was wearing the night before.


Isabelle was a fair bit apprehensive to join Ethan on what appeared to be a death trap. However she could see Ethan’s comforting smile on his pale, masculine lips and she felt herself drawn towards the man again.


“Are you sure that things safe?” Isabelle found herself questioning the ‘death trap’ out loud. She could see the cocky smirk stretching out onto Ethan’s lips as she approached the bike.


“Hello to you too beautiful.” Ethan said tipping the glasses down his nose so that he could see her better. His smirk grew even larger, Isabelle realized, when she still continued to stare at the bike. “Look it’s perfectly safe, I just thought rather than walking to that little coffee shop down the road, that I could take you somewhere a bit more nicer closer towards the city.” Ethan said trying to comfort the girl standing beside him. “You can trust me,” Ethan continued when Isabelle still continued to look at the bike as if it was going to eat her whole. Isabelle’s eyes flashed from the back seat of the bike to its driver’s eyes. She could see the truth in Ethan’s eyes and even after all that she witnessed the night before she knew that she could trust him.


“I do trust you,” Isabelle whispered, shyly before realizing that what she was saying was true. Their eyes continued to stay locked for a moment, sharing the truth of her words before Isabelle cautiously climbed onto the back of the Harley; her arms instantly wrapped around Ethan’s waist holding on for dear life as he revved the engine of the machine and steered it back out onto the streets. Isabelle couldn’t hear Ethan’s mirthful laughter over her own screams. It felt as if the bike was flying at an unidentifiable speed. She remembered her father having a bike similar to this Harley; her father’s bike was unbelievably fast, extremely slim and agile and it gave the driver absolute control over the bike, almost as if the driver was one with the machine whilst driving it. Isabelle could see the similarities between Ethan’s bike with her father’s and she wondered what other qualities they shared; it wasn’t that she liked the idea of Ethan being anything like her father – she would have liked to date someone who was as good and as pure as her father – but simply because she was curious as to whom Ethan really was, the man before her or the man that she saw last night; or did he have an alter-ego where he was in fact not one or the other but both.


Isabelle let out a sharp intake of breath when Ethan turned a quick right, almost causing Isabelle to fall off of the bike and most certainly knocking the air out of her lungs. Isabelle felt tears sting her eyes as she struggled to breathe again. She could hear Ethan’s laughter ringing in her ears. She could barely breathe and he was laughing! Isabelle could feel her world start to spin, and she gripped tighter onto the laughing man sitting before her. She prayed that this would be all over soon. She didn’t know if she’d be able to take much more of this.


Publication Date: 08-08-2014

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