» Fantasy » Thy Kingdom Come, Colt Kuhlman [easy to read books for adults list TXT] 📗

Book online «Thy Kingdom Come, Colt Kuhlman [easy to read books for adults list TXT] 📗». Author Colt Kuhlman

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a firm salute."Captain Salazar Sir!"Salazar turns and addresses him back with a salute then proceed to ask."Sergeant Arlom how comes that report?"clearing his throat before speaks."there troops have yet to cease coming and our oil supply is beinging to diminish.we are down to just a few thousand arrows and we have no more than 3 days worth of rashions left issued accordingly."Salazar over looked the notes Arlom had handed him, going over every detail line for line, word for word. Arlom looking over Salazars shoulder scanning the wall and battlefield ahead of him, there soldiers firing arrows one after another while remaining troops were loading either oil or boulders into the catapults, heaving them off once ready. Arlom follows the boulders fly through the night sky and inpact the earth a few dozen yards away, watching haydens men get thrown through the air or slammed with the boulders as they hit. all of this happening in slow motion to Arlom as his mind raced uncontrollably, thinking to himself,"not to long ago they're nations had been allies. at perfect harmony with one another, and just like that it was all over. friends turned enemy, monsters let loose to do Haydens bidding and for what purpose? just so he could be the sole ruler of the realm?i didn't seem right."All of a sudden Arlom feels the wind being knocked from him as Captian Salazar tackles him to the ground of the wall just seconds before a boulder crashes down taking a portion of the wall with it landing just inside the castle walls catching a few frantic soldiers by suprise, throwing them through air before plummeting back into the earth lifeless."WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU JUST STANDING THERE FOR SERGEANT!!!"Salazar shouts as he picks himself and Arlom up from the stone. "i..i dont know sir."Arlom studders and he gathers himself checking to make sure everything is there."nevermind that adorn your armour and prepare for combat with the amount of damage are walls are taking from thoughs catapults they will be apon us in minutes."Arlom gives Salazar a firm salute then begins heading down the tower to the armoury.Salazar takes one more look over the fields before the castle trying to anticipate there opponent's next move. following the movments and tatics, while out of the corner of his eye he catching a group of leonian forces moving to the far western wall of the castle, Salazar rushes to the inner side of the wall and bellows down to the commander who at this time is giving a war heros speech to his men,"commander Leander, ready your men they are about to break the western wall, its time for our final stand!" pointing his sword skyward in acknowledgement of one of his officers Leander turns back to his legionnaires with a smirk appointed on his face and remarks to his men"well you heard him it is our turn, ready the shields and steady your nerves for this will be a battle like non other you have faced!" pulling down his helms face guard he moves to the front of his men slams his sword into his shield repeatly while belowing as loudly as his lungs would allow."for the king! for heldum!" the first crack in the wall appears no more than 300 yards from Leander and his men. silence falls the men as they stare in anticipation, worried eyes and jittery movements comes over several of the newer legionaries. the beating continued as more and more cracks begin to form in the wall, the men take a more aggressive stance, gripping the hilts of there swords tighter, there breathing beginning to pick up sweat dripping from there brows when finally a loud rumble from the wall echoes through the grounds as the wall collapsed beneath its own weight spewing debris and a thick cloud of dust over leander and his men. as the cloud of dust started to settle silloettes of men becan to form through the wall, slowling growing in numbers, once the first soldier came into full view Leander raised his sword charging forward screaming a terrifing war cry as he uses a piece of the crumbled wall to vault himself into the air bring his sheild down into the unexpecting warrior toppling him to the ground and digging his  sword into the soft spot of his armor just between his helm and collar-bone, too suprised to react the Leonian soldier lies there gasping for breath staring up at the swift man that just ended his life in a matter of second. Leander removes his blade from the dying man. thrusting  his blade down flinging the loose blood, looking down at the man as he gasps and gargles on his last breath before falling motionless. Leander raises his sword once more belowing a battle cry from the depths of his being signaling his men to charge. without hesitation the spring to action, the thunderous sound of dozens of clanking boots fill the air as they charge into the hole. there swords clashing the swords and shields of the Leonian forces.
  one by one Leanders men strike down the Leonian forces as they breach the wall. tripping over one another as well as there fallen comrades but under sheer numbers the Leonian forces push through the blockade and begin to fan out through the courtyard striking down the less profitent  of the heldum's army. Leander and his legion continue to push back striking them down several at a time. but to no prevail." commander they have pushed to far in to the castle. they are starting to take the coridors and these new recruits are far to green for this! there just being butchered like cattle, i dont believe we can conquere this." Leander makes quick eye contact with his first officer soren as they continue to push back at the Leonian's. smashing his shield into the helm of a grunt running towards him before slipping his sword across the mans abdomen he remarks to Soren."i fear you are right, i want you to head eastward through the halls gathering what forces we have left and begin heading to the thrown room, i will head westward taking what forces i can. there we will make out last stand."Soren looks at leander with a firm face of confusion as though questioning his reasoning.Leander smirks before following his statement up with."only one entrance with very tight corridors. we can create a very strong phalanx three-four ranks long if we have enough troops. Soren nods his head in acknowledgement. Soren storms off towards the east wing of the way castle taking five of there legionnaires with him, disappearing into the thick cloud of dirt and twilight of the morning sun."dawn is apon us,  we can use this to our advantage."Leander remarks to himself as he gathers up whats left of his forces and begins having them form a defensive perimeter as they fall back into the west wing.
         As the last of the frontal assault by the Leonian's follow the Heldum troops into the castle a tall shadow appears just outside the fractured wall. as the dust clears it reveals a brod war torn man strong an swole from decades of battle. wrapped head to toe in rare animal skin's fashioned into stiff armor-like clothing, studded with iron ringlets around the edges of his waist and sleeveless vest. firm hands clence around two aged battle axe's. placing them into the holsters at his waist he raises his hands to his head pulling back the hood to his cloak to scan over the freshly fought battlfield, exposing a heavly scared face partually encased in a short helm just covering the top of his head, letting long unkept hair flow just under it. a small visor just around his eyes, one of which was bleached white by a thick scar from the top of his brow down to his bottom lip. slow heavy breaths escape his lungs, spewing hot air into the cold dawn air. several more men dressed in similar garb and arms make there way through the breach. Pulling the axes from his waist , he raises one above his head then slowly lowers it down pointing it towards both corridors motioning for his troops to move, as one by one they quickly and quitely into the castle.
       The voices of the soldiers repeatedly yelling "hold your shields high and steady! do not let them breach till we make the thrown room!" echoed through the stone corridors as step by step, slowly but surley they made there way up to the Great Hall. striking down any foe that crossed their path, Leander kicks open the door of the Great Hall and quickly leads the rest of there men in."close the doors and block it off with whatever you can find!" chapter 4-5?/segment

as tears fill his eyes he proclaims."my people we are simple, we live by
nature and all that it has to offers. we are one with all things, we us
from it and give just as much entire village was
over run and detroyed by Haydens men all because he wanted
that portion of the forest that our village was in for a
new training facility for his personal guard." taking a deep breath to compose himself.

"when we refused to leave they came in and
burned it all down..not just the village but the entire
  forest.we are skilled hunters and tracers,
so a fight was given back to hayden, but as you can see it
was not enough. they slaughtered every one in sight without
discrimination. children were killed, women sold for
whatever purpose they could get from them. and whatever men were
left were taken and sold a either soldiers of war or meer cattle for the lenoan forces to use as

live targets.

book info

 book in progress

title: thy kingdom come

by: colt kuhlman

LOCATIONS: large continent called Netha, land locked on three sides large coastline on left hand side of continent

THREE MAIN KINGDOMS: Liona legest kingdom in Netha, Heldom, Moreth. smaller cities in between designed mostly for trading and agraculture

Caganta: main port of trade and big part of evolving story

Evansdelia forest:

Coth mountain:
Kramlland: black market style town


Artimus Forell(main protaganist femal elf, tall,  red hair green eyes)

Genral stone(human male, older dead but plays part in later story)

LT Elijah(young human male part of main 6heroes)

Alabster(male druid part of main 6 possible love intrest for Artimus)

Hayde( male human/wizard main villian possessed by evil entity)

Morith Drilick(male dark elf)


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