» Fantasy » Alpha, Forest Ostrander [good inspirational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Alpha, Forest Ostrander [good inspirational books .TXT] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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Chapter 6

Alpha noticed a man entering the building. Jumping down off the heater, she headed out the room. Mark seeing her called.
"Alpha, were are you going?"
"I saw a man enter, I don't recognize him so I'm going to investigate papa. I'll be all right," Alpha said.
"What kind of man?" Marked asked, instantly on alert.
"He was tall and funny looking, he kept smiling like he knew something was going to happen. If he's a threat to you papa, I can eliminate him for you," Alpha said. She had toned out the other students so that all she saw or heard was her papa.

"Alpha wait, it might be Paul," Marked said.
"Who's Paul?" Alpha asked coming back in.
"He's a man who wants to use you for his own gain. The powers you have could eliminate everyone in this world if in the hands of the wrong person. If he is here it would be best to stay away from him Alpha, if he can control you, we are all doomed," Mark said. Alpha looked at her papa shocked.
"So you are saying the man who entered is a bad man? Someone who wants to hurt people?" Alpha asked.
"Yes," Mark said.

"Then I will only eliminate him faster, papa you have to let me do this. It's boring in this classroom since I can't mess around with the girls up there," she pointed to the preppy girls.
"I want something interesting to do, I'm restless just sitting there with nothing." Mark was hesitant but he knew the longer he wasted the closer Paul would get and if there was a chance that Alpha could stop him, he had to take it.
"Fine, you can go but be very careful, this man is dangerous. You let your guard down and you won't be able to come back here, he will take you far away and use you to do bad things to people."

Alpha nodded and she said.
"Don't worry papa, I won't let him take me away from you!" And with that, she dashed out the door.
"If you guys ever encounter a bad person, don't be much like Alpha unless you know you can defeat him," Mark said to his students who had watched Alpha leave.


Chapter 7

Alpha stood in the middle of the hallway that she suspected Paul would be coming down. She didn't have to wait for long either, in a matter of minutes Paul was standing at the other end of the hallway looking at her.
"Are you Paul? The man my papa told me about?" Alpha asked him, already students and teachers were peeking out of the classrooms and bathrooms.
"And what if I am? You must be Alpha I presume?" Paul asked.
"All depends on who is asking and what you want with me," Alpha said in a defensive tone. Paul laughed and said.

"Yes! I found you! Now you will be mine Alpha, together we can eliminate this world of useless people. You can rule a whole new world where everyone will do what you say, what do you say Alpha?"
"NEVER!" Alpha shouted and charged at him. Paul grinned, that was just what he wanted. However, little did he know that behind him, Mindi was coming in. Seeing Alpha charge Paul, she knew she had to help so she launched an attack from behind so she could distract Paul off guard while Alpha plowed into him sending him flying. Mindi let go just in time as Paul zoomed over her head and smashed on the tiled floor and slid into a bunch of lockers. Kids watched with interest of the fight going on, they were pleased that something was finally happening in their school. Alpha looked down at the wolf already on guard and she asked.

"Who are you? Do you want to fight me as well?"
"No dear, I am your real mother. Alpha, you don't just have powers, you are a werewolf like me. Honey. Together we can defeat this guy," Mindi said looking at Alpha.
"How do I know you're not lying? How do I know you're not trying to trick me? Can you even prove to me that you're not on his side?" Alpha asked. Motioning to Paul who was already getting up.
"If I was on his side I wouldn't have attacked him to distract him for you honey. I'm your real mother, just ask Mark, he has been hiding it from you all along. He isn't your real father either, your real father is dead," Mindi said.
"Enough talk! Alpha come with me now!" Paul shouted at her. Alpha growled, she could feel the wolf was right, that her mother was right.

"I will never go with you so get out of here!" Alpha shouted, sending Paul flying once more. Slamming him on the stairs he began to roll down them until he reached the bottom. Leaping over the handle, Alpha landed next to Paul and picked him up with one hand. Swinging him around, Alpha let go with enough force to send him flying out of the school and land on the hard pavement of the school parking lot. Alpha stormed out of the school to Paul who was trying to crawl away, but before he could get any further, Alpha grabbed him by his foot and swung him some more in the air. Getting bored, Alpha released him which sent him flying once more. When he finally stood up, he shouted before retreating.
"YOU HAVN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME ALPHA! I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME AND I WON'T FAIL EITHER!" Then Paul was gone and Alpha walked back into the school like nothing happened.


Chapter 8

Walking down the hall with her mother padding beside her, Alpha was more intent on getting to Mark than she was on the kids and teachers who were looking at her with both fear and curiosity in their eyes. Upon arriving at the classroom, Alpha found it to be emptied of the students that were there not long before she left to confront Paul. Mark was sitting at his desk grading some papers from the class assignment when he looked up and the color drained from his face when he saw Mindi next to Alpha.
"Alpha? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mark asked at Alpha who was glaring at him.
"You lied to me? You were hiding everything from me all along?" Alpha said in a discussed tone.

"I didn't really lie or hide anything from you Alpha. I didn't want to tell you yet, I had hoped that I could in the future before anything like this ever happened. I had only the best intentions for you," Mark said in his defense.
"Liar," Mindi said snarling.
"You took her away from me without my permission, you drugged me until I was asleep than you extracted her from me, and I thought she was dead!" Mindi shouted at him, her white fur was on end.
"Is that true?" Alpha asked Mark. Mark lowered his head and he said in shame.
"I'm sorry Alpha, Mindi. I just got lost in my intentions of creating a supper person from the embryo of a werewolf. I already knew what a werewolf was capable of and I wanted to enhance that and add onto it and create a supper one. You were the only werewolf at the time Mindi that was pregnant and I knew that if I hadn't done anything at the time I did I would probably never have gotten another chance to."

"That doesn't give you the right to take someone else's child and send them away thinking that their baby died!" Mindi said growling.
"I know and for that I am really sorry," Mark said in a sincere tone.
"I can't believe I thought you were a good person!" Alpha said, mostly out of pain at what she had just found out. Mark looked at her shocked, when her words sank into him his face changed to sadness as he said.
"Please Alpha, you don't really mean that do you?" Mark asked hoping that it wasn't true.
"Right now I don't know what I think anymore, what I do know is that you lied to me, took me away from my real mother and tried to pass off some fake as my mom. You even pretended to be my father when my real father is dead," Alpha said.

"But I am your father Alpha! I created you!" Mark said in a pleading tone.
"My mother and father created me, you just took me away and added on to me, and something I never asked for or wanted!" Alpha shouted at him. Mark now had tears in his eyes, seeing him like that pained Alpha but she also could not fully forgive him for what he had done.
"I made you better, more powerful beyond anyone's imagination," Mark said.
"You made me more of a freak than what I would have been if you had just left me alone, now where do I fit in huh?! I'm not like other werewolves but I'm not human either! I'M NOTHING BUT A FREAK!" Alpha said her voice rising.
"Those girls were right about me all along and you just pretended that I was something special, something that went your way. But now I find out that you were only really using me to make something of yourself, how could you? How could you do that to me?!" Alpha said, tears also were in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Alpha! I really am! I was young when I did it, I wasn't thinking right in the mind at the time to really expect the consequences of what my actions would bring. But when I found you, I knew I had to take my chance. I know it may sound selfish but Alpha, you are one of a kind! You are the new and improved

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