» Fantasy » The Secret, Nicole Silver [top 10 most read books in the world .TXT] 📗

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came back down to the basement by then I had hidden myself in a corner. I crawled out and mommy wasn't there. "Where's mommy? Is she okay?" "I don't know the answer to either of those questions." "Daddy what's happening? Why are we in the basement?" "There's a little problem going on outside and we don't want to be part of it. There's a tornado and we don't want to get taken away do we?' "No I don't, but I want mommy." "Sweetie listen everything's goin to be fine your mother will find a safe place to hide. For now crawl through that hole in the wall it will lead you to  big room stay there I will be right back. Daddy left to close and lock the basement door, I crawled as fast as I could through that hole and when I got out I was in a huge room. Daddy finally came in after me and he started sealing up the hole "MOMMY!" I was bawling at that point. "Just follow me we'll find her once this whole thing is over" This was the most scariest day of my life I didn't know what was going to happen. Daddy was crying and he didn't know what to do (He never payed attention to what my mother said when something like this would happen and she wasn't around) I was so scared I was shaking and crying, I didn't know if my mom was going to be okay and I didn't know where she was. Daddy finally got a hold of himself and he grabbed me and ran into a tunnel "NOOOOOOOOO I WANT MOMMY!" "Just let it go we will find her when the tornado's gone!" I heard things being lifted up off the ground above us, I didn't want to go to safety if mommy wasn't safe. When it was finally over we ran outside and started looking for mommy, I found her she was hiding in an alley, but there was something wrong I could sense it (I have some supernatural powers nobody knows except for my parents). I can read minds, and see the future. She was hurt we had to take her to the hospital and she was there for a month she had to get surgery. I will never be the same again I can see the future, it's not fun at all.

            "OMG YOU CAN SEE THE FUTURE!!!!" "Could you not yell please keep it down. Yes I can see the future and if someone changes their mind then the future changes it's cool but so annoying at the same time." She was so shocked that she wasn't saying anything, I thought she was going to faint."Calm down please let me explain, after the tornado my dad and I went outside and were trying to look for my mom when I came across a 14 carrot gold diamond bracelet the one that I wear every day well my dad put it on me and turned around. I was staring at it when I saw my mom in an alley 3 blocks away from where we were I was freaked out. So I told my dad lets check every alley three blocks down from here so we did and we found my mother she was bleeding I found her I touched her arm adn all of a sudden the bleeding stopped and she was completely fine wasn't in any pain at all...." "Wait so you can heal too what the heck so you got some supernatural powers just from that bracelet you wear everyday?" "Yeah it's cool but it also sucks too since I see everything that happens in the futureeven though it only happens with the people that I'm really close to like my family, friends, adn my boyfriend." Well that couldn't have gone anymore bad I thought. "How 'bout you sleep over tonight let everything sink in and please I'm begging you don't tell anyone I'd hate for anyone else to know I'm going to tell Louis tomorrow when he comes over. Oh BTW if I take off the bracelet I don't have the powers so I wouldn't be able to see the future or heal people with just one touch." We fell asleep and I woke up when my parents got home I told them what happened and that I had told Renee everything about the bracelet. "Well you had to do it sometime how did she take it? Is she okay? I hope that wasn't too much for her." mom's so overprotective but hey can you blame her? I thought, "She was extremely shocked a little freaked out at first but she's sound alseep and I told her not to tell anyone that if anyone else was to find out it would be from me. I'm telling Louis tomorrow when he comes over if that's okay with you guys." "That's absolutley fine with us he should know." We went up to my room Renee had just woken when we walked in. "I had the strangest dream; Sasha you said that the 14 carrot gold bracelet that you wear all the time gave you the power to heal and see the future." "That wasn't a dream Renee that actually happened it's true I have supernatural powers." "OMG I got to tell everyone this is big news." "You cannot tell anyone I'm going to tell Louis tomorrow when I see him this is our little secret for now. When I'm ready for others to know I will tell them I"m just not ready." She understands how important this is to me so she won't tell anyone I made her promise. Now that I got it out of the way we had a normal sleepover it was just like before I told her about my powers she totally forgot all about it. I am so glad to have her as my best friend we will get buried right next to each other that's how close we are practically sisters.

It's out

After I told Louis about my powers (he did freak out a little,but now he's over it) I decided to tell the rest of my school; they ought to know right? I walked into the auditorium and everyone started screaming my name like I was a famous person or something. I walked up to the podium and tapped the microphone everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at me. "Good afternoon everyone I'm Jade Silver as most of you know by now, I have something that I need to tell everyone it will be on the news. I have supernatural powers, I can see the future as it is and if someone changes their minds the visions change this power only happens with those that I'm very close to. I can also read everyone's minds so I mean that's kinda cool in a way." whisper,whisper,whisper everyone was whispering amongst themselves. "I am sorry to my friends and boyfriend whom I love so much with all my heart. I just didn't have the guts to tell anyone I was afraid of how you would react. The only time that I have the powers is when I'm wearing this 14 carrot gold diamond bracelet my mom didn't know at the time that she got me the bracelet for a birthday present, I found out that I had supernatural powers a week after I got it.I told my parents and they told everyone in the family and we found out that it was actually my Great,great,great, Aunt it skipped 3 generations and was passed down to me." I left the auditorium and out the doors to my car. I drove to the mall, shopping always relieves all the stress that I have. I walked into Forever 21 (my fave store) and went straight to the dresses, I hoped that no one would realize who I was except for the store manager she's so chill. "Hey girl do you need help with anything?'' Alexis asked me I didn't realize that she was standing next to me. "Well do you have anything new in the back that I could have first dibs on?" She turned and told me to follow her, we walked into the storage area in the back of the store (I always get first dibs). I don't know how much time had passed when I was finally done, I got so much stuff that Hannah had to help me take it to my car.  I drove home and went to my room, I was able to put away everything that I had just bought in my huge walk in closet (it's like another 2 rooms that's how big it is) before I passed out. I don't know how long I was sleeping but when I woke up 3 weeks had gone by without me waking up. that's weird I've been asleep for 3 weeks and I ddin't wake up that's not like me, I was probably just exhausted from all the stress and worrying about everyone would take the news. Well nothing suspicious or unusual has happened so I guess that everyone just went on with their own lifes worrying about what they were going to do next. My friends and boyfriend are totally cool now I'm just like every other teenage girl.


Text: 2013
Editing: Cloe
Publication Date: 05-16-2013

All Rights Reserved

To all the girls who have secrets

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