» Fantasy » Moonlight Road, A.L.P.D [free books to read txt] 📗

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like the rest of those doups , you know it’s a fact that Kildirans use to not show them selves to humans , and now some kids are born that way but there able to go in the sun light,”
“weired ,”
“I know I feel for them ,”
“your too soft ,”
“oh shut-up ,we need to get to class only the periods this day yippy,”
“ha-ha ,”Ares said then we went to class.
Bye the time my mom picked me up at 12:30 I had a horrible head ache .
“Carter I’m parked over here ,” She yelled across the street to me. I ran across and got inside the car and buckled me seat belt and then closed the door and leaned against it and closed my eyes hopeing it’ll help my headache. Mom looked over to me and asked “ are you okay ?” she stoped and a red light.
“No,I’ve got a bad headache,” I said she smiled and said “you are getting some of you memory back,” she said ( Mrs.NewDay knew me when I was a Kildrian but I never mentioned her … sorry,)
“Huh, I do have my memory ,”
“not from this life,” she said and ended the conversation.
Next Day:
Its was my birthday , my friends came over and we had a party of video games and pizza and cake and presents.
When they all left and I shut the door I fell to the carpet in pain . It was 9:30 .I’m truly thirteen.
My memories came back quick and vivider then they’d been and brightly colorful, I saw then and heard ever conversation. I got up and stumbled but I caught myself and went up stairs to my room and shut the door and flopped on my bed and sobbed . I had an older brother before I died and I didn’t even know it , the worsed is that he doesn’t know who I am or does he… I was also a Kildrian , and what am I know I’m not human niether Kildrian..
I stopped crying I wiped my eyes and took a shaky breath and went to my parents room . Both of them were watching the latest CSI . I walked in and turned of there T.V and said” I’ve got a question,” they seemed that they knew this was coming so my mom got up and turned on the big light and sat back on there bed. I cocked my head and asked “What am I?”
“you human ,” Dad said . I didn’t take that.
“what am I ,I know I’m not human so what am I?”
“I knew this whould come to this , you’re a talac , Talac ’s are more advanced than there parents Strianacs ,”
“what that?”
“Most of us rarly have kids the reason is that there harder to control then there parents but some of us do then our children are more stronger and better than a kildrian or what we are,”
“Talac hmm, that’s a new one ,”
“yeah its very new , you’re the second one the other is your cousin Steve , and I think he’s some what in his twenties.”
“he was uh ,”
“he was born when it took you seven years to be reborn ,”
“Oh, well I going to sleep,” I said then walked out of the room and walked to my room and threw the covers of my bed and got in and pulled them up , I fell asleep.
( somewhat staring out ,)
It was one in the afternoon when I heard a knock on the door my parents were gone at work . I went to the door and opened it and looked up and said “ Alex?”
“Its me Alex . Tristan,”
“don’t call me that its not my name anymore I’m Carter ,”
“That’s a whole lot of a better name the Tristan,”
“you wanna come in……….. your um burning ,”
“oh yeah , that’d be nice,” alex said then I shut then door after he come in .” where’s your parent?”
“work,” I said
“you know you shouldn’t trust me anymore ,”
“why’s this?”
“I’m a Kildrain and your not any more,”
“Mabey but do you know what I was reborn into?”
“One ,I’m not human: two, I’m not scared of you like Tristan was …… bye the way I am not him though I may have his memories I’m not him , three, I’m a Talac …”
“bu-but those are the most strongest and powerful beings ever known , how came you be one,”
“But I am ……..Tell Cole ……. I’m alive and I still love him if you see him,”
“Cole ,he’s sad,”
“tell him I don’t care when he comes,”
“your really want to see him kid,”
“I do,”
“well I gotta go Carter ,Carter I love that name,” Alex sai then walked out the door ,I shut the door and went to my room I started feeling really warm , I opened my window , still warm.
Then when I looked out my window I saw a teen with blond hair and green eyes look up at me .
“hey cous ,I’m steve mind if I come in,” Steve said
“yeah, um hold on,” I yelled then ran down stairs and opened the door , Steve was there.
“how’d you know my name ?” he asked
“ummm,” I said , he laughed and patted my on the head .
“wow havn’t been in this house in a long time,”
“you a Talac,”
“first one at that, heard you the second ,”
“Do you know how to use you powers,”
“um, I just turned thirteen so no ,”I said shuting the door and then we went over to the couches and sat.” um I’m Carter ,I heard before I died that your name was Oliver,” Steve flinched and looked at me.
“Bye who?”
“Some one at the building ,”
“How do you remember that when I turned 13 I only knew what my name was and then later I remembered that and other things,”
“well I’ve never been normal ever sense….. Never mind so why are you here?”
“I wonted to see you for the first time,”
“Oh, well I’ve got--,”
“summer school work okay I’ll leave but give my you number,”
“Yeah, okay 253-782-1612,” I said
“sweet thanks , bye,”
“bye,” I said then shut the door behind him when he left. And went up stairs and got my work done.
(most of them.)
My parents never came back that night and I heard that they died by my brother Cole yes I gotta see him he gave me my Crystal cross to me.
I’m fifteen now and its summer vacation yes I make it a point to go to school so yeah .
“Carter you ready ?”Erik shouted from down stairs I was getting ready to go the lake with a bunch of my friends and there girl friends ,sadly I don’t have one though, but niether does Erik so yeah .
I grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and sun skreen and ran down srairs and got in the car with Erik’s brother who was sixteen and we drove to the lake.
“hey ,Kayla,” I said walking over to her and then sat bye her and smiled .
“hey Carter,” she said I smiled and then sat by her.
“hows it going ?” I asked
“nothing really,” she said I nodded and then looked up and saw , Erik playing with Jacob in the lake they were splashing each other it was quite funny.
“ Well nice talking to you I’m going in the lake that’s what I came here for anyway so yeah,” I said
“Alright then go have fun,” Kayla said and then looked ahead and watched Jacob playing. She must like him .
I went into the cold water but it felt really good after sitting in the blazing hot sun,I went under water and found I could breath underwater well I always knew that but each time its weird to know that I can. I got to the surface and started playing with my friends.
When I got home,I saw that some one was in my house because I saw dirty foot prints that lead to my living room. So I followed them and I found Gorden sitting on my couch , he and I were good friends when we stopped arguing about dumb stuff. I walked and then stopped and sat on a wooden chair, “Hey Gorden ,” I said he jumped and then looked at me .
“Tristan ?” He asked I shook my head and smiled.
“No, not anymore , that’s my first lives name I’m now called Carter Newday,”
“why’d you die ?”
“I don’t know ,” I said
“Oh,” Gordan said” I need to go,”
“Okay bye,” I said.
Gordan showed himself out of the house and left.
An hour later I was throwing up blood into the toilet, guess my dying came faster then I thougt it would have.
That night I died.
Part 2
That night I dies and I didn't get created again . was it the end of me?
" Leave me alone," A boy shouted at me I was a ghost and I going to dissapear I needed to possess something or someone before I did." Please don't," he bagged.
"Give me your name," I hissed.
"Drew Wind,"
"your age?"
"give me your age!"
"f-fifteen," he said cowering.
"Perfect- now this wont hurt," I said the went into his body, I went up to his brain and accedently attached my self to him. everything blacked out.
Drew was at his house, someone must have found him and brought him back to his parents house. He woke up , I could see what he could see. He walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. his eyes widened." Whoa- what happened I look...different," He said , he had sapphire blue/green eyes and his hair was a dirty blond that had some wave to it. I think it was because our looks were fused together , at least my looks before I died.
"Hello," I said inside his head. he jumped and looked around, I giggled.
"who's that?" Drew asked.
"Where are you?"
"Inside you," I simply said, he shook his head.
"What?" his voice was strained." get out! now,"
"I can't , trust me if I could I would." I said " I kind of attached myself to you,"
"you were that ghost..."
"Correct, I was going to dissapeare so I had to chose a human fast, so I chose you,"
"Is that why I look different?"
"Yes,I suppose it is,"
"So your not going to take over all of me,"
"No, there's no need to," I said " plus you were the closest to my age besides your friend David,"
"how do you know that?"
"Now that I am a part of you I can look onto your thought and memories ," I paused ."You can do the same to me also,"
"how old are you?" he asked.
"I was fifteen when I died,"
"were you human?"
"No," I said then sighed , he sighed along with me. Drew blinked.
" why'd I sigh,"
"My theory is because were attached and when one of us feels a way the other does too, that goes along with actions,"
"Oh, but what were you?"
" A Talac, before I was that..... Ah well in my first life I was a Kildrian or should I say changed to a kildrian. I died then I was reborn to a secound life and at thirteen I remembered everything of my first life , oh and my parents were killed . they were Striantalacs , there children are called Talac-so yeah," I said
"what was
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