» Fantasy » One Lifetime Only, C.Gburznski [best interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «One Lifetime Only, C.Gburznski [best interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author C.Gburznski

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Your sweet enough with out it.’
‘You thought what I said earlier was corny well you’re just as bad as me.’
‘You can say that again.’
‘Come on lets go sit down.’
‘Okay, lead the way.’
Sam lead the way around the house to the backyard and the pool was just as big as his but the only thing that is different was that you got the view of the beach down bellow. I noticed that there was stairs leading the way down to the beach. It was memorising and it was just Sam and I who were sharing this view together at the moment. I walked over to the handrail and looked at the sunset, Sam came over and wrapped his arm around my waist I turned to face him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
’It is beautiful isn’t it?’ I smiled and looked back over at the sunset. Sam looked at me for a moment.
‘Not as beautiful as you.’ Sam replied and after a few minutes he continued. ‘Danny will you officially be my girlfriend?’
I thought that I was going in sane, did I hear him correctly. We have only known each other for two months, should I say yes?
‘Yes.’ I smiled up at him and rested my head on his shoulder.
‘Thank you.’ Sam whispered into my ear. After a few minutes of not talking just enjoying the moment Sam picked me up into his arms and walked over to the side of the pool, where he held me over the edge.
‘DON’T. YOU. DARE!’ I screeched, which caused Sam to chuckle and throw me up in the air then catch me again.
‘Please put me down.’ I squealed as Sam walked over to the chair and placed me down gently then he started kissing me again. Some people walked into the back yard and saw us.
‘Hey the party hasn’t even started yet save it for later.’ Sam and I looked at each other and sighed.
‘Next time we should go some where privet where no one could interrupt us.’ Sam said.
‘Okay.’ I giggled. I got up and walk or power walked to where the path to the beach was and kicked off my shoes and looked over my shoulder at Sam and think he got the idea he got pretty quickly and followed behind. Once I knew he was following I quickly hid in the bushes he walked by and I quietly came out of hiding and followed him once we were on the beach, it looked like he was looking for me then next thing I know I’m in his arms getting walked down to the shore and he placed me down just as gentle as before and he walked into the water. He turned around and looked me in the eye.
‘Do you trust me?’ Sam spoke softly.
‘Yes what is a matter?’
‘I will tell you tomorrow, tonight is your night I do not want to wreck it.’
‘Um okay.’ I hated seeing him like this, so I kicked some water at him and that got him smiling again. Sam went to kick some water back at me but I was to quick for him and I ran down the shore with Sam on my tail, he was so fast he past me and he just kept running a head then he stoped suddenly and turned around before I could stop, he picked me up and rain us back down to the other side of the beach. Where he threw me into the shallow water and started to laugh at me so this time I chased him all the way back to the pool were the party was only getting started, Sam jumped into the pool with his clothes still on. I just stood there starring at him I think he was surprised that I didn’t go in after him. I took my dress off then I went in after him lucky I brought my swimmers; I dived in and swam over to Sam.
We were the only two idiots in the pool, but we were having fun and isn’t that what you are meant to do at a parties. We decided to stay in the pool for what seemed hours then we got out, once I got out Austin had towels for Sam and me. He threw Sam’s towel at him and placed my towel around my shoulders, I looked at Sam and Sam made that growling noise again. What was with that seriously it was weird.
‘Sam what is the time?’
‘Um it is eleven. Why?’
‘I was just curious that’s all.’
‘Okay.’ Sam walked inside to get a change of clothes. And left me alone, I put my dress and shoes back on and walked over to the handrail and looked at the moon, I wasn’t alone for long the girl from first period came up to me and started talking to me again.
‘Hey Danny, it still doesn’t look like you and Sam are just friends.’
‘I know that’s because we are going out now.’
‘Oh Okay. I have to go now.’
‘Hey Danny.’
‘Hey Austin what are you up to now?’
‘I just wanted to talk to you and see how you’re liking your party?’
‘It is great you done a great job thank you.’
‘That’s okay what did Sam’s ex girlfriend want from you?’
‘That was Sam’s ex!’
‘Yeah didn’t you know that?’
‘No it isn’t like Sam has seen me talking to her.’ actually he had today at the pool.
‘Can I show you some thing?’
‘Sure what is it?’
‘It is a surprise a welcome gift you could say.’
‘Okay. Were is it?’
‘This way.’
He led me inside, then up the stairs he lead me past the toilet and into a room were there was a small box with a red ribbon on it on the bed. Austin grabbed it and handed it to me. I opened it and inside was a ring with a blue diamond on it, I placed on my finger and turned around to face Austin and he was standing really close to me it scared the hell out of me. Austin started to laugh I didn’t understand why he was laughing but I didn’t want to ask.
‘Thanks for the present.’
‘Do you like it?’
‘Yes thank you.’
‘That’s good to hear.’ he smiled sinisterly at me.
Austin cupped his hands around my face and tried to kiss me, however I broke free of his grasp and headed towards the door but before I could even open it he had me around the waist and pulling me towards the bed. I started to try kicking my way free but he was too strong. I was screaming for help but no one could hear me, over the load music blaring down stairs.
He started to lift my dress which caused me to scream for Sam but I thought he couldn’t hear me. Austin started to take his pants off this made me scream even louder, I could hear someone trying to open the door but it was locked, next thing I hear is a loud cracking noise coming from the door then a loud fierce growling coming from what it looked like Sam. Austin automatically let go of me and turned around to face him, they started to fight each other. Pulled my dress back on and turned around to see that Sam and Austin were still going at it, I decided to hide on the floor where I thought it was safer.
‘Lets take this outside.’ Sam growled like a savage.
‘Fine.’ Austin turned on his heel and marched out the door with Sam following close behind. I tried to keep pace with them as they went down stairs and I was keeping up fine until a hand came out of nowhere and pulled me towards the kitchen.
‘Grace.’ I said a little bit croaky.
‘If I was you I wouldn’t followed them, when Sam and Austin get into a fight it gets pretty messy.’ Grace pushed me into a bench.
‘Stay here with me. Would you like a drink?’ Grace gave me a weak smile.
‘Yes please.’ my throat was dry and sore from all the screaming I did, I was scared and confused. Grace nodded and grabbed a drink from the fridge beside us. Grace handed me a bottle of cold water and I drank at least half of it in one gulp, as the cold liquid went down my throat it felt as if it were putting out a fire.
‘Does that feel better?’ Grace asked.
‘Yes it does thank you.’
‘That’s all right. By the way I’m sorry about earlier today.’ Grace looked down at the ground.
‘That’s okay, you weren’t the first person to call me a slut.’ I sighed and tried to give her a convincing smile.
‘Okay, but I’m still sorry.’
‘Don’t be. Can I please go find Sam now.’ I said getting antsy.
‘Um… hold on one minute.’ She said and looked at a tall, dark haired guy. I swear I have seen him before, however I can’t remember where.
‘They should be finished fighting by now.’ he looked down at me.
Grace stepped out of my way and let me pass, the tall dark haired guy and Grace followed quickly and quietly behind me.
I walked out the front and I found Sam heading back this way without his shirt on. He had some large cuts on his body and a swollen lip, I ran over to his side.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeah I’m fine what about you?’
‘I’m fine thanks to you. Thank you’
‘No problem.’
‘Your arm, it has a massive cut on it. I will call and ambulance.’ I said reaching for my phone, but only to be stopped by Sam.
‘I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, it should be fine in the morning.’ Sam spoke softly, like a caress on the cheek.
‘What happened to your cousin?’
‘Don’t worry he wont bother you anymore.’ Sam pushed my hair off my face, with his clean hand.
‘Thank you, I owe you my life.’ I sobbed, feeling the tears building up in my eyes.
‘No you don’t.’ Sam raised his hand to my face to wipe away a tear that began to fall down my cheek.
‘Where is your shirt and your pants they are practically shredded. Sam what is going on?’ I asked looking around me, to find that everyone had left.
‘Come on lets go home.’ Sam slid his hand into mine and pulled me toward where he had parked the car, earlier that night.
‘Sam please tell me what is going on.’ I cried out.
‘Danny please don’t ask anything just yet. I promise I will explain later but first I have to get you out of here.’ Sam opened my door and gave me a small shove to get into the car. Sam ran over to the driver’s side of the car and quickly and swiftly jumped in. As we drove home, both Sam and I remain quiet; we were both deep in thought.
I began to wonder why Sam made growling noises when he is angry, maybe he is crazy or something and he thinks that he is an animal. What about his clothes, what happened to them? Did Austin have a knife or something sharp? I wonder if Austin and Sam get into fights often because Grace said that when they get into fight that it gets pretty messy, that’s for sure. Then I still don’t know what he meant by people like me.
Right now there is so many things that I don’t understand about Sam, in some ways I don’t want to know and in other ways I need to know, because I think I seriously like this
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