» Fantasy » Fool Me Once, Abigail Livinghouse [ebook reader wifi TXT] 📗

Book online «Fool Me Once, Abigail Livinghouse [ebook reader wifi TXT] 📗». Author Abigail Livinghouse

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meant that they wouldn’t be signing anything anytime soon. And the only member left of my family was my sister Rebekah, who was somewhere in Europe as far as I knew.


Not having the slip signed would bring up suspicion, and people asking where my parents were, and what would I say? Did I forget to tell you guys? I’m really a witch who’s about a hundred and two and my parents died decades ago, oh, and my real name’s Alexandria Serine. Yeah, that’ll happen.


So this means I’m going to have to skip out on this life and move on to the next. *Sigh* Dammit, I was really having fun being Alexis Greene. And I really wanted to see what Lizzie would come up with as to what I am . . . Oh well, better luck next identity. 

My Sister's A Whore, Are You New Here?

After we received our slips and were dismissed to go home, I whipped out my cell in the parking lot and dialed a much used number. He picked up after two rings.


“Alexandria”, his voice over the phone sounded anxious but not surprised.


As if he was expecting me to fuck up and have to call him to bail me out. Ha ha, way to have faith.


“What’s wrong? What happened?” Luca asked quickly. I sighed.


“Nothing happened, except I got kicked out of my school.” I grumbled.


I could hear Luca exhale in relief through the receiver. “Where are you?” He asked.


“Where do you think?” I shot back sarcastically. “I’m still at the school, we just got out.”


“Okay”, Luca responded. “I’ll be right there.” He said.


“Thanks Luc, love you.” I said appreciatively.


“Love you too Al.” He said before the line went dead.


I snapped my phone shut, shoving it in my back pocket and waiting for my best friend to come to my rescue yet again.


*       *       *


          “Where the fuck are we?” I asked.


Luca shook his head. “Trust me, I know exactly where we are.”


I rolled my eyes. “Like hell. Why don’t we just stop at that gas station and–”


“Alexandria, I know where we are.” Luca cut me off, keeping his eyes on the long stretch of road we were driving on, while vast countryside surrounded us on all other sides.


I had my sunglasses shoved to the top of my head and was watching the hills go by us in a green blur. I officially had no idea where we were, and I was sure Luca didn’t either, but he just didn’t want to admit it. I sighed, shaking my head. Boys and their directions.  


“Luca”, I said slowly. He cast a knowing glance at me, expecting what was coming next.


“Alexandria.” He said through his teeth, but I was already talking.


“We’re lost.” I finished.


He shut his eyes in annoyance for a moment before opening them again and staring at the bare road in front of us.


“I know where we are.” He said, his teeth clenched.


I laughed, resting my elbow on the edge of the door where my window was all the way down.


“Okay, so tell me, where are we Luca?” I asked. With a sigh, he grabbed his phone and pulled up a map, handing it to me.


“That’s where we are.” He said with a slight grin. I snickered.


“Thanks smartass, but I meant specifically.” I said.


I looked down at the small map on the touch screen, seeing that we were somewhere near Texas.


“Oh fuck, we’re near Nashville?” I asked in surprise. Luca shrugged, but I could see his eyes widen in shock.


“Where are we supposed to be going again?” I asked. When he didn’t answer me, I continued. “California? And we’re like nowhere near California?” I asked, putting emphasis on the word California.


Luca pressed his fingers to his temple for a moment, keeping one hand on the wheel.


“Hey, you know, I hear Nashville’s not a bad place. I mean they have lots of great music and–”


Suddenly, Luca swerved off the road and pulled to the side of the field on our right, smashing me into the side of the car. I groaned, peeling myself off the passenger side door.


“What the hell?” I asked angrily, but Luca was already getting out of the car before I could finish. I jumped out, slamming the door.


“What are you doing?” I asked him.


“I can’t get us anywhere driving, let’s just use magic.” Luca grumbled, walking around the hood until he was at my side.


I could tell he was disappointed, but he was also right. Hey, we’re not all that weird so don’t act so surprised. Some of us actually try to mimic humans and not use our magic often. Luca had hoped to get us to California by driving but obviously, that wasn’t going to happen. I sighed and patted his shoulder.


“Don’t worry Luc. I suck at driving too.” I said in a sympathetic tone. He rolled his eyes.


“Gee, thanks”, he said, taking my hand and snapping his fingers.


          “Well, this is much better than being lost on the back roads of Texas.” I commented, propping myself up on my elbow and looking at Luca.


He nodded. “Yes, it is.”


I grinned, lying back down on my towel. We were spread out on Newport Beach, in Pasadena, California. Now can I just say one thing? Hot damn! We were in California! Now, it’s not like I haven’t been to California before, but never have I stopped and actually enjoyed it. Because let me tell you, the beach was great. It was a little crowded, with a few running kids and anxious parents scurrying after them, but aside from that, the cool blue water and warm sand was a wonderful break from the same old same old. I could tell Luca felt the same too, considering he was actually relaxing and reading a book, which he never did.


Of course, we both changed our appearances though. We couldn’t go around in a noticeable getup and have people say, “oh yeah, I saw them, I remember them” if anyone would ask anybody if they had noticed us. So, today I appeared with long night black hair that reached my waist, a short, petite figure, and chocolate brown eyes. And I was wearing a black bikini that matched my hair, and my personal favorite, a cute little diamond pierced in my belly button. Luca had his signature Scene haircut, only his hair was black like mine, and his eyes were the same color blue as the crashing waves in front of us. His swimsuit trunks were the same color as my suit, which hung low on his hips. He also had on dark sunglasses, like me. Hey what can I say? We liked to match each other.


To someone passing by they’d probably think we were either brother and sister or some cute couple who liked to dress the same. No really, couples actually do that, and I’ve seen some like it. But if it were me, I wouldn’t want to match my boyfriend I mean c’mon? If I was dating him, then I’d like his clothes on him, not on me, like seriously.


“This is really nice.” I sighed, shutting my eyes and listening to the sounds of the waves.


“It actually is.” Luca agreed. I smiled, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, enjoying the feel of having to do absolutely nothing.


 I drifted off a few times to the sounds of the waves and the sea gulls calling to each other, and it was so very nice to just relax. It didn’t last long though, because when I did wake up, it was to a very unpleasant voice.


“Look what washed up on shore.” The high, sing-song voice was so familiar, that for a moment I thought it wasn’t real, that it wasn’t really Rebekah’s voice, and that I was dreaming it. Then again, why would I dream about my sister anyway? Just to make sure, I opened my eyes and looked up.


Oh my God, there she was, my sister actually standing in front of me. At the moment, she had a light tan, was tall, had long wavy golden blonde hair, and her eyes were a clear blue. She was thin, wearing a skimpy white bikini, had her belly button pierced (of course, copycat) and had a smirk on her face. When I looked her up and down, a picture of a sneering Emily popped into my head, and I snickered.


“What are you doing here?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes, her hands on her hips.


“I can do whatever the hell I want, which by default means I can go wherever the hell I want.” She said.


“Oh wonderful”, Luca groaned at my side, apparently waking up from a nap of his own. Ha, yeah. I wouldn’t have wanted the first thing I see when I open my eyes to be my sister either, but here we are. Rebekah grinned at his discomfort.


“Aw, what’s the matter Luca honey? You miss me?” She asked in a sugar sweet voice. Luca grimaced at her question.


“Of all the things to miss Rebekah, you are not one of them.” He said. I smiled, looking up to see my sister scowling.


“Fuck you Luca, neither of you are the reason why I’m here. I’m here because it’s California, and this is where the hottest bodies in the US can be found.” She said, looking up and down the beach hungrily, searching for a boy to lure in.


Now, every being that possesses magic has a certain charm to them, it all depends on if we use it or not. It’s a charm that can make you like us, admire us, fall in love with us, or even worship us. I have it, Luca has it, and Rebekah has it. Luca and I don’t use it though, I prefer to have people like or dislike me naturally and not be influenced by other forces. Rebekah however, she uses it on a daily basis. She uses her charm to attract people, preferably men. Now, I’m not saying Rebekah wouldn’t be able to get people to like her without the use of magic. It’s just that she’s never tried.


I have a special word for my sister, and it’s not some freaky magical term, it’s something I’ve been called before, and I’m sure a lot of you girls out there have been called this whether you are one or not. Rebekah is a whore, only because she’s made herself into one. My sister’s two years older than me, eighteen, which means she’s a certified whore. Alright, alright, I’m done talking now. Let’s get back to the present.


Luca’s brow came together at Rebekah’s statement as he watched her scan the beach. “Aren’t you worried about obtaining a bad reputation Rebekah?” He asked her seriously. She snorted. Even I looked at Luca in surprise.


“Are you kidding me? Do you know who you’re talking to? She doesn’t give two shits about whether she’s known as a slut or not, she embraces that title. Besides, since she can’t catch anything, she’s free to whore around with whoever she wants.” I said snidely, lying back down and shutting my eyes, trying to shut out my sister as well. I could hear Rebekah laugh.


“Oh please, I can always duck out of here if people get too obsessed with me. I mean who wouldn’t?” I could imagine her flipping

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