» Fantasy » Chronicles of Madness, Justin Nichols [most life changing books .TXT] 📗

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began walking toward the sound of it. I had believed that this creature was hunting me; the man he killed was a shifter, as I learned from my investigation. I guess keeping a chronicle was what a lot of shifters do. His name was unimportiant, and he didnt use it much, but he did metion that he saw the legendary one. The one who would save or dam all of the changing kind.

As I was trying to stalk the thing stalking me, I had realized that we were both on the hunt. If I waited, he would not be able to surprise me quite as easily. I had gone back into the living room and sat and waited. Once he popped up, I would blast his face off. I prayed that my aim would not fail me, for it would be a horrible for it to.

Then he jumped at me. I opened fire and hit him three times in the chest. He was sent flying through the air. He landed with a sickening thud and had morphed back into his true, human form. He was someone who I had never guessed who he could be.

"Bill?" is all I could ask

"Yea, boss it's me." He had weakly responded.
"Dear god man, who bit you."

"I'm not sure, I just remember waking up and feeling hungry, for meat." He began to cough up blood."I ate hamburgers and steak and I was still starving. Then I began to eat raw meat, it satisfied my hunger. Later in the night I woke up with intense heart pains, then I began to grow hair and my limbs began to extend. All of a sudden I'm outside your house. I put a note on your door saying that I'm leaving. I'm suggesting leaving it that way that I'm gone. I don’t have any family; bury me in the old graveyard." He died right there on my floor, right in front of me.

I had drug him out to my car and put him in the back. I had begun to drive to the graveyard. Once I reached the graveyard, without any problems so far, I began to dig his hole. I dug that whole five feet down, five feet across. "I'm sorry" I had whispered as I threw him into his grave. The drive home was just as long and eventless as the ride to the graveyard.

I walked in my front door and hit the floor, passed out right there. Once Mae got home she woke me up and moved me into a bed, I couldn’t tell if it was my or Mae's. I learned it was hers she had put me there so she could watch me through the night. When I woke up we were cuddled up and close. I fell back asleep, smiling.













Chronicle 7: the lost and found

Three months had passed since Bill's death, and it was almost ten years since my father's disappearance and mother's death. Mae had helped me cope through every December and Christmas, we always went to her mother's house, but seeing how she died a few months back of a heart attack, we were stuck at home this year.

"Why don’t you invite Bill and Blake over for Christmas, if they aren’t busy?" She asked.

"Bill left town and Blake has just disappeared since the last time we saw him." I answered.

"So it's just us this Christmas"

"Jeez, didn’t know you wanted away from me that bad."

"Not what I meant John. This is the first year that it's just us. Don’t you think it’s a little weird?"

"A little but don't worry, we'll still have a good time."

"I know we will, can I tell you something?"

"Sure Mae, what is it."

"I don’t quite know why, but I have been feeling this strange attraction to you ever since we moved in here. I didn’t quite know when to tell you, but I thought this would be a good time to tell you."

"I'm not the only one who feels it then."

"You feel it to?"

"Of course I do. You’re a beautiful, sweet, amazing girl how wouldn’t I."

"You don’t mean that."

"Yes I do. I've felt like this for a while" I leaned in a kissed her. She kissed me back and we just stayed like that. Once we stopped we just stared at each other. I hoped nothing would end this moment, but I spoke to soon, there was a knock at the door.

I went and opened the door and asked "Who are you"

"Don’t even recognize your own father. I know it has been a while but still." He replied

"Dad? Is it really you?"

"Yes son, may I come in. Or do you have company." He nodded towards Mae.

"No no, come in. You remember Mae don’t you?"

"Of course I do. You two live together? Are you married?"

"No dad we are not married."

"Does she know what you are?"


"I see. You made the same mistake I did. The same mistake that killed your mother."

"Telling her."

"No, loving her."

"How do know how I feel?"

"You and I are one in the same John, I told your mother for the same reason."

"Ok, I see"

"Hello Mae. How have you been?"

"Mr. Decker is it really you?"

"I've got a feeling that I'm going to get asked that question quite a bit. Aren't I?"

"You probably will dad."

"Yes Mae it's really me."

"We thought you were dead."

"Good, that is what I planned."


"Yes, planned. The creature hasn’t come after you. Has he?"

"No but why did you plan for me to think you're dead?"

"It is for the best. That's not why I am here though. I'm here to tell you your destiny."

"Let me guess, to save the world from the creature that hunts us."

"No, actually to decide the fate of all of the morphers."


"Yes werewolves, shape-shifters, and us the time-shifters."

"That's what it was called; I always just called us shifters."

"Most do, it's perfectly suitable for a name of our race. Before you ask if we are a separate race, yes we are." I remained silent as he went on. "We came from somewhere, though no one knows where, and we have been hunted to extinction, there are only five of us left in existence. Well of this specific race of ours." He stopped talking and waited expecting me to say something to him. Well I had nothing else to say so I went down the smart-ass route.

"Of course there are other races."

"Ha you really are my son."

"Well no duh."

"No need to cop an attitude. Also, I can't stay for long. In a day I must leave."


"Good, no argument. Makes my life a whole lot easier."

"You can stay in my bed tonight." I turned to Mae, "Is it alright if I stay in your room with you tonight?"

"Of course John."

"Thank you."

"Now that is out of the way we can finish some business we have. John I need to talk to you privately."








Chronicle 8: Welcome to the war

"Well as you know, a war is being waged, that's why that werewolf you killed a few nights ago killed the sifter. The person is completely unaware of the killing, or that they know what a shifter is, so your friend was innocent, but the wolf was not. It is horrible when they use friends against us." My father had said. He also handed me a list and said "Don’t ask what is inside. Only read it once I have left, and only once you discover what part you play in this war."

"Yes dad, but why Bill though? He was so gentle he wouldn’t hurt a fly." I had asked.

"That's exactly why they targeted him. They knew what getting him would do to you."

"I guess that makes sense."

"I have to leave early tomorrow morning. I need to get a lot of sleep. Would you mind showing me to my room?"

"No not at all dad." I had walked him to my room. "Goodnight dad."

"Goodnight son, and welcome to the war."







Chronicle 9: The dreams meaning

BANE ΚΌΛΑΣΗ a phrase that I had learned from the roseate stone program. I had learned several languages so I could translate the phrase that was with my name in blood by the torture chair. The phrase had said "JOHN DECKER THE SAVIOR OR SCOURGE"; I think it points to my destiny that everyone seems to know about except for me. BANE ΚΌΛΑΣΗ means "Hells bane" I had decided to save all of the morphers that I could, even if it cost me my own life. I had to protect Mae also so she is tagging along as I travel the world trying to find the list of people my father had given me before leaving. I followed his instructions to the letter. The first person I must find is someone that they call "The Lost One".


Best of luck to those involved in this war we wage.


John Decker, The Savior


Text: Justin Nichols
Editing: Numerous Bookrix users. I cant make it without you guys.
Publication Date: 01-19-2013

All Rights Reserved

To my best friend Victoria, because we all need a Mae.

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