» Fantasy » Clash of Power, arabian [diy ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Clash of Power, arabian [diy ebook reader txt] 📗». Author arabian

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some cuts and bruises and that I’d been a coma for two weeks.
The doctors told me that they had used no drugs on me and found that I had severe head trauma (that explains the intensive care unit) and that I wouldn’t wake up and they thought that I was supposed to have died after entering the hospital.
As they were speaking to me I felt a growing pain in my stomach then finally as they were just finishing up explaining everything to me I doubled over and gasped. Silent tears slipped down my cheeks as the wrenching pain in my stomach intensified. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore I screamed bloody-murder.
“It’s okay honey,” murmured a motherly looking nurse, “let me just give you some meds to help with the pain.”
Meds. That’s it! I had always reacted strangely to medication not that I let anyone on to it but they always gave me pain instead of taking it away.
“No meds,” I gasped as she inserted a needle full of morphine into my IV drip. “Meds did this.” I hissed between clenched teeth as the pain in my abdomen tripled in intensity.
As my words sunk in the nurse looked absolutely horrified. “Why isn’t that in your medical history?”
“Because, it didn’t get that way until this year.” I answered quickly trying to remember how to breathe through the pain.
The nurse nodded then said that she couldn’t do anything to help me and that I just needed to wait until the drugs were out of my system. I nodded once then noticing that the world started spinning stopped and tried not to move.
I lay in a fetal position on my side and even though the pain fogged my mind and made it hard to concentrate I just thanked my lucky stars that Erin was alright. As the pain slowly receded and I was nearing sleep I finally realized that there were tons of faeries by the window in my room.

“Cye,”(Cye is pronounced like sigh) a voice called. I frowned and rolled over.
“Please, don’t make me go to school,” I groaned trying to slip back into sleep. I heard someone chuckle then the memory of where I was and what had happened made jerk upright in the bed. As result of my sudden movement my stomach rolled.
“Bathroom,” I cried as I ran into the restroom in my hospital room. I made it to the toilet just in time to puke my guts into the toilet bowl. After I finished that I leaned my forehead against the wall and focused on the solid coolness of it to calm my aching stomach and forehead.
While I was vomiting someone had come in and held my hair away from my face. After the nausea faded slightly I took the chance of opening my eyes just a crack. Who I saw standing there filled me with such mortification that I gasped in shock and hid my face.
“What are you doing here,” my question came out sounding more like an accusation than a question.
“Coming to see if you’re alright,” Erin replied looking concerned. I tried to get up and swayed where I was standing. Erin automatically grabbed my arm and steadied me.
“I don’t need your help,” I said annoyed. Erin smirked and stepped back letting go of my arm. It was then that I realized I really did need his help but I wouldn’t admit to it so I staggered out of the bathroom and plopped down on the bed. I was still sore from the effect of the meds however long ago that was.
“Are you okay?” I asked when I wasn’t trying not to cry out in pain.
“Oh yeah sure, the girl who was in a coma for two weeks asks me if I’m all right.” Erin retorted sarcastically but under the sarcasm was relief.
I laughed at his sarcasm and because of that the pain in my abdomen flared and I winced. Then without warning the pain that came with the meds came to me anew. I doubled over and gasped sliding off the bed and onto the floor.
“Cye,” Erin cried. I was rocking back and forth in a fetal position while silent tears rolled down my cheeks. Erin gently picked me up and set me on the bed then pressed the button to summon the nurse.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” I said quietly.
“What,” Erin asked puzzled.
“There’s nothing they can do to take away the pain.” I clarified.
Luckily Erin wasn’t able to answer because a nurse breezed into the room. She saw what was going on but before she did anything she checked my chart and whatever she saw might have shocked her because her eyes opened wide and her mouth fell open. She glanced up at me and saw that both Erin and I were watching.
“Young man did you call me,” she asked softly.
“Yes ma’am.” He answered confused.
“Hon, Miss Decorus cannot be given any form of antibiotics because they cause her extreme pain as you can see,” she gesture toward me and continued, “The reason she’s in pain now is because her body still has antibiotics in its system so the only thing we can do is wait until it has passed.” Then with that she turned and walked towards the doors.
When she had slid the door open she looked back at me and said, “Once the pain has subsided enough you are free to sign out and go home.” Then without another word she left.
Erin and I sat in silence for awhile then without warning he reached out and touched my shoulder. I sighed happily as I felt heat flood through my body and the pain slowly faded into nothing. After the pain was gone I realized how tired I really was and lay back for a while.
I was almost asleep when I shocked awake. Standing by my window was the faery who had tried to kill me after the dance. I was careful not to look at him but I knew that Erin sensed my alarm. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Erin imperceptibly nod to the faery. Mr. Almost Murderer walked towards me and Erin scooped me up in his arms. Then I realized they’re in this together omigosh.
I jerked and writhed trying to get away but my eyelids were so heavy. I shook myself and continued fighting if I was going down I was taking somebody down with me. I considered screaming but decided against it I didn’t want anybody else to get hurt.
I finally gave up and became dead weight. Then I felt something strange then realized that Erin was a full faery he was just so strong that his glamour was closer to human.
When I stopped struggling Erin spoke to me as he dropped his glamour, “Cye, don’t worry I won’t hurt you.”
“Like hell you won’t,” I was fuming and felt… betrayed. I didn’t want to admit it even to myself but it was true without even meaning to I fell in love with this guy who was always kind to me. No, I thought to myself that was a lie he was only trying to get to me.
By the time of my realization we were out of the hospital and in the forest behind it. They moved so quickly that the trees were nothing but a blur but if I hadn’t had my eyes open I would of thought he was just walking.
“Why,” I asked myself exasperated. I rolled my eyes toward the sky ignoring Erin’s questioning look then I realized I was supposed to be asleep I wasn’t supposed to be totally awake and seeing what was going on. Erin thought that I was asleep when I stopped fighting because normally that’s what would happen.
“Okay, you know what I already feel enough like a freak without you giving me the what-the-fuck-is-going-on-look okay?” I snapped at Erin. I instantly regretted my words because his face fell and looked like a puppy that had been kicked. “I’m sorry,” I sighed then looked forward and didn’t speak again.
They ran for what seemed like hours and then they finally stopped in front of an ancient oak tree. Mr. Almost Murderer stepped forward and brushed his fingertips gently along the tree’s rough bark. Then to my surprise the tree shivered and an opening appeared that was just large enough for one person to fit through. Mr. A.M. disappeared into the darkness behind the opening and then Erin quickly followed after him.
We were surrounded by an inky blackness that made my skin crawl like a thousand bugs were scuttling along it. That thought made me shudder and as a result Erin tightened his arms around me. Then as quickly as the darkness descended it lifted to reveal a beautiful room filled with rainbow colored light and the ceiling was the bottom of a lake. I watched mesmerized as a faery with the likeness of a mermaid swam by.
A small noise drew my attention to the end of the earthen room we were in. Standing there was the most beautiful faery I had ever seen. I sighed with envy at her unearthly beauty and grace. I returned my attention to the lake over our heads and watched the seaweed swish back and forth with the current. All the while I listened to her light footsteps as she glided towards us.
“Hello Erin,” she said. I didn’t have to look at her to see the flirty smile on her face.
“Ughh,” I cried, “why don’t you just put me out of my misery already?” I threw up my hands in exasperation and lost control of my powers causing Erin to be burned. He dropped me and I landed flat on my ass. I became horrified when I realized that what I was wearing one of those hospital gowns with nothing covering my back and the only thing I had on underneath was a pair of hot pink panties with smiley faces.
I grabbed the sheet underneath me and wrapped it around my shoulders. I looked up to see all three faeries staring at me. Erin had a look of horror on his face, pretty girl had a look of immense satisfaction, and Mr. A.M. was grinning from ear to ear.
I swallowed then said,” I have a bad feeling about this.”
“She has the power,” cried Mr. A.M. excitedly. He grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet. He jarred me so badly I gasped, dropped the sheet, and slid back to the ground holding my stomach. Tears stung my eyes and I curled into a fetal position as the pain in my abdomen beat with my pulse.
“She will die if she is not given to the king right away,” said pretty girl. She motioned to Erin who picked me up and wrapped me in the sheet then walked forward with a masklike expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I whispered to Erin. He looked at me but his expression did not change and he did not answer my question. Then we burst through a huge ornate door into a long, large throne room and at the far end sat a faery who… looked exactly like Erin? I gave Erin a questioning gaze but he shook his head once so with a little bit of difficulty I put a leash on my curiosity and looked back to the man sitting on the throne.
“Sire, she is the one we have been waiting for,” Said little miss pretty faery.
“You, mean—“ the king started but stopped when he focused on me. “She is a pretty little thing isn’t she.” I cowered into Erin’s chest as I saw the sharp teeth in the king’s mouth. The king saw this
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