» Fantasy » The Golden Wolf, Rizonne Alexander [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Golden Wolf, Rizonne Alexander [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Rizonne Alexander

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together I find out that my mate is from the same pack that I was born from. The same pack I was banished from. This is impossible. I grabbed my mobile and called the number on the card, I could not wait any longer to find out what is going on. The girl on the other side almost immediately picked up. “Gordan Oil Limited good morning.” She greeted. “Morning, I would like to make an urgent appointment to see Mr Gordan please.” I stated. “In connection with?” she asked. “Well he gave me his card a few minutes ago to make an appointment with you to see him during the day.” I explained. “Alright, what’s your name?” she asked. “Lyra Mucker.” I replied. “Would to just hold the line for me please?” she asked and placed me on hold. Joanne walked in at the same time and I shushed her indicating to her that I’m on a call. “Thank you for holding, alright I can squeeze you into Mr Gordons schedule at 4pm sharp. Do not be late as there is something right after your meeting with him that he needs to attend. The address for our building should be on the card. See you soon Miss Mucker.” She explained. “Thank you, uh what’s your name?” I asked. “Emily.” She said, “Thank you Emily, see you later”. I said and hung up. “Hey, everything okay?” Joanne asked. “No Joanne.” I said rubbing my forehead. “What’s up?” she asked. “Is there a reason why you did not tell me that Flynn is from the Luna pack?” I replied. “From the Luna pack? No, he is not!” she stated. “Well he claims that he is and I’m meeting up with him this afternoon to find out what is happening.” I told her. “Let me see that picture again of him, maybe, I don’t know. Let me just check but look from your laptop.” She asked. I fetched my laptop from the bedroom and opened it on the counter, I browsed through the photos on the internet to get a clearer picture of him. “That is him.” I said. She looked at it for some time and I could see her face going pale. “What?” I shouted. “He was part of the pack around the time you were born but he left with his parents shortly after.” She explained. “I don’t understand?” I said confused. “Well, look okay I can’t say anything. You know I am still a full Luna wolf, as much as I love you; I love my life as well. Go speak to him.” She said. “Yeah I understand don’t worry about it. So, what’s your plans for the day? I’m off for the next three days. Mason was kind enough to give me a break.” I told her. “Well I need to go to the Creek soon, the full moon is in the next couple of weeks. So, I need to do some shopping, you know how the elders get when you don’t bear gifts and all that shit. How about you?” she asked. “Nothing much though, just hit the gym and pop by the casino to check on the girls.” I said. “You still go there?” she asked. “Yes, I do. Remember they are like family to me. Especially Carryn.” I told her. “Mmm, you right. They were with you for a very long time. Why don’t you join me before you hit the gym and see Flynn?” she asked. “Yeah sure, let me just get dressed okay.” I said and went to the bedroom. Once I got dressed I made my way to the mall with Joanne. We first stopped for breakfast and then made our to a jewellery store. While Jo was speaking to the assistant I browsed through the diamonds and pieces that were created from them. Everything was so beautiful, expensive as fuck. I would have to at least save up for about ten years to even try to attempt to buy something from this store. As I walked further and deeper into the store I came across a diamond silver ring. I looked at it with so much amazement. It was cleanly cut and had tiny diamonds surrounding the bigger diamond, almost like a king or queen being surrounded by a kingdom. I peeked through the glass to check the price, $67 987. “What!” I said out loud. They are crazy I thought to myself, before going over to Joanne; I took a look at it one more time. It’s like it was calling me, I wanted the ring so badly. I walked over to Joanne hoping she would be done already. She paid up and took the box from the counter. “What did you get?” I asked her. “Oh, just a ring for each elder, I just need to still check something for the guys and then the kids okay?” she explained. We walked out and popped into another store that was across, she was speaking to the assistant once again while I walked past rails of clothing. All of them so damn expensive, I eyed this really sexy red dress. I am going to have to try this on! I took the dress down; “Joanne, I’m going to fit this on okay.” I shouted to her smiling and she returned the smile. I walked out with the dress on and faced the mirror; wow I thought to myself. My new curves do suit me well and especially in this dress! It was an off-shoulder design that flowed onto the floor with a small trail and a really high thigh slit. “Lyra? Is that you?” Joanne shockingly joked. “Oh c’mon, and yes I fell in love with this dress.” I said stroking it down my hips. “I could buy it for you? wow I didn’t think you could ever look this hot! Wow Lyra, absolutely speechless.” She said. “Yeah I didn’t think I would also feel this way and no you are not buying anything for me okay!” I walked back into the changing room and got undressed. I hung the dress back up and checked the time. “15:18!” I shouted. “Joanne, you need to take me to Flynn now okay! I can’t be late.” I pleaded with her. “But I’m not done yet!” she said. “Joanne, don’t. I need to go now okay.” I said. She huffed and walked out the store. I ran after her to the parking lot. We got into the car and drove. “So, you know exactly where the building is?” I asked. “Yip.” She said and stopping the car. “Destination reached, go now.” She said. “What? We hardly drove for 15min! what the fuck.” I proclaimed astonished. I looked out at the window and there stood the building, as tall as the sky and as steady as a rock. I got out and made my way up the thousands of stairs, I checked the time; 15:45. I walked through the sliding doors up to the reception. “Hi, I’m here to see Mr Gordan, 4’ 0 clock appointment.” I said. “Hi, please take the elevator on your left to the 9th floor. Emily should be there and take you further.” She responded. I nodded and walked towards the elevator waiting for it to open. Once I was in I pressed the 9th floor and made my way up. The building is incredible even the elevator alone is glass made, except for the flooring of cause. The door opened and I could immediately pick up on his scent, my wolf howled inside of him. Rejoicing and yearning for him. This section was really amazing, everything was glass and tiled with white lilies on every table that stood. Everything was so corporate, if I knew I would have dressed up better. I walked over to the second reception. “Uh, I would assume you are Emily. I’m Lyra Mucker, here to see Flynn.” I said. “Ah! Right on time, please follow me.” She said and showed me the way. We took a right turn and down a hallway that passed about five or six boardrooms and a kitchen. She knocked on the door twice and entered. I already felt my heart racing, I’m never ready to see Flynn. He stood with his back towards us, hands behind his back and overlooking the city through the glass window. “Mr Gordan, Miss Mucker has arrived.” She said, “Thank you Emily, no disruptions please.” He replied and off she went closing the door. His office was white and modern. He had little fairy lights with paintings on one wall and the rest was much homelier with a large sofa in the corner and coffee table. He also had a balcony with another coffee table and a fireplace. This place was beautiful! “You like?” he asked “Yeah, it’s beautiful. Did you do the deco?” I asked. “Of cause, this is like my second home.” He replied. “I never thought a man would be able to sculpt a place like this.” I said. He turned around to me and smiled. The sun hit the side of his face and his silver eyes came forth and once again mine reacted. “So, can we talk now?” I asked. “Please have a seat, uh would you like some coffee?” he asked. “No thank you I would just like to get to the point of this meeting so that I can get on with my life.” I stated and he looked at me with so much amusement and giggled. I rolled my eyes. “Well, Lyra. I was born into the Luna pack and yes, your father is my Alpha. I only see him on a full moon, other than that not at all. I was taken away when you were born because my parents and yours knew that we were mates. They knew you had the gift. However, your father is power greedy and did not want anyone to take over as Alpha.” He explained. “So, what you are saying is that my father banished his only daughter to not let go of being Alpha? Ever?” I asked shockingly. “Yes, that is correct. I have never agreed to your father doings or basically nothing in general.” He said. “I’m trying to understand the madness in this right now. I’m trying to understand the betrayal and hurt right now. My father is willing to banish and hurt anybody in his way for the throne?” I said in a daze. “Yes, he is Lyra, your mother has suffered and is still suffering. The unfortunate case is that your mother had to let you go. If she did not, she would have died and you would have still in any case been banished. She’s trying to keep the Creek together. Nobody can do anything with him being Alpha.” He explained. “This I cannot believe, why has Joanne not told me any of this? Are you playing me? She is also part of the pack, she is my mom’s cousin.” I said. “She cannot tell you anything because she is the Alpheus; the queens helper. She will be executed at hand.” He explained. “Yeah you right, she keeps telling me that whenever I asked her about the Creeks business.” I said. “Flynn, I can’t believe everything that I am hearing. It’s hard for me to put the puzzles together right now.” I said as he came closer to me. I looked up at him, I yearned for him but I just could not. I was broken and he did not deserve it. “Don’t.” I said pushing him away. “Lyra, please don’t keep pushing me away. We need each other.” he pleaded. “If you knew we were mates and that I was somewhere in the world, why did you not come and find me? Why not Flynn?” I said feeling my emotions take over and anger clouding me slowly. He turned away putting his hand through his hair looking out the window once again.
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