» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

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of reddish-blond. She smiled at him with familiar bright blue-silver eyes.
It must run in the family, Derrick mused. A picture came into his mind, of when he was younger. Had he met this woman before?
Looking at the woman closely, he could vaguely remember meeting her somewhere before. Could this be his brother Jake’s new girlfriend?
Derrick shook his head, finally remembering her name as she said it.
She continued. “My name is Annabelle Woods. I’m Lady Doc’s apprentice. I’m also the oldest of Ariana’s sisters.”
Derrick held his hand out, nervous. “I’m Derrick Reading, her boyfriend.”
Anna winked, nodding as she shook his hand. “I know.”
He recognized the familiar tingle of the Ancient Mystic Magic as it passed through his system. He smiled.
Anna turned to Dana. “Dana, you have other patients waiting in the lobby. Why don’t I take over here?”
“Sure, Anna. Go ahead.” Lady Doc Swanson left then, shutting the door behind her.
What to say next? He thought.
“She sure has grown up quick, hasn’t she?” Derrick asked Anna.
“She had to. The recent death of her father left her alone, here at the System.” Anna told him. “Did you know she’s the same age as Shannon?”
Derrick shook his head.
Anna walked over to her sister, placing a hand over Ariana’s forehead and closing her eyes. Derrick knew she was checking for intruders. He stood aside quietly and watched. It only took a minute for Anna to tell him what was going on.
“You’re her Earthly Protector, right?” Anna asked, and he nodded. “Did you see your necklace glow, or feel it get warmer?”
“Necklace?” Derrick was confused. “What necklace?”
“The one Shannon gave you.” Anna nodded to his chest, and the Protector’s Pendant.
Derrick remembered the necklace and his hand found it. “Come to think of it, I did feel it grow warm.”
“You were worried about my sister more than your necklace, right?” Anna smiled. Derrick looked at the floor, embarrassed. “Don’t worry; you did fine. Right now, you have to use it to save her from an enemy we all know.”
Derrick knew. “Sabrina.” He whispered to himself. He faced Anna. “How do I help?”
She told him what to do, and he followed Anna’s instructions.
Derrick placed a hand on Ariana’s head while the other was on his Protector’s Pendant. He closed his eyes and began to chant, never knowing how the words came to him.

“Through the amulet, I will see,”

He began, thinking of her as he went along.

“What is happening to her, to me?
“For I am her Earthly Protector,
“She is my world,
“Please tell me what’s happening
“To my precious girl.”

Derrick could faintly hear a conversation between Sabrina and Ariana.

Ariana sensed Derrick listening and continued her rebuttal. “Why have you brought me here?” Ariana asked. “I don’t belong here, and you know it.”
“Oh, silence already!” Sabrina replied sarcastically. “You have done more damage than I wish to admit.”
“Your point?”
“My point, if you will only listen, is this.” Sabrina stepped closer to her nemesis. Once facing her, she continued. “Your lovely friend Grand Psycho and I have come up with another brilliant plan to eliminate you.” Sabrina laughed sadistically.
“Leave us be, Sabrina!” Ariana cried. “We’ve done nothing to you!”
“Foolish girl, have you forgotten already?” Sabrina scoffed. “You stole my powers from me the day you were born.”
“They’re my own birthright, not yours.” Ariana growled, tiring of Sabrina’s stalling.
Sabrina ignored her and crooned in a low, sadistic voice. “I will have my revenge on you, Young Guardian. I will win my powers back, like it or not.”
That’s when Sabrina disappeared, taking Ariana along for the ride.

Derrick opened his eyes and removed his hand from her forehead. He held her hand and waited for her to open her eyes.
Her entire body was silent, and her breathing low.
“Derrick.” Anna whispered.
He turned, shaking his head. He looked to see Anna’s soft eyes smiling at him. He’d forgotten she was there. “Sorry, Anna.”
“No problem.” Anna replied. She looked to the floor then back at Derrick’s caring eyes. “You know, Jake really has changed for the better.”
“So you are going out with him?” He asked, incredulous.
Anna put a finger to her lips. “Don’t tell anybody yet, especially the twins. I know how nosy they are.”
Derrick smiled, but turned back to Ariana, touching her hair.
She let out a gasp as her eyes blinked open. She sat straight up, and Derrick placed a hand on her back so she wouldn't fall.
She shook her head, finally noticing both Derrick and Anna.
Derrick kissed her cheek and teased. "Welcome back."
She lifted a palm to her temple. “Very funny." She groaned, smiling back. "Unfortunately, what I sense from Sabrina isn't pretty.”
"Hey," Derrick put an index finger to her lips. “Don’t talk yet.” He advised. She nodded, listening as he continued. “She's after you again. This time, I’m not leaving your side. I don’t want that little witch and her Warriors to capture you again.”
“That’s sweet, Derrick, but you can’t be with her every hour of the day.” Anna replied. They both knew she had a point. “All you can do now is stand aside and wait.” She turned to her younger sister. “How are you feeling now, sis?”
“Well then, I shouldn’t keep you away from each other. You’re free to go.” Anna teased with a smile.
Derrick helped her off the table and out of the office, not before hugging her older sister.
Anna whispered in her ear, but he couldn’t hear the words.
“Yes, ma’am.” Ariana grinned.
He thanked Anna and walked Ariana to Fourth-Floor, finally remembering his mission: to find Chips and reacquaint himself. Thing is, he didn’t want to leave her side, just in case.
“What did she say to you?” Derrick asked.
“She just told me to keep my mind on this world for a while.” Ariana walked closer, taking his hand. Her hand felt warm in his.
At the door, Ariana and Derrick held onto each other in a silent, romantic embrace.
“I love you, Ariana.” Derrick replied with his eyes closed.
“I love you, too, Derrick.” Ariana replied.
He could have sworn she had a vague uncertainty in her voice, but he blew it off as mental stress.

She began to sense something from him. “What’s on your mind?”
“Whether or not to leave your side.” Derrick told her, glancing into her silver-blue eyes.
“Then don’t, silly.” Ariana smiled.
Derrick pulled away. “I have to, because of Chips, but I don’t want to.”
Ariana thought for a minute. Do I mean more to him than his own detective career? No. Ariana thought, shaking her head adamantly. “Go with Chips. If being a Senior Detective is that important to you, I understand.”
“What about?” He began.
“Sabrina? Don’t worry. I’ll just have to follow doctor’s orders and keep my mind on this world for a while, that’s all.” She kissed him gently on the lips. “Besides,” She began with a grin. “We’ll be in touch through the Pendant and my ring. I’ll be fine.”
“I guess so.” Derrick said. He bent down to kiss her. “I’ll see you later, then.”
“‘Bye.” She watched him go.
Far be it for her to get in the way of his detective career.
Ariana punched in her numeric code and opened the door. She saw Luna and her boyfriend Shane “Shadow” Morehouse making out on her bed! She smiled, and had to giggle.
The giggle made the couple jump.
“Ariana! Back so soon?” Luna cried, embarrassed. She fixed her hair and Shadow stood up.
As he made his way to the door, he said with a wink to Ariana, “I’m glad you’re finally in good spirits.” He turned to his own girlfriend. “See you at seven, Lu. I love you.”
“Yeah, I love you, too. See you later, Shane.” Luna said as he watched him close the door behind him.
Luna turned to her sister in mock-anger. “What did you do that for, Ariana? Couldn’t you see I was in the middle of something important?”
“Relax, Lu.” Ariana teased, smiling. “He’ll see you later.”
Luna disappeared to the bathroom in a huff. Ariana sighed and made her way to the balcony, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
She fell into a wonderful daydream, thinking about Derrick.
She smiled ear to ear.
Next to Derrick’s loving arms, this balcony was the best spot in the world.


Mark Grey couldn't help moping around the Parker Mansion. He was so lonely, with only himself to talk with. The butlers and maids were still on vacation, returning later that weekend. Mrs. Parker and Caroline had come back the previous night, so he had to play butler to them.
Where's Ariana right now? He asked himself, lying in bed one morning. It had been two weeks since she had left with her sister to meet her real family. He stared at the ceiling, daydreaming.
Sure, he was happy for her, but he still couldn't help feeling the way he did. He still loved her, despite the fact she had two other guys. He knew both Aaron and Derrick had been in her life way before he ever came along.
When he helped rescue her from Dark Tower, he felt left out. Derrick had been in charge, even if Mark knew he didn’t know his way around the Dominion. He and Aaron had constantly talked during the ordeal, not even realizing he was there.
He missed her so badly now. He missed the way her reddish-blond hair hung in a long braid down her back. Her mysterious silver-blue eyes intrigued him the most.
He'd seen similar colored eyes like that in his other, lost sister, Bonnie Marie. Bonnie Marie was the real Parker daughter, and she had violet eyes. That was way before she ran away from him, never to return alive. She was killed in a head-on collision three years ago, the same age as he was now: eighteen.
He was glad he met Ariana Sister. She brightened up his mood a little, loving him for only a short time that lasted forever only in his own heart and mind.
Every time he closed his eyes to kiss her, the faint picture of Bonnie Marie Parker came into his head. He had loved her as more than a brother, and often wished they weren't related by adoption. She had been so lovely, and so had Ariana Sister.
He had to find out what was going on.
Where his heart lay, as well as hers. For him, it was time to make a call to Shannon Ryan at the System. Mark stood up and headed to his private telephone near the bed. He dialed the number Shannon had given him during the Crusade.
Someone picked up at the second ring.
"Shannon speaking."
He was hoping she'd pick up.
"Shannon Ryan?" He wanted to make sure.
"Yes, who is this?"
"It's Mark Grey, Ariana's adopted brother." He hated to admit it to her, but he had to keep his secret lust for her just that – a secret.
"Grey Wolf, right?" Shannon asked.
That was his codename, for when they were Crusading.
"Yeah. I was wondering something."
"Could I visit the System?" Mark asked. "I'm lonely, and want to learn more about the Dream Realm."
"Sorry to hear that." Shannon supplied. “I’ve a question for you, now.”
Mark groaned.
"Relax, it's not that bad." Shannon laughed. "Did you know the twins were here?”
“No.” Mark’s heart skipped a beat at the mere mention of his Ariana.
“They’re practicing their more powerful magic, not to mention learning how to be Senior Detectives." Shannon remarked.
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