» Fantasy » The Story of Grettir the Strong, Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris [each kindness read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «The Story of Grettir the Strong, Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris [each kindness read aloud txt] 📗». Author Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris

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127, 130, 143
Raun (Hraun), a farmstead in the Marshes, 174
Reekfirth (Reykjafjörðr), a bay in the Strands, 18, 25
Reekfirth, a farmstead in the last-named bay, 18, 20
Reek-heath (Reykjaheiði), in the North-East of Iceland, 189
Reek-knolls (Reykhólar), a farmstead on Reekness in Broadfirth, 80,
144, 145
Reekness (Reykjanes), a promontory in the Strands, 18, 22
Reekness, a farmstead on the last-named ness, 22
Reekness, south-westmost point of Iceland, 40
Reekness, east side of Codfirth, in Broadfirth, 80, 145, 146
Reekpass (Reykjaskarð) in Skagafirth, 205
Reeks (Reykir), a farmstead in Midfirth below Biarg, 87
Reeks, a farmstead nigh to Thorodstead in Ramfirth, 140, 142, 143
[293] Reeks, a farmstead in Reek-strand in Skagafirth, 207, 220, 250, 251
Reek-strand (Reykjaströnd), in Skagafirth, 250
Reydarfell in Whiteriverside, in Burgfirth, 39
Rib-skerries (Rifsker) in Reekfirth, 22, 24
Ridge, the, (As, al. Oddsás) in Waterdale, the farm of Thorvald Asgeirson,
37, 77, 110
Ridge, the, (As, al. Stóriás), in Burgfirth, 184
Ridge (As, al. Valdarás), in Willowdale, 275
Rogaland, now Stavanger Amt, in Norvay, 1, 2, 3, 12
Rome, 271
Rosmwhale-ness (Rosmhvalanes), 24

Saemund's-lithe (Saemundarhlíð) in Skagafirth, 206
Salft (prop. Sálpti or Sálfti), now
Salten in Salten-Fjord, in Halogafand, 62
Samstead (Sámsstaðir), 145
Sand, a wilderness between the North and the South Country,
crossed by a road from Skagafirth south to Burgfirth and
Thingvellir, 249
Sand-heaps (Sandhaugar), 191, 192, 195, 199, 201, 273
Scarf-stead (Skarfsstaðir), 158, 251
Scotland, 2, 5, 7
Shady-vale (Forsaeludalr), inland of Waterdale, 95
Slaftholt (Skaptaholt), in Gnup-Wards'-rape, 11
Shieldbroadfell (Skjaldbreið), a volcano north-east of Thingvellir, 183
Skagafirth, 83, 200, 205, 207, 217, 250
Skagi, a mountain promontory between Strandbay and Skagafirth, 16
Skalholt (Skálaholt), in Biskupstúngur, 27, 250
Skridinsenni, a farmstead in Bitra, 29
Sledgehill (Sleðaás), north of Thingvellir, 39, 97
Slysfirth (Slysfjörðr, prop. Slygsfjörðr), now Storfjorden in Söndmöres
Fogderi, in Norway, 51
Snowfells (Snaefjöll), 275
Snowfellsness (Snaefellsnes), the West-most promontory of Iceland,
126, 173
Sokkolfsdale (Sökkolfsdalr), in the Broadfirth-dales, 202
Soknadale (Sóknadalr, or Sóknardalr), now Sognedalen, in Norway, 13
Sorbness (Reynines), in Skagafirth, 206
Sorreldale (Súrnadalr), now Surendalen, in Norway, 14
Sotanes, in Norway, 1
South-Glass-river (Glerá en syðri), a farmstead in Islefirth, 16
South-Mere (Summaeri), now Söndmöres Fogderi, in Norway, 45, cpr. 69
South-Isles (Suðr-eyjar), the Hebrides, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11
South-Strands (Suðr-strandir), 16
Spear-mead (Spjótsmýrr), in Ramfirth, 144
Stair (Stigi), a foreland peak east of Sweepingsfirth, 10
Stead (Staðr), now Stadtland, promontory in Norway, 115, 116, 117
Steep-brent (Brattabrekka), 201
Steersriver (þiórsá), 12
Steinker, an Earl's seat in Drontheim, 69
Stone-holt (Steinsholt), in Gnup-Wards'-rape, 11
Stonestead (Steinstaðir), in Skagafirth, 208
Strandbay (Strandaflói), 16
Strands (Strandir), north-westmost part of Iceland, 16, 77, 80
Sweepingsfirth (Súgandafjörðr), 10
Sylgdale (Sylgsdalir), in Sweden, 96


Thingere-lands (þíngeyrasveit), in Hunawaterthing, 25
Thingness (þíngnes), in Burghfirth, 135, 136
Thoreys-peak (þóreyjar-núpr) a farm in Willowdale, 93, 94, 104
Thorhall-stead (þórhallsstaðir) in Shady-vale, 95, 97, 98, 102, 103, 105
Thorodstead (þóroddsstadir) in Ramfirth, 2, 140
Thorir's-dale (þórir's-vale, 184, Thorisdalr), 183, 184, 201
Thrandsholt (þrándarholt), in Gnup-Ward's-rape, 11
Thwart-river (þverá), a stream in Gnup-Ward's-rape, 11
Titling-stead (Titlíngastaðir), on Reekness, 147
Tongue (Túnga, Saelíngsdalstúnga), Snorri Godi's home, 144, 145, 203
Tongue (Túnga), a farmstead in Waterdale, 90
Tongue (Túnga, now Núpsdalstúnga(?)), a farmstead in Midfirth, 90
Tongue (Túnga), the home of Asgrim Ellida Grimson, in Arnesthing, 159
Tongue-river (Túnguá), a stream in the Fleets, 212
Torfa's-stead (Torfustaþir), a homestead in Midfirth, 34
Treetub-creek, the Creek, the Wick, (Trèkyllisvík), in the Strands,
20, 22, 23, 24, 25
Tunsberg, a market-place in Norway, now Tönsberg, 71, 75, 121, 123,
251, 252
Twodays-way (Twodays-ride, Tvídaegra), a mountain-road from
Northriverdale to the Midfirth-dales and Willowdale, 83, 139

Ufeigh's-firth (Ufeigsfjörðr), in the Strands, 22 Ufeigh's-stead (Ufeigsstaðir), in Gnup-Ward's-rape, 11
Ufaera, in the Strands, 17
Uplands (Upplönd), Oplandene in Norway, 2

Vogar a fish-fair in Halogaland, in Norway, now Vaagen, 62, 67

Waterdale (Vatnsdalr), in Euna-waterthing, 26, 38, 40, 77, 104, 110,
111, 275, 276
Waterfirth (Vatnsfjörðr), home-stead of Vermund the Slender,
152, 154, 155, 158
Waterfirth-dale (Vatnsfjarðandalr), in Icefirth, 153
Waterness (Vatnsnes), pron. between Hunafirth and Midfirth, 129
Waterpass (Vatnsskarð), between Hunawaterthing and Skagafirth, 205
Wave-ridge (Ölduhryggr), in Staðarsveit, 173
Weir (Stýfla), in the Fleets, 212
Well-ness (Keldunes), 115
Well-wharf (Kelduhverfi), 115
Well-wharfside, id. 187
Westfirths (Vestfirðir), 144, 158, 162
Westhope, (Vestrhóp), in Hunawaterthing, 34
Wetherfirth=Ramfirth, 143
Whalesheadholme, (Hvalshaushólmr), 146,147
Whiteriver (Hvítá), in Burgfirth, 135, 136, 172
Whiteriverside (Hvítársída), in Burgfirth, 39
Wick (Víkin), in Norway, 26
Willowdale (Víðdalr), west of Waterdale, 20, 34, 83, 104, 275
Windham (Vindheimr), a farmstead of Haramsey, 46, 47
Wolds (Vellir), a harbour on the Whiteriver, 135, 136
Woods-tead (Skógar), a farm in Axefirth, 277
Woodwick (Viðvík), a farmstead in Skagafirth, 208, 231, 236, 237, 245

[295] INDEX III.


A nithing's deed, setting on a dying man with weapons, 250
Arson, 2, 5, 13
Assassins (hired), 163, 167

Barrow of Karr the Old of Haramsey, 47, 49
of Onund Treefoot, called "Treefoot's-barrow," 19

Battles and Fights.
Battle of Barra, between Onund Treefoot, and King Kiarval, 1, 2
of Bute, between Onund Treefoot and the Vikings, Vigbiod
and Vestmar, 7, 9
of Ernewaterheath, between Grettir and Hallmund on one
side, and Thorir of Garth with eighty men on the other, 168, 170
of Grettirsoddi by Hitriver, between Grettir and the Marshmen,
179, 180
of Hafrsfirth, between Harald Fairhair and several Norwegian petty
kings, 3, 4
of Nesjar, between St. Olaf and Earl Svein, 112
of the Pass, between Ath Asmundson and the Sons of Thorir of the
Pass, 127, 128
at Bowerfell, between Grettir and the men of Meal, 91
Fight in Drangey, between the Brothers Grettir and Illugi, on one
side, and Thorbiorn Angle and his band on the other, 240, 241
Fight on Ernewaterheath, with the Assassins Grim and Thorir
Redbeard, 163, 164
at Fairwoodfell with Gish, 176, 177
at Fleet-tongue with Skeggi, 38
in Gartar, with Biorn, 68
at Goosere, with Thorbiorn Tardy, 144
in Grettir's-Gill, between Ufeigh Grettir and Thorbiorn
Earls' Champion, 18, 19
in Haramsey, with Karr the Old, in his harrow, 48, 49
in Haramsey, with twelve Bearserks, 56, 58
on Midfit, with Thorbiorn Oxmain, 141
on Reekness, between the men of the Creek and those
of Coldback, over a whale, 23
on a common driftland in the Strands over a whale, between
the foster-brothers Þorgeir Havarson and Thormod
Coalbrowskald on one side, and Thorgils Makson on the other, 77, 78
at Sand-heaps, with a troll-wife, 194, 195
nigh to Sand-heaps, in a cave, with a giant, 197
at Steinker, with Hiarandi, 70, 71
[296] Fight at Thorhall-stead with Glam the Thrall, 107, 109
in Tunsberg, with Gunnar, the brother of Hiarandi, 72, 73
with Snaekoll the bearserk, 122, 123

Bridge of Liarskogar, a work of great art, hung with rings and
'din-bells,' 158

Domestic Implements.
Bottles of leather, for keeping drink in, 20
Chopper, 23, 194
Clothes-bag, 175
Curd-bags, hides drawn up to fetch curds in from mountain dairies, 84
Deer-horn, for drinking at feasts, 15
Digging-tools, 47
Kettle, 182
Meal-bags, wherein victuals were kept for the thing-ride, 38
Tools to strike fire, 182
Trough, 194
Wool-combs, 30

Dowry, 7

Dress and Ornamental Apparel.
Breeches (of sail-cloth, 117), 176, 220
Cape, 117, 136, 137
Chain, round the neck, 14
Cloak of rich web, 14
Coloured clothes (over—clothes), 154, 174
Cowl, 220 Drugget-cloak, 107
Fur-cloak, 64
Hat (slouched), 169, 189
Hood, 206
Kirtle (red), 85
Leggings (hose), 65
Mittens, 206
Rings of gold, 14
Shirt, 176
Spurs, 202
State-raiment, 175
Thongs (hose-thongs), 65

Fair in Vagar in Halogaland, Famine, 21

(There were three principal festals in the year: at Winter-nights,
Yule, and Midsummer.)
Autumn-feast (= winter nights' feast, Oct. 14), at Thorbiorn
Oxmain's, III "Drinking turn and turn about," is probably the same
that elsewhere is called  "SamburðSarol," an ale-club or rotation
drinking by common subscription, 14 Yule-ale, 51 Yule-biddings,
51, 52

Fights, see Battles and Fights.

Food and Drink.
(The Saga mentions no imported articles of food.)
Beer, 53, 56
Curds, 84
Fish (stockfish), 131, 132
Lent-fare, fat and livers, 183
Mutton, passim.

Fire above hid treasure, 47
Foster-brothers (sworn brothers), 78, 81, 92, 93
Godi's-wood, a wood said to have belonged to six Godar, 97
Grettir's-heave, 39, 91, 176


Bridle (embossed, 160), 76, 136
Head-gear, 160 Saddle (fair-stained, 84), 38
Snaffle-rings, 160

Hospitality, 54, 80


Houses and their Outfit.

Beaks of vessels put over the door, 115
Bed, 107
Boards (= tables), 30
Bolt, 56
Boose (= cow-stall in a byre), 103
Booth at the thing, 96
—for drinking assemblages, 72
—for trade-purposes, 113
Bower, serving as a ward-robe, cloth-bower, 56
—a storehouse apart from other houses, out-bower, 56, 245
Closet, 56
Corn-barn, 58
Cross-beam (= tie-beam), 107, 108
Cross-bench (= dais), 193
Door, 56 and passim.
Doorcase, 108
Doorpost, 133
Dungeon, 254
Gable, 193
Hall, fire-hall, passim, see also note on hall pp. 273-275
Hangings, 53
High-chair, 48
Hill-dairy, 84,

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