» Fantasy » The Crystal 2, Jones M [free reads txt] 📗

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been released forcefully entered Emery's nostrils. She tried to sniff it out, but it wouldn't work.

Emery gasped in pain as the potion started doing its work. She felt as if something was tearing her into two, and she screamed out. 

Elizabeth had gotten up and was helping the rest to their feet.

Emery's form hunched as she coughed out black smoke. It landed on the ground, swirling like a tornado below her. She looked up at the people who betrayed her with a glare on her face.

"You...assholes," Emery managed to cough out before landing on the ground, passing out. The smoke then dissipated in the air.

"Erick, Justin, what happened?" Elizabeth asked as she observed her sons' injured forms. "What did she do to you?"

"I'll tell you later," Erick replied. "What matters is that you got rid of the effects of the potion she had taken."

"Guys..." Liam trailed off as he stared at Ashley's form.

"We need to get her to the hospital," Justin said as he approached her. He knelt on the floor and leaned towards her nose, trying to feel her breath on his cheek. Ashley was still, and that frightened everyone in the room.

"I'll get her," Justin added as he knelt on the ground. Seconds later, he had stood with Ashley in his arms.

"What about Emery?" Logan asked.

They all turned their attention to the passed out Emery. Her scars that were hidden by magic were exposed for everyone to see. In fact, some of her bruises seemed to have gotten worse. Emery undoubtedly needed treatment for the wounds she had obtained on the previous night. 

In spite of all of that, everyone was confused on whether to feel scared, angry or sad after what Emery had told and done to them. They were also worried for her and for the rest of the witches.

Who knew what she would do when she would wake up.

"I'll get her," said Erick as he knelt to carry Emery's form. He and the rest were soon leaving the cell.






Emery's P.O.V

The sound of birds chirping had me slowly opening my eyes. I quickly shot up when I observed I was not in the hotel suite. I looked around, noticing that my surroundings were familiar.

I then realized I was in the room that had been designated to me in Crystalia's castle before I had been banned. 

It seemed like nothing was moved. The dresser was where I had last seen it, and the walls maintained their color. What surprised me was the cleanliness of the room. 

It was weird that I woke up in it.

I wondered how I got there, and my mind answered by replaying the memories I could last recall. Harry and Zane entered my hotel suite and...

A shudder ran through my form before I gasped. I shifted on the bed as I inspected my form for the painful injuries I had obtained. 

There were none. Even my broken arm was surprisingly healed. 

But how?

I lifted up my shirt and stared at my stomach, seeing no evidence of cuts on the skin. I knew that Harry and Zane had drawn on my stomach with glass shards, but how did they disappear? I thought those wounds would be hard to heal in the first place!

I felt puzzled as I released the hem of the shirt.

So Harry and Zane abused me and left me in my room. Then I woke up and...

I couldn't remember what happened after that.

It seemed strange. Why could I not remember what followed?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to recall anything else that had occurred. I then recalled what I did to Selena and how I exposed Bianca in public. 

I also remembered the events of the previous day.

I could not believe I did all of that. Even though I had been hurt badly, I couldn't have let my emotions take such control over me. How could that have—

"Emery, this isn't you," Erick's voice spoke in my mind. I recalled black nails and black eyes, realizing they were mine. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets once another realization came to me.

I had turned evil.

That really explained the kidnapping, the torturing and what I did to Ashley...


My heart thudded in fear and worry over what I did to her. I had hurt her by throwing her towards the wall before she fell to the ground. She didn't groan or try to get up, and that had me believing that I killed her. 

I was soon in tears.

I stopped for a moment when I wondered why I was placed in my room. I should have been kept in the prison cells and not the room.

"How do we approach her?" I heard feminine voices from outside my door. In an instant, I lay back on the bed, pulling the covers over my form and pretending to be asleep.

"The king said she's back to normal, so we wouldn't have to worry about an evil crystal," another feminine voice replied just as the door to my room was opened.

"Amelia, I'm scared," the first voice said. 

"Calm down, Eleanor," the other replied. "Look. She's even sleeping. There is nothing to worry about."

I heard the sound of rattling plates and cups.

"Amelia, what do you think the king's going to do to her? I mean, with all the damage she did to the castle and the state in which the king came back in..."

"Eleanor, she was under the influence of a potion."

"I know, but people are speculating that she took it herself. They are angry that she's still with us, and they want her dead."

Wait. What?

"You mean you, Eleanor?" Amelia retorted. "So what? We should respect the king's wishes. He grew up with Emery, and he believes there is good in her."

"What if there isn't?"

There was a sigh.

"Then you are right. He will have no option but to kill her."

My eyes were wide at what Amelia had said. 

Erick would have me killed?

I had heard enough. I would not stay any longer in Crystalia knowing that I could be killed.

I threw the covers from my form, startling the poor women who had entered my room. They borh looked at me in shock as I got up from the bed. 

I was soon running out of the room.

"Emery!" Amelia's voice shouted behind me, but I did not care to stop to hear what she wanted to say. I ran through the hallways of the castle, passing by startled people who murmured when they saw me.

"The crystal is out!" a masculine voice shouted, no doubt one of the castle guards, and I increased my pace to escape the castle.

I was close to the exit when another voice shouted my name.

"Emery!" it was the Queen. I stopped, turning to face her with a frightened expression. She looked worried. Then I recalled what I did to her, and I hated myself for it. She must have been angry with me for what I did to her sons and the rest of the witches.

"It's okay. You don't have to run," she said with a comforting smile. As much as I wanted to believe her, a part of me decided not to. What if it was an act to get me to stay in the castle? What if it was a ploy to trick me into staying and be killed when I least expected it? Even though Elizabeth was not like that, what I did to her sons could have changed her.

I shook my head in denial.

"I'm sorry," I apologized before teleporting away from the castle. I got a glimpse of a shocked Elizabeth just as the castle guards were approaching.


Liam's P.O.V

Everyone had headed to the castle after what had happened with Emery. We were all healed, including Emery. She was placed in her room, and Erick planned to keep her there for observation. Ashley had been admitted to the hospital in Crystalia, and she was doing fairly okay even though she was unconscious. 

 "What is it that you wanted to tell us, Erick?" I asked as Logan, Ethan and I entered the castle's main study room. Erick was there with his mother, and they perked up when they saw us enter.

"Emery has escaped," Erick spoke. My eyes widened in shock. I believed that would happen, and I began to worry about what it meant to every person in Crystalia.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"How long ago?" I inquired.

"About three hours ago."

And you didn't tell us then?

"Do you know where she is?" I asked.

"We don't know, but the guards are looking into it. Warn the others about her."

"Erick, I doubt she would cause any harm to anyone," Elizabeth said. "I mean, she ran around the castle without hurting anyone, and she said she was sorry before she disappeared."

"I am doubtful about that, mom," Erick said before turning his attention towards me.

"I should advise you to stay in the castle. Emery could still be dangerous."

"I want to help," a new voice said. My eyes widened in shock as I turned to face Zane. 

I was confused. After everything he and Harry had done, how could he suggest such a proposition? 

"What are you doing here?" Ethan hissed at Zane. "Don't you think you have done enough to her already?"

"Guys, I know what I did to her was horrible, but I'm not the only one who hurt her. I along the rest of you pushed her to become her evil self. I know my mistakes, and I'm trying to help here."

"By killing her?" Logan stated with an angry scowl.

"No. Look, if it helps, Harry and I are sorry. We were angry with Emery for things she never did, and we both feel horrible. We both know that we deserved the beating she had given us. I am not mad at her; I am just mad at myself. I want to make sure she's okay, and so I want to help you guys find her. Would you please give me a chance?"

The rest of us looked at each other suspiciously. Erick sighed.

"Fine. But when you find her, bring her to us immediately. If we find any scratches or marks on her, you are dead. Is that clear?"

Zane nodded before teleporting away from us.

"You guys also want to volunteer to look for her?" Erick asked Logan, Ethan and me.

"Sure!" I replied. "I don't know what to think of Zane right now. I just want to make sure that the rest of us get to her quickly before Zane does. I hate to think what he would do to her."

"You're right," Erick said. "Now let's look for Emery."


Emery's P.O.V  


It was cold, and there were gray clouds that were getting darker as the evening approached. A fog was present as the rain continued pouring. I tried to look through the window, staring at the rain droplets flowing across it. The only shapes I could make out were of the city buildings. 

After teleporting away from Crystalia, I had gone to a hotel in New York and booked a suite where I spent the rest of the day in my thoughts. I couldn't even eat as I recalled the bad things I had done when I was Evil Emery. Strangely, there were unfilled gaps in my memories. For instance, I did not remember how I turned evil. 

I wondered why, and as I thought about it, I came to realize that I had done it on purpose. I

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