» Fantasy » Master of Plagues, D. B. Reynolds [best books to read fiction .txt] 📗

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still bugged Stuart about overseeing some of his prime real estate in New York. Giving his son the liberty of making his own decision, Harry sort of backed off.
Managing his own businesses were more than a handful. The journey around America ordained him mastership over eight particular creatures and elements of the Earth. Stuart stepped outside his door and couldn’t believe he was back at 660 Barlow Avenue. The main thoroughfare of Arden Heights was semi-crowded with late afternoon traffic. Residents came and went from the clustered townhomes around the looped streets.
“Home sweet home,” Stuart marveled to himself, taking in some of the pure air of Staten Island.
A flaming glow radiated from the magical Hebrew talisman tucked under his Polo shirt. Signals from the Universe were being sent out to him. The white powdery clouds in the sky dissipated. Room was being made up there for the spiritual configuration of Rabbi Wedemeyer.
“Rabbi Wedemeyer?” Stuart cited, looking up in the now perfectly clear skies.
Rabbi Wedemeyer fortified the absolute power of the sun’s rays. “Stuart, my beloved, son. Your work is hardly done, young man.”
“Work, Rabbi?”
“A meeting concerning you is to be held deep into the corridors of the Universe.”
“Meeting with who?”
“With the very elements and creatures you consecrated. The One Most High has greater things in store for you.”
“Greater things, Rabbi? I don’t understand.”
“With the pure heart you possess, only a young man like you can help restore the Earth to balance.”
“But, why me?”
“Stuart, you are the chosen one.”
“But, wasn’t the powers granted to me to seek out my revenge from the egomanical eight who violated me?”
“True, but you have greater works which stretches beyond seeking out revenge from those who violated you. Your consecrated powers are in place to help alleviate the Earth from some of its great evils.”
“Rabbi, along my journey, the creatures and elements under my rule have performed commendable works. Many evildoers were corrected from their acts of injustice. There is just entirely too much evil done on this Earth.”
“Correct, my son. But, with your forthright dedication, this world as we know it, will benefit immensely.”
“But, how will I be led?”
“Through the guidance of myself and The One Most High.”
“Rabbi Wedemeyer, you have always guided me. My trust first goes to The One Most High, then it goes to you.”
The glistening spiritual figure of Rabbi Wedemeyer began to fade into the skies. “Stuart, the magical talisman awaits you to exercise its full powers. You have a meeting far into the heavens out in the Universe.”
The Rabbi disappeared into the bright skies. The powdery white clouds returned and dawn appeared in a matter of minutes. The magical talisman beamed higher and higher. Stuart pulled it from under his shirt and rubbed his fingers along the ridges of the Hebrew letters. Deep mental concentration emanated him into the astral forces of a vibratory field deep within the Universe. Other mysterious forces grew stronger as the magical invocation of the talisman pulled him further out into space.
At super lightning speeds, he jetted right past the Milky Way Galaxy. An estimated distance of one-hundred thousand light years were passed within seconds. Stars, millions of them, surrounded the galaxies which helped fill the Universe. Ultimately, it would be the constellation of rich galaxies around the Coma Berencies where Stuart ended his cosmic journey. Waiting for him deep in outer space would be the very same eight creatures and elements he helped consecrate with superlative powers.
“Master, we have awaited your arrival,” General Rahmaanteen said, whipping his thick tail from side-to-side.
The motioning of his long tail was a great salutation to Stuart’s superiority.
“Master, welcome to the Coma Berencies within the Universe,” Queen Amina spoke, an eye-blinding red glow all around her body.
She greeted her master with wild movements of her flaming antennaes.
“Master, the Universe welcomes your presence,” Queen Devorah said, a bone-chilling golden glow lighting up her body.
She gyrated her potent stinger to display an aura of great respect for her master.
“Master, it is a prolifically profound privilege to grace your presence,” Commodore Mowab said, radiating a cosmic blue that tingled the senses.
The commodore flapped his long fins as he showed ultimate respect for his master.
“Master, I am honored to grace your presence within the Universe’s Coma Berencies,” King Saraph said, the supreme brown glow stimulating one’s mind.
The king aggressively shook his rattler to show never-ending loyalty to his master.
“Master, it is honorable to crown you as the beneficent one,” Major Joezer said, a bluish-gray color sparkling from its shape.
The twisting of the tail from its tornado form signaled a true allegiance to its master.
“Master, the Universe opens its doors to you,” Captain Zamir said, a reddish-brown glow wavering up and down his body.
The captain wiggled his ears in circles to brandish homage to his master.
“Master, we have come to pay much respect to you,” Colonel Boaz said, the transparent colors like a shield around its form.
The spiraling winds and waters around the colonel signaled passionate sentiments to its master.
The clusters of galaxies spiraled around the Universe while the meeting took place.
There they were. All eight of them. The insects and animals and elements consecrated with supernatural powers.
“Welcome,” Stuart said, proud to be in the presence of the forces he helped consecrate on Earth. “Your work on Earth to help bring civil obedience to the egomaniacal eight was stupendous. Your work in correcting the wrongs of the evil perpetrated by the insensitive souls deserves much praise.”
The energized eight formed a tight-knit circle around Stuart. The respect for their master grew to unprecedented stages.
“Our meeting here in the Coma Berencies is monumental,” Stuart continued. “Because you have obeyed my orders with integrity, the eight of you will become a united force. The consolidation of your powers will extend far beyond the Earth and its Universal boundaries. The One Most High controls the entire Universe and his presence graces all of us. Do you understand the concept I’m leading up to?”
In a harmonious unison, Stuart was answered with a simple, “Yes, master.”
“From this day forward, you will be addressed as ‘The Counsel of the Electrifying Eight’. Do you know why I have selected you as the group known as The Counsel of the Electrifying Eight?”
“We yearn to know,” answered General Rahmaanteen.
“The eight of you have been charged with powers of electrifying proportions. Intensely, your powers will be electrically amplified.”
“Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes, master.”
“Great will your names and abilities be known throughout the Universe.”
Stuart pointed out towards the spiraling galaxies of the vast Universe. “You will have domain over eight of the nine planets within the Milky Way Galaxy. Personally, my domain will be on Earth. When you are summoned to leave the planet within the designated solar system, then it will be ordered that you appear. Do you understand?”
“Yes, master, we understand,” answered the circle of eight creatures and elements.
“General Rahmaanteen, you will take up domain on Mars. This is the fourth planet from the Sun. You and your army will claim residency there on the red planet. The geological inactivity will convert to activity for your means of survival. You understand, General Rahmaanteen?”
“Yes, master.”
“Not only will you and your army take up residency on Mars, but you have been named head to the Counsel of the Electrifying Eight. You will sit as chief to the counsel, in which all matter must be approved by you.”
“Thank you, master.”
“General, you have earned your position as chief counsel.”
Stuart reached into a large bag and brought out a personalized magical talisman for General Rahmaanteen. His name was engraved at the center near a bright red crystal. He placed it around his neck along with four shiny general’s stars. Other stars were pinned to a black leather cape snugged around his neck.
A ball of cosmic fire shot through the Coma Berencies and exploded into the chest of General Rahmaanteen. Expanding at a rate of inches per seconds, he grew a pair of long brown wings. Fire ejected from his eyes and mouth. The general now possessed powers beyond his craziest dreams. Stuart shook hands and The general moved aside from the circle.
“Queen Amina, you will take up domain on Venus,” Stuart enlightened the queen. “This is the second planet from the Sun. You and your colony will claim residency on the terrestrial planet, the sister planet to Earth. The carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid will subside in order for you and the colony to establish more fruitful colonies. You understand, Queen Amina?”
“Yes, master.”
Stuart dug deep into the bag and brought out a frisbee-sized magical talisman for the queen. Her name was engraved at the center with a brilliant blue crystal. He placed it around her wide neck, along with a lustrous crown made of pure gold on top of her almond-shaped head. He kissed the queen on the side of her glowing face. The humongous bee cleared herself from the circle.
“Queen Devorah, you shall take up domain on Jupiter,” Stuart explained to another one of his beloved queens. “Not only is Jupiter the fifth planet from the Sun, but it is the largest in the Solar System. You and your hive will claim residency on the planet which is a gas giant. The hydrogen and helium will gradually diminish so that you and your hive can build up a great dynasty. Do you understand, Queen Devorah?”
“Yes, master.”
Stuart rambled around inside the bag and brought out a saucer-sized talisman for the other queen. Her name was beautifully-engraved across the middle. He placed it around her long neck, along with a crown made of pure silver and platinum
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