The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 5, Sir Richard Francis Burton [best book clubs .txt] 📗

- Author: Sir Richard Francis Burton
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Book online «The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 5, Sir Richard Francis Burton [best book clubs .txt] 📗». Author Sir Richard Francis Burton
“I was circuiting the Ka’abah one dark night, when I heard a plaintive voice, speaking from a contrite heart and saying, ‘O
Bountiful One, Thy past boon! Indeed, by my heart shall Thy covenant never be undone.’ Hearing this voice, my heart fluttered so that I was like to die; but I followed the sound and behold, it came from a woman, to whom I said, ‘Peace be with thee, O
handmaid of Allah;’ whereto she replied, ‘And with thee be peace, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings!’ Quoth I, ‘I conjure thee, by Allah the Most Great, tell me what is the covenant to which thy heart is constant.’ Quoth she, ‘But that thou adjurest me by the Omnipotent, I would not tell thee my secrets. See what is before me.’ So I looked and lo! there was a child lying asleep before her and breathing heavily in his slumber. Said she, “Know, that I set forth, being big with this boy, to make the pilgrimage to this House and took passage in a ship; but the waves rose against us and the winds blew contrary and the vessel broke up. I saved myself on a plank; and, on that bit of wood, I gave birth to this child; and while he lay on my bosom and the waves beating upon me,’”—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Four Hundred and Sixty-seventh Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the woman continued, “‘Now while the boy lay on my bosom and the waves beat upon me, there swam up to me one of the sailors, who climbed on the plank and said, ‘By Allah, I desired thee whilst thou wast yet in the ship, and now I have come at thee: so yield thy body to me, or I will throw thee into the sea.’ Said I, ‘Out on thee!
hast thou no memory of that which thou hast seen and is it no warning to thee?’ Quoth he, ‘I have seen the like of this many a time and come off safe and care not.’ Quoth I, ‘O fellow, we are now in a calamity, whence we hope to be delivered by obedience to Allah and not by disobedience.’ But he persisted with me, and I feared him and thought to put him off; so I said to him, ‘Wait till this babe shall sleep’; but he took the child off my lap and threw him into the sea. Now when I saw this desperate deed, my heart sank and sorrow was sore upon me; so I raised my eyes heavenwards and said, ‘O Thou that interposest between a man and his heart, intervene between me and this leonine brute; for Thou over all things art Omnipotent!’ And by Allah, hardly had I spoken when a beast rose out of the sea and snatched him off the plank. When I saw myself alone my sorrows redoubled and my grief and longing for my child, and I recited, ‘My coolth of eyes, the darling child of me * Is lost, and racked my heart with agony;
My body wrecked, and red-hot coals of love * Burning my liver with sore pangs, I see.
In this my sorrow shows no gleam of joy; * Save Thy high grace and my expectancy:
Hast seen, O Lord, what unto me befel; * My son aye lost and parting pangs I dree:
Take ruth on us and make us meet again; * For now my stay and only hope’s in Thee!’
I abode in this condition a day and a night; and, when morning dawned, I caught sight of the sails of a vessel shining afar off, nor did the waves cease to drive me and the winds to waft me on, till I reached the ship, whose sails I had sighted. The sailors took me up and I looked and behold, my babe was amongst them: so I threw myself upon him and said, ‘O folk, this is my child: how and whence came ye by him?’ Quoth they, ‘Whilst we were sailing along the seas the ship suddenly stood still and lo! that which stayed us was a beast, as it were a great city, and this babe on its back, sucking his thumbs. So we took him up.’ Now when I heard this, I told them my tale and all that had betided me and returned thanks to my Lord for His goodness, and vowed to Him that never, whilst I lived, would I stir from His House nor swerve from His service; and since then I have never asked of Him aught but He hath given it me.’ Now when she had made an end of her story (quoth the Sayyid), I put my hand to my alms-pouch and would have given to her, but she exclaimed, “Away from me, thou idle man! Have I not told thee of His mercies and the graciousness of His dealings and shall I take an alms from other than His hand?” And I could not prevail with her to accept aught of me: so I left her and went away, reciting these couplets ‘How many boons conceals the Deity, * Eluding human sight in mystery:
How many graces come on heels of stresses, * And fill the burning heart with jubilee:
How many a sorrow in the morn appears, * And turns at night-tide into gladdest gree:
If things go hard with thee some day, yet trust * Th’ Eterne, th’
Almighty God of Unity:
And pray the Prophet that he intercede; * Through intercession every wish shalt see.’
And she left not the service of her Lord, cleaving unto His House, till death came to her.” And a tale is also told by M�lik bin D�n�r[FN#467] (Allah have mercy on him!) of
“We were once afflicted with drought at Bassorah and went forth sundry times to pray for rain, but saw no sign of our prayers being accepted. So I went, I and ‘Itaa al-Salam� and S�bit al-Ban�ni and Naja al-Bak�a and Mohammed bin W�si’a and Ayy�b al-Sukhtiy�ni and Hab�b al-Farsi and Hass�n bin Abi Sin�n and ‘Otbah al-Ghul�m and S�lih al-Muzani,[FN#468] till we reached the oratory,[FN#469] when the boys came out of the schools and we prayed for rain, but saw no sign of acceptance. So about mid-day the people went away and I and Sabit al-Banani tarried in the place of prayer till nightfall, when we saw a black of comely face, slender of shank[FN#470] and big of belly, approach us, clad in a pair of woollen drawers; if all he wore had been priced, it would not have fetched a couple of dirhams. He brought water and made the minor ablution, then, going up to the prayer-niche, prayed two inclinations deftly, his standing and bowing and prostration being exactly similar in both. Then he raised his glance heavenwards, and said, ‘O my God and my Lord and Master, how long wilt Thou reject Thy servants in that which offereth no hurt to Thy sovereignty? Is that which is with Thee wasted or are the treasuries of Thy Kingdom annihilated? I conjure Thee, by Thy love to me forthwith to pour out upon us Thy rain-clouds of grace!’ He spake and hardly had he made an end of speaking, when the heavens clouded over and there came a rain, as if the mouths of waterskins had been opened; and when we left the oratory, we were knee-deep in water,”—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Four Hundred and Sixty-eighth Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that “hardly had he spoken when the heavens clouded over and there came a rain, as if the mouths of waterskins had been opened. And when we left the oratory we were knee-deep in water, and we were lost in wonder at the black. So I accosted him and said to him, ‘Woe to thee, O
black, art thou not ashamed of what thou saidst?’ He turned to me and asked, ‘What said I?’; and I, ‘Thy saying to Allah, ‘By Thy love of me;’ and what giveth thee to know that He loveth thee?’
Replied he, ‘Away from me, O thou distracted by the world from the care of thine own soul. Where was I, when He gave me strength to profess the unity of the Godhead and vouchsafed unto me the knowledge of Him? How deemest thou that He aided me thus except of His love to me?’ adding, ‘Verily, His love to me is after the measure of my love to Him.’ Quoth I, ‘Tarry awhile with me, so may Allah have mercy on thee!’ But he said, ‘I am a chattel and the Book enjoineth me to obey my lesser master.’ So we followed him afar off, till we saw him enter the house of a slave-broker.
Now the first half of the night was past and the last half was longsome upon us, so we went away; but next morning, we repaired to the slave-dealer and said to him, ‘Hast thou a lad to sell us for service?’ He answered, ‘Yes, I have an hundred lads or so and they are all for sale.’ Then he showed us slave after slave; till he had shown us some seventy; but my friend was not amongst them, and the dealer said, ‘These are all I have.’ But, as we were going out from him we saw a ruinous hut behind his house and going in behold, we found the black standing there. I cried, ”Tis he, by the Lord of the Ka’abah!’ and turning to the dealer, said to him, ‘Sell me yonder slave.’ Replied he, ‘O Abu Yahya, this is a pestilent unprofitable fellow, who hath no concern by night but weeping and by day but repentance.’ I rejoined, ‘It is for that I want him.’ So the dealer called him, and he came out, showing drowsiness. Quoth his master, ‘Take him at thine own price, so thou hold me free of all his faults.’ I bought him for twenty dinars and asked ‘What is his name?’ and the dealer answered ‘Maymun, the monkey;’ and I took him by the hand and went out with him, intending to go home; but he turned to me and said, ‘O my lesser lord, why and wherefore didst thou buy me? By Allah, I am not fit for the service of God’s creatures!’ Replied I, ‘I bought thee that I might serve thee myself; and on my head be it.’ Asked he, ‘Why so?’ and I answered, ‘Wast thou not in company with us yesterday in the place of prayer?’ Quoth he, ‘And didst thou hear me?’; and quoth I, ‘It was I accosted thee yesterday and spoke with thee.’ Thereupon he advanced till we came to a mosque, where he entered and prayed a two-bow prayer; after which he said, ‘O my God and my Lord and Master, the secret that was between me and Thee Thou hast discovered unto Thy creatures and hast brought me to shame before the worldling. How then shall life be sweet to me, now that other than Thou hath happened upon that which is between Thee and me? I conjure Thee to take my soul to Thee forthright.[FN#471] So saying, he prostrated himself, and I awaited awhile without seeing him raise his head; so I shook him and behold, he was indeed dead, the mercy of Almighty Allah be upon him! I laid him out stretching his arms and
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